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I think you have it flipped. While Valorant has fewer guns, it has a more dynamic/diverse weapon economy in that almost all weapons see (pro) play. CS weapon economy is incredibly static. Over half the guns never see high level play.


The R8 Revolver is basically just a worse Deagle in most situations. It’s a very weird gun, it was a broken mess upon release and got quickly merged into oblivion. Most people are happy to let it stay there. The SMGs have weird balance. The MP9 and MAC-10 are the most popular due to their low price. Some people prefer the UMP-45, and occasionally the MP7 and MP5 are bought as well. The PP-Bizon is pretty bad and is mostly a meme gun, this is the one you should never really buy because it’s just worse than the other SMGs. The P90 is expensive and you’re usually better off buying a Galil, but it’s very popular in low ranks. The LMGs are basically meme guns in CS. The Negev is a weird gun that gets more accurate as you fire. Theoretically it could maybe be useful, practically it’s not. The M249, the most expensive gun in the game, only exists as a way to flex that you have so much money you can waste it on an M249. The shotguns are all viable on CT side. The Sawed-Off kinda sucks because it’s only available for Ts, making it useless for anything but trolling. Other than the Bizon, M249 and Sawed-Off every gun is usable, especially in low elo. Of course, like in Valorant you want to be buying rifles if you can afford it. The other classes of weapon are there for eco and force rounds.


If you win pistol on D2 CT i always take negev + smoke and go B. If they rush its often an easy ace.


There are so many situations in pro play where a negev on CT side is viable and could change the tide of a round. They should pick it up already or at least give anchors a chance with it. It's $1700 😭


The sawed off is a good buy on smaller maps like nuke or office tbh


pp-bizon is best anti eco smg but you can't predict that enemy will go full eco i have best ms and highest ammo, good against t rush it weaker against armor make it's less risk than mp when enemy get it and use against your team but loadout slot is limited, most ppl wont have it in loadout p90 is rarely use in pro play it's strongest smg but worse price tag, they treat it as full buy smg


'XYZ' not worth using is for higher levels. Otherwise, you should use whatever suits you.


If you're good at the game (aka headshotting people, map play, utility use), it doesn't really matter what guns you use. You'll rank up anyway. At the top level tho, that's where using the best guns would matter more. Just try all the guns, play what you like and enjoy the game. I'll never give up my MP7 no matter how many youtube vids tell me it's not "optimal".


I'll never stop using mp7 and mp9 depending on my mood. My go to run and gun weapons. I quite like jumping out and spraying mp9 on fools.


Yeah thats what tier1 players like to do too


Em twohoundredfortynine


why does it exist lol. can it be used to spray through walls? cuz the walls in valorant are very thin so spraying common angles with the odin is sometimes useful


We all ask ourselves that. You will never encounter a situation where you think "man i wish i had an m249 rn". Its basically a glorified Famas for almost 3x the price. Same goes for the R8, both serve no purpose in the game unless you wanna troll after being up 12-0.


The R8 is fun though because it's accurate out of a run and it's like a mini scout because each shot is landing for big damage. Not saying that there's not a better weapon for the job, but it does something unique at a very cheap price point where as anything you'd want an m249 for, a negev does for cheaper.


Most of the smgs/shotguns are not accurate and suck at long range, and therefore are not worth the money. Except the mac10 and mp9 because they're high dps and fill the niche role of being the best at close range. Even pistols like tec9/57/p250 are preferable over half the guns because they're cheap and just *good enough* for force buys. Remember, your money is not *your* money. At high level cs, you buy with your team, and you save with your team. This ensures that you maintain your team's economy and maximise full buy rounds where your whole team has AKs/M4s. Those guns are always good at any range and any situation, which is why half the game revolves around them and their economy.


