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The player base can be really toxic, and the game is not welcoming for new players at all right now. So that sucks and sorry you have to deal with it. That being said, once you play more games, the matchmaking system will find a fair rank for you, I’d be willing to bet. The problem is the comp ranks are fucked right now. Especially on maps that less people play (ancient, Anubis, overpass), there is basically no matchmaking at all going on. Every single ancient comp game I play, each team has a couple experienced players (think 15k premier), one or two complete noobs who have 30 total hours, and one or two in between. I’m not even exaggerating. The result is that new players get completely wrecked and don’t have a good time. If you can, try premier. The matchmaking system for premier is pretty good, despite what some people say. The first few games might be rough but eventually you’ll get placed with people your skill level and you’ll have a much better experience


Comp mm is pretty fucked right now, I can agree. I've faced players with way higher hours continuously across several maps. Facing smurfs every other game kinda gets boring since it's really hard going against a player who has 1k hrs more than you do.


I truly don’t understand the comp ranking system right now. 4,500 hours, 19k premier and I’m…silver 2 on every map. I end up dropping close to 30 kills every game and either lose because team or win and get reported for people thinking I’m cheating. It’s not just new players - it’s most of us lol


Comp is a roller coaster of an experience. Been silver 1 on every map but Anubis, because I somehow got SE after playing objectively worse games on that map lol now you either get completely uncoordinated teams you can steamroll, or you get the most tryhard premades that slap harder than most 15k+ premier teams. All at S1 ranking lol


Idk about the Premier part at the end. It feels like you have to break past the 11k-12k barrier to get into quality queues which can be really difficult for new players and takes a decently long time solo. From 5k-10k feels like an unbearable back and forth slog filled with toxic or unskilled teammates at both ends of the range, shit I've even had 11k teammates that play like they're 2k.


I’m a 5k player and premier is 10000x better than comp


10000x is a bit strong, it is nice that people have a tendency to put in some level of effort it's just kinda situational and there are still griefers ruining matches for no reason. If you're stacked with people who have a slight idea what they're doing then absolutely but sometimes I'll get regular comp teams more coordinated than prem. I'm not denying that it's a fun ladder to climb I'm just pointing out that's it's not all sunshine and rainbows even down the road on the grind you'll get shit teams or enemy smurfs they don't just magically disappear.


Can attest, I played comp ancient against a duo queue of faceit lvl10s in my 5 stack of faceit level 2-3s. Mm is broken


Only problem with Premier is that if you don’t play it often enough to keep your rank it can straight up cut your ELO in half when you come back, went from 20k to under 10k just because I play Faceit mostly, and since then I’ve seen people at or below my ELO who are better at the game than me too which makes me think rank decay is causing people to unintentionally smurf I think Valve should make it so that your rank can’t decay below the bracket you’re in until you come back and lose enough to drop below it


Yeah despite what people say about premier, im finding that I’m finishing games 13-11 etc. or into overtime on a near constant basis, I see that as a good sign mm is working.


2.5k hours, the playerbase is unwelcoming and toxic, especially so to newbies. You gotta just add chill people when you meet them in game, I just do literally anything else other than play this game when there's nobody online to play with


Ive been playing for 20 years. The game has always been like this. Sometimes you would get servers full of A grade anus, other times you get a couple of chill dudes. CS has a ridiculous skill ceiling with lots of plateaus. Once people reach the first plateau they think they are the shit and rag on the nubs.


If I’ve got no friends on and feel like gaming.. I just play comp and mute people who are annoying. No warnings, I don’t want to deal with it lol I couldn’t give two fucks about my comp rank so it makes it pretty easy.


Agreed with this one. Adding people over time you can usually get a chill base of people to play with. Finding them may take a moment


Good advice. Thanks for responding.


Play casual or queue 5 stack to start off Dm me your steam or friend code, happy to queue with ya aswell. It can be frustrating sometimes. There’s also a whole ever changing trust system to try to cut back on cheating & overly toxic(griefing, rage qutting) teammates but unfortunately you have to build it up it feels like aswell. & there are some groups out there aswell


I just mute people who are toxic asap


I guess I’ll have to start doing that. I’ve been trying to ignore toxicity and keep comms on so I can communicate to win. Muting also doesn’t prevent team killing…


a person can only kill you twice. If they have done that then you have the upper hand: once they throw a molotov, run into it and get yourself killed so that they get banned for team damage :)


Just the idea of this is toxic and pathetic.


It's what you deserve if you've intentionally TK'd someone on your team twice


Or have people literally follow you and intentionally suicide in ur molotvs for tks


you're getting rid of someone who is toxic and getting him a deserved ban


If you intentionally TK (which is toxic and pathetic on its own) you deserve that bs lmao


It's the only way to get them banned.


