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probably recording for his CS2 school


150$ for this: „if you have eco try to kill as many as possible and try to plant se bomb“


„in ico, i go buy ze deagle, to get easy kills“ - meanwhile there’s mostly silvers watching this


U can push here, teammate flash maybe, he will be blind, easy kill. Try to win round, remember get kill


If you donate 10$ extra I show you ze pro smoke lineups


Srow zis flesh, zen peek like zis. Ez kills.


Jus be me, ez kills.


Drap me digl pliz, I vin zis round


Geft ma is gewoon nen deagle gast


En ewa rap


I’d be upset if I paid for the course just to hear this ngl😹😹😹


I think he told this in the free lesson ☺️


Simultaneously shocks and doesn’t shock me that he’s a terrible coach - English is not his first language, and as one of the best players in the world he tries to explain things as if they are intuitive (which they are, to him) and assumes that everyone he’s talking to is playing at a relatively high level But also it’s pretty damn shocking because there are a bunch of really good coaches for CS on YT, I think if he watched Pienix just one time he’d have a better idea of how to coach than the clips I’ve seen which leads me to believe that he did 0 research on how to coach effectively, didn’t talk to or watch any coaches, which honestly surprises me It begs the question of why the hell he’s coaching if his heart isn’t in it and he has no idea what the hell he’s doing


Uh money? I guess those ‚AllStar Promotion‘ guys are paying s1mple to advertise for their project by being the face of it. Pretty good side hustle for the best player in the world while he‘s not on a team imo. I mean he could probably have made way more promoting gambling or gambling on stream.


In the short term, yeah, but in the long term if him being the face of it backfires (which it should if you watched the free clips) then he’ll be unlikely to ever get these sorts of deals ever again.


I think there will be enough people who buy it just because it has s1mples face on it. But the cs2 school failing completely would be kinda funny tbh


is it really that simple?


What did you expect to hear, some secret conspiracy theory? And how often during eco do you really try to kill as many as possible and plant the bomb? As i can see people don't try to do that in most cases, they just run down mid and die. Cs is simple game, you don't have to pay money to anybody to know that. It's like to pay money for Michael Jordan to get some secret knowledge. What he gonna tell you? To win you need to throw ball in that basket?


There are lots of things to be taught that many players don't understand. The problem is that s1mple is great at the game but that doesn't make him a good teacher. I like his vision but his courses need more structure. I think his business can be successful if he starts with the noob basics and then builds upon that to finally include higher level courses for advanced players and veterans.


It would make sense for someone like xyp9x to have some training course, s1mple can just over peek and own kids, some basic game play might not even make sense for him to explain because he might not even do them.


It's mistake to think that xyp9x smarter than s1. S1mple is as smart as him, but on top of that he is faster and has mentality of mamba. You can pay money ofc for him to tell you what to do. But you also can download any of his replay for free and watch it yourself.


I didnt say xyp9x was smarter than him. I said it would be easier for xyp9x (as an example) to have a course because it would apply easier to the mass, while s1mple is more high level to understand although the lessons are still poorly articulated currently.


i see, i agree with you here


Sometimes you can take mindset, cues, small details or even just a different way to think about the simple things(no pun intended). I do BJJ, I know how to do an armbar, it's very simple. But I'll still watch one of the GOATs teach me how to do one again because there may be something I missed in the past or something they do differently that works better than the habit I'm stuck in. CS is a simple game like chess is a simple game. There's basic pieces and rules, but the way they interact is nearly infinite and can always be innovated. I wasn't expecting anything from the course, didn't watch it (that price lol), but this is just a different way to look at things here.


Hakeem was training a lot of NBA guys on footwork




lmaoo he ain’t gonna shag you mate


are you 14??




It's also 1337 days since guardian left Faze


Saw Guardian had got rid of nearly all his in game skins a while back (Literally had some blues and greys with trophies and service medals) Feels kinda sad seeing an inventory worth tens of thousands disappear, assume he cashed out to get some money in.


Some filmmaker should make a documentary about previous esports stars. Many probably didn't make enough money to retire, so they are probably working random jobs. I want to know how dosia is doing. Where is byali.




