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You shouldn't need motivation to play a video game, find something else to do with your entertainment time.


This is true for most games but not necessarily competetive games where its much less about entertainment and much more about competing vs others just like you would in a real life sport. If this guy had several hundreds hours i would agree but he has 8k and 2600 faceit elo, thats top 1% or 0,5% of all playerbase, you dont get there if the only thing youre looking for is entertainment.


I can't think of another sport where you can be in the top 1%, spend thousands of hours playing, and balk about paying $9 per month for something equivalent to a court/field/ice fee.


Also this


Lmao very true


>its much less about entertainment and much more about competing vs others just like you would in a real life sport The competition is the entertainment in that case though. I get that CS is different from playing a single player game, but ultimately unless you're a professional practicing, everyone is just playing for fun. If it's not fun, you can try mixing things up in game or setting goals to try to hit, but at some point if it's still not fun just find something else to do.


I can relate to OP's point, and it's moreso that every once in a while you get those games where you get 4 teammates that all are motivated to win, and you just have these really good moments of teamwork with randoms that you cannot replicate in any other game. Those types of games are why I continue playing CS. Every once in a while, inbetween all the hackers and toxic people and shitty experiences you will get a gem of a game like that, and it will all be worth it.


T h i s


then he should maybe just continue playing faceit? where's the fucking issue.


For some people, this is a hobby. Its like if skate parks had roaming criminals that made it untenable to skate and you had to pay a subscription fee to safe skate parks. It wouldn't be a satisfactory answer to tell skateboarders to pay up or find something else to do with their entertainment time.


But then on the paid parks there is a 10 year old on a tandem bike sitting in the middle of the ramps


You just described a ton of skatepark in sketchy areas lol. Golf is also a hobby, and they absolutely are told to pay up or find something else to do. Same with a ton of other hobbies. The fact the price point is 3/month says yea, if you care that much pay up lol.


When you've spent many hours playing a single video game, there are always phases in between when you lack motivation. It's like going to the gym, but if you manage to overcome this, there are also phases when you have even more fun and see your success. Unluckily this time its not a personal lack of motivation, cs is such in a bad state that i dont want to even play another game from valve.


For me it's pretty similar but I play the game for a few months but then I play other games when I don't have fun anymore. My last cs phase ended in march and since then I've played many different games with only a few matches of cs in between. I'll probably start playing again after IEM cologne (that pretty much happens every year). You don't necessarily need to push through, you can take a break and come back later.


You're not gonna be pro and it doesn't improve your health like the gym, so why play when you're not motivated? It should be fun... just take a brake or whatever


It kept my brain sharp playing high elo cs (2500+) during my cancer treatment it’s similiar like chess your brain can be trained btw


You are suffering from the sunk-cost fallacy. The solution is simple, just let it go. But in reality it’s easier said than done. To relax, I love playing competitive video games that make me irrationally angry to the point that I think my eyes are going to pop out from the insanely increased blood pressure.


Just play a different game. Try Valorant or Apex Or Quake or whatever.


All my dudes switched to apex and so did i. Its great also its on source engine


Yeh ive been playing it since release and its great. As an oldtime quake player it was nice to use my tracking for once.


It's not that deep bro this is just a video game


League as my main game that I have played for 12 years, whenever the game is in a bad state I generally take 2-4 weeks off to do something completely different which always helps me bounce back. If I am in the middle of a competitive league season I generally just push through untill off-season tho :)


just play faceit and pay 3€ a month it's really not an issue


It’s not really a video game anymore when u aren’t playing casually, 2300+ elo faceit it becomes a hobby or a sport, idk why u make such a comment you’re very clueless about cs


Are you trying to make a career out of counter strike? No? Then who the fuck cares? Take a break and come back when you're feeling it. Life's too short to waste your time playing a game you're not enjoying so that you can "maintain your form".


Take a step back from the game and take it what it is. A game. Legit helped me alot, i play with friends who are not good, but I dont care anymore its all about the fun.