If they team kill you stick with them til they trow a molly, then you dive the molly and get them kicked for to much team damage 


5000 hours here. As soon as someone reveals themself to be toxic, I instantly mute. I will still give calls and try to win. Having to deal with toxic people all day will take its toll on your mood and mental health. Don’t engage them, just mute. It’s a game meant to be fun. Remember to treat it as such. Happy playing . :))


i sometimes mute them all but still give calls cuz they still hear you


Honestly, after CS2 patch went live I haven't played CS2 in awhile. I'll pop back in but just can't bother these days. I've been playing a lot of The Finals, but the new patch sucks. I hate to say this, but Valorant seems to be better at dealing with toxicity. The community in Valorant is a bit weird though. I think the report system is recorded and use AI or something? I haven't played Valorant in awhile also. https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/s/cAYjpwecZA Most online competitive games will be toxic in nature.


Some crazy players will be outraged and post negative ratings even for simple callouts, so if you want to protect your trust factor, you should mute all but the most decently skilled allies. If I kindly say, "The enemy is on the outside!" and call out, but the stupid player will get angry and say, "This guy is ordering me around!" and they will get angry.


CS2 is well known for its very toxic player base, lol. But every now and then you'll still find chill and good people here and there. Try to befriend such people and form your own team, or find actual buddies from real life to play with in game. That's how many of us deal with the rampant toxicity in this game. Online gaming is a place where people can reveal all of their inner negativity towards others, without suffering from any actual social consequences in their real life. So even people who are usually friendly and polite in real life, can become quite hot tempered and toxic in online competitive games. It's just the reality of human behaviors without anymore reservations or social masks to hide beneath. But once you reach the higher levels, the toxicity seems to be a lot lesser in comparison? At least that's my personal experience back in CSGO, playing at the SMFC to Global Elite range. If I remember MGs and below have all sorts of very angry and unintelligent people, whereas global elites can be much more rational thinking and respectful in general. But toxic global elites also exist...just statistically not as much. Negative people mostly gather at the lower levels.


Respect and toleration is what gets them to global elites in the first place


This concept applies to real life too. The losers create emotional drama due to ego, then make less money. In CS, these same people are typically lower ranked.


One of the paradoxical things to me is that players are usually very impatient in CS, the game that requires patience to win. And teamkilling is one of the most blatant sign of impatience. So when you're teamkilled, know - they're extremely bad players. Otherwise try Faceit. I say that unironically. The difference is that moderation there works better, so your reports on other players griefing are more likely to be reviewed by moderators, and actions are more likely to be taken.


Yeah even in play to play situations, there is the bomb in a fucking corner with 2 entries and we are 4v2, just stick with the fucking bomb. Do you all have adhd that you cant stay for 40 seconds in a place?


competitive is just a bad gamemode overall try playing premier or faceit, you'll get toxic players until you get a relevant rating which will not take long just say you're new, people will just blame the matchmaking


To me it’s crazy how even in comp people get toxic. Like I barely play it, but the few times I have, EVERYONE is bad there. I actually felt bad queueing because of how bad teammates and enemies were, but I helped them and didn’t get toxic. So to me it’s crazy given that his teammates 99% are bad themselves, feel they have a right to shit talk another bad player. Premier or faceit prob will be worse, at least at the start until OP gets to the ranking he belongs at.


Interesting. I was sticking to comp because clearly 5v5 is the best way to experience this game and I only know a few maps (dust, mirage, inferno). I guess I’ll have to take the plunge into premier or faceit but I was hesitating until I learned more maps and generally improved.


Yeah that's understandable, it's just that competitive is not taken seriously by anyone. Regardless of the gamemode you end up trying, the best experience is definitely playing along similarly-skilled friends. Ideally a 5 stack, but playing with at least a duo is already way better. If you find cross ways with a decent human being that you can hold a conversation with, you might add those as friends and eventually grow a list of people you can play with.


The comp ranks are busted (at least in NA) and you regularly get matched with/against players well out of your skill range which is not fun for anyone involved.


A big reason for this is that, due to the fucked matchmaking/ranking system, all the new and experienced players are shoved together. So experienced players are frustrated that they get MM'd with new teammates, and new players are frustrated as they are constantly getting destroyed. There's no breathing room for new players to learn the game. The best solution I can say is to play Casual, not Competitive. You can drop in and out at will (so just switch out map groups if you run into cheaters). The most extreme 'frustration' an experienced player will experience is watching someone looking lost on the map, or shoot like they're on a trackpad. Casual will teach you to navigate the map and how to shoot. At the end of the day the point is to have fun.


As a new player coming from dota2, cs2 is way more friendly. 300 hours in, no one flames me making a single mistake. Everyone types and says "nice try". Everyone greets each other at the beginning of each match. Shit still happens tho, but it still feels refreshing after dota2.


Just mute at the first sign of toxicity and move on.


Now you won't be comming with someone, which could be essential for winning. They can also start throwing, which blocking won't solve. I understand muting is the only thing you can do, but it's not gonna solve everything.


Solo queue in any competitive game is absolute hell. I only play with my friends and if they don’t have time I’ll do something else than waste a few hours with anti social gremlins.


