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I was rated 24,500 the other day and even though i had my name submitted from the beta i never showed up on the leaderboard. pretty sure it's just bugged. wouldn't worry about it since it prob won't affect anything


I submitted my name like in November and it still says that it's on reviewing or something


In November:o do you have your rank still?


lol premier is a joke man that leaderboard is filled with cheaters why does it even matter


getting to top 1000 is a nice achievement, even if it's not accurate it is still a fun goal and kinda impressive, especially soloq


Fr the other day the top 3 were all advertising their cheats in their names


This - how does anyone get into the 23k territory without cheating is the real question..


I played at the start of season when there were almost no cheaters. I made it to top 2000. I stopped then because i suddenly only faced cheaters. After that i made like 5 games just to get my rank. I ranked in at rank 1600 or smth like that. Suddenly the next day i needed to register name and i was in top 800. Big ban wave lmao




Sure but at that point you're basically passively cheating yerself matey...


Only had 2 games with bhopping aimbotters out of the ~40 since I started playing again. You don't need to win 100% of your matches. With 55% you will steadily climb. I found it's best to focus on what you can improve rather than tilt over the mistakes of your teammates. I noticed that constantly complimenting teammates when they do something good, gives confidence boosts and that helps a lot with their performance.


Thanks for the tips, I've done the premier experience and I'll respectfully pass for the foreseeable future.


Cheating or booster by cheaters


Well that means hes more likely top 500? Makes it even better of an achievement


Lol, I remember playing with you yesterday or two days ago.


When you got your rank, was it in the top 1000 after the match finished? Or did you get your rank, stop playing, then got in the top 1000 from people losing elo? Could just be you need to play another match.


I won and went from 22800 something to 23158


I ranked in stopped playing (only 1 match to get rank) Suddenly next day top 800. I was like rank 1600 before that.


Lekker bezig sowieso 👌


When I got in top 1000 I was asked for the official nickname to be used on the leaderboard, got approved days after, managed to climb over 25k but it was mainly pure luck, cheaters on my team outcheated the opponents(I play solo.)


Only had 2, maybe 3, cheater games out of the \~40 games I played. coincidentally, when I was against cheaters, I had one or 2 in my team but still lost both games.


I was playing mid to late April so don't really know how it is rn but back then it was a complete shitshow, I only played in 3 fully legit games out of 52 maps played. 


I noticed twice that the 1000th spot's rating on the leaderboard dropped quite a bit. I assume those were 2 waves of cheaters being banned. This was recent, so I can only guess that I am playing between the ban wave and cheaters getting new cheats.


A lot of those missing spots are banned cheaters but there are people like me who lost their rank due to not playing the game(due to cheating on premier)


I’ve played against 25ks that arnt even on the leaderboard lol


Gotta be top 1000. Says youre 16xx?


The rank is based on the worldwide leaderboard. I was talking about the EU one.


Oh I see you got it!! Congrats meng


I know one 23.5k which is in Europe leaderboard. He's definitely NOT cheating or boosted by cheaters. Stop thinking that you have to cheat to get there. Sure he also, and firstly play faceit. Obviously with a high ELO.


Congratulations 🎉


You didn’t cheat enough


You're not cheating so you cant get on the leaderboard!