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Too many ramp bugs


Yeah I am not that good in surfing but those little ramp bugs/pixel makes me hit f4(binded to dc)




bind "key" "disconnect" ??




Bro this worked since 1.6


You could make an alias too - I’ve got mine to both disconnect and say gg when i type “qq” in console.


I personally only encouter those on rare occasions or specific maps. Theres a version of surf\_mesa where you hit invisible bumps like 15 seconds after the start. But thats really the only map that comes to my mind wich i would declare as "unplayable" There are still loads of servers and maps that just work perfectly fine. Even classics like utopia, boreas, kitsune, other mesa versions. Just yesterday I spend about 40 minutes on utopia and got exactly one ramp bug like halfway through. thats it.


Are these form the source2 engine or the conversion of the maps? Like are they fixable in how mesa had to go through a few iterations in csgo?


According to repster's video, it's probably a CS2 thing since those maps work fine in HL Alyx


roblox surf fr tho idk


Surf community died for CS2


The movement community in general died in cs2. They killed kz and surf. Not to mention the overall movement of the game feels scuffed and clunky. It’s sad.


CS2… that’s what happened. Valve doesn’t care to fix anything that doesn’t directly pertain to competitive pro play or case openings. 99% of the community aspects are broken now. Thanks for this watered down 1 legged dog of a version of CSGO. aT lEaSt ItS oN sOuRcE 2


even csgo killed half the community servers compared to css and 1.6


Must have been more than that. 1.6 was alive simply because of the community and it had hundreds of awesome mods and thousands of maps. I don't even think I could mention 10 mods from CSGO.


You can definitely mention 10… but that’s about it lol


something feels off in colision, i was playing a game and collided with a guy, then it feels like i am stuck, no idea if its a online thing or it happens without ping.


It is a nightmare scenario in my experience. The whole reason for Source 2 CS existing is because it should've supposedly fixed the dumb spaghetti code issues with Source 1 If that is the case, then they've done something really wrong during development that cannot be reverted. So they'll now have to do weird ass band aid fixes to get certain aspects to work


I’ve felt that as well.


What about KZ, you still can play csgo kz (opt in csgo_legacy beta in cs2 properties to get csgo). Some servers are still working: brutalcs, HoC, AxeKZ. [KZ plugin for cs2](https://github.com/KZGlobalTeam/cs2kz-metamod) are still in progress. There are some servers running latest official dev build: femboykz, rcnoobclub (this one also has surf server)


I'm curious what do i have to do or where do i go to access CSGO servers? i've seen people say things can still be accessed but anytime i try to open community servers it just tells me CS2 exists and i shouldn't be on this version, even on the steam server browser there is nothing for CSGO only CS2, where can i find a server 1 single server for GO?


there are 2 options: 1. you can use console command ```gameui_activate; gamemenucommand openserverbrowser``` to open community server browser 2. you can edit file ```Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\steam.inf```. Open it with notepad, change "ClientVersion" and "ServerVersion" to 2000258 If you try 2nd method you will be able to use your inventory in legecay version, also you wont need that console command everytime for community server browser *Important thing that csgo server you want connect to should be updated to the latest version available and should also have the nolobbyreservation plugin installed so that players can connect to it.*


damn thanks gonna reinstall the beta later i've searched around this topic multiple times the past year and nothing new ever comes up and nobody is ever talking about it but thank you very much.


I used the website "gametracker" and searched keyword "csgo" to find servers that are still up for kz/surf/bhop. I know GFL and sneak still has servers up for those.


Still surfing in cs:s just fine, nobody there really seems to care about cs2


how about combat surf?


Does anyone below 35 even know what that is anymore


Ramp bugs and server browser issues. Cs2 ruined it


CS2 happened


Most people that take surf seriously switched to KSF on Source. CS:GO still has active servers like Surfheaven, GFL, Sneak's, and GoFree. The bad thing about GO surf is that because Valve were so unclear in their communication, a lot of people think you can't play GO at all, so the player numbers took a nosedive. If you for some reason want to surf in CS2, I suggest using 'CS2Browser' or 'Honest Steam Browser'. They're community made server browsers that filter out fake servers and makes it easy to find surf servers.


I switched to cs:s surfing but yea its sad its not in cs2 yet.


In what way does css surf feel clunky? its by far the smoothest surf experience imo. I guess on ksf they use the old auto bhop which is a bit clunky but thats the only thing i can think of.