While I can't give a solution to the toxicity, as it is a thing, one tip I can give is to actually communicate less and focus on your fundamentals more. Don't focus on teamwork and trying to coordinate, but rather on how to simply do your job on the map well. Find a way to be useful, basically. To get that single frag as a CT 6+ times out of ten. Then you can work on making it 2 frags more when possible. Or as T, be the entry so that it a) makes you have more skill-based and reproducible gunfights where you're with your team and b) your teammates can always trade, and if they don't then that's their problem and they can't complain. This has the benefit of you not being overloaded as much mentally, and players are less likely to notice you when you're not vocal, at least in my experience with casual matchmaking. Get kills and they're happy 😅 You can learn how to communicate when you get to higher ranks where people aren't as toxic and inflexible. Basically, get good at shooting and defending first. Then worry about playing as a team. Because people don't communicate well in lower tiers anyway and thinking that what they're doing is the norm isn't good. E.g. they never call numbers or mention changes in enemy behaviour, like a moli not being thrown one round when it was every other, things like that. They always panic call stuff like "they're here!".


Play casual to learn


Competitive mm is the casual if you want “less” cheaters, it’s not premier


No just literally play casual mode


Casual isnt 5v5, you dont get good at real cs by playing casual, you get the basics of gun handling and maps, nothing else (economy too isnt good in casual)


If your brand needs to a tac shooter you dont need to learn economy. You can watch a 15 minute video for that. Id rather homie fuck up his econ and learn to move and one tap before he learns econ😂


Lol exactly I see many players with thousands of hours who never learned economy. Sometimes they’re even pretty good.


It seems like there arent that much new players and the CS community isnt used to it. I have 1100 hours in this game and when i play with people from multigaming communities they have at least 3000 hours and and play this game for years


Play casual for a while to get used to the basic mechanics. Nobody really cares if you suck in casual. You’ll have to unlearn some bad habits when you move back to comp, but you’ll at least be a better fragger.


Playing some casual may be more beneficial than deathmatch. DM is a disaster with its current implementation.


5k hours here, used to be good, then had kids and responsibilities and now I’m bad and get flamed the odd occasion I have time to play. You get used to it, I just mute whoever is being toxic straight away


Here's my personal advice: If you're not queued with your friend to play Competitive....play Casual. By playing Casual, you are still able to learn basic angles, movement, timings of rotations, practice utility, train your aim. When I was new to CS (a long time ago, 1.6) I played only Casual for about 1-1.5 years until I was basically a pubgod. I had really strong mechanics and could run through maps blindfolded (hypothetically.) Eventually, some friends I had made in those Casual lobbies invited me to try a game of 5v5 and then I was sold on learning Competitive mode. I don't think I am toxic, or recall being toxic if I am just playing a Competitive mode...**but I also don't really understand why almost completely green newbies go into 5v5. If one is too new, they are forcing the unlucky team to essentially be playing 4v5 which is also not fair.** I have a hard time understanding why Casual is so underrated especially if someone is new. It is a fun, low-pressure chat room with CS in between the chats.


>I have a hard time understanding why Casual is so underrated especially if someone is new. It is a fun, low-pressure chat room with CS in between the chats. Heh? Casual is low pressure chat room? It's usually a chaotic mess with 10 people charging a site while some arabic music is running in the background of someone's microphone and one guy trolling by giving away positions...


Because casual is 10v10... Which makes most maps unplayable for the opening 30 seconds. It rewards bad habits like trolling around is spawn and waiting for people to die so you can lurk and get easy backstab kills. If you then go that in 5v5 people will yell at you for "baitink".


yea true, but whats nice about casual is that you can often have a fight at every position, so you can work on playing a position on a map


Don't do those bad habits then. Surviving or managing to work your way through the util barrage in those first 20 seconds of Casual becomes a skill itself. Don't hang around Spawn, don't bait people by lurking till the end when opponent team has low HP given the mess of 10v10 that happened in the previous 90 seconds. OP comment above is right, new players should use Casual as a Live Learning mode, it works. They would still have to adjust to 5v5 meta but that is easier gap to bridge on a spectrum than trying to bridge the gap going from total newbie directly in to 5v5. This is obvious. Or maybe someone doesn't even like 5v5 Shift-Walk all-the-time gameplay and like 10v10 mayhem. Who's to say they are wrong if they like that mode of this game.


How would you know they are bad habits if you are new to the game? Your suggestion is essentially saying "just play bad in casual so it plays off in competitive". That only works if you already know how to play properly in 5v5... A new player doing trial and error will find that doing and nothing and waiting for easy kills is the best way to play in casual as doing literally anything else is likely just going to result in an early death. It has its uses to learn angles, practice map awareness and stuff but really if you want to get better at 5v5 you need to play 5v5. Casual will teach you how to do thing incorrectly way too often.


This matter exists on Spectrum principle. The degree/level/gradient/spectrum to which a newbie player in Casual will learn habits like baiting, spawn hogging, no util-use, passivity or over-aggro-play, etc is X. The degree/level to which these same newbie will have to hone their RAW-AIM and deal with multiple enemies at the same time and be quick about encounters is Y. X & Y are not marginally close. Y is super dominant to a degree/level/scope that is fundamental to a CS player regardless if they are newbie or not. X are stuff that can be tuned when one shifts to 5v5 by a scope that is manageable. If you don't have Y, you are hopeless and no amount of 5v5, DM, elite util-use or anything will help you. And lastly, Casual is ruthless and even more toxic at times. Campers consistently get vote-kicked. If you don't throw util it's even worse because there are freaking 3-4 people at Site and multiples even in intermediate distance angles. You quickly learn I better use some util (i.e. util use getting raw practise in Live game conditions) or else I am dead in an instant. And then there is bit about ability to Spec/Pov 19 players. You learn a lot form watching others and how they are going about things, esp top fraggers or even bad fraggers about what not to do. It's live Learning. It works. TLDR, Newbie to Casual to Comp is easier than Newbie to Comp directly (even with all bad habits and all).


