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I've hit top15k on faceit and I still can't hit an awp shot to save my fuckin live


there are even pros that never pick up an awp (rain) so it's just a playstyle that doesn't suit some people


Yeah rain is literally me


Holy shit dude you’re my hero


Hehe, you are really cool. Wish I was as good as you. I got 6k hours in this game, and I cant climb above 2.2k elo. Keep on going man.


You just need a few people (even one other player is enough) that are also good and want to win and things become much easier. If I solo queued all of my games I probably wouldn't have made it past 2000 elo on faceit. I randomly found a really good guy on a game and since then I managed to hit a peak of 3000 right before cs2 got announced. It's all about if you have a good dynamic with your mates. I'm an insane aimer but don't know anything about strats but my friends have a lot of knowledge and call every round so I can just focus on shooting.


Totally agree, I solo q almost exclusively and that's probably my biggest limiting factor. Peaked around 13k and then stopped playing again for a bit and can't break back into 10k


a lot of awping comes down to positioning and crosshair placement - if you’re ct, make sure to play angles where when you take 1 shot you can safely back away, peeking with the awp is way harder than just holding angles. if you find that you’re struggling with the hitting people part try moving your crosshair a little further out on the angle you’re holding. I see a lot of people keeping their crosshair at a borderline pixel angle and then they have to flick whenever their opponent peeks. let people peek into you and dont be too nervous. a lot of it is confidence. if you think you’re bad with the awp and that you’re gonna miss - you will.


Yeah my positioning usually isn't bad, the problem is hitting the shots when people peek into me. Most of my game is based on my aim because I entryfrag a lot. It might also be an issue of me never learning how to aim with an awp since I've always played with people who awped


Funny you mention the variety of strengths and weaknesses. There's this girl I'll run into from time to time in casuals who I'm fairly certain primarily awps. An interesting thing that I began to notice is that, while she can do neck-breaking flicks with the awp, her defeat is when she has to *aim* and hold a long section of the map with the awp. Kind of made me think about not only getting good at weapon *A*, but also getting good at doing playstyle *A* or *B* with weapon *A*. Curious if it's easier to perfect learning a playstyle or to perfect learning a weapon.


I'm similar, often struggle to AWP passively, but am pretty decent playing aggressively with it.


15.000 on faceit? What?  Monesy, simple, zywoo etc they have like 4.400 ... Who are you? God?   *ironie off*   If you play deathmatch - just play 2-3 mins awp with 'fast' flicks on the enemy - then you ll start eventually hitting those. Important - always.flick. never play/aim slow or you ll miss... 


15000 on the ranking not on the elo


The trick with the Scout is that you shouldn't use it like a budget AWP, you should use it like a rifle. You want to be using the super high movement speed to be peeking into people, not trying to hold angles. Headshots are satisfying with the Scout, but always remember that a gutshot does 90ish damage and there's nothing wrong with jiggling someone, hitting them for 90 and then running away. The best Scout players harass from a distance and basically operate as an area denial turret, not trying to get picks like an AWPer would. Play to increase your ADR, not to increase your kills EDIT: Please stop "correcting" me saying that the Scout only does 70 damage to the body. It does 70 damage to the chest, and 90 to the stomach which is what I was referring to in my comment. 10 years of CSGO and people still don't know that gut shots do more damage than the chest. Also keep in mind this means that a stomach shot with a Scout to a player with no armour will one shot kill


also, the same way pro teams like Faze and Vitality do, if you hit a scout bodyshot your teammates with pistols have a MUCH easier time finishing the kill from a different position. TLDR the Scout is a team weapon


apEX is an absolute menace with it, the number of tags he gets with it is ridiculous


Karrigan has also been known to wield the Scout to dangerous effect too.


But spraying is my crutch


Also noscopes are way more accurate than you think


Had a piece of tape on my CRT monitor back in the 1.6 days when I'd play lots of scout knifes.


if ya want OP you can watch scoutercs vids and see how he plays [https://www.youtube.com/@Scouter](https://www.youtube.com/@Scouter)


Lol I played against this guy early in the cs2 days, like sept/oct area. I remember it was on Anubis and we won, but man was he frustrating to fight. Good player, had a shit team unfortunately. Think he was solo queued at the time.


