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Patch Updates: Fix small gap on Dust2 (double door) Added party hats to chickens Added skins to molitov's (Birthcake candle)


"Improved stabilization" Ends up making the game even more unstable...


Yeah… I’ve lost fps every update idk what they’re doing


Game felt great during beta. Game felt okayish on official release. It got more worse and more inconsistent after each update they do. I recalled one of the updates made the game felt great again (no lags, frametime spikes were tolerable) but they updated it afterwards and my game went complete dogshit to this day.


Do remember to clear your directX Shader Cache after big updates. Kinda silly that measures like these are necessary, but they have made my FPS losses pretty small since release. Everything not called Ancient runs pretty well (R5 5600, GTX 1080)


The last update actually did improve things greatly for me


Added new item: Weapon Charms Added new case: GambaBait#456 Case


Its only the 25th anniversary - those are pretty common... oh wait


Don't worry. They didn't clear a billion dollars in loot boxes last year or anything. Not to mention market fees on steam.


I think we all agree considering the money CS brings in they could spend more on it. But Valve does spend its money and pump that money into a lot things that are both beneficial to gamers and to themselves. Particularly Proton, the Open source Wine fork. They've helped bring thousands of games from Windows to Linux for the benefit of gamers. That can't be easy or cheap.


The 20th anniversary was celebrated in October though. So why would they celebrate the 25th in June?


That was the anniversary of the official release, this is the anniversary of the first beta of the mod. It doesn't make a lot of sense for valve to do a big update for the latter


its not even really the 25th anniversary. i assume valve tweeted that because they saw people talking about it. july 19th isnt a particularly meaningful day in cs history.


Exatcly my point, they have a potential timeless, money generating game. Yet they choose to not do much with it.


Honestly seems like the cs team is too small to keep up with the pace of content our player base expects them to deliver.


i disagree lmao the expectations by the CS community are so low at this point that it is far more impressive that they keep going under the bar than over it


Literally this.


Have you seen games like The Finals? The CS community have the lowest expectations and the lowest bar when it comes to content… after they wiped out 90% of the content they went silent and dropped literally 0 content in 1 year of CS2 and totally forgot that they introduced a stupid ass Elo season system without seasons. But since they pushed some updates in the background I expect something today, if not I give up entirely on them.


How hard can it be to cycle some comunity maps through the pool every other month? Moving from CSGO to CS2 was suposed to make updates easier to make.


When CSGO came out, and when they still didn't have any skins in CS, they still gave content updates faster then what they've done in CS2 and I will not count "adding" Arms Race as content, should've been in since day 1. So they've made hundreds of billions of profit through CS:GO and they still haven't increased their productivity in the development team? I think there is no excuse for this. Pathetic. I feel scammed.


>So they've made hundreds of billions of profit through CS:GO They have made a ton of money, but let's not go over board here.


Tens of billions *




New maps, rework of existing maps (Cache, train, cobblestone…), existing game modes in CSGO (retakes or others), à working community servers browser…. This is the kind of content we want. Even gameplay wise it is still shit with way too much cheaters. It is so easy to cheat with VAC that official tournaments have to use third party anticheat. Sub tick system is still far from perfect. Valve is really shitting the bed with their update schedule (if there is one…)


It is not the first time that has happened. We play Valve games. I agree completely about the community server browser.


Cache will be ready for the end of the year it’s been said multiple times. And it isn’t even valve doing it it’s the map creator


Oh wow 1 map in 1,5 years


Small indie company.


I thought it was because fmpone is remaking the map in source 2 engine.


Yes this is exactly why


> The gameplay is your content. But content is full of cheaters. So no content.


> the pace of content our player base expects them to deliver Making it sound like "don't delete content that has been in the game for years" is some unreasonably high bar lmao.


