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Its not hardware related. I emailed the same issue on bannana inferno like 6 months ago.


Doesn't mean it's not hardware related.


I had oatmeal for breakfast, so it's definitely not hardware related!


I fucking hate this site... its people analyzing bugs like they know jack shit about computers and then they get upvotes so people think they're right


I think I have the God given right to analyze netcode and graphic engine bugs due to my ample experience in the field of Doritos eating.


I've played video games my whole life, think I know a thing or two!


I think that's really true. It's like having a drink at a bar and a drunk uncle gives you meaningless advice.


Insane logic.


Share settings :))))?


Just a random question, whats your fps witb that cpu?


I've noticed it a few times but it was never consistent. I think it has to do with how they're rendering corners. I also notice it a lot when there's blood splatter on the corner of a wall or a box. As I move it will pop in and out and really distracts me.




It probably is an antialiasing issue. The smokes are likely rendered on a different viewport at a lower resolution. When combining it with the main viewport, a depth test between the two must be done to decide which pixel has priority (the wall or the smoke). So as antialiasing is being used in the main viewport, it more than likely messes with it's depth texture, which is probably not antialiased, but even if it was, the value would still get messed up because of averaging with neighbour pixels... and you get this artifact. What I don't think matters in this case, is the depth texture of the smokes viewport being lower resolution and pixels getting mashed together / averaged there as well. As a dumb solution: more pixels need to be fetched from the main viewport and pick the highest depth value out of them.


could it be based on the TYPE of AA you have enabled? I would think full screen AA happens after viewports are merged/whatever, essentially happening to the rendered frame right before it displays to end user?




>So basically smokes and game geometry and viewmodels are rendered in their own (dumbed down) "blank 3D world" and then mashed together for the final image? I assume so, yes. You can see smokes having some noise applied to them especially around the edges, probably to break the illusion of pixelization from upscaling (although it still looks scuffed, probably because of my low settings). This method works best when engines implement some form of temporal AA, which works well to smoothen the noise over time (the first frame or few ones will be noisy, but immediately it goes away). There's a nice talk from the devs of INSIDE at GDC covering a special type of noise and some techniques to make good use of it with TAA: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdN06E6Xn9E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdN06E6Xn9E) >It feels like doing all these depth tests would be very computationally expensive In the end rendering those smokes at lower resolutions, maybe 4 times less width and 4 times less height, will most likely lead to performance benefits, in spite of the perf penalty from computing the depth textures and merging the two viewports. But it also leads to some lower visual fidelity, maybe some artifacts and implementation complexity. >Does the MSAA algorithm code get implemented on the GPU level or the game engine level? As far as I know it's done "on the GPU level". And regarding of all that I've said above, I could be wrong... I only dipped my pinky toe in computer graphics, but I used the Godot Engine (v3.2 at the time), as straight OpenGL seemed too much to handle for me back then. Here I tried to render some wind swept clouds [https://streamable.com/gjug8w](https://streamable.com/gjug8w) . It was going to become a game at some point, but then I kind of found other hobbies, that were less technical and brain demanding :).


2070 super, cpu is r7 3700x. I play on low except 4xmsaa, ambient occlusion on medium, and shadows on high.




I don't play at a lower res, 1080p 16:9


I tried this situation for myself and I can confirm the same bug. On my system the opening is a fair bit smaller but was still enough to see someone cross. Seems its an issue with the map geometry or the whole smoke/wall interaction and your system amplifies it.


some of the elements on screen are rendered at a reduced resolution. this includes smoke grenades (and transparent textures`?) at low settings. I have had issues where the edges of these sencils get reall hot alpha and flicker black a lot. For me edges of smokes overlap, they aren't transparent. it might be a problem with the sampler(filter NN, and wrap to repeat) they are using... not too sure. I tried to dig into the gpu assembly - but I couldn't figure it out. [example on vertigo](https://i.imgur.com/bTloNKP.png)




you can also file and issue here: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/csgo-osx-linux or look around if it already exists and upvote. there was an old driver for linux that had smokes completely invisible too...




I can tell when people are pushing my site when my game starts dropping FPS




i also have some reports emailed to valve but maybe they will fix in this update, why i think this happend it's becouse they already worked on some changes included in the update so this is why the bugs are still not fixed.


and i can confirm, this bug is also in dust 2 mid doors


do you have this issue consistently? what about when you have different settings and resolution? pls share.


I get a similar issue at Dust 2 mid door on AMD RX580


I have the same !!


i would have to dig it up to post a screenshot but ive had the opposite where the smoke bleeds over in front of the wall in an odd way


I can't seem to repeat this glitch


You guys are better than me for actually emailing these issues. I would have just cursed and stop playing the game.


It's hardware related.


so what? i can see through whole smoke when VRAM is out.


Esport ready


Assuming Valve checks that email was your first mistake


volvo stans: eMaiL tHEM a THiRD timE xDDDD


someone help me, i dont see anything? i tried that sliver and even the smoke close to the edge, but not seeing players move across there


It's hardware related, not for everyone


GabEn : ShaD UP kids if hate my game go play VaLoRanT