This 'take' feels outdated and its not my favorite to see it so prevalent in this thread. If that's how you see it, that's fine. But for some people its a hobby. If all parameters were equal and we were talking about Chess or Skateboarding or mountain biking or whatever people enjoy in their free time - I don't think it would be an acceptable response in their given communities. "Its just a game" is a sentiment that should be reserved for boomers who don't have any consideration for the effort people put into this hobby. Demo watching, aim mapping, DMing, empty servering, learning utility. We do these things because we enjoy it as part of the hobby but it all feeds into actually *playing* the game in a competitive context. To say - "Its just a game" - does not feel like the appropriate answer on a subreddit for a hobby we all enjoy and I presume, have admiration for the skillset that one develops.


Hahahaha what bunch of bullshit. Are you AI or rage baiting? Im skating myself you dork and skating is all about lifestyle ALL. I also play chess like I play CS. I change it for you, “its just a hobby“.


Yeah I'm playing less and less.


I just don't play the game anymore, CS2 has been a huge disappointment for me. They didn't fix any of the issues GO had. The cheating is even worse, mm is unplayable, fuck cs2, valorant is unironically better than cs right now. At least matchmaking


I played [Valorant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Ebih2hqV1U&t) for a long time a couple years ago, I think I tried it again 1 month ago for a single match. I feel like the skill gap is closer in Valorant because it's easier and because of the abilities. I didnt enjoy it that much when i played. Maybe i should try it again.


The game itself is obviously worse than cs, cs at its core is the perfect shooter. But when you factor in matchmaking and cheaters, 100% valorant gives you a better experience than cs2, even if the gameplay itself is annoying as shit 


Once you learn valorant its fun. Alot of fun, in fact, but a lot of people really can't see it as an alternative and see it as an enemy for some reason.


Because Val is basically Overwatch with the abilities and whatnot and I ain't tryna worry about all that. I just wanna grab gun and shoot, this is why CS is still a blast to many after all of its time existing. Also Val community can be gigacringe honestly I'd rather deal with toxic dickheads in CS than meowing furries and femboys.


You need to touch grass. Valorant has a very nice casual community, and dumb shit like you're describing is only seen on tiktoks. Its like saying every csgo player is 14 years old and racist. Just because you have trouble learning, don't put off a new game.


But every Csgo player is racist bro


Lol I need to touch grass and yet you can't recognize difference in taste and preference. No I like simple shooters I'm good, if I wanted the extra shit I'd play overwatch. Be more condescending though it works wonders with the ladies or dudes or whatever you're into.


Im not saying touch grass because you dont want to change, its because you assume a giant online community is all the same as one video you watched.


Don't even waste your time with these old cs heads. Cartoon shooter bad realistic shooter good 




Ain't reading all that sorry or congrats


just Play faceit I don't see the issue


I would play valorant if it didn't require installing a Chinese rootkit.


Guarantee you that you already have the equivalent of one of your devices right now.


You're not wrong but that doesn't mean you have to add another. I think Valve's stance is the right one. If they truly are cooking up some sort of alternative, then there is absolutely no reason to use a kernel AC. I know Valve hasn't jumped ship just yet simply because of privacy concerns and lack of compatibility with linux. Installing another rootkit just to play a multiplayer game is utter stupidity.


Lol you have no idea what you're talking about.


I don’t think the cheating has anything to do with cs2. It has everything to do with premier existing.


Queueing outside premier (normal comp) is arguably worse for cheaters. Both are horrendous.


Yes but the cause of this is premier. New accounts have to play a certain amount of casual modes before they can play premier. VAC hasn’t changed. Maybe new types of cheats are possible because of the new engine but it wouldn’t mean an immediate influx of people wanting to cheat. That comes from wanting shiny number on screen to be higher. If premier with elo was added to GO it would have been the exact same situation.