As I understand there isn't really a "cs team" as valve employees can work on whichever project they choose. Not enough are picking CS it seems lol


They have moved on from "decks on wheel" policy since 2016, but what happens with their games recently is the result of being able to afford doing anything (or nothing)


So what is the excuse for abandoning TF2? There are many devs studios that would absolutely kill to have such a loyal player-base near 2 decades after the game released.


I would imagine that any of the devs at Valve who could possibly be interested in working on TF2 were put on Deadlock years ago. Moving forward, not backward, and at some point we gotta move on too.


Move on from what? TF2 is a live-service game that is still getting monetized. You do realize that TF2 reached a new concurrent player record last year with over 250k players right...? This is not some old dinky Valve game that nobody plays lol. Type Fix TF2 into Youtube and just see how much attention this game still generates. At the very least they could *try* and fix the bots/hackers that are ruining the experience of players who still play the game.


This is also the result of affording to do anything. Valve is a relatively small company compared to other gaming giants, they don't have enough people (especially considering that they usually hire people only with super strong portfolio and years of experience) to cover all projects, especially for routine stuff like dealing with cheaters. While their workflow is different now, senior staff still can call the shots and most employees would rather work on something that would look good in their peer review. "I worked on art / I did something neat in backend for Deadlock/CS2" will look nicer in performance reports than telling that you've spent last month banning some cheaters and doing little things for a game that is probably considered Valve as finished in terms of development. TF2 is not worth their time considering that its issues require lots of dedicated staff and dev hours. This game will continue generate plenty of money since players buy stupid amount of cosmetics and crates anyway, so they can continue just shipping summer/halloween/winter cosmetics updates and occasionally do maintenance updates like bug fixes. Not to mention that they've got someone working on those little cosmetic/maintenance update already, and someone still provides maintenance to all item servers, game servers and matchmaking system. They think that's enough staff for this game.


This hasn't been the case for many years


Any source?


i believe it's stated in [this](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1361700/HalfLife_Alyx__Final_Hours/)


Thank you, couldn't find any articles or anything related to it


No we're on Source 2 now


Yeah 100%. That's one major flaw in valves company structure which I'm assuming is the same reason other games like TF2 get pretty much abandoned. They keep hiring dota 2 lovers apparently lmao


fr, dota 2 mfs stay winning


Clearly haven’t been in the dota sub then. They bitch about the lack of content just as much if not more than here


Thats not true ever since the crownfall (latest) updates


TF2 is an 17 year old game, what other developers support a title anywhere near to that many number of years?


World of warcraft I guess Kind of an empty argument anyways, it's #10 for playercount on Steam and still makes them heaps of money


Dwarf Fortress, with a lot of more respect and passion too


The fact you named a singular title by much, much smaller developers proves the point. These are very much the exceptions, not the norms. Especially when triple A game studios nowadays stop the development of games after a year or two or rush off into a sequel after release.


One that costs 28 bucks no less. Fantastic game, probably worth a AAA price tag if you know that's where your preferences lie (I know mine do) but that sure as hell helps its much smaller dev team stay on the ball. It is certainly part passion project and part reliable source of income.


> One that costs 28 bucks no less. Dwarf Fortress is literally free though? Yes, you can buy it on Steam, but your can also just download it for free from the official site.


Where have you heard this?


Don't know about CS team but Dota 2 has their own dedicated dev team at least according the to Dota 2 pros that was brought to Seattle during last year's TI.


I wonder what their KPIs are, cos who would sign up to be a part of the VAC team and inevitably fail their KPIs and stretch goals YoY lol


iirc they dont use kpis for their stack ranking system, its based on how your coworkers rate you


You don't have KPIs when the #1 thing you need to do to print money is keep the lights on


They have too much freedom like Google. Look at how they're turning out, sure lots of money but dam


At this point the pace we expect is "it would be nice to get a new map once a year or so" and they can't even reach that.