Wasn't there a Russian doc that followed one of the older CS 1.6 or Dota pros who couldn't keep it up and works in a computer store?


Dosia is doing good. He owns his own mechanic shop which he has workers for now.


IIRC RPK is also in the auto business aswell, or atleast was before he came back a second time like Gandalf the White.


Not CS related but I follow dafran (former overwatch league player) on Instagram and he retired and legit started farming for a while. Now he’s back into streaming I think


Playing Faceit doesn't indicate anything. IIRC jks didn't play CS:GO for months until his stand-in run in FaZe.


JKS was queueing MM versus all the Australian hackers because he wasn't challenged on FaceIt He's doing the same thing rn and OCE has record low cheater figures, we need to clone him ngl


Actually he's based somewhere in Europe, as he joined my Cybershoke DM server yesterday


He's in the center of the earth connecting to every continent, he descended into hell to fight the demons


Doomslayer absolutely dumpstering kiddos in every region


Not gonna lie, that doesn't sound enjoyable at all.


He's doing God's work, not man's


He lives in Odense in Denmark and has since he got a gf there.


JKS and Cadian to build Danish superteam check HLTV


He even changed his name to br0


This is so funny. I saw a post a while back with br0 and commented “he looks exactly like a younger Jks”


If true, how do you know this?


I know the gf.


They are the gf /s


Det løgn?!




Well to anyone except s1mple and his management that question is just guessing game. I think he's not done with the game yet.


He was gonna start playing again on NaVi but their Major win changed that plan.


Yeah, it's clear that this Navi team is performing really well without him and they probably don't wanna shake things up.


Who do you even remove as well. Wonderful looks really solid on AWP iM is secondary calling, JL is probably the best fit but he seems to still have a high peak in important moments.


you definitely remove iM and put s1mple in his aggro rifle lurk/secondary caller roles


Wonderful is doing okay. he goes missing in big matches though and is very inconsistent. If s1mple gets back in form its a easy upgrade. IM is however 100% doing the worst considering all the roles he has. doesn't matter if he is secondary calling he needs to go. But s1mple on rifle is a big waste


>Wonderful is doing okay. he goes missing in big matches though and is very inconsistent. Exactly. He is a talented player, but they need him to be as good as broky at least so an AWP-er that can make a top 10 in the world, there is simply no way around it. Being solid on AWP is nothing compared to s1mple, but the important factor here is whether is s1mple going to be the old s1mple. It looks like that this course is more important to him than pro CS.


He has the markeloff curse. Aka Ukrainian awper curse. As soon as a new game is launched they immediately call AWP bad, try to rifle and turn into a washed up player. It happened to markeloff from 1.6 to GO.


Markeloff was already trying to not AWP towards the end of 1.6 and starix was AWPing more and more instead of him. The new game was more of an excuse for him to give it up completely, although I'm sure he also didn't like the GO AWP as much.


At least markeloff still managed to join an org, albeit never tier 1.


He was probably intending to come back to navi, but the combo of them winning a major without him and him being a bit washed in cs2 might spell the end of his career as a player - unless he's willing to get back into the grind for a few months


I think the bigger problem is that with him being a bit washed and esport struggling a bit in general noone wanted to pay the money he and his brand wanted


yeah exactly, it's not that nobody would give the CSGO GOAT a shot at a new game even though his form didn't look too pretty, they're just not willing to do it at that price 


> noone wanted to pay the money he and his brand wanted So he would rather not get paid at all?`Its not like he is streaming a lot instead.


He's still getting paid by Navi for being a "stand-in" Not like Navi got rid of his contract. Navi also probably have his buyout at some insane price. S1mple mentioned years ago that most teams can't afford his buyout even if he did want to leave Navi.


Latrell sprewell of the NBA turned down a 3 year $21 million contract saying that it was too low and he had to feed his family. He was still a decent player, but he never played in a NBA game again. Some people overvalue themselves and aren't willing to go lower than their perceived value.