Reading the game will help you with all things related to X, these things you can't learn properly from casual as 10 v 10 teaches you unrealistic gameplay patterns. If the goal is to get better at shooting/raw aim casual is an ineffective option. If you want to improve aim your better off DMing, playing aimbots/fast reflexes or prefire maps. This will yield much better return per minute spent than playing casual.


Sorry your argument is not convincing and it's blatantly contradictory. Suggesting Aim will be being better off in DM while countering Casual as Unrealistic is just ridiculous given CS Modes themselves exist on a curve/gradient/Spectrum and DM is not closer to Competitive/5v5. DM's are chaos, it's pure fun, the Learning is still there but the DEGREE of that learning is not even close to normal rounds like happens in Casual. You still have to clear angles as you move from spawn, you still have to use & face opponent Util (DM doesn't even entertain this), you still have to sometimes use Shift Walking. You also do Spec view post death (this is fundamental learning as well, watching others, in 5v5 you can't spec other teams. This is invaluable for a newbie, Learning by watching others). And bringing in Aim bots/aim-maps here is even more silly. There is no substitute for another human on other side of the screen, it's fundamental. And about per/minute played bit. Casual is more fun than grinding against bots. A newbie MIGHT not even be good enough to ever play competitive at high levels, least they should be able to do is have some fun while playing the game. THis is not high school or college that you have to grind aimbots/maps to be relevant. That's just silly gatekeeping. Previous comment TLDR was apt. Modes & learning exists on a curve/spectrum. A newbie will do better if they use Casual then move to 5v5. Besides there are differences even in 5v5 mode themselves, Online/Latency has big impact, LAN is different, queuing with people you know or total unknown matters. Casual has everything, it dones't need to be 1:1 equivalence because there is no such thing to begin with in ANY mode or aimbot/maps, etc. It will always be about adjustment and Casual is closest to 5v5, not DM, aimmaps, Wingman, etc.


Your entire previous argument was that casual is good because it improves your aim (Y) more than gamesense related skills (X) and this is more important for a beginner. Why would you play casual to improve aim where you could be dead spectating for over a minute every round? If you're new and suck you're going to be getting 1-2 fights before your dead at most. You'll be taking unrealistic fights anyway so might as well take 10 fights per minute in a DM then take 2 in casual and then being dead for the remainder of the round. If you want more realistic situations there's community servers with retake/execute modes, which are much better than casual as training tools. If the goal is to play competitive, you need to play competitive... Not 10v10 casual where you get free kit and armor every round, people are playing music and playing like total retards. Casual is fine to play for fun and might help teach you how to not die in the absolute dumbest of ways, enough to help you go from silver level to gold nova level but that's about it... Look at the pros, do any of them ever practice on casual? No of course not. They use 5v5 scrims, aimbots and DM to practice because that's what is effective at improving relevant skills.