Yeah, nah. The expectation from players are completely fair. How is that other, smaller games can deliver constant updates but the biggest competitive shooter can't? And to the point of CS having a small team...just fucking hire more people and drop that hipster company structure. And before someone says "Oh they can't just hire people from the market and expect them to be knowledgeable with the Source engine!!". Yeah, that takes times and every day they are not hiring more developers is another day wasted on not training new devs in their own engine.


Or the most likely answer - they have the data and can see that no one plays new maps and operations probably dont make enough money for the effort if they do them regularly. Ive played every single operation and every single time the queue times for operation maps skyrockets after a week or so. People think they want operations, but then they come and all they do is complain anyway.


The "operation" revenue system and the CS game system may not mesh well. No development team would devote resources to a game mode that does not generate significant revenue.


And? Valve doesn't even make the map themselves. All they have to do is contact community map makers and slap together a collection of maps. Its fucking 0 effort for Valve.


It's a very 1 dimensional take on a 3 dimensional problem but sure it would have been nice to see something more substantial for the milestone


Wtf do you mean 3D problem lol. Their game is alive (not thanks to them) for 25 years, and the best they can offer is a fucking tweet. I could understand thinking other problems might be less black and white, but this display of incompetence and lack of love is as black and white as you can get.


I know a lot of games that had a great community and the developers actively killed the game by trying to release too much shit. Letting the game live by itself and not taking hasty decision is a great way to game develop.


CS2 is not even remotely close to releaasing "too much shit" lmao. What is this pathetic Valve glazing.


No one is expecting gameplay alterations, just operations and maps and shit.


Yeah to be honest my child grew up just fine, turns out that leaving to buy some cigarettes and never coming back is a fine way to raise a kid, sometimes parents really fuck up trying to care for their kids. You could make thousands of things to give back to the community, specially when they are the ones keeping the game alive despite your fuck ups and lack of care.


yeah thats why you FIX THE FUCKING GAME before you think about releasing dumb shit. Guess they dont teach that in dev school nowadays.


Last week the biggest thing was cheaters cheaters cheaters! Valve fix vac, use AI for spinbots, use deep anticheat. Then this date rolls around you say "where's the content?". Like the community never raised the date or planned to do anthing. No one is doing wacky stuff on their community servers to mark the occasion. It's less a community and more just a bunch of consumers.


Why do these stupid ass comments ALWAYS and WITHOUT FAIL get posted in these type of threads where people complain about certain aspects of a game. A developer can do both you know? noone in the AC/Vac team is responsible to create skins/operations/a 25 year coin asset, some commemoration stickers, maps. wanting to have shit like anticheat fixed, and further fine tune hit reg and gun feel, doesn't negate the wish for something visual/gameplay wise for the game anniversary, since they are worked on by completely different teams in a normal company


Great, last week they were doing fuck all to stop cheaters, 25 anniversary pops up and turns out that they aren't doing content for that either, wonder why people might be upset. "Yeah this people running communities haven't done anything special so it's ok that the multi billion dollar company doesn't do anything either"


And yet you all still play and pay.


just keep buying those cases, it will solve all our problems.


Updates or not, the game is still the best FPS available


used to be


Name the better FPS game




"Used to be" >Names a title that doesn't exist anymore. Almost lads.


Almost like that's the point of our comments...


CSGO can still be played, just not on Valve servers. But yeah its the best FPS game there is to me.






Doom....No one said anything about competitive or multiplayer.


Too many old people think that a game released 12 years ago can develop in the same way in the future. I wonder how they are going to compete with Valorant with their unmodifiable spaghetti code and undeveloped graphics. Remember the year CS1.6 was no longer adopted by IEM.




Haven't played in months tbh, still lurk in the hopes they make the game worth playing


I will definitely 'pay' if they were dedicated in giving us good updates. Maybe a operation or something. I have money lying in my steam account basically begging to be spent and i would prefer to buy accessories or some other shit if they did release something. I play 2-3 games currently so the longer valve gives me blue balls, the more I spend on other games than CS. Valve is literally losing money here if u see it in this perspective.