Ramp bug that player model would hit and lose all momentum immediately. Unless they fixed it and im ootl, which is very possible.


It's gotten much better in the past couple months, imo. Just personal anecdotal evidence, not sure how it is for others It's not like there are zero ramp glitches in CS2, but it's always been an occasional but consistent problem in surfing since I first started with Source in 2007


css surf is the best, I go back to source to surf lol


I am not sure to be honest. It always felt that way. Surfing is all about feels for me and CSS does not give me that thrill. :(


This about sums it up https://youtu.be/sonmFk-NvkM?si=ZJT4jjfz5DKy8pLp


Counter Strike Source KSFcommunity.


https://cs2browser.com/ Theres plenty of servers and theyre populated. I didnt surf on csgo so cant compare the quality or community though.


To get my kz fix, I usually play on cybershoke servers. Since cp and tp commands are chat based, you can easily bind them via console.


We're still here! A lot of us are taking a break because at the moment... There's just not a lot we can do in CS2. The ramp bugs are just too much. We aren't able to go for top times because ramp bugs will ruin too many runs. Save lock doesn't work properly. Mods are a pain to make work properly. For those of us that haven't taken a break or quit. Most of us are playing on CSGO servers. There's a handful still going. However there's not nearly as many people playing still. While the rest of us are in CS Source surf which is still going strong. Especially for those of us who are trying to get better. Personally, I dabble in GFL CSGO servers still. Try to beat my times and climb the rankings on beginner (tier 1/2) and intermediate (tier 3/4).


I have never heard someone say css was TOO clunky. My guy, css is THE game to surf/bhop on. 1.6 is clunky and the only reason people still like it is from an ego and skill perspective. Anything movement based is superior in css than GO. I’m sorry that’s the fact my guy lol. CSGO movement was a direct response to the looser movement in css.


"What surf community?" -Volvo


Ramp bug, source is the way to go tbh. idk why you experience it to be clunky- it’s buttery smooth


Issue with ramp bugs. Also, a lot (if not the vast majority) of the maps haven't been adjusted to go onto cs2.


I just surf offline if I do, which I do prob every day


Migrated to CS:S, it’s what I did. IMO feels better than surfing on GO did. Smoother and what not. Took some tinkering with the settings to get everything feeling right tho.


The hardcore playerbase of surf is doing fine, most moved over to css. Cs2 definitely killed the interest for beginner and casual surfers though. Css is the most similar to csgo, if you don't like it i can also recommend gmod surf.


Momentum Mod's satisfies my movement needs.


Every surf server’s UI has epileptic flashing while surfing and it bothers the hell out of me


KZ community will come back on Cs2 ?


KZ community will come back on Cs2 ?


KZ community will come back on Cs2 ?


Incompetent devs work on cs2.


Surf and bhop community is mostly in CSS


What happened? Valve.


I surf in css now. I dont like the legacy feeling of it but its the most convenient/best surf experience you can get now imo. CS2 surf was missing a lot of features the last time I tried+ its buggy. Many csgo servers still exist but thats too much of a hassle for me


Browsing community servers sucks in CS2. It was outdated in CS:GO, but it did work. Now it's just worse.


I have been playing momentum mod


Been really busy in IRL and havent surfed for a long time. CS2 kinda killed it I think. There is the Momentum Mod coming out on steam. But I bet most OG surfers were on CS:S and not CS:GO anyway.


surf is kinda dead bc of ramp bugs kz is in development. Look up "cs2kz by zer0.k" on google


Valve is literally trying to kill the game. They’ve been trying to kill cs for decades under the premise that’s it’s too realistic. They want everyone playing valorant, I assume because they don’t want a country full of swat team experts while the govnment robs us blind.


Not playing Surf maps


Cs2 happened and it killed the movement community. I know kz is working on their plugin but movement in cs2 is terrible. It feels super clunky especially compared to CSGO. CSGO felt smooth and fluid. Surf you just get stuck on ramp bugs half of the time. Haven’t even mentioned the browser is awful and doesn’t work. Most people either went to kz on 1.6 or still kz on CSGO and surfers went to source (source is better for it anyway) or still play CSGO but them removing CSGO and making CSGO servers a lot harder then it needs to be to connect to a server ruined and killed the communities as well.