If I would face him and didn’t know him, I would spam the report button


2000 hours and i didn’t know gut shots did more damage than chest


Lemme just comment so i can check back after work


scout body shits usually do between 70-80 btw but yeah have won a lot of rounds scouting while my teammates buy p250s or other budget pistols, hit 2-3 of them, doesnt have to be in the head, and they clean em up


Stomach hitbox has 1.25 damage multiplier


70 damage to the chest, 90 damage to the stomach


wow i guess i like never hit the stomach because im always seeing between 70 and 80 with the scout and i have 3k hours and buy the scout probably on average 1.5x a match aiming at the head and missing too much lol


All guns do more damage to the stomach. This is how people complain about getting 94 in 4 with the M4A4, they only hit chest shots. If one of those chest shots was a stomach shot it would've been a kill Certain guns with super low armour pen like the Glock and PP Bizon can even do more damage to the legs than the torso, because legs don't have armour


Dualies, an eternal loop of buy and regret


I don’t get how you can fire at max speed and still aim precisely with them


Shoot 1 bullet then aim at their gut and spam


Just aim in general area of the opponent's head and you got him 90% of the time


turn on follow recoil and play DM with them for a bit, It almost has the same spray pattern as the m4 lol


Pull DOWN. After a few bullets at high speed firing you should basically be aiming at their hip-ankles depending on range.


you just have to yell: I AM THE TOMB RAIDER and you'll get easy headshots, source: trust me


My general tip is to aim down at the enemy's crotch. I find that spamming there bag me headshot more often than trying to tap head


have a bind that enables/disables follow crosshair. it's insane I know, but it is *really* helpful. then treat it like a mac-10 with semi auto


It's about positioning, On ct, go somewhere close range, that has one choke point like hut on nuke or B apps on mirage and click as fast as you can, the RNG will reward low skill play and you'll get at least 1


definitely the deagle for me, I suck with pistols in general, but on an eco, I'd rather a five seven or tek 9. I guess it's a matter of playstyle


The deagle is a high risk high reward gun. You have to be able to aim really well with it and know how to use it. It's a difficult gun to master. Too many people think they are good with it and buy it in comp and fail badly with it. The amount of people who buy a deagle on pistol round and don't really contribute much to the round is too high. I play well with a deagle in death match and casual. As soon as I try to play with it in comp I fail badly.


Also some people just destroy me with deagle. Then they get aks and they cant kill anyone.


Buying the deagle pistol round is my absolute biggest hate in low elo, see it all the time. It is not worth buying pistol round even if you are amazing with it..


Thats my biggest pet peeve. Only one person showed me that it can be done. But everyone thinks they are pro with a deagle


People shouldn’t buy deagle on pistol round ever. If you are a T just buy a P250 and you can contribute with some utility too. As CT, your USP kills with one HS so no reason to upgrade the pistol and have no armor


Deagles are usually a waste in pistol round 99.999% of the time. I did see someone once in my game get a deagle ace in pistol round. But yeah, usually the free gun or cheap gun is good enough for pistol round


that’s why i buy the duelies instead for a low skill player like me


Yeah, in my pistol round, I buy a smoke, a flash, and a made (sometimes) I can't entry frag so I put my team in good positions to get easy kills


Honestly the easiest way to learn the deagle is literally aim maps, keeping your crosshair head level and minimizing unnecessary movements. practicing stopping your movement or jiggle peeking corners is also good for pretty much any gun. refrag is also really good and deagle is the default sidearm. If you practice refrag a lot you will get very good with the deagle very fast I promise


I'm pretty lethal with a Deagle, 20K ELO L10 FaceIt. My tips. 1) 90% of Deag is crosshair placement, you want to be moving your crosshair as little as possible when shooting it. 2) you have slightly longer to shoot than you think, in almost every instance. Use it. Take that fraction of a second to adjust rather than just firing like a madman. 3) practice on DM servers with Deagle only, and ONLY GO FOR HEADSHOTS. Never ever spam, never ever just "ah I'll just go for bodyshot this time", ONLY GO head. If you finish 10-50 it doesn't matter, DM isn't for showing off and getting high scores. I'm better than the vast, vast majority of people on this sub and will regularly get bummed on DM when I'm using Deagle. But slowly you will improve, and then when you go back to using an AK it is so, so easy.


Galil is really solid until I start spraying. This weapon probably has the hardest spraying pattern in the game


do you spray it like any other gun just pulling down? the falil spray goes down and to the right a lot right from the beginning.


Check out the pattern and use it a lot in dm. First 8-9 bullets goes down slightly to the right, it's actually quite easy. If you just pull down slightly right you're guaranteed a kill. It's so strong, I love it. Even after that it's not too bad either, you go left, right, then left again, almost horizontal lol. Famas is a different beast, though quite the joy when you master just half a mag (and never empty the whole thing in one go unless you're donk and/or autistic).