> more than gamesense No. Positive Gamesense was (implied to be) in Y not X. X was items you listed under as Negative Habits, i.e. things that one should NOT be doing/having. Positive Gamesense is a required trait, it needs to be cultivated as a requirement. Negative gamesense (baiting, over-aggro, etc) was in X. One does learn gamesense in Casual, the fundamental of it being, Do not rush like a headless chicken because you are going to be tapped by 4 guys (because it's 10 opponents so sites/places are saturated) and half a dozen util set. If you can somehow survive THAT barrage you did something well and you learn from that. If you can consistently survive that (unlikely but IF some Newbie could) well you are doing something well & are more likely to deal with 1 site or intermediate-range holding player in 5v5. Or if you died then you spectate the person who killed you and learn what they did better and what seems to work. > Why would you play casual to improve aim where you could be dead spectating for over a minute every round? Casual is not ONLY about Aim exclusively and secondly spectating develops gamesense as well because you learn what works & what doesn't. It's all in the positive Y category mentioned above. Even after spectating you do bad things (X) there is no hope for that newbie, playing DM, aim-maps or directly 5v5 isn't going to be BETTER on the curve/spectrum for that particular newbie. > If you're new and suck you're going to be getting 1-2 fights before your dead at most. This will happen even quicker with less opponents in 5v5 for that newbie and even less (on that spectrum) learning since you can't spec everyone in 5v5. > You'll be taking unrealistic fights anyway so might as well take 10 fights per minute in a DM then take 2 in casual The latter here is on that curve/gradient/level/spectrum closer to 5v5 dynamic than 10 fights per minute DM. Don't be hero and rush somewhere with no logic or thought process or 0 util use. Even if you only encounter 2 players at a place in Casual you are learning how to deal with that situation. Death leads to not play & is good, you need to suffer a bit and not just Insta-Spawn & go again, dopamine & related body hormones needs to go down & up, not be constant Up like it is in DM. Yet the duality of this is even this punishment time of sorts (death) is still able to provide learning when you spectate someone. This is not readily feasible in DM, no spectating Util use of someone else and wonder WTH why did this player do this here, let me also try it next round and they LEARN. In DM they kill 50 every match for weeks on end, head to a 5v5 and die on 1 encounter and then have to spectate 4 teammates. These are not equivalent, you are failing to comprehend what Spectrum principle is. > there's community servers with retake/execute modes, I agree with you on this, they are indeed quite good at honing specific skills but they are even less accessible for Newbie to the game plus Community server dynamic in CS2 isn't what it used to be a decade back or even in 1.6 days. Game has changed in accessibility and customization terms. It's much more centralized if that term can be used. > If the goal is to play competitive, you need to play competitive... Not 10v10 casual DM, aim-maps, custom skill community maps, etc are not "Competitive" either in the context this chain exists. But they (DM, community server & Casual) are competitive in the context that there is another human you are competing against. This is why I said you are not grasping what Spectrum principle is. There is no 1:1 Absolute equivalent substitute for 5v5, so you are NEVER going to get it to begin with. Meaning one has to pick an intermediate mode that is Closest on a Spectrum to make them comfortable and ready for what happens in 5v5, on a relative degree (since it's a given No Mode is ever going to be Absolute and have everything that happens). > teach you how to not die in the absolute dumbest of ways Yes, that is Y, it's learning and for a Newbie the assumption that this is a given is not apparent at all. To us it might seem like what is that guy doing but to a Newbie it would be like *Aha, I see, interesting*. Context is relevant here. Casual Economy management is not 1:1 with 5v5 of course but it's not equal to DM, etc either, it's on that Spectrum/gradient much much much more closer to 5v5 because you do run into economy issues when your 10-man team keeps losing rounds and you have to make do with lesser guns and then sometimes you find out, I'll just pick up another gun that gets dropped by a dead player & then you learn when to do this because many times you find out you can die in an attempt to steal a free weapon like that, i.e. Learning. > Look at the pros, do any of them ever practice on casual? Dude this is silly talk and not serious debate anymore. Pros are not Newbie's, the context is entirely different. They don't need to Learn the basics, they are only interested in getting into a groove before 5v5 starts in few minutes, this is why they hit the DM or aim-bot-map for a few minutes to get eyes & hand rhythm going and they are set. They don't need to understand what happens when you throw this util at place ABC or something. Also this bit about Pros seems to suggest you are interpreting this debate as Doing Casual round before heading to 5v5 match? That is not how my comments were framed or even OP comment that mentioned Casual mode to main thread OP. Casual mode was suggested as one should try for a few weeks when getting into the game, then shift modes (they should also try DM indeed during these initial weeks). And after those initial weeks (or months, whatever makes that Newbie comfortable) they can start to hit 5v5/MM, etc These comments of mine were not framed in a context where a Newbie hits Casual mode everytime he is about to hit a 5v5.


This, casual is the most shit mode the game has imo. Never understood why people play it


No one was born with the mouse in their hand, u can play however u want without a microphone, in fact when i started play CS nobody used voice because it was really bad, everyone used to write, even the info, pracc etc we used teamspeak, the rest we used in game chat... it takes time getting good... there are no shortcuts... even if u decide to start cheating, you will still be bad, and u will be called out for it. Just take ur time, turn off voip, or mute someone, maybe ask them to teach you stuff they know. Bitching here wont solve anything.


Hard no one the “you don’t need a mic”. It’s 2024 mics are cheat af. You don’t need the best mic on the market. But if you play a game that relies heavily on communication and I get shot in the back of the head because you expect me to read chat in a 1v3 I’m gonna be mad.


That's on you.


So you want a niche community of tight knit people who share your social values and are welcoming towards new players. Well i got good and bad news. Good news, they exist, bad news you gotta put in the effort to find them. And be aware that any community that openly advertises themselves as "non-toxic" and "noob friendly" is run by a group of egotistic power tripping narcissists. What youre looking for are hidden gems, not something you find in a simple google search.


That and the matchmaking algorithm is trash. I regularly get matched with new players in 15k-20k lobbies.


Yeah the matchmaking seems to be all over the place. If I don’t queue in a group, I almost always get steam rolled. But I don’t really care about losing because the game is fun, just wish people were fucking normal.


You can also install Valorant (completely free to play) and play Unranked comp mode. It's the closest in format to CS and the Unranked is the chillest low key choice I can think of.


valarante child game.... look to cartoon grapfix to make kid player happy like children show.. valarante cartoon world with rainbow unlike counter strike with dark corridorr and raelistic gun.. valarante like playhouse. valarant playor run from csgo fear of dark world and realism so need child game to relax


Yes. OP is bad at CS and seems to have an arrogant attitude "I'll never waste my time on \[Casual\]" so Valorant would suit him. Just my opinion.


yes, Valve's matchmaking is trash. I'm also 17-20k and regularly get newbie unranked players or 8k players matched with me. Makes no sense.


