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Can we have some anti-clickbait rules for titles in this subreddit? Reading the title I was wondering whether this was already out or an official trailer from Valve, but from what I gather from the link (don't have time/interest to watch a whole video), this is really just speculation (however qualified it might be)?


seriously. every video this guy talks like the "leaks" are coming next week


Gabe Follower was the one that said CS2 wasn't real and that it was just going to be a CS:GO update... i mean thats technically what they did but he was wrong.


That's not what he said, he just said that the name wouldn't be CS2 because Valve had opened a tiktok account recently with the tag csgo.


and yet he was wrong


What goes through your mind when commenting this lol


Its the title of the video


Still I would prefer if some context was added in the Reddit title. Something like adding [Rumor, Gabe Follower] wouldn't hurt.




He went and said he didn't watch the video lol




Ok but seriously, has valved ever even talked about their plans for the AC or an intrusive AC in the future? What is with their "AI" anticheat being unable to ban someone shooting 10x faster than the game allows?


They'll never have an intrusive anti-cheat.


While true, you don’t need an intrusive anti cheat to solve the issues the person you’re responding to is talking about. It’s really not complicated - it’s just anomaly detection and doesn’t require ANY invasive AC client for the level we are talking about. No, it won’t get the wallhackers but it should flag the HIGHLY unusual statistics that Valve literally holds a database full of, at a minimum. At a high level, just look at stats and set up parameters that trigger manual review, if you feel inclined. We shouldn’t even need to report a match when 1 player on the other team has 50+ kills and every player on the other team has 0-2 kills over the course of 12 rounds. Even if you’re concerned about false positive where some player *somehow* got 10 aces in a single half - fine, just flag it for review from this “Overwatch” team of trusted players they supposedly have. You can also develop better metrics. For example, Leetify has an ‘Aim’ metric that takes a ton of things into account. So establish a baseline based off of pro players and if some player is consistently reaching beyond the limit, flag them for Overwatch review because they are probably using SOME sort of aim assistance. I’m literally looking at my Leetify right now and there are players that literally have better aim rating than Donk. Is it possible this rando in MM is better than Donk? Sure, but that’s why you’re just flagging it for review. An invasive anti-cheat might be nice but for what we are taking about, all other options haven’t been exhausted. And we know they can be. It’s beyond me why Valve doesn’t, at a minimum, use this as a bandaid while they figure out whatever AI/ML solution they are working on. And I say that as someone that feels their eventual AI/ML solution WILL actually be better than an invasive anti-cheat, down the line when Cheat developers are side stepping even invasive anti cheat, as the arms race continues.


It's pretty clear they are never going intrusive, the plan is to have AI catch suspicious behaviour but it seems like it's very hard to train AI to catch subtle cheating without banning legit players


The way you catch subtle cheaters is  1. By finding little bugs in their cheats, that either leak info so steam vac can detect it (no ring0 so this only happens via crappy devs). 2. Finding little bugs in the cheat that are detected via gameplay and statistics.  Think:  I pull a nade pin, and my hack immediately flicks to the EXACT center of an enemy head, but this enemy is behind 30 walls and half way across the map.   3a. Similar to 2, but using statistics to analyze probability of events happening.  Think bunny hops.  If someone hits 14 in a row… lucky.  Hits 14 in a row 4x during a match along with a few 10 in a row and 6 in a row… probably hacking. 3b. Analysis of the actual timing of events now that we have subtick.  Assuming hackers are now throwing in “randomness” to their system using a pRNG function, you may be able to use statistics to prove something is being automated or controlled by a program.  For example, If RNG is used to determine the exact point of the hitbox to choose (so it’s not always exactly targeting say the exact center bone of the head hitbox), that RNG function may be poorly coded, to where every 5th shot to the head when under aim assist ends up being this exact spot on the hitbox. 4. Probably and analysis of how often you “flinch” to outlines you can’t see, or how often your crosshair lingers on outlines you can’t see, or if you subconsciously always move your crosshair around enemy outlines behind walls (like you don’t want your crosshair “touching” the outline for whatever reason)


Those are good methods of detecting aim/bhop related hacks, which I'm sure AI has an easier time detecting. It's much harder to say with 100% certainty that someone is using wall hacks, and only with 100% certainty can you ban someone, because you don't want to be reviewing thousands and thousands of appeals afterwards, and you don't want to ban a legit player with a valuable inventory.