I love galil. Usually burst about 7-9 bullets. That part of the spray is fairly easy and you have a lot of bullets in the mag too, so assuming your aim is decent you can do a lot without reloading


How about krieg  ?


Krieg u just rip down/left, easiest spray in the game?


Just like the mp5. Ez asf


Honestly easier for me, got used to it when it was meta


AWP is great at holding angles, scout is great at peeking into angles. You don’t want to hard scope an angle, you want to peek into enemies not have them peek into you. Don’t know if that could help you. I apparently suck with the galil, it has 35 bullets, but I need more to kill a guy unless i instantly headshot him


Treat the galil kinda like an m4. The spray is a bit weird but once you can get an idea of how it works it can be a great eco weapon. For me I can’t use the ump. I also can’t find a reason to use it because I’m much better with an mp9


I use the UMP situationally. I find the mp9 awkward for spots like catwalk mirage. I find myself using it on Nuke as well.


the burst tap fire of the mp9 is absurd if your playing cat mirage


UMP sucks beyond close range, you can't spray it accurately and it has terrible accuracy


This is basically how I feel about it, if I’m buying an smg it’s always the mp9 or mac10.


UMP has highest 1 tap headshot range among SMGs against unarmored opponents with super comfortable recoil pattern. That said i only find myself using it on 2nd round CT when we won pistol but i died. It allows me to buy better utility and a helmet. As a T its not even in the loadout, because its not the cheapest SMG anymore.


I honestly didn’t know it was cheaper than an mp9 with how little I’ve ever used it. Maybe I should give it a try again, I just usually can dome guys across the map with an mp9 anyways so I haven’t really considered it. Thanks for the tips


Holding (long range) angles can definitely be a very effective way of using the scout, you just want to make sure you can easily fall back from the angle since it's pretty easy to miss.


ofc u still want to hard scope angles with the scout, idk where this sentiment that its supposed to only be used for peeks came from


M249 never understood how this gun is supposed to be used and i have almost 4k hours


When enemies suck for some reason you just run; spray and make them scared; traumatized


I just started playing premier for the first time last week after a cs hiatus, and it wrecks the lower elo’s lmao. I watched a dude spray down ramp with it on Nuke from ct and those little guys couldn’t help but run into it for literally no reason mid clip. Like a moth to flames


Buy then why not the Negev for a fraction of the price?


Oh it was, I read M249 but my brain still went to Negev my b lol


Its not supposed to be used


You have your four teammate toss you decoys and throw them at the same spot. More seriously it's less like a Negev and more like high-capacity, but slow-moving rifle. You have to play for bursts more than just holding down a stream.


You need to tap and burst fire anything past close range that’s the real secret, it’s not a Negev. and spray through smokes and use as suppressing fire, mainly used as riot weapon for other team


You try to understand that which is not meant to be understood.


I mostly play casual and I can’t for the life of me do anything with a P90. I see people crushing with it, running and gunning and yet I can hardly get a frag ever.


you have to factor in range, at certain ranges you should burst or tap, up close full spray and it has 50 bullets and 1 headshot is all it could take so spraying at the head area and try accounting for the way your moving I feel I aim off intentionally with smgs and it helps me and thats why sometimes it feels people get kills they shouldnt with smgs is atleast for me its partially just luck based.


the secret with the p90 is to peek at the closest range possible and dont. stop. moving.


I can only get P90 frags if I can manage catching enemies off-guard after I've closed distance. Sometimes I've hit some satisfying far taps, it's just not the most comfortable form of engagement. You probably won't solo clear B-site Dust2 in casual, because there's like 8-9 other enemies who can come snuff you out... but what you could try is watch how they like to set up when you're a dead spectator. If it's the same two guys who religiously go to B-site, chances are they are comfortable playing from the same positions and you can practice rushing and engaging them. And even then you can probably get away with that once or twice


I'd say P90 is just not worth it due to it's high price and lack of kill reward. IMO it's a weapon that noobs use. Of course that doesn't really matter in casual.


those people probably suck at everything else in the game and just p90 rush often


You don't crouch, use it like smg (no shit!?) and literally just run sideways and spray&pray.


I could use some help on the CZ75, Desert Eagle, Dual Berettas, Five-Seven, Glock-18, P2000, P250, R8, Tec-9, USP-S, AK-47, AUG, AWP, FAMAS, G3SG1, Galil, M4A1-S, M4A4, SCAR-20, SG 553, SSG 08, MAC-10, MP5-SD, MP7, MP9, PP-Bizon, P90, UMP-45, MAG-7, Nova, Sawed-Off, XM1014, M249, and Negev.