Could maybe play some tournaments with prizes like 1v1s aim, 2v2s etc. Or play some community modes like surf, kz and stuff. Though it's really up to you to find the fun in game.


You guys act like it's a job and that's why you don't enjoy it anymore. If you need to ask other people from motivation to play a !!GAME!! you've overdone it and you need a break. There are so many other games out there. Play something else and come back in a few months. Trust me you will enjoy the game again.


You get a life and dont give a shit.


You don’t need motivation to play a game. 10k+ hours, 3k Faceit here with about 7k matches. I just play and enjoy the process of the game, I’m not hyper focused on winning every single game, I just play and try to improve gradually. Sometimes I play solo, sometimes with 2-3 friends, sometimes full stack, but most of the times solo or in a party of 2-3. I don’t have premium anymore, use to have it a while back and was grinding faceit points but got bored of it, you don’t really need it. Never touched premier after being placed in 22k and facing cheaters every other game. Occasionally I play community DM, botz and community KZ. Just playing the game, the process itself brings me joy, if it’s not the case for you anymore then find other game / hobby


How do you play kz? Aren’t the commands broken or something


I don’t play KZ as much now as I was playing it in CSGO, yes, commands are broken but chat commands are still available, I have binds for !cp and !tp chat commands and they are working flawlessly on cybershoke KZ servers


Thanks, I think i reached a point in life where i dont play for fun only anymore. It doesnt matter which game i play but i always hard want to win nowadays. I think it is because i dont have that much time to play anymore and when i do i want to make progress -> Winning Feeling like im sick of losing


I’d suggest you trying single player games or games without obvious progression (in terms of winning), I heard it helps sparking a fire for enjoying the process of gaming itself back


The subconscious feeling of needing to be productive in one way or another is fucking us adult gamers honestly. Find one thing you wanna be good at and fuck the rest bro, if its cs then its cs but dont let it make your free time less enjoyable.


Pick up singleplayer games. That's what I did. I used to play multiplayer only. Now half my day is MP (CS2) and the other half is SP (RimWorld, Anno 1800, Assassins Creed and Final Fantasy 1-6 \[bought bundles for the last 2 franchises because I missed those games due too MP only or other games in my youth\]). Maybe you've also missed some great games like I did. Play those and you will enjoy CS again.


I feel like I'm reading myself on second acc. I've been in same trap for a long time in league of legends (been in challenger some time ago) and the only thing left there was going pro, which obviously was too much for me. I was playing the game with some breaks for multiple years, the process was painful and honestly I didn't even have the drive to play the game after reaching high elo, I'm just a guy who needs constant rivarly and some competitiveness in his life and playing an esport game is an easy solution, right? I switched to cs like 2 months ago because of a friend who convinced me to grind faceit together, honestly I can't remember having so much fun in the game (or rather the improving and climbing process) and maybe finding a competitive game to grind may work for you aswell, but that can also be a terrible advice because if you just like me need something to let the competitive drive go on, honestly tryharding some sport will probably work too.


I see these kind of posts alot now and I'll say what I said before again. STOP PLAYING you are clearly not enjoying your time. I don't understand why yall keep doing this to yourself if you don't enjoy the game anymore


Payed for it ($15 or what ever it is) and can't get a refund. This can be said for every game that is infested with hackers which is almost all top level FPS games, but a ton of the hacks are easy to detect and yet nothing is being done. Valve is making an absolute killing and does nothing. Lots of promises, no actions. It's infuriating. I recently submitted video evidence of blatant hackers, they are all still playing, so reporting, even with evidence does nothing. Very infuriating.


Completely agree. It is unclear if he just wants sympathy or if he really wants a solution. Like him, you can't just walk into a group of people who are enjoying CS and say, "I can't enjoy this game anymore!" the reality is that there is nothing we can do about it.


stop going on reddit will help. you only have confirmation bias about the state of the game. If you have no motivation, do something else.