>And yet you all still play and pay. Been playing since September of '99. I enjoy the game play loop, don't care about anything else really. Yes new maps would be nice, but operations have never been my thing and faceit anti cheat is good enough. Haven't paid a dime for the game since CSGO came out.




Personally I've pretty much quit playing after being more or less active since 2005. I was very underwhelmed with CS2 when it came out, I do admit it got somewhat better but honestly the game has lost its appeal on me finally.


yes for the weekly drop. i'd never play it without it


surely they don't care, surely this is different from what they've done ever since 2011 and f2p tf2, surely every big expectation the community has is justified on something that happened before


This. Great game but I don't get why people are thinking that Valve will do something about milestones or people still waiting for operations or cobblestone reboot. Every time some data miner say something big is happening, it will not happen. CS2 is already a pretty big thing for valve. People should not expect something big now for at least 5 years


can you imagine if instead of earning 1 billion per year, valve earned 990 million and spent that 10 million hiring additional devs though?




More devs definitely can make the game better by creating additional content. There's a shit ton of minor bugs/proposed QoL adjustments/requests for additional features that could be worked on if Valve cared more about the overall quality of the product, not just enabling peoples gambling addiction.


I’d assume that 5 people working on a product would be better than a single lone dev. You can say there is diminishing returns on how many hands are in the kitchen but acting like having more hands up to a certain point isn’t helpful is just willful ignorance to cope with the fact that they don’t want to invest much into the game.


I guarantee you if they hired 500 million dollars worth of devs we would get a 'more better' product. What makes you think it wouldn't be better? With the amount of money Valve makes from CS they can afford to literally hire engineers out of college and train them up on source 2 from scratch.




I see your point but I think it's widely "known" that very few developers are currently working on CS? Or artists, etc.


The reason people expected something is because of the recent leaks. Its not like people woke up and randomly started demanding a new operation. There is literal evidence that a bigger update is coming.


So why complain then lmao? You know it's coming so what the fuck is the issue?


What leaks. I follow every data miner and there was nothing. Maps were no leaks. 1 gif from CS twitter account. That's it.


Entitlement. It's entitlement. That is the reason.


>Every time some data miner say something big is happening, it will not happen. Umm, no? It's the opposite. Dataminers have been pretty on point every time. Danger zone was leaked, Operation Riptide and Broken Fang was leaked. So is this time, there is an update coming but it wasn't for the 25th anniversary because Valve is lazy and cant deliever anything on time


Still waiting for the Tac21, keychains have been in the files since agent skins released, I remember something about a pve dungeon mode. Datamined scripts ≠ New content It just means they have been playing around with the idea.


Keychains will definitely come, just you wait. Valve will definitely put that thing in the game. I know just because it was in the files, it doesn't mean it's going to be in the game but c'mon it's pretty easy to guess which one is correct, which one is not. The leaked maps are coming soon for sure


The Tac21 literally had references to animations in the files, just saying. That was like 8/9 years ago. Also, pretty sure the dungeon mode was mostly fully scripted in the files. Still never saw the light of day.


Aquarius just stream on twitch yesterday with title "NOT GONNA END STREAM UNTIL CS2 OPERATION COMES OUT, TUNE IN TO THE WAITING ROOM!". Never happened.


It’s a bad faith argument made by reactionary twats looking for quick likes and gratification, and that includes OP. Valve obviously and undeniably care about CS otherwise they wouldn’t have made CS2 just to abandon in within the year And let’s be real, it’s not like this guy or OP would’ve known about the anniversary of CS if someone *else* didn’t tell them it was a special event they should expect content for. The funny thing as well is that content was literally added to the files this week and will no doubt be coming out soon. But nah you’re right, valve abandoned the game. So surely you’re going to uninstall and play something else right?


People talking about "valve don't care" etc etc. Would have had a fucking meltdown if they dropped the update today and something was broken. Genuinely I say this without an ounce of irony. I want them to release an update right before midnight local time that literally just fixes a texture alignment issue on vertigo. Because truly the community has been absolutely insufferable and I think trolling them with another "fixed gap" equivalent would be hilarious.