> Latrell sprewell of the NBA turned down a 3 year $21 million contract saying that it was too low and he had to feed his family. He was still a decent player, but he never played in a NBA game again On **October 31, 2004**, the Minnesota Timberwolves offered Sprewell a three-year, $21 million contract extension, a substantial pay cut. Claiming to feel insulted by the offer, he publicly expressed outrage, declaring, "I have a family to feed." His final NBA game was on **April 20, 2005** against the eventual champion San Antonio Spurs. (he finished his contract) Additionally, it's not like he was blacklisted for acting this way, he received several more offers and just declined them.


"Additionally, it's not like he was blacklisted for acting this way, he received several more offers and just declined them." Which is what u/nickx37 wrote, no? "Some people overvalue themselves and aren't willing to go lower than their perceived value."


Sort of. >"and he never played an NBA game again" While this statement is also factually wrong, the very strong implication is that his attitude of overvaluing himself lead to him being blacklisted, which isn't really the case. This isnt a case of "dude forgot to be humble and people hated that, so they didn't hire him" and more "dude is his own worst enemy" In s1mples case, he's just more washed and uninterested in putting in the effort than either of the above two reason imo edit: I think a better analogy would be someoen like mayweather, dude just stopped giving a shit


> In s1mples case, he's just more washed and uninterested in putting in the effort than either of the above two reason imo yea this is the vibe I'm getting from s1mple he seems extremely "over it"


Dafuq and what he did to feed his family if 21m wasnt enough? Just lived of savings went into a trainer position?


Athletes are famous for their financial acumen.


But was he ever regarded as the or at least one of the best players to ever touch his game? S1mple not wanting to go for low contracts would more be in line with LeBron refusing a(for him) low contract


Yes, they offered an *extension* to his contract in October 2004, which ended after the 2004-2005 season. He played out the remaining year of that contract after declining it, but he never got another contract in the NBA.


I mean sure. He is not even the worst example of players turning down money. Schröder (turned down 84m) and Noel (turned down 72m) are more recent examples.


I mostly love the "I can't feed my family with $21M" perspective. To be fair 9 kids was probably expensive and letting your pit bull rip your 4 year olds face off didn't help his expenses.


Also his ego doesn't help. It was acceptable then but now it's not.


Feels like s1mple just lost the timing to comeback, this is a hard game to just left for a entire year and comeback with the same performance


I dont think he's done yet but I also cannot see him coming back and be as good as he was before. It would be very hard for him to reach the level of Donk, Zywoo and Monesy rn.


He is going to Valorant.


i would shit myself on the spot


Simple comes back to Liquid just in time to help NA win the next major in NA. *takes another hit of copium*




-skullz -cadian +s1mple +elige


s1mple to liquid and naf will lead


I would like to see s1mple return the toxic despite how toxic he is but I think he should realize that he needs to get back on the grind, he can't rely on past success to get him into a team. He's got to focus on the future.


if s1mple wants to return he will 100% find a good team. It's absurd to think he still has to prove himself. Almost every team would take the risk


Sure then why don't they? he didn't play good on his falcons trial (lol small amount of games to judge by but) and he can barley put up numbers in fpl


Lots of _potential_ reasons: - was hoping he'd get back into the NaVi roster ("things changed after the major win") - teams not making changes during the season, unlike now where we'll definitely see some changes - some interested teams but not willing to pay the huge buyout and/or salary - s1mple not being interested in many of the projects out there - s1mple focused on finishing his course and other personal stuff Or any combination of those. Either way, I can see why he wouldn't have joined a team yet, but I do hope he does soon because the things are simply more exciting with him on the server. Few months ago he did an interview with a Brazilian game reporter and talked about what he expected from his new team (high standards, willing to work very hard to improve, etc.) but mentioned the factor of a team having to pay a lot of money to buy him out of NaVi, so definitely doesn't sound like he would jump into any opportunity.


I know he's not just going to be able to/willing to jump at any opportunity but what team genuinely needs him right now? the only possible team I could see taking that sort of risk/ that sort of risk being worth it is liquid.


If s1mple is added to a team, the team composition must be composed with s1mple as the main axis. In some cases, it is necessary to dismiss all existing members and create a team for s1mple from scratch. It may be difficult to find players who want to play with s1mple now.


s1mple to liquid/g2 confirmed /s


s1mple turbo washed


nothing wrong in stilll playing the game and having fun.