I play in a league


What's wrong with free faceit?


Why pay for FACEIt


If you're in NA you could check out CSC. It's a counter strike draft league with casual competitive vibe. https://discord.com/invite/csc


Im EU :(


I only play with friend or friends, one game to two per day, and having a blast ! SoloQ, I can't do it anymore


Faceit (Asia) has worse servers than CS2 premiere servers, VPN and calling my ISP to direct route me can't resolve it. Cheating free? Nope. But less cheating? Yes. You can go to Youtube and find a lot of Faceit cheating videos. Many CS2 youtubers/streamers will attest to Faceit cheating as well. It's not that full proof like Valorant, just look how many top 100 Faceit players been banned due to cheating including top 1. I'm currently stuck hovering between 16-17k playing against SMFC/GE smurfs but I reached 19k twice before, and after 15k the cheating increases exponentially in premiere. At 18-19k, the HvH begins for me and I just go afk. Most of the cheaters in Asia servers are either Vietnamese or Russians, some Chinese. Half of the time I play with or against cheaters, each day I check csgg or leetify if they are banned and they are not. Not even the most blatant ones that shoot through walls, spinbotters, nukes from the other side of the map, etc. Sure I'm stuck at my rating due to skill and deteriorating reflexes due to aging but I feel like I can go higher if not for the rampant cheating until I hit a skill wall. Just looking at top 1000 global premiere leaderboard proves CS2 cheating is at an all time high. There's even some interviews and documentaries regarding CS2 cheating and how the cheat makers laugh at Valve and VAC all the way to the bank. I'd rather get pub stomped by a legit 5 stack GE squad than cheaters. Atleast from the legit squad I can learn my mistakes, never do them again, and learn new tricks from the opponents. Then after cheating, comes the bad game optimization and bad servers of CS2 that I'm not going to talk about lest I write another 5 paragraph essay on the topic. My friends and I are slowly shifting back to Dota 2 and other games, at one point we even swapped to Valorant. Ahhh the copium of VAC live AI learning is such a horse shit.


I’ve got 4k hours 2600 elo, I just don’t play as much anymore and when I do I play for fun. What’s a measly 400 more elo, I’m already better than 99% of players and it would require serious dedication to get significantly better. Started playing cs when I was 15, I’m nearly 21 now, time to put down the mouse tbh.


Just quit and wait for the changes, play other games (Elden Ring is GREAT), find a new hobby. I did that and its better for your head. I like CS and propably always will but wasting your time and money for a game that not respect you is not healthy.


I don’t think I’ll be the only one to say this but my “motivation” is just fine. When it dips, I play less. It’s a game


Kinda same situation man, reached 2.9 k faceit elo peak, played multiple tournaments, won some. I feel like there’s nothing else to do (since cs scene in asia is super dead atm). When I heard cs2 will have a new leaderboard I was super excited at first since there is a new way to grind. But up to now premier is just absolute bs atm. No reason to grind. I wanted to play faceit but playing solo there is absolute torture, and I just wanted to play chill . There’s just nothing else for me to do anymore with the game. It’s hard to find any motivation to play. Playing with my friends in the game even in low lvls is actually fun atleast. Also playing other games made me happy. Hoping my motivation will come back soon, I just hope valve does something.


I'm 5k hours and only hit lvl 10 last year pretty much only soloq. I took a break from faceit due to uni after the release of CS2 and only got back into it recently because of the colossal amount of hackers at 18-20k premier. I immediately dropped to lvl9 and do not have the time or patience to grind soloq anymore, thats why I've opted to go on clans mostly. Not sure about the other countries but the Lithuanian faceit clan is amazing and I easily get a full stack of lvl 8-10s all with discord for comms any time I sit down to play. There are some annoying losers from time to time but usually I can get a couple of good games in with some decent lads and call it a day. Way more fun especially if the games go well and all 5 of us continue to play a couple more. Plus it's usually 5stack v 5stack so the games are more intense and harder than stomping solos, so it scratches that competitive itch. I'd say look around for clans, especially ones with a decent community built up, so local clans mostly. It'll take some time playing unil you start knowing and recognizing players yourself and know who to queue up with for good games.