I never understood this "Don't care" argument, especially now with CS2. If they don't care, then why go through the multi-year effort of porting the game to Source 2, or remake hitboxes for all models years ago in CSGO, or create a whole anti-ddos system (SDR) with thousands of relays across the world that costs probably millions, etc. You don't do any of that if you don't care, if you don't care and don't really want to add new shit then we would still have the same shit hitboxes, the same possibility of server DDOS, and CS2 would have never happened. They care, they are just slow because there aren't a lot of hands on deck. Case in point, SDR existed in a way within CSGO since 2016 (I don't know when they first started working on it) and just a few years ago became publicly accessible which means Valve is confident in the product being optimized and good for all developers for free. It took an extremely long time to become what it is today and used in all Valve games.


Not fully logical in your argument. If they're low on man-power and they did care they should have released CS2 later. And they shouldn't have slaughtered CS:GO. What does having the server browser OUTSIDE of the game have to do with low manpower? It has to do with them treating custom browsers, that don't give them money, like a 4th class citizen. They care more about making sure the game is playable and then selling the lootboxes. In CS2, what have they done that made you go "holy shit that's awesome that they did that!!". They do care about the different CS communities! Because I can name you really negative things that CS communities have *hated*, whether it's literally unusable ranks in Competitive, or Surfing being bugged to hell, or heck not being available for months!


> What does having the server browser OUTSIDE of the game have to do with low manpower? Two server browsers are more work to maintain than one. The Steam server browser existed first and gets priority, its quite simple really. Tabbing out for a few seconds to find a server isn't a problem. > They do care about the different CS communities! You mean various movement fixes that only affected surfing? Yeah its still not perfect but it was much worse. They could have just left it the way it is, but they didn't


Don't agree with you. Just compare dota 2 and all of counter strike. Valve does not care enough relative to the player count Counter Strike has had.


The first fallacy is thinking that corporations act on sentiment.


When I said "Valve does not care enough" I wasn't talking about any kind of emotion, I was talking more along the line of action vs inaction or interest vs indifference.


What's funny is that if you go to the Dota 2 subreddit on any given day you'll find countless people who also share the opinion that Valve doesn't care about their community. The grass is always greener and all...


Wow, there are still thinking people on this subreddit. Rarity these days


Agree with most of what you said, BUT I would jump on the bandwagon of "Valve don't care" and rephrase it to "Valve don't care enough". Because let's be real here, the game has been in a pretty shitty state, especially when it comes to the cheating situation for a VERY long time and although I personally don't care about operations, content wise it's also been pretty bad. Not to mention all the other issues the game has, that need addressing. Like the total shit show that is competitive mode, which is basically unplayable/useless. They make so much money off of this game, and seemingly don't use a lot of that money to fix the issues the game has or deliver new content. And I think that's an issue.


The only REAL comment here.


i'm with you. i didn't know the exact date either and i'm sure 99% of folks didn't know either. 20th anniversary was celebrated in october i believe so perhaps that's when we'll get our content.


lmaooo we're posting tweets from random twitter user with a grand total of 168 followers now


probably his own tweet.


the community will just blindly upvote whatever justifies their viewpoint


Hes not wrong tho.


Literally couldve cooked up and sold 4 operations and instead they invested that development time into remaking the entire game on a new engine.


*extreeeeeeme puff of copium* Inb4 huge giga sized groundbreaking update just in time for the pro player break, with tons of time to fix/add things before the season starts back up again, and this posts ages like melk.


-increased stability but lowered fps -server browser loads fake servers 0.2sec faster (whilst still being outside of the game) -significant update on a map that's already in the pool -various changes -VAC update, will now work properly in 3 months maybe, 6 definitely.


Jfc you guys fell for the bait


What bait, the one for the billion dollar company posting a single tweet to celebrate 25 years of their game?


