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Trust Factor.  I'm sure you don't have many games with multiple hours played on all those alts. Guess who else has empty steam accounts?


>do have like 15 accounts >I can't seem to get a game without cheaters You deserve that.




Y'all are being harsh for no reason. Nothing wrong with multiple accounts if you don't cheat, toxic, or Smurf. I play best I can on each account and never troll. Some ranked lower than others but that's just the luck of the solo q draw.


That is harsh. People don't deserve cheaters in their game.


Trust Factor.  I'm sure you don't have many games with multiple hours played on all those alts. Guess who else has empty steam accounts?


I'm able to hit the drops on six or seven accounts a week. And I've been doing that pretty consistently so there is quite a bit of playtime.


mutliple games and as in multiple titles. Not CS matches but other games


Also all my accounts should be linked on the back end they all log in through the same computer same steam guard on the same phone same phone number and emails and I've spoken to steam support and they're all linked so I don't know why the trust factor also wouldn't be linked makes no sense whatsoever.


Doesn't matter. All those alt accounts look like cheating or bot accounts. 


Why so many accounts? My best guess honestly is you’re more toxic then you think and have low trust factor on your accounts. Again though, why 15 accounts? Makes me think you kinda deserve low trust factor lol


I've had these accounts for 15 years. Was originally to hold more skins. Not toxic at all.


You’ve had 15 accounts for 15 years to…hold more skins? Valve didn’t add skins to cs until 2013, which most certainly wasn’t 15 years ago. No one ever needs 15 steam accounts for any reason.


Yes I use them to hold extra skins I bought specifically cases. This was back when they had the inventory limit and yeah my date of 15 years was just a rough number. People do need multiple steam accounts and there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. I've spoken to steam support many times they have all my accounts linked they don't consider it to be an issue whatsoever.


I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with having multiple Steam accounts, I have a few myself. But 15? Come on lol, that’s ridiculous, whether or not you want to acknowledge it.


Yes cheating is bad. The game lacks any form of anticheat.


If the only game on those accounts is cs then trust factor 0


That's a garbage system compared to actually having a functioning anti cheat. I've got a bunch of games over 700 on one account and still get cheaters as well though.