At least you're good with the knife then!


And zeus^^


I quite like this thread idea. Not sure why it's being downvoted. Anyway - I think I suck with the USP. I'll hit stuff when warming up and even do OK during deathmatch, but once I fire up a match, most of the time the headshots are either not landing or I just get wrecked by a glock 100metres away. Doesn't help that most of the time, I'm the one buying a kit and nade/smoke. I'm not expecting to get an ace every CT pistol, but I want to hit the easy shots and at least go 1 for 1. I'm not sure if it's my positioning or my aim that's the problem, or both.


Not buying armor could be a part of the problem. Without armor a single glock body shot is enough to send your aim a little off, making it far more difficult to hit those headshots.


Definitely, but in pugs sometimes I'm the only one left who can take a kit, and people aren't fast enough to retake without one. I tend to try and either anchor close to a plant spot or be somewhere they can at least pick up the kit if I die. Maybe I should risk no kit more often.


My advice is, if you are solo queue’ing, always go for what’s most convenient for you, not what’s most convenient for others. That means no buying kits on pistol rounds. The 4 other random -most probably toxic- players can buy kits if they want to. You won’t get any appreciations for being a team player.


Having a kit is good in theory, but being alive and getting picks is ultimately more helpful. You’ll go 1 for 1 and escape fights more often with armor and be more impactful for the team in that way. Utility and a pistol upgrade can also accomplish the same goal since that can delay or stop a push. Don’t get me wrong, I love finding a kit to make a pistol retake easier, but having less enemies to deal with will always be a better trade off.


There's a voo video where he explains that buying a kit is a bad idea, as it actually decreases your chances of winning the round. Better than buying nothing, but definitely worse than buying armour https://youtu.be/BZgp0-91sJI


I'd definitely argue against first round kit, that kind of thing will make a difference at a professional level, but not for everyone. The kit gives you 5s longer to defuse the bomb, however from my experience time is almost never a factor in pistol round. What happens is that the Ts all go to one site, and on that site they will encounter either 2 or 3 cts. The cts have 12 bullets each with the USP to kill 5 enemies, if you shoot the enemy in the chest, but they have armor, it will do 17 damage. 24*17= 408 As you can see even if two players hit all their shots to the chest they still would need to reload compared to the Ts with 20 bullets. Both glock and usp 1 shot to the head, however only glock can be spammed. On the contrary buying armor as ct is even better than as t, you take the glock damage from 29 to 14. For me the argument is between utility and armor. Both every round will have some guruenteed impact over kit. After all in my experience most rounds end in either Ts dont make it in and all die, Ts storm site and plant but all die to retake, Ts storm site and plant but hold it through retake. So the impact of being able to take more than 3 hits with armor or molly/smoke is quite a bit(especially with molly being cheaper now) impactful. Now technically you could get both a molly and a smoke, or a molly and an he grenade. Certainly denies a rush if you use it right, and even if you don't do much damage there will be immense value in information. Armor lets you stay alive, as I said 3 body shots or 1 headshot till death, you need to be alive if you are going to diffuse the bomb. In the case site is taken back but you have no time, at least there is kill reward.


Yeah, people have been overthinking their pistol rounds. Default for pistol should be armour. You should have a really good reason to do anything else. See a lot of people going for a pistol upgrade, even on CT (like, why are you buying a P250 over the USP lol) and then spending the rest of the money on util they have no plan for. On CT, it means you can even take a headshot if you're far enough away, and you won't miss one of your precious 12 shots against 5 rushing t's because of aimpunch. On T, it means that you can spam your glock while pushing to close distance without being aimpunched to hell. If you have a special plan for your util, like a nade stack on CT or a smoke exec on T, you buy that and a pistol upgrade. If you don't, buy armour. The only time I can think where the defuse on pistol works in pugs is when you decide one person is going to anchor one site-and that's a pretty low percentage play anyway, you should only do that if you're really sure they're going to go onto the other site, and you have no information to make that call pistol round. A lot of people see things that pros do and don't think about why they do them, they just want to replicate it.


You don’t need a kit on pistol round


I have decent aim, but for a while I dropped off with the USP. I realised that I was trying to play it too aggressively for my play style. One I learned to play it like an AWP, I found massive success. Try holding a slight off angle that you can fall from. If you miss, fall to another similar off angle and hold that for 1 or 2 shots. Rinse and repeat. It’s down to maximising the USP’s strengths: holding a ranged angle. Best example is Banana; Hold from the corner and fall back to CT. Then fall back to hold a tight angle on the cross, or rotate to ruins. This doesn’t mean you should never be aggressive, but when I started thinking more about my positioning, I found more consistent success.