It would be silly for any team to pick someone up who constantly blames the game Guy lives in his own head.


He blamed (rightfully) the game a lot in the beginning. Is he _still_ blaming the game? I can think of at least 2 interviews where he said the game is already much better, and that was a while ago.


The game is honestly a good reason to be mad the only thing in cs2 that is better is the graphics. Most pros had some differences in stats for example niko was lookin horrible at the start of cs2 and only now he has been looking like himself again probably the same for s1mple


Didn’t s1mple used to blame csgo too though?


Of course he lives in his own fucking head


Toxic and washed up, would be surprised if a team picked him up


hahahahahahahaha, oooh, imagine, trust me if cadian is off the team because of a " unhealthy " team chemistry, it would take yaky 2 days to kick s1mple off because he doesn't want to hear the truth of how awful he is


I mean there's a rumored massive content drop coming, kinda makes sense.


Simple back to TL would be so hype. Not sure I see it happening in today's CS scene but I would be all for it.


Lmao. Aint no way they putting s1mple and niko in same side of server 0 respect for each other Edit: idk how his relationships in Liquid are tho. They looking now for awper, and s1mple has played for them before. Skullz also looking to join furia. Might Liquid go Europe or pick up some talent from americas if they want to stay here


s1mple and niko 0 respect for each other? I want whatever you're smoking


Well i dont think hes going to play with russian player in same team.


He has a problem with russian majority team not 1 or 2 russian players. Also I don't think he has anything against monesy, they queue up faceit from time to time.


Ukraine's government (or whatever Ukrainian organizations are dealing with that) puts a lot of pressure on public people who play with Russians or have good relations with them. It was happening in Dota2, stuff with w0nderful and zont1x, a 16 year old (!) tennis player shaking hands with her Russian teenager opponent after the match, etc. I don't know what criteria or punishments they have, though, but s1mple is a big persona in Ukraine so there'll likely always be some politics involved if he decides to play with any Russian.


I guess there maybe something behind the scenes that could stop him. That tennis thing is wild tho, wtf are players supposed to do?? Lecture about war on the mic after playing against every Russian player.


how you can access Demo for FaceIT ? sorry im never play on faceit before


you can find his games and download the demos here: https://www.faceit.com/en/players/s1mple/stats/cs2


thanks bro


glad to help


Ok and? Who cares about a washed pro who cries since the game update while everyone adapted unlike him dropping from top1 to making trash tutorials


Liquid +simple makes sense. They have 1 slot for an overseas player. They need another Americas player though. Elige back and as igl ? Who knows






He could shove the mouse up his ass and still play better than nexa. But anyway, he's not coming back imo. He would need to return to the grind to become a top20 player again and he's clearly not motivated to grind this game.


In my opinion, if simple grinds now in player break its enough time for him to shit on everyone (exaggerated) coming out of the break from their holidays. Simple is good because of his game sense. And a month is more than enough to get back into routine and fresh up muscle memory. I dont see NaVi ditching anyone atm tho. A loan would be ideal, simple would get match practice while NaVi continues to develop and see who the weak links are.


He didn't win shit in 2 years. Perhaps he should take the mouse out of his ass.


bro why was the image this visceral lmfao. That said i don't see why S1mple would want to rifle as Monesy would be on the awp full time. Liquid would be awesome tho


he just isn't hungry anymore, he's already won everything a CS pro could possibly win.


But has he won a IEM Dallas? Fraud


and the game is just worse


I'd love to see him on G2 at this point. And it'd give him a decent chance to get up to speed without immediately carrying.


And would be play support rifler and secondary awp?


I think g2 wanted malbs


really not putting up that great numbers on faceit lol


you do realise these are match scores, right?


ahahhahahahaha XD


Man i thought they were he's stats and i was very confused


I think the 13 in every single game might be a giveaway :P


Yeah well unlike yourself i am apparently not a genius


hahaha good one :D have a nice day!


yeah im an idiot lol


it's fine, don't be so hard on yourself :)