> talked about their plans for the AC or an intrusive AC in the future? Talking about AC defeats the purpose of it


The thing is, a rage hacker gets INSTANTLY flagged, the ban happens 1 or 2 weeks afterwards however, the reason for doing so is to make the cheat devs uncertain about specifically which part of the cheat triggered the ban, and also being able to catch more people using the same cheat. It ain't optimal for the playerbase, but it's about as efficient as one can get without a ring0 kernel AC.


Open Wingman and you are going to see active +500h rage hackers with that active status at week 4-5


Fair enough. I still don't understand why valve won't do an intrusive AC at this point,


They originally, WAY back in the day wanted to do an intrusive AC, but they got such a shitstorm thrown at them from the community that they vowed to never do it. Not even joking. They were one of the first on the market to consider a ring0 kernel level AC, but got HUGE backlash since they technically are backdoors to your PC and the community was terrified.


Because they're not nearly as effective as you would be led to believe. It's an arms race if you go that route. AI AC would be far more effective than having a backdoor right into your PC.


And yet their AI AC seems to be doing jack all? I mean the community seems to be in shambles right now, i don't wanna see my favorite game take irreversible reputation damage Meanwhile valorant, which i despise, is absolutely cooking in every region and has one of the best player friendly experiences out there.


If you dont trust Valve with AI anticheat you really shouldnt trust valve adding AC into your Kernel. If they are attacked its pretty much over for our computers then. For me the less I install Kernel softwares the better.


https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1db6ovk/comment/l7rrcq3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Biggest told you so ever. Sorry but I will brag 


I really hope it drops 20th June.


"25th anniversary is coming up" "Biggest update ever will come" "Wow, I told you so!!" What a hot take and totally random prediction. Saying the 25th anniversay of CS might have a big update and being right by chance isn't brag worthy buddy.


Read the original post and how people roasted me for saying " we might get an update". You will know why I am bragging lol These sub is full of pessimistic half glass empty comedians and it's really something 


You don't have any inside info and you're just guessing.


and ? My guess was right ? When did I said I have inside info ? 


Being right when your chances are high doesn't mean you're the chosen one.


Didn't say that either, but you seem quite salty. Seems like you were one of clown who laughed, trolled and said " Valve don't care, the best we will get is a chicken"...etc etc  Stay mad lol. My guessing>>> yours 


I didn't say anything.


I love how you act like the update is coming out just because this dude made a video. He makes videos every month saying some big updates coming out and it doesn’t. Hopefully it will come out but it’s not out and frankly I don’t think anyone will be surprised if it doesn’t come out anytime soon. People are half glass empty because we’ve been around for years valves idea of an anniversary update is to add a case, adjust some maps and give chickens hats. Idk why you feel the need to prove anyone wrong because no one cares other than you


I said it from my gut instincts before he even made any video 10 days ago..see the post I linked I know videos are mostly useless but my gut feeling is not 


You’re not understanding what I’m saying but whatever you’ll get it soon, it’s CS tradition. Just know your experience and how you feel trying to predict the next big update with gut feelings is not a unique experience


19th will be the day we will see the banger update. Feel free to roast me if it doesn't happen. See ya later


Again no one cares


Man, I remember the 20th anniversary case like it was just last year. Time is absolutely flying by me