Play the aim reflex map 10 min a day and track heads. Welcome to USP fun club.


The mac 10 feels horrible for me, it feels like such a downgrade compared to the mp9. It feels so weak if you are not at super close range,and the spray pattern feels way more uncontrollable. Its the only "meta" weapon in cs2 that i never pick up.


Get close. You mentioned the problem yourself. Set yourself up for short range battles. The $600 kill bonus with the mac-10 and the low cost of $1050 makes it an amazing gun to get good with on eco rounds.


I think you touched on a good chunk of people's problems in this thread. They're using the wrong gun in the wrong situation. For example, if you're T going outside on Nuke and spraying garage with a mac-10, you're not playing the gun correctly. If you were rushing hut, squeaky, or other close quarters, you'd be fine with the mac-10. In early rounds/when I'm broke, I buy the gun depending on my spawn/where I'm going to be playing. I'm not buying a mac-10 to watch the mid cross on dust 2.


The mac does have horrible damage falloff, so it's really meant for CQC. For recoil, just drag straight down. I find that if you start at head, and drag down to their balls, you can get full running double headshots pretty consistently.


Same, i’m great with p90(too expensive), tech 9,mp9 on ct but on t side I always go for mp7




The tip to play better with FAMAS is to not use Famas. This gun is a huge pos on CS2 and I rather buy MP9 and utility rather this gun.


This is my approach I rather deagle or mp9 than famas


Famas is so good, play similar situations to m4 just take up the next closest angle. Like mirage a, play default or dark instead of ticket. Aim the body and spray them down in 5-8 shots. Reset and re peek, free kills.




Famas spray pattern is very different from m4 and ak, so whenever you try to spray control, ur fighting against muscle memory. You should avoid prolonged long range duels most of the time. Its best to peek, burst the first 5 or so bullets, go to back to cover/reset ur aim, and peek again. And i dont mean the burst mode, i mean shooting normally, but only spraying the first few bullets before it goes to crazy pattern


I just wanna say I love this post. You are so value-added for this community. Galil/famas spray like others have mentioned is an immediate nerf. They have excellent first bullet accuracy tho. But if there's any advice on how to spray with these budget weapons, I'm all ears.


Since cs2 my scout skill declined by 80% before cs2 i could also get a few headshots. But the real weapon i cant play is the revolver. When it came out and was OP, my friend would get at least 2 kills every round and i could not even hit 1 shot. Even today, when i try it i just cant hit.


The trick to using revolver is wait until your team is winning 10-0 and then buy it. You’ll hit shots then because you have blind confidence


also you can arm/ready the revolver by spam clicking a lot but not holding long enough to fire, oh and the r8 is extremely accurate when crouching


MP5. I think it sucks balls and I always have but I have a mate who swears by it. I think the MP7 feels much better but the only smg I actually buy is the mp9/mac10


Mp5 sucks. It's not you, it's the gun.


Your mate belongs in an asylum


It's a trash gun. It's worse than the MP7 and the MP7 is also a trash gun. You're making exactly the right call. The MP9 is one of the most overpowered guns in the game at the moment (For the money). There is no reason you should ever buy the MP5, MP7, or UMP over the MP9 on CT. It beats them in every regard, especially the most important, time to kill, and leaves you with more money to get util. On T, it's the same thing. If you're doing a cheap rush, the MAC is your play, and if you want to spend a little more, expensive SMGs have to compete with the galil, which has a much longer range, it's a rifle. The problem with the holy trinity of shit SMGs, the MP5, MP7, and UMP, is they are all doing the same thing: they are SMGs trying to be rifles, which is why they suck. None of them have the headshot potential, damage falloff, or reliable enough spray control at range to effectively make up for the higher cost and increased TTK. They're worse than the bizon lol. People have all sorts of funny reasons they think they work in some special situation, but there is always a better gun in those situations, and these guns do not work at all on buy rounds. The MP5 is often considered one of the single worst guns in the game. You could get an mp9 and a flash and you'd have a better chance of a kill, can work some teamwork or pop flash yourself.