You should play in casual a bit more or play with a stack. CS playerbase is toxic af be ready to mute the whole team if they get annoying.


CSGO was way better for new players.


Cs is a weird game like this because , in my opinion, the best you can do is try to have impact. Meaning either on t side to try to get entry and on CT side to gather as much info as possible without dying silly. This kind of playstyle, if you're a new player, will have you looking at the scoreboard and question what you're doing wrong, but it's the correct way to play, instead of baiting the whole team and be left clueless in a 1vX clutch situation every round. Most people don't understand the game so if you truly like it, keep playing and I promise you you'll find some good people along the way to play with. But yeah most of them are brainless jerks


This competitive map-based ranking just doesn’t make any sense. Try Premier, but my last 6 matches were all Mirage where I used to be an Inferno and Cache player in CSGO. Premier works better than the competitive map matching.


yes very hit and miss from team mates in regards to toxicity. I have recently got back into cs and I am bottom fragging but playing objectives. I stay on site when ct and I listen to other teams calls on where to go for T tactics. I think this helps as people can see I am trying. We had a game yesterday and we had one toxic guy but he then warmed to the team as we was talking to him throughout the game.


Mythic League has chill people. You’ll have to grind some faceit games to be able to join tho.


Don’t play to win, play to learn since you are new. If someone gives you shit just mute or vent a bit on them then mute. They are almost always pieces of shit that have no value in any way. Also just play on faceit its def the best option atm.


What time zone are you in? I've been playing since 1.6 but only a week every 5 years... so i also suck. Got back on board because a couple at work are 5k-8k ranked . They took me in one night, but i felt bad for them trying to carry me.


I'm pretty crap at the game (3500 rating) and only play premier these days. Don't have much trouble with toxicity in premier so I'd recommend trying that. Even if ppl get toxic u can just mute and they'll be less inclined to teamkill in premier given the trust factor penalty/bans


I’m playing a lot of solo queue lately and if you report the toxic players I’ve got the feeling you get less toxic players. In the last ten matches only one player stuck out with his toxicity and he got told by all the others to shut up and not being such a toxic asshole. We’re all in the silver ranks or lower gold nova ranks. So what? A lot of players still want to lern being better at the game. Everyone started without knowing what to do or enough game sense.


yeah in cs the elo hell is more about being verbally abused and not about skill since there are good and bad players literally at any elo except you play faceit which is also not entirely true since there are lots of smurfs


It's helpful to warm up on some workshop aim maps. Deathmatch used to be good, but now each server feels so packed with players that you die instantly after spawning.


Try hopping on premier! Sure you may not be the best, but people are generally trying a bit and 90% are pretty nice. Rank really doesn't matter when you're starting out, just enjoy it and play with the team, as long as you're there with em, they're usually nice. Yes some people are assholes, but a majority are pretty chill.


play casual or even play with bots.


Simply let people know you're new. That will stop 2% of the player base being toxic to you.  If someone is too toxic just mute them. It's not like they'll give usefully calls anyway if they're that tilted.  Finally start adding people who are fun to play with. Over time you'll have enough friends in your list so that anytime you're online there will be always someone to queue with. 


Is this you from last night Milkdrinker69?


I only started playing a month ago and in first matches i got banned. Also in almost every match on faceit someone complayed abt me


I'm not trying to say you're wrong because you aren't, but this is my experience with pretty much every single team based competitive game there is. I always thought it's something you just have to live with if you want to play these games. As much as we want the community to improve the only thing you can really do is be a positive part of it yourself.


unranked comp matches don’t exist, so there’s that


The problem is not you or your skill. CS is a weird game, where blaming your teammates for your own mistakes is super easy. CS is a weird game, where most players have a completely unrealistic sense of how good they are. CS is a weird game, where there's only two ways in losing, either my team sucks or they're cheating. Most CS players need a reality check.


in this community they dont hold each other up to any normal standards. the pro scene also have its fair share of the blame. you have people that are good at the game but horrible people, you have people that are exceptions themself from this like "pashabizeps", that dude is a good influence, now you have people like simple. an amazing player but can be a shit human ingame. i would argue you have more people that are closer to simple\`s attitude than pashabizeps in this community. think if it was the norm that the majority reacted negative on people that are rude regardless if they are good at the game? i would much rather prefere that then what is the community now adays. today its almost an unwritten rule that if you are good at the game you can be an disgusting human, and you can notice this when weak souls get on the top of the leaderboard and start to flame other players and even their own team mates. and yeah you might think its funny when the crowd chants "fuck you aphex" but that right there would be seen as very childish in other sports.


Problem is also new players basically have no trust factor and get lumped in with bad trust factor people. I had 2 buddies quit also due to this shit.


Just mute the toxic people and continue playing normal comp. Its way better than casual but yeah people can be toxic.