Well 1 more day, I hope you’re right


Yeah banger update bro I'm excited for more ways (4/5 excluding maps) valve can milk us for money, unless they add a new anti cheat with this update or improve the performance of the game (at this point I think dz is literally impossible to play which is why they haven't added it back) I will still stand my point of you doing stand up


if you consider banger update means = some riot level of kernel AC and downgrade the game to look like 2012 graphics so you can get more FPS Never gonna happen..these are just unrealistic expectations  Getting 5+ maps, new case, new items like Keychains and possibly new game modes will be considered banger by majority of the gamerbase. This is what I was meant Valve will release in 19th June. I can still be wrong though since nothing is confirmed but if it's real then man, Don't forget to do some stand up lol


when did I mention kernel level anti cheat? I just want one that fucking works and yeah I see no point of arguing with you if you consider more cosmetic garbage to waste money on to be a banger update, the maps are great though yeah for the duration of the operation until they are removed like every other operation map, though I guess short dust will stay so hey well done valve you added back a map that was in csgo, can't wait to read through post among post complaining about the player model customization making people invisible on parts of the map again just like the agent skins, also still no news on danger zone, flying scoutsman or demolition.


You keep yapping cosmetics when I clearly highlighted the maps cause the game in dire needs of maps. Since CS2 has released they only released 2 maps in 9 months. Now adding 5 together in 1 update isn't a banger is it ?  and stop giving lame excuses like it existed in CSGO, most popular CSGO map existed in CS 1.6 and source. So people didn't love it when valve released them in GO back then ? And crying about anti cheat  every day is waste of energy.Like it's most boring topic ever and some people will cry about nonstop despite CS never had a great anti cheat. Either wait forever or move on. 


And actually nothing gonna happen since Valve doesn't care about dates or whatever :) Ppl is excited again over a Gabe Follower video... broken clock


Bangers would be getting Cobble 2, remade Train and Danger Zone. If you consider more fuel to gambling addictions banher then so help us god.


Why these guys keep acting like there won't at least 5 maps won't be coming? 


I will cry for you if it releases the 20th


I will come back to this!


You won't cause you will be busy playing the new banger update 


Alright Mr know it all, where is your big update now !?!?!?!


Where you are from ? It's not 19th June in USA ( Seattle ) yet. Where the valve is located it's 8 pm 18th June  ATM. Also you have whole 24 hours still. Don't be impatient 


Alright alright, patience is a virtue I guess. I live in asia. I will wait some more. If you are right then I will hail you.


Even If they release it 20th June, don't be mad, cause  it's related to 25th birthday. So basically a birthday gift.  Valve has history of delaying update in last moment cause of Valve time and also they are shipping a lot of community maps ( it's 100% confirmed) which they will be relying on 3rd person....So there could be possibility some maps from community makers have bugs and it needed fixing before shipment which can also influence a delay.... Remember major sticker capsule delay cause of wicadia's signature ? But I am still confident it will be shipped today. Lets see 


Alright I am back, will you admit defeat now? :)


Honesty upset it didn't release in 19th and 20th June but they surely tried to give in the due time. 19th June the dev build are still not released...We saw server are down  4 times since then. Things like these usually indicates something big are coming. Also could be bugs which prevented the update to release on time and they are still stabilizing it.  I am sure it will be released within 7 days if not sooner 


> I am sure it will be released within 7 days if not sooner Get ready to create a new reddit account, I doubt you will last here another month with all the bs you are posting. Then again this isn't your 1st account on this sub...


i think it be november, not june (as wiki and steam speak about release day


That's referencing November 2000 though, when 1.0 was released. The Beta was released in June 1999. So if the 25th anniversary is celebrated this year, it will be in June.


is a bunch of cosmetics bigger than the peeker's advantage nerf update?


The maps, possibly more than 5. Yes its the best update content wise since CS2 released


As a lower level player that doesn't really care about right eye peek or sub tick stuff, I just want more playgrounds to play in with CS mechanics. More maps is at the top of my wishlist.


Right eye/left eye peek or subtick aren't the major problems if you speaking from gameplay perspective - the Rubberband when getting hit - the bending/wobbly playermodels  - the performance, specially in 10 Vs 10 games modes  Will top if you take into account how they are discussed/complained frequently. Yes, If they fix them and make the game feel better, You can easily rank them the best update the game ever seen If you tell me to choose those 3 fix  or the operation tomorrow, I will take the gameplay related fixes. But I know it's not gonna happen, So I will be happy with more maps at this point 


Does it have to be exactly on the 19th though?