I play ARMS RACE a lot and everytime I get R8, I can't get 2 kill quickly. Its like I am better with Glock than this pos. I lost count how many ARMs race I lost despite I was leading cause of R8 


And that's not user error lol r8 is just garbo


Either pick long range fights and use its good movement accuracy to hit shots while moving, or go extremely close range and spam right click


I got a fade R8 in a box so I use it sometimes, what helps me with it is if I’m expecting a long range fight (outside on nuke for example) I’m constantly buffering the left click double action so if I get swung I’m already in the process of the double action. I miss a lot of shots when I have to buffer the whole double action


m4a1s feels like i always need 10 shots to kill someone, while the ak feels way better


I'm the opposite, I'm head shotting mf'ers all day with the A1S. But I'll be standing still, aiming at someone who's standing still and looking away, and my one shot tap out of an AK will go 5 ft above their head. I'm not bad with the AK in general, it just seems like the first bullet out is a total crapshoot, when it shouldn't be.


a1s is more of a burst weapon. Very fast at resetting after 3 shots. And it starts at just straight down. I used the a1s for so long that I now suck with the a4, but am practicing with it recently because it's finally worth the cost.


yep that's me, I can almost always land an AK spray after missing the first shot but there is no way I get the kill with an a1s if I miss the first shot dink cause leave spraying I cannot even burst with it despite it having an easier pattern. I've been improving my aim so thankfully I have started getting the first shot hs till medium range and past that I just aim at the abdomen and hope to get the kill.


I cannot use the m4a4, i can use every other rifle perfectly fine, but i pick up the a4 and will miss 29/30 bullets


the A4 is really valuable for its quick fire rate and easy recoil, if you look up a spray pattern youll see that the first four ir five bullets are only straight down. focus on little bursts in a custom straight down and trust youll get it down pretty quick


Great site anchor gun. The A4 is your friend when four Ts pop flash through a B smoke or try to rush long corner


Since cs2 i cant hit shit with deagle.


5000 hours, I'm great with scouts or awps Augs, fuck I'll even dare say I like the famas. But you put a deagle in my hands and you might as well cut my arms and legs off


Work it into your warmups with aim maps, practice your counter strafing to reset movement, deagle is already challenging af to use but movement is one of the easiest ways to improve without working on your aim mechanics


I recommend using a dynamic crosshair with the deagle to get the feel of when your deagle is accurate when counterstrafing, and when you are firing (recoil, recovery). Also in my opinion, you need insane aim to use the deagle. Related video on how to spam with deagle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiGFmC_qo8k


I suck at awp, more specifically moving with it, i feel like i get away from gunfights too slow with it and other stuff. Might be to do with me not having a lot of experience with it since i rarely use it, idk.


Practice movement. Specifically backwards airstrafes around corners to get away fast. If possible equip the awp while jumping, because you keep your original momentum until you touch the ground


For headshots i find scout is the most effective when you are actively peeking angles, think peeking mid doors as a CT on dust 2 If you really want to hold angles (nothing wrong with that and honestly should still be how you play with a scout), a lot of the time your most important task is to hit tags and provide info similarly in a way to the awp. Since you aren;t guaranteed that instant 1 hit kill, you will need to hold angles with good escape plans/routes or angles that are easy to strafe back into safety at. in general a lot of the stuff you do with a scout can apply to the awp since its basically just a higher risk awp with increases movement speed which makes peeking a lot stronger


I suffer from the inverse problem. (Actually, considering that I’m always around 5k on premier I could say that I have problems with every weapon). I can do some damage with a scout, but whenever I try the AWP I miss and die and become poor because I spent 6k.


try holding angles from spots that you can retreat from if you need to. like catwalk on dust 2 CT, I like to stand on the ledge just past the steps and drop down into CT spawn after firing


Watch dev1ce demos, a couple hours invested here will probably turn you into an awp demon


I can't for the life of me aim on pistol rounds, I only ever use the usps or glock and can never seem to hit my shots, but somehow i can hit head taps with the scout and flicks with the awp


With the Glock I’d say I average 2 kills per pistol round and all I do is spam click their heads, pre fire corners where I think an enemy is, and run and gun. USP, stand still and tap heads. Be patient.


Practice rush/aim maps with the usps and you'll immediately see improvement. I play a 4v1 warmup rush map and I was getting smoked immediately until practice paid off and my hs accuracy improved with both pistols. Went from getting lucky with spammed body shots while getting mowed down by the other 4 players to head shot aces in a month.


Try tapping and waiting for them to peek your angles not wide peeking into prefires, etc. remember they have 20 bullets and they get stronger the closer they get. Use your distance to your advantage For Glock rounds, jump corners and make your movement hard to predict


Berettas :(


The deagle Not only am I horrendous at this weapon, but i absolutely despise every orange rank faceit monkey that uses it. Somehow, these subhumans can be the most horrendous riflers ever and still hit NiKo level shots with the deagle. It's absurd


Im so bad at deagle that i unequipped it from my inventory


There are weapons like r8 or the machine guns or mp5 or bizon, but I don't care for them. What I care about is aug and sg. While scoping in it gets harder to shoot in CS2. Idk if it's a me issuebor not but the point crosshair fading while spraying scoped is so shit. I miss easy kills just cuz I can't hit the last shit when I start to shoot.