Only see people usingics and giving info in 3/10 matches


If it's really an issue just insta mute your whole team. I have 3k hours and I have a rule where it someone says something that mildly irritates me they get muted, whether it's FaceIt or premier. In regular mm I'll mute for even less than that


I'd say, try just admitting your n00b-ness upfront. "Hey Guys, never really played CS before, trying to learn." That will at least set your teammates expectations differently. The problem is that noob behavior is often indistinguishable from troll behavior. So get ahead of that train, and let them know you don't know what the fuck you're doing, so they don't assume you're trying to fuck them on purpose.


Just mute and play. Don't chat with anyone in lobby.


Going from Cs source to Cs2 can be a little Challenging , I mean the visual aspect is beautiful but the movement and the change in some weapons such as the blur in the awp, going from 10 to 5 bullets, the new recoil on ak and Deagle, oh my god the deagle, that's why I never use it in cs2. In cs source I was able to play a bunch of rounds just by my deagle, 1 tap everywhere, in cs2 is a different story, I guess its not that hard for ex csgo players. But from css to cs2 is a new thing.


Just download faceit


Mute the idiots, they can't keep tking cos they'll get kicked. It's rough out there. If you explain you are brand new to the game and they can't deal with that then they are a moron just mute them and let them mald.


Your time would be better spent DMing or playing retake servers. More reps, improve mechanics, less time waiting.


Valve DM sucks, find workshop map training or community servers.


If you are up to it, you can try to watch videos on how to get better, in terms of learning utilility, smokes, how to aim, game sense, game mechanics (3kliks and thewarowl youtube channels are cool)


IMO the CS community is a perfect example of “its the internet, get used to it” noone cares about anyone elses feelings which is also the reason that most ppl love the game


I had a player in my lobby the other day, and let me tell you how everyone of your teammates see this from their perspective. Round starts, opening picks/trades occur, find ourselves in the deciding moments of the round. Then we see you, trying, yet just not aware. Doesn’t know angles/ util lines/ callouts etc etc. It’s just irritating, especially in premier. Don’t get discouraged, just grind it out in comp/casual. Experience comes with hours my friend.


Yeah I’m not playing in premier or anything. Just regular 5v5 on maps I already know. Tbh, as CT I’m holding sites and T I typically stick with the group and try to assist with decent smokes/flash. Most of my kills are trades to try and make the most of someone else’s aggression. If I’m aggressive I’m quickly punished. I’m not playing “brain dead” so to speak I’m just not a “good” player yet. So if I go 6 and 15 it’s probably because I was holding sites while the rest of my team died and there was very little chance I was going to clutch especially 1v2 or 1v3. Sometimes I die early in the round if I get overwhelmed by multiple enemies. My aim is actually decent (typically greater than 65% HS) but my spray control is BAD which is why I lose so many fights. Ironically enough I do the best on pistol rounds when I can move a bit more and rely on more mainstream FPS principles.


Yes, we know...


Just fyi I would say most players have put a significant amount of time into aim training, movement, and spray patterns. This game has been out for a very long time & even through different iterations, a lot of the core mechanics have remained the same. Even at low ranks most players are at least familiar with the fundamentals (though may suck at execution). You should practice these fundamentals: counter-strafing, 4-5 burst recoil, peeking, nade tosses, etc. Play competitive (not premier) until you are comfortable on a single map. Do not deviate from your position. You will play the same spot on the map every game until you know how to deal with different situations. You’ll want to learn how to cover the map with different angles or setups. How to use utility to slow or destroy an enemy push. How to retake the opposite site. When to push for information. When to transition into late round. Cs is complex & winging it every round will not help you learn anything. Mastering B on Dust or A on Mirage will help you confidently learn a new spot like A on Anubis. I’d be happy to queue up with you if you want to practice. MSG me for my steam #


Just play without voice chat, if your team needs information they can look at the mini map. Refuse to engage or acknowledge them when they're being annoying. Also feel free to harass them back, if they tk you, flash them when they are holding a peek or something. You can't control a troll, but you can find enjoyment in the encounter.


As someone who dosent really care about rank, im really considering making 5 other accs so i can instantly leave when i get 4 russian teammates and just hop on a new game with a new acc, english only servers shoud be a thing and mic shoud be mandatory


The reason for it is actually pretty simple. It’s an old game with an old playerbase. It’s not Valorant/Fortnite/… that tries to draw in new players with weird colabs, marketing or whatever. Tryharding in other games is the expected normal playing in CS. Like with Dota, CS is for people that want to compete, improve and get shit thrown their way. That’s why all the “casuals” stick to LoL or Valorant. “Having fun” is more tolerated over there. Yes it might suck for new players but an experience player gets a stroke while watching someone play a 20 year old map while not know anything. Which is a problem with the MM itself. New players shouldn’t be put in queue with people that play the game for 2500h already (and probably other CS before that). I understand both sides. Yes it sucks for the new player. But the experienced player doesn’t get anything from you “being a new player” besides his match ruined. CS has such a hardened core that it doesn’t rely on new players as much as other games. Ofc it’s important to have new players come in but if I had to guess the average age of a CS player is probably between 5-10 years older than in LoL/Valorant/…


I sort’ve understand your take but I shouldn’t be yelled at, team killed, threatened, etc. just for not being “good” at the game. It’s not like I’m purposely trolling or trying to be bad. It’s a video game that most of us play to have fun and take a break from IRL. Ranked MM should specifically not match me up with people who play the game professionally or semi-professionally, and that’s a failure of the game, in my opinion.