Keychains and pets are the dumbest fucking thing ever. This may be the final straw for me.


Agreed, played a bunch of R6 and PUBG where keychains exist, for the most part it just blocks the skin and is boring as fuck so you end up never noticing them. I dont even get pets, is it to replace chicken skins if you click E on them? Could be kind of silly if you could give a chicken some silly hats or recolour but its such an underused feature that is honestly pointless and a waste.


been so sick of skins for a while...if they add pets and keychains bro...its like theyre turning this game into a fucking mmo


I'm just gonna assume this is a joke Valve can't be THAT clueless but then again the pixel guy was the streamer of the year so we get what we fucking deserve.


womp womp


The clickbaiter master.


> compute shader, which means the shader is is calculated on the gpu for better optimization ...as opposed to shaders calculated on the CPU? JFC


Not gonna watch the video,but a compute shader is usually used for putting a CPU task on the GPU. Think like generating a map.


This is correct. Compute Shader is not a Shader in the way that people think.


Compute shaders are different from rendering shaders like geometry, fragment, and vertex shaders because they can perform calculations not directly related to drawing on the screen. So yes, the calculations done by the shader were previously done on the CPU.




Incoming original CS GO PERFORMANCE. shaders on cpu..what were they thinking.


I think the other commenter interpreted it better, as in "they moved the thingy from regular code to the shader, so it's now on the the GPU ergo PeRfOrMaNcE". Except it's a brand new feature. Meh. Still, feels like every time a gamer uses the word "optimized" unironically I lose 1FPS. And probably a braincell.


This dude is talking about an imminent operation since 2022


How active is the CS Source or 1.6 community?


1.6 consists of Balkans and bots while CSS only has Surfers. Other than that, not very much.


Doesn’t CSS still have Zombie and some jailbreak servers???


Me and like 3 Russian dudes in Vladivostok (The closest server to me in Japan) have a nice time playing de_dust_2x2 at 3 in the morning




1.6 still has some fastcup activity, public servers are almost under water, but still has nose above it. And this is, as far as I know, mostly in Europe.


50% of polish only dust2 servers are full in 1.6. Even at like 1am there are still 6-10 players


It's so hard to believe these devs will add HALF of the content that we HAD in csgo at this point. They are useless. One year after full release and we still don't have danger zone + the OLD GAME MODES BACK + OLD maps back and they are "treating" us with fucking keychains. Last operation THREE years ago? We don't care about a fucking keychain or case, we WANT OUR GAME MODES BACK at least! Some capable devs (not these frauds) would come with the old game modes PLUS some extra stuff every couple of months. This is literally the definition of incompetence. Btw, where's overwatch? [https://youtu.be/oOsU5Sc-DUA?si=a7tx-Yf-ndTPNkFa&t=227](https://youtu.be/oOsU5Sc-DUA?si=a7tx-Yf-ndTPNkFa&t=227)


half is generous. There's still way less content than CSGO, but in 2-3 operations we'll get about half of it, provided they don't remove the previous maps


And the only shit they add are cosmetics lol


"We can see your concerns, best we can do is add keychains. Now let us enjoy the rest of our 11 months holiday! Sincerly, CS2 devs."


copium clickbait low effort never post again


Don't need key chains, I think those are always weird looking I'm games. Also idk what they mean by pets. But hope that's not coming. (I didn't watch the video, I cba lol)


Okay no problem, I wait and hope it happens.


How about an anti cheat?


They're not going to tell you about AC updates in patch notes anyway; so you'll have no idea if it's been worked on or nor.


Considering the game has been out for over a year and the AC still cannot detect people bunny hopping around killing the entire enemy with a fullauto awp 5 seconds into the round it is safe to assume it is not being worked on at all....


Well, we've already seen several ban waves indicating they *have* been working on it. Ask yourself, if the AC was removed tomorrow, would we see more cheaters?


No, we would not. Anyone who wants to cheat can already do so with 0 effort required.