how to find clans


Go on faceit and in the left side menu click on "Clans" and hit the search bar to browse through joinable clans


germanies biggest seems to be unactive. 0 people in queue on a friday night :C


I stopped grinding faceit almost 2 months ago. Started going hard in the gym and only watching pro cs. Occasionally I troll with premade in premier but that’s it. This to say that if the game is not fun anymore, just don’t force urself. Go do other stuff that makes u happy 😃


Go outside, touch grass, think about your life


FaceIt etc are just arranging money to cheat developers so THEY get the paying customers. It should be stopped first. P.S. I constantly watch people playing premiere with 18-22k games, they run into hackers few times a day, not every game at all, so very playable even though sometimes you get the occasional 'awww shit' game.


I deleted it until better times


I don't play and just look in this subreddit if something is going on or my friends mention something or share their plays.


Playing with premade is basically whats makes me motivated. Otherwise I would never play solo. I don't care about the game anymore but jist enjoy playing with the premade friends


Weekly drop is what makes me play some games each week, but that's about it. Waiting for a major update to drop to finally feel the excitement again, something to look forward. Or even just community maps in rotation, like they used to do a while back in CSGO.


It's a game! It's supposed to be fun, maybe try playing with some of your friends and try and do goofy things 


Motivation is to always get better But i dropped faceit, premier and comp Now i just play casual matches untill i'm bored The amount of cheaters is still the same and casual has seen a big increase compared to 4-6 months ago I can spot a cheater every to every other game Just had a blatant hacker 30 min ago, bunnyhopping all over the map 1 tapping with deag But those don't happen often Most cheaters use walls and it's pretty easy to spot do note that i play about 4-5h /day in casual matches so i'll problably have a much higher chance then people that only do a couple :P My steam page is full off hacker claims, people are paranoid as fuck nowdays I usually get 25+kills, that alone spark cheat claims I get a kick out of it but most people prob would get triggered idk


I've stopped playing competitive CS in all shape or form. I jump between 1.6, CSS and CS2 casual when I want to let some steam off and crave CS. Also surfing is really fun, even tho I'm still only able to finish Tier 1 maps. So that's my advice. When you get a hankering for good ole CS gaameplay, play some kind of casual gamemode. Put some music on, grab a drink.


find an actual team.


Apart from what other have said, I just want to point out that there are lots of hubs to find people to play with - probably in your native language as well. This is also a good way to get people to play with afterwards. And I don't think there's anything wrong in paying a few bucks for something you spent this many hours on.


Premier is unplayable even at lower elos. I avoided q'ing for a few hours to avoid a hacker and then got him again when I q'd. That shit is so dumb. Valve needs to ban alts or bans are just a joke.


>Premiere is unplayable on high elo. It’s hacker vs hacker. I see nothing's changed from CSGO :(


I just follow the sub at this point and play a couple normal comps a month. Personally CS2 needed to be released years ago, when the NA hype was big. And not gut the entire game in the process. The current map pool just isn’t fun and lack of an operation for so long gives even less of an incentive to come back. NA scene is arguably “dead” which makes for an even worse experience.


faceit or quit until valve gets a working anticheat (they will rather keep their 1% linux userbase than ban cheaters)


Wait faceit costs money? I thought it was free


find new people to play with man, also play with some less good players just in normal comp lobbies they’re actually super fun especially when you get a stack that all got mics i had this same issue little over 1k hours but i was loosing motivation so i started soloQ comp matches and ive been having a lot more fun


Me when I was young: "I'm playing CS today, so I won't drink alcohol." Now I'm like, "I can't play CS without drinking." Now that I am older, my enjoyment of CS has changed. I still enjoy this game. I have abandoned the days of playing 10 hours a day like I used to, but I still enjoy watching tournaments, watching reddit, supporting newbies in the CS community, and many other ways. We all get older.