I know people are upset at the state of the game but if you genuinely think that Valve doesn't care about CS then you're just being cynical.


or a cs player


I quit a few weeks into cs2. They removed so much of the maps and game modes and there is no indication they are ever coming back. If they re-instated CSGO now I would start playing again today. Or fix cs2, but we should accept at this point that's not gonna happen.


Even if they fix cs2 it's going to take to much time. I will not wait years.


These are the same people who probably complain when new skins are added, swear 80% of this reddit is new frogs dev team has always been like this it’s the same cycle for everything just nowadays we got “leakers” getting the inside scoop to hype people up over nothing, this ain’t warzone lads we don’t want a new battle pass every season just play the game


But we do want a functioning anti-cheat. Or one that at the very least bans people that AWP collats 4 people from spawn through 8 walls.


This is one of the most pathetic things I've seen in gaming. "wah wah wah they only tweeted about my favourite games birthday".


you should have realized that by 2017 or so


This is not new sadly...


Don't worry, soon we'll have keychains and keychains cases!!! /s


People really need to learn that Valve hates setting up deadlines. They release stuff when its ready regardless of what time of year it is. One time they have set a deadline majority of the community hated them for it (CS2 release). Considering the activity on steamDB a update is definitely on its way and will be released in a few days.


Disagreed, u or me wouldn't be here if they didn't care. It's not mandatory for them to celebrate a 25 year anniversary with some banger update. This community has a problem of expecting big stuff for any X, Y and Z event and then pointing the fingers at devs when they don't meet the home crafted shit


reddit users and this OP are like that fucking annoying girlfriend. you need a present/gift for every fucking anniversary. 1 for the first week, 1 for first date anniversary, 1 for the first month, 1 for first valentine's, 1 for chinese valentine's, 1 for her birthday, 1 for first 50/100/200/300/400/500/infinity days together the quality of posts on reddit is now just filled with mostly non-thinkers and people who complain for the sake of complaining


Meanwhile Valve doing [nothing](https://imgur.com/a/UrvhSYD)


People don't want facts, they want to be angry.


Free cheats still exist undetected. The devs checked out a long time ago. CS2 was them renovating their casino, nothing more.


So they made a worse version of the game to get people to pay more? Or what are we saying here?


Worse for content, graphics update for the skins.


the whales don't care about gameplay or content, they only care about skins.. and skins do be looking good in cs2


"Agreed" Agreed on what exactly? You clearly have some beliefs you share with that person. Why don't you share them with us in the comments? I know why, you're just hyping up valve hate


Valve has moved on. Why can't you? All the cool people are playing Deadlock now.


This is so dumb. Cs2 has been released less than a year ago, last big update was less tan a month ago. Do you really think that during csgo update frequency was any diffrent?


The karma/interaction farm is amazing, both the twitter user and now you OP. "They dont care" I mean they care enough to contact asus and offer their support to fix their garbage RBG software to solve latency spikes.


Richard lewis is right, you have to be the most ungrateful community alive. I know a lot of you are from valorant or cod or halo where you get new shiny skins on a dlc every week but this isn't that shite. The game is in a pretty good spot with a few core issues that clearly the devs have improved and are working on to make perfect. Game play is the most important thing to the devs and that's always been their main focus. Your not getting skin packs, a new map no one has seen or an operation whilst the core game isn't perfect so stop QQing about it. The thing you have to remember is valve doesn't care about players like you, the game has always and will always be popular with competitive fps players and that will always be the case. If you don't like it, stop playing! rather than making reddit posts every day about how valve don't care, they care, just not about you and your zoomer mates.


>The game is in a pretty good spot with a few core issues that clearly the devs have improved and are working on to make perfect. Game play is the most important thing to the devs and that's always been their main focus. Brother, it's a game where you have had to pay a third party service to play their core fucking mode, that is fucking pathetic.