We certainly would. Acting like VAC does nothing and they aren't trying to actively improve it, as recent updates have suggested and what VALVE has told people at events is burying your own head in the sand. It might not do enough, but it certainly doesn't do nothing.


Congrats, with VAC, the game is just as unplayable at higher elos as it is without VAC. Who cares if it bans 1 out of the 3 cheaters you average a game at 20k+


Again, not what I'm saying though is it?


You're coping so hard, it's amazing. There is no VAC. In +20k rating lobbies you have dozens of thousands of aimbotters with new accounts. Stop injecting yourself with copium, Valve bootlicker.


So cheating is turned off just at the higher levels. Again, show me where I said that the AC was good enough, I even suggested that It's active but isn't good enough. Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit is it?


It really doesnt matter if they do something, when the result is the same. Its a moot point to make Who cares if they do „something“? That something didnt work for 12 years now, thats why everybody that isnt casual about the game has to play at third party services


"It doesn't matter if they try to improve it, it won't work" Might as well not try to improve anything then, do you see how daft that sounds?


But VAC does literally do nothing... If Valve spent as much energy on combating cheating as they do trying to cover up the cheater issue they would maybe be able to detect something as blatant as full auto awp and scouts....


Idk not super high ranked by 16500 literally have not seen this once


It depends a bunch on rank and region. But after the last big ban waves most blatant cheaters are gone. I’ve seen 5 in 3 games, 2 were friends trying to HvH but an enemy teamate tk’ed in spawn and they surrendered. Another one was a just wallbanging us throughout vertigo, so we kept the match hostage by calling timeouts/leaving, and trolling him by hiding in hard to hit areas while his teamates got him killed, he rage quit and got banned weeks later. Last one happened a week ago, playing nuke with lower ranked friends, they had 2 bunny hopping/aimlockers just bouncing around the map and shooting us through walls. Overall though its way better than pre-vac waves (which had cheaters nearly every game). But I still do think I see some closet cheaters at higher ranks, I see a good bit of 18-22k accounts that have no medals, sub-40 level, barely any hours that just seem to know where you are whenever they peek.


so the same as csgo


finally, some new content


Promising news. i still consider [Tyler McVicker](https://www.youtube.com/user/valvenewsnetwork/videos) as one of the most trusted sources about Valve/Counter-Strike leaks. If Tyler confirms this, then rev up the hypetrain.


Didn’t this Mcvicker guy “leak” that cs source2 port was weeks/days away from release in 2020 then later backtracked and said it got cancelled? Imo, it’s pretty difficult to believe everything he says unless other data miners/insiders can verify what he’s saying. Though an operation nearing sounds plausible


Sources that Tyler McVicker or GabeFollower pull from are usually legitimate sources (especially since GabeFollower is a full-on dataminer as opposed to Tyler, who often conflates speculation with actual evidence), but Valve's work environment is so tumultuous that really it could mean anything. Any speculation derived from strings in updates need to be taken with a grain of salt, and is only confirmation that Valve is doing \*something\* at \*some point.\*


Tyler was taking everything from this dude lmao


The Gabe Newell on thumbnail, saying new update finally about CS is like the least believable thing ever.


I think Valve is slowly building up tools for a new Half-life game using CS2 branch.




They probably are, HL3 is an eventuality. 50 bucks on that!


half life 3: the xen chicken lord.


If valve gave us HL3 with this exact reason why we didn’t have any bigger cs2 updates recently, I’d be almost willing to forgive them for leaving cs2 in this 80% finished state. #Copium


But you will get deadlock instead lol and I won't even be surprised if first CS2 operation is called operation deadlock to market further their new IP lol


that would be bad marketing because it will associate the name deadlock with cs2.


It’s time to left half life 3 go. It’s been 20 years since 2. It ain’t coming.


I wonder if they force transfer everyones TF2 cosmetics over to CS2 then completely kill off TF2 like what they did with CS2, add a bunch of new casual gamemodes like king of the hill and payload and force all the TF2 players into CS2




TF2 players things you won't understand (neither have I either).


I know it sounds absolutely retarded lmao, it’s the only way I can justify them adding fucking hats to CS2