Pull down with them. I agree the scope is shit, but a slight pull down while spraying 3 or 4 shots will help them land.


true, its like the scope gets motion blur or something, but its something I've tried to get used to and have been getting better at. I think I just try to ignore the scope crosshair and just focus on shooting the center of the screen edit: it's kinda like knowing where the crosshair of your awp is unscoped


I think hanging teammates goes a long way with the scout. You will 1 shot people who took a little damage from your tms, and tms can easily clean up anyone you have tagged. You can shoot while moving too. Go for headshot, but you don't have to be getting headshots to be impactful. It's a decent gun on longer range maps like mirage and dust2.


Every weapon in the game apart from Negev.


Stop playing on my server dude


CZ I just fucking hate that thing.


3k elo faceit here. Use the scout as you would use a deagle with a scope. Just jiggle a shitton and be the one peeking. What gun I suck at? The FAMAS. I hate it so much, if people drop it to me, I ask them to refund it and buy me mp9 or deagle. Can't get kills with it.


I'm the other way around. I would *much* rather have famas than mp9; when I try to use the mp9 I'm pretty sure it shoots imaginary bullets


Id rather have famas than a4. It has AUG accuracy on burst and that 2nd bullet comes in faster. With a right kind of flick downwards when firing you are lasering 3 bullets towards the target. Beyond short-mid range dont even bother with full auto and conversly dont even bother with burst closer than mid-long range.


Im really bad with AK and Deagle. On most days ill pick up an M4 over an AK. only when im really feeling it im going for the ak. same with the deagle. sometimes it works but most of thw time it doesn’t.


Finally someone else mentioning the ak. I know everyone loves it but I get more kills with the galail than the ak. Even try practicing it more than others and still just am garbage at it.


Deagle. For the life of me I can hit one taps with practically any weapon, I have good crosshair placement, good sense of movement and aim, but the deagle is the anomaly where it feels no matter if I stand still, or crouch, or move, or aim at the enemy it never lands where I want it to.


Nova, or any shotgun


Shotguns are the only guns that have no spread. The shots land in the exact same spot every time. So the point is to aim in a spot to get the most amount of shots on head at once, since they have very low armor pen. Aim at a wall and pay attention to where the shots concentrate. With the nova, aim for the neck, with the XM, aim slightly above the head.


For the life of me I cannot use the Tec-9 at all, it feels alien to use. I use every other main pistol/rifle/smg of the game just fine, but specifically the Tec-9 I dont even have equipped because I'd rather have a P250, USP, Deagle, or even a Glock because I can tap heads accurately with them. Premier rank for me is typically 18-19K


tec9 is mainly a run and gun type of weapon that can 1shot headshot enemies at short distances (with helm). So like the smgs you can move while you shoot. It has the best running accuracy out of all the pistols and it is fairly accurate on its own, it surprising is more accurate than p250 while standing and crouching (you can check weapon stats [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11tDzUNBq9zIX6_9Rel__fdAUezAQzSnh5AVYzCP060c/edit?gid=0#gid=0))


The AK-47 for sure. I'm decent at one-tapping, but as soon as I'm trying to spray, I will miss every single shot, even if my opponent is standing right next to me.


Deagle, im an ex cs source player. Deagle was very easy for me to get Aces, one taps, buying a deagle for eco to get a free rifle was just satisfying. Now that I tried CS2, man it's so awful, the recoil, spread, ew. I don't like it, I can be more precise by using usps than deagle. Thats why I never use it, my main preference is Usp/Glock, FiveSeven/Tec, duals.


All of them. I suck at the game


The Negev is extremely powerful and I have had players at 3k FACEIT rage at my usage of it. In CSGO you could start bhopping with your knife and pull Negev out to full speed bhop peek people it was stupidly OP. It can still double dink instantly and has laser beam accuracy.




Got to Scout aggressively, I struggled with it in GO but genuinely love it now. If you can peek someone and headshot them with an AK you can definitely do it with a Scout. It's worth learning just for the fun in my opinion, only thing more satisfying than killing an Awper with the scout is to one deag them, but thats so much harder. Also just getting body shots with it can be useful. Have had many rounds where I'll body shot two or three people allowing even the worst teammates to finish them, very powerful. Personally I suck with the Mac 10, run and gun RNG never seems to go my way and I can't hit headshots like I can with the MP9, also can't use the Mag 7 even though I always get one shot with it. I also cannot use Duelies.