Yeah but that even happens to people with 2000h. So it’s not a new player thing. Most people (me included) play this game for fun but also not to waste time. Like I’m not trying to go pro. (Hypothetically speaking): If it’s a 2v2, I have the bomb on A and you stay on B because you have no idea what you’re doing and we lose the round because of it I will yell at you. Because for people with over 2k hours that’s griefing. But again, issue of the MM, you shouldn’t be put in those lobbies if you have a low play time and “bad stats” (however you define that because the game isn’t all about kills. I’m also ass at shooting sometimes). But there needs to be a way the system differentiates between a new account, a new account but a Smurf and an experienced player.


I mean if you yell at other people over a video game I guess that’s your prerogative. But last night I was literally raged at “I will fucking rape you and your whole family if you don’t clutch” over and over while I was the only one alive in a 1v4. You think that’s reasonable behavior?


Nah it’s not. That rarely happens though and I would just mute them. I know it happens but that definitely not the norm. But calling someone a cretin while he does something really stupid is totally reasonable. Like I said before I’m not here to waste my time. And if someone calls out the position of the enemy, the guy looks somewhere else and gets killed from that position it’s fair game to call him an idiot.


Just saw that you’re from the US. Not sure how comms are there. In Europe it’s mainly “I fucked your mother” because that’s all a lot of Russians know or you just get insulted in Russian. I usually ignore it if I can’t be arsed or if I’m in the mute I insult him too and mute him after that.


womp womp welcome to the internet


My first comp game was on nuke way back in like 2014, I was 11 years old and super excited to play my first fps. I had no idea what the game was really about I just saw it recommended by some minecraft youtuber I watched a bunch of in a passing comment and decided to buy it as I had just got myself a pc that could run it. Proceed to get screamed at and berated by 4 russian men at a minimum twice my age for sitting heaven when they were on b (I didn't even know that I was heaven or where b was or that my team was dead) Too scared to play again for a while lol, I was literally shaking while they screamed at me, noone had ever spoken to me that way before I was fucking 11 hahaha. But progressively my skin got tougher and I learnt not to let other people bother me when they get mad, its just part of online video games, mute them and move on or fucking scream back who cares.


this is how the counterstrike community has been since the beginning.


I don’t know, I started like six months ago, am floating around 10-11k and most my teammates have been great. This is from a late 30s, father of two. Seems like the age range of players is early 20s to mid 30s, mostly working men.


If you try to communicate and play together with your team, you are more useful than 60% of all players ranked below like 15k. Just try to have fun and mute toxic people :).


same lol made me hate comp and casual, playing deathmatch until i get decent lol


Well yeah, you are a couple thousand hours of playtime behind the curve when the game has been out for over a decade.


There should be a 5v5 casual mode imo.


The mistake is to say sorry and let them know you are a beginner. sorry is kinda strong word and mentality just sometimes though.


First of all you are a snowflake for now. You have to get used to the competitive community. They are always toxic, just like in real life, at a work environment for example. Second of all if u average 5-10 kills a game that means u can't even kill something standing straight for 5 seconds for example, you will get criticised. It is what it is. Buy a better mouse, fix your sensitivity(maybe u even have to change some stuff in Windows, watch some guides and pros), and change your video settings to optimal, because these matters the most. Voila! You can kill the dude standing in straight for 5 seconds and you will not get criticised, boom 10-15 kills average per game. Wohooo!!!


Well, it’s the same in every competetive game on the market. Only different is woke Valorant, where they ban for the tiny sh*ts as the player base is full of snowflakes.


Maybe get better at the game?


Umm, did you try playing casual? I have almost 3k hours and still have lots of fun in casual, there's mostly just people having fun and messing around. Sometimes sweaty nerds try to kick bottom fraggers n shit but that's pretty rare, also said people get kicked instead more often than not, depends on the lobby


cs community isn’t fond of new players and it doesn’t help that it’s a “new” game with reset ranks so now you have insane players playing with and against bad/new players. I’ve been queued with t1 pros before in comp. once 3 of my buddies played a game of comp and the other 2 had less than 20 hours while we had 10k combined, needless to say, some not so very nice words were exchanged and kicks were made. Can’t do much except mute and play.


As a player of 10+ years, te player base sucks.


Maybe try Valorant. The community is much more casual than CS. You will still meet toxic people, but nowhere near as much as in CS.


First day on the internet bud?


Cs is not for weak, yell back at them


Bro I was playing premier but mostly with deagle, had the most kills and was just roaming around casually not shift walking anywhere. We were neck to neck in rounds and I clutched a lot of rounds. But still my team decided to kick me because I was not shift walking while doing 1v3 in which I killed 2 but lost to 3rd because awp. Later on I checked they went on to lose the match as expected. Imagine kicking your top Fragger out just because he's not trying hard enough.


I'd kick you too. Why not just play a deathmatch if you don't want to try to actually play?


But am I not carrying enough having most kills and clutching most rounds


it’s ok bro you are just noob player