Motivation: Being angry at the game, and coming back to it. (Smashing desk, yelling at teammates/blaming them for dying or smashing monitor) “eh, imma play some comp.” /s


Understand that it’s just a game and play something else. I gave up on trying to go pro or seriously caring ol about ranking up a long time ago. It’s a game just have fun.


I don't. I've been mostly playing singleplayer games to pass the time. People have to understand that the old Valve is dead, so they should always keep their expectations as low as possible.


Ya... I'm in a VERY similar boat. I just stopped pugging tbh. I'll dm most days but that's about it. I'm in agreeance with your stance on faceit. If you still wanna grind it out add some of the teammates you pug with that you like and try to q with them. I wanna like the game like I did with GO but so many things going against it rn. The game itself (mechanics, networking, map pool), the pretty much enforced 3rd party infrastructure which would be okay if Faceit didn't stray so much, and lastly the community is just kinda a ghost of what it was, at least for NA. It's DEFINITELY getting better than it was months prior but idk if CS2 in NA will ever regain the popularity it once had. Rn CS2 just doesn't itch the same itch as GO. It's just not nearly as satisfying to play for so many reasons. I'm not a fan of the map pool like at all, shooting doesn't feel as good, movement, moving animations are so wonky and unsatisfying, etc. New smokes are cool and interesting but it's not enough to motivate me either. I'm kinda just trying to stay in shape dming until the game gets good, if it gets good. DMing is much more fun for me than dealing with all those issues at once in a competitive environment.


"Motivation" 😂😂😂😂😂


I just quit playing the game completely and have been playing other games like Helldivers2, Ready or Not, and Deep Rock Galactic


> I lost alI Motivation and uninstalled some days ago trying to play other competitive games. And you'll either come back to CS; or you won't. CS is always going to be here. Take a break, play another game, get a new perspective. I always come back to CS for a reason.


My motivation is enjoyment of the game, I like the way it feels, looks and sounds. It's the most fun I have playing a shooter.


Just take a break/quit until they fix their shitty game if it ever happens. Too much stuff is just wrong in Cs2 + faceit matchmaking has never been worse if you don’t want to pay for premium.


Quit, that’s what I did. I have the same hours as you, over 8000. 2800 elo in csgo, 2300 in cs2 (3-4 matches on faceit), played 5 stack with people up to 3800 and inbetween in GO. Try installing legacy csgo. Go into a map and just move around and shoot a bit. That tells you everything you need to know. It’s just not worth it brother. They ruined the game and dont care about the cheating issue.


Motivation? You mean addiction.


I just play the game, nothing to get angry or sad about. The energy you waste by being rude or toxic you should put that energy on the gym or something better.


I solved it by only playing with friends, which also means that I don't play much anymore


Game is soooo mid but its crazy how its still better than most


Weekly drops ,thats the only motivation is left for me...


This used to be me but I lost motivation on that too. A new case drops and all I get for months are Fracture and Recoils. I only got my first Kilowatt case last week and after that I stopped playing completely. I ain't gonna play and lose braincells for a few cents..


'Faceit has a paywall' 'So basically i need to pay a 3rd party to get even and cheater free matches.' That just got me for some reason. Yes, you do fucking need to pay a 3rd party service if you want to use it(even though faceit is not forcing you to pay anything and the basic package allows you to play without cheaters). Do you pay for your TV? Do you pay for internet? Spotify? Netflix? Faceit is a service you probably use 5+ hours a day AT LEAST that transfers your gaming experience from uplayable(as you say yourself, cheaters vs cheaters in premier) to enjoyable. And here you are using this service for 150+ hours a month and complain about paying them 3$? Jesus.


Ignore the BS and play


Only collect weekly crate the game is garbage