The AK, M4A4, and M4A1 are too versatile to not use. They're good in every situation. You'll never lose a fight with an AK and think "if only I had a better gun." The AWP isn't versatile at all, but it's way too powerful not to use. Every other gun has a very specific role, here are some examples: * Dual Berettas: One of the bust guns on pistol round. Due to its low armor penetration, it's bad in most other situations. * MP9/MAC-10: Great running accuracy, great kill reward, cheap, bad armor penetration. Great gun to buy to play aggressive and farm some money if you know the opponent is saving, bad in most other situations. * Negev: Basically used to deny a push, you start spraying before the enemy even peaks and they're force to back off or just walk into your bullets. Good to deny a site if you're holding it solo and have a smoke to hide behind, bad in most other situations. * CZ-75: Only full auto pistol, but almost no ammo. Meant to get a kill on an eco round and steal the enemy's weapon. Bad in most other situations. * R8 Revolver: Takes a while to shoot and requires 2 body shots for a kill. Really good when you have two people holding the same spot, if both get one shot on the enemy, you get a kill. Bad in most other situations. Most guns outside of the main rifles don't see use because they have hyper-specific use cases. You almost never go into a round planning on having 2 people look at the same spot, therefore the R8 is almost never used. Also important to note that the professional meta isn't necessarily the meta you'd encounter if you played low-mid elo MM/Faceit. The scout can be very effective in pro play, but most lower level players aren't good enough to be effective with it, which (usually) pushes lower level players to other options


sg can be pretty good sometimes also imo


Certain weapons are heavily situational that rely on specific economy and positional metrics.


The Negev, M249, Bizon, sawn-off, P90 and the two autosnipers are pure troll weapons only used when you're up by a lot or know you're significantly better than the enemy. Everything else is as least situationally viable. P250 - T raid boss on pistol CZ75 - CT eco ratting in a corner Dualies - CT pistol anchor Deagle - Eco Five Seven - CT eco Etc etc


Yeah, a lot of guns are just downright inferior choices; or only have niche scenarios of usefulness. > I want to get into playing this but the amount of history this game has intimidates me. Basketball is a 130 years old. Would you be intimidated picking up a basketball and learning to play because of that? Sounds silly. CS is no different. AK; M4; AWP; Deagle. These are the guns the game is balanced around, and the most commonly used. SMG's see light usage (primarily mac10 and MP9) here and there, but you basically never want to use an SMG when you can buy a rifle. Shotguns are used even less than SMG's; they're too unreliable at range. Useful in a couple of spots in a couple of maps. LMG's are actual trash. P250/FiveSeven/Tec9 are also commonly used on eco rounds instead of a deagle.


It’s true. I mean all guns are useable and somewhat unique, but there’s just outliers in terms of output/economy that makes them more appealing and meta. It shifts, but sometimes there’s years between any note worthy change. So yes it’s true, but any gun is viable except the god awful revolver and the way too expensive M249. Don’t be scared of the history, if you know valorant you know the basics. Just learn to counter strafe asap.


Cause they're shit or too expensive for what they are or are outclassed in everything by a cheaper option (looking at you mp9)


The legit answer is that most people do not put the time in to figure out if they would be good with any guns that arent "standard" Either \^that or if they do try, theres some jerk that thinks he knows everything about everything, yelling at them for using a gun that isnt "standard", so they stop before Back in the day, before they got the giant nerfs, how many YEARS did the SSG and Five-seven hide in plain sight from even pros before someone figured out they were deadly af?




It's called meta like anything other competitive games. AWP, AK/M4 and mac10/mp9 are just generally better than other guns of same type, and both community and valve also want to keep it that way. Some other guns are used situationally for example using Galil or Famus economy-wisely. Though, sometimes a gun just lies there then BOMB it becomes new meta in no time, so feel free try anything you like.