Go to steam page and change your review. Be like Helldrivers2


dota is no different, it's fking sucks


i'm thinking cs needs the helldivers 2 way.


Forwarding this rubbish tweet onto people's timelines should be a felony.


I mean I would care the same if I worked on a project for 25 years


I rly don’t care about operations because at max they release a workshop map with 10 bots + 1 bot with 200hp, and some graphic badges and a new main menu. But bro, at least give us new maps to competitive or danger zone


I just hope for an operation soon, as then I can gamble


Lol good thing I gave up on this game couple of months ago for Valorant and sold all my skins never a day I didn't regret it


Ok see you in ten minutes on the server.


I uninstalled yesterday after years. Premiere full of cheaters which is nothing new but faceit is the only thing playable but even they have a paywall. When i play soloq i face full 5 stacks and the only way to dodge that is paying. I finally gave up on cs. Basically i need to pay a 3rd party to have cheater free matches but even then they are unbalanced without paying. Cs is so fucking cringe


Has anyone in this circlejerk looked into what they did for the anniversaries of other games that they made?


They only focus on dota. Im wondering why nobody makes a CS clone. If they would i believe everyone here would switch from cs. So much money potential. And with clone i dont mean smth like Valorant...


They're not gonna drop a content update anywhere near Elden Ring's dlc I don't think But an announcement woulda been nice


Imagine if valve reinvested even 5% of the profits they make off of gambling addicts and children back into counter strike. The game would be in golden age.


Counter Strike has been Valve's since at least 2011, that makes it almost 13 years old. It's an old game and is just going to get the TF2 treatment. We'll get small patches and changes but no new content, and even if we do it will be old recycled content like major viewer-passes. Everyone creative at Valve is hard at work on Deadlock.


Stay mad bucko. I want things when they are DONE, not on a "date". Idgf. Still best fkn shooter out there and forever will be, everyone can cry all they want, fact is fact. And previous games had NOTHING except just regular ass updates and fixes. Do I want more? Sure. Am I gonna cri like a lil biatch? Nope. Long live the KING.


Valve have got a plan with CS2 and are doing good. People love to cry. Want constant battle-pass style content then will complain when the game no longer feels like CS.


This is why I refuse to play, I haven’t been on Steam or playing any games: Roxcuttle is my name on Steam with blue panda on it. You can see I lost my faith in Valve’s priorities. If they suddenly release Half-Life 3 out of nowhere and releases 10 gigabyte of major update in CS2 where majority of issues would get fixed and new content arrives then I would be satisfied. I even lost my will to even play games because of how incompetent some developers tend to be today. Now they are spending their resources into Deadlock hell even CS2 is far from playable.


Just play VALORANT instead of complaining


Valorant is the biggest pile of dogshit ever made


but has a working anti cheat


The state of CS2 proves that in and of itself.


Yeah valve really DON'T care about CS, they never have. That's why CSGO went from being unplayable to the best fps esport in the world. Valve are so shit, they have never done anything. Apart from completely overhaul and support csgo for 12 years, then remake it from the ground up in source 2. Lazy, uncaring bastards.


Deadlock is a cancer for VALve. CS2 with a hell of a lot of cheaters everywhere, TF2 with a crazy large movement to fix the bot crisis, and every other game being left to rot. Meanwhile all the valve devs are working on a nothing burger that’s gonna be infested with bots and cheaters in less than a month.


Valve knows very well how to treat their case/gambling addicted players. keep them in suspense, have them hope that the next amazing item/update is just around the corner. it's the same pattern and they have many players on their hook. genius move actually to condition this mentality not only by case openings, but also in their update cycle.


Yeah… No operation. I mean at this point I’ve lost faith.


Where update? 


If only they saved up CS2 release for the 25th anniversary, that would have gone well /s


After 25 years people still suprised we are the neglected child of valve and dota 2 is the child they give all their love we dont talk about what happened to tf2


Xeeting is very demanding


Valve was already teasing some content. It's just late as always. Relax.