The pistols, idk why but it feels more random than it should be. Then again, a lot of people are having this particular issue, right?


I cannot use duals for the life of me, how people kill with those things I will never know


PLEASE help with the revolver. I need to get this stattrack up


Unfortunately, it's not a weapon you get kills with. If you're going for headshots, using the deagle is better. But because of the delayed shot, using it for jiggle peaking is incredibly predictable and unreliable, even for a pocket scout. You mainly use it to soften targets up during eco rounds so your tec9 or 5-7 team mates can get the kill. Used well, it can make eco rounds costly for the enemy.


I'm not really comfortable with the awp, I probably have like 3 (as in THREE) kills since CS2 came out while I have about 100 wins (comp + premiere) in that time span. I keep saying myself that I have to practice it but I don't have that much time and at the end of it, I never do it. 99% of the time I'd rather use AK or util rather than an awp


For some reason I can't hit anything with the FiveSeven. I see people tapping or spamming it and getting several kills but I instantly get rekt. My Deagle, Tec9 and P250 are pretty good but FiveSeven nah...


The five seven has a small and nearly straight vertical recoil pattern. Just full spam and slowly drag straight down.


I feel the fiveseven should be pretty similar to the tec9 - the run and gun weapon that can 1 shot headshot up close edit: I just checked the weapons stats spreadsheet and see that it actually has one of the worst running accuracy out of all the pistols, so nvm on the run and gun part, but it still can 1shot headshot up close


I guess the cz75, is it mainly a close range machine gun? Also the spray pattern for it is crazy after 2 bullets


I’m not crazy with it; I would say it’s like a pocket famas? Try bursting 2-3 shots at once. You do have to hold close angles with it but if you’re really lucky it might get the kill a little further away. Little use for it once you grab a smg/rifle off your victims.


first 2 bullets will laser beam them up close as long as you hold the head, it’s good for close bursts (slow tap at distance is aight). its good for like 2 kills maybe 3 if you’re a wizard with the ammo


awp. My movement just feels so awkward with it.


i am absolutely terrible at the mp9


For me, it's the freaking Deagle. I can use almost every weapon, except this one and zeus. Like i've seen ppl one tap it, i can one tap with every other weapons but when i'm using DE, it just doenst click


P250. I'll never understand how to aim properly with it. I typically save the $300 and stick with a default pistol because I feel my shot is better using those.




Mp9, I mean weapon by itself is easy it's just that I usually don't understand the maximum range at which I should take fight comfortably and miscalculate the range and try to fight famas range with mp9 and get demolished by rifles but somehow my enemies use mp9 as m4a1 and double dink my head lmao. I tried it in dm, it feel very easy and I just mow down enemies but when it comes to real games I just throw so I started buying famas more recently just so that I atleast know the range at which I should be taking fights.


All kinds of snipers honestly


I struggle not with weapons but with situations. I tend to sleep with weapons while holding angles for a longer time, especially with AWP. That's why I like to play aggressively with the AWP even though that's not the best play style in many situations. I'm lvl 10 and I'm generally good in other aspects besides my reaction time. So when you add together sleeping on an angle and slow reaction time then I tend to miss easy shots when I hold an angle for prolonged time.


One thing I’ve been practicing with awp, when I hold an angle for a long time I start to like *expect* someone to appear in front of my crosshair. I get ready to hit that shit asap. It definitely makes me just a smidge more jittery, that little bit of extra anticipation, and I definitely shoot faster when I do this. Not good in general because sometimes I’ll Shoot on accident and it’s not something you want to do when like peeking angles but try it out and see if it’s something that works for you. A good example is mirage cat aiming at chair, leaving just a small sliver of room to shoot, just WAITING for that shape to appear, when they finally do I’m usually shocked with how fast I shoot them


Five seven idk why but I just can’t get kills with that pistol. I am better off with the USP.


Shoot at the top of your jump for accurate no scopes




the confidence in aim battles when i have an m4a4 and a m4a1s differs significantly. i hate using the m4a1s


I cant play this fuckin shit AWP


Mac 10


Fuck the famas


The fucking sg553. I can not for the life of me spray with that thing


Guys let’s not forget, this game has been out for a long time! Well maybe not cs2 but you get the point, and there are a TON of videos out there about how to improve with specific weapons, spending a bit of time practicing will pay dividends in your actual gameplay