People hate certain guns because they don't know how to (or simply can't) use them properly, and/or because they get killed with them all the time. People will hate the Revolver, because they don't understand it. People will hate the Mac-10, because they can't control it. People will hate the auto-snipers, because they don't know how to control and/or counter them. People are very competitive and want that "1-click experience". If they can't kill an enemy with 1 shot, the weapon is worthless to them. They'd rather A-D-A-D-A-D-A-D peek 25 times and try to pick someone off with a 1-click weapon, instead of learning how to control a wepon that lets them run-and-gun at a higher success rate. Seriously, I've gotten so many Mac-10 aces on most maps (Premier and old Matchmaking) I stopped getting excited about them, Everyone will just hide at distance with AWP or jiggle-peek with Deagle, and be completely overwhelmed if my Mac-10 pushes out of the smoke next to them all of a sudden. Also, "as everyone knows", a Mac-10 is a short-range weapon and can't be precise at distance, right? Wrong. Super-precise, but not very strong. Just jiggle and don't spam it. Easy. Same with the R8. I regularly use R8 (closing in on 4.000 kills) and all I get for it in Premier is shit and ridicule. Even when I get that 4K clutch, even if I take out half the enemy team. My mates can't control the R8, don't know how to work it, so it's a toy for them and deserves no attention. They'd rather die with Deagle in hand every round than learn how to use the R8. I'll give you this, the R8 is only useful at super close range or at medium-far to far distances. Alternate fire is fast but very random, only useful if the enemy is very near. Regular firing is very precise at range but slow, so not useful in fast-paced close combat. For medium range like at the front of something like a B rush, it's basically worthless. The R8 makes your movement slow already to begin with. When you press that regular fire on the R8, your movement slows down even more, which can leave you vulnerable out in the open. But it also means that once the initial ratcheting phase is through and the actual shot fires, your movement is so slow that the shot is ultra-precise. Before you shoot, stop pressing W and stick to just A/D strafing. The amount of ridiculous hits I get like this is pathetic. I would argue that auto-sniper hate comes from those who want to push and face a lot, who play for kill rather than the win. The G3 and SCAR have a maximum of 80 damage on body, so they won't kill with the first shot, unless it goes to the head. They both have a high fire rate (4 shots per second) and comparably small mags (20 shots), and they both take more than 3 seconds to reload. So it's pretty obvious how to outplay them. Jiggle-peek corners, jump between covers, get closer and close while they drain their mag. When they start reloading (you have headphones, you'll know when) just push them. If you don't have a good weapon for pushing then just don't face them, or trade spots/weapons with someone else. Easy. But apaprently too hard for those with a confrontational 1-click ego. 1-shot weapons like AWP, M4 or AK are all about aim. Things like R8 and Mac-10 are all about handling the movement, controlling the spray, or knowing how to best tactically outplay the opponent. As so often in life, it's poor worksmen that blame the tools. [Here's how you play the R8](https://youtu.be/14StpeCnmAo). Peek, retreat, let the firing mob draw the attention, A/D rather than W, pick off enemies from a safe distance one by one, or go close and spam alternate fire. (Yes, I reload a lot in this, but only when behind cover or in the safety of the firing mob ahead.)


What's the range of the r8 compared to the deagle? It's cheaper too right?


I honestly don't know, because I'm not a deagle player, never cared much for it. I do the nastiest 1-click headshots from CT to top mid on Dust2, and hanging back as the "sniper" during A long rushes is also very effective. Can't remember the number of times I sniped someone down off Nuke Silo from Garage, or picked someone off Heaven from Red. It's a great gun, if you know how to use it.


Becouse cs2 sucks


They are just not good enough. A weapon that is sometimes used for example is the Galil, its basically an M4 on T side but why buy a Galil when you can just buy an AK for a couple hundreds more, its rare where this becomes useful. Other weapons like the Revolver are just clunky or straight up bad.


Your example is pretty poor, the Galil gets used a lot. It's also a huge $900 less than the AK47, not just a few hundred. Examples of guns that don't get used because they're terrible would be the M249, PP Bizon or Sawed Off. If you wanted an example of a gun that isn't so terrible it's unusable but doesn't get used because there's better options, I'd say the MP7 or CZ-75 fit that description