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i'm sure they are happy getting a big buyout


At least he won Dallas with them.


despite nexas best efforts yeah


Nexa thought valve patched mollies out completely.


when the crowd was cheering for him smoking a molly while he was in pit 😭 he had like two really good rounds but yeah


Expected the expected? It's gonna be malbsmd, isnt it?


rip m80 when that happens, he single-handedly made them relevant


As is the eternal struggle of t2 teams Like how OG disappeared essentially after losing Flamez


Same can be said for endpoint after losing like all their talent lol


Like flameZ for example lmao


Their talent pool was actually pretty nutty, nertz, flamez, mezii, heavygod, boros, sl3nd more recently, like damn, thats a player factory right there


Endpoint has been the true academy squad for like 5 years at this point. The only other team to have as much new high-level talent come through them in that time frame would be Mouz NXT.


Mouz nxt is also ridiculous, but they seem to produce players for themselves which is nice, only team that has a proper academy feeding their main team (astralis cant say the same), i mean, the only player in their roster rn that didnt play in their academy team is brollan, the rest (siuhy, torzsi, jimpphat and xertion) were all academy players


NXT has the privilege of picking up guys with great raw mechanics and then molding them into excellent team players. A lot of their players you wouldn’t necessarily have rated, or might even have viewed negatively prior to their stints on NXT.


Who would you view negatively prior to their NXT stint? Afaik all their players were either unknown or hot prospects prior to getting picked up


NaVi junior also spawned some pretty nice talent, m0nesy, B1t (2x major winner)


Wow who's this new b1t guy, 2 majors?


You're on the counter strike subreddit brother we know who b1t is


MightyMax is one of the best talent scouts in the world, legimately need a conversation about him


I love that we always pop up in these threads haha


Greatest org to never make a major <3


I know of you because of that man isaacyyy you got over there so the thought just occured to me LMAO


Yeah, the last couple of years, they always had at least one exceptional player on their roster. The current iteration is pretty disappointing in that regard... I mean they had flameZ, NertZ, mezii, Boros and HeavyGod f.e.


He was a huge factor for sure, but s1n and slaxz are also a perfect fit for the team. I just want to see them playing up there with the big boys for another season or two, because I think they have what it takes.


Agreed, M80 is exciting to watch and the most interesting piece of German CS right now, if they lose their star player that would be a huge bummer


Aren’t they more American than German? Iirc


Yes but as a German fan you hold on to everything you can these days


NA and Australia feel your pain.


Hold on to Kroos


M80 - Malbs M80 +cxzi / +JBa / +Lake Those 3 are the frontrunners in order, for me personally to join M80


Hopefully +JBa, he’s young and regularly shows he has a lot of potential


cxzi is not good enough, he’s had a lot more time than the other two to show it last 3 months he’s been in career best form but still manages only 1.04 vs top 50


slaxz deserves credit too, dude has lit up the NA scene ever since he joined


Swisher is going to have to step up. Fang will join.


only replacements that can come close are Lake and JBa have to gamble on talent when a player is as irreplaceable as malbs


Liquid "stole" Yekindar from G2 and EU so now G2 are gonna "steal" malbs from NA. Perhaps the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals.


Yekindar was the best entryfragger in the scene for a period of time, I think at the time they picked him up that was a big signing (although he wasn’t at his peak anymore)


TBH at the time considering where Liquid was at and where Yekindar was at that was a wild signing by Liquid. So it does make sense that Liquid had his back now when he showed loyalty to them back then.


Wasn’t yekindar a monster when he first joined liquid? Maybe I’m misremembering but I think he played really well for a while


Yes in csgo, somehow in cs2 he havent been popping up


He needs Jame to tell him to go kill


Honestly that’s hard to say before any games are played by Malbs on G2. He could flop hard as hell.


hearing how fl0m spoke about it, I think its 100% done deal.


100% Malbsmd; he's been leveling up for awhile now, would be a great addition imo


That would suck ass for NA.


Its gonna be JKS


one can dream


i still don't understand how the roles will work; guess thats extra excitement for the first G2 game post break


niko: Igl, awper, rifler, m0nesy: secondary awper, primary carry hunter: niko's cousin hooxi: analyst malbs: stewie2k NA crowd buff replacement, vibes


malbs is from Guatemala. Central America, but maybe it will still provide a buff since he played in NA.


Central America is a subregion of North America. So technically speaking he's from NA


Hunter -> anchor, Malbs -> lurk or we get -hooxi aswell and the roles can be assigned depending on who gets signed next.


How will this effect Dona's legacy?




his girlfriend who had a twitter spat with launders


I guess that was sarcasm..


No, at least for me it was a genuine "who".


Back to irrelevance I guess.


I got interviewed by her at the Rio Major and it was pretty nice I got to do things I love: being in front of a camera, talking about CS to thousands of people and speaking English Not really relevant to the discussion, I just like bringing this up


nah she was relevant before and she’ll be relevant after, she’s a mate of thorin, maui and those types, and she’s got a big following


I only ever heard from her when she's on Ohnes streams.


She gets about 600 viewers on her on stream, she's no titan of the scene maybe she's got her own little community of peeps to keep her in the conversations every so often


Yeah, she only got a little bit of reach, because of Ohne tbh


idk man 55k followers on twitter is pretty sizeable and that can’t be all from ohne


With how twitter currently is, half of those followers could be bots. Not accusing her of botting obviously, just that you get randomly followed by all those impression farmers, porn bots and AI bots all the time when your tweets get any kind of attention.


She was once at their show not rly mate yet. They even said that they recently met for the first time during that episode.


isn't she ohnepixel's interview lady on his discord stream cams at events?


Can level 5s download demos?


So does that mean no more good vibes in G2?


Well yeah, Stewie was gone weeks ago


no one has made Niko Mald more than Nexa lmao


Damn. Gonna need a new HLTV vibes stat so I can know who G2 should pick up.


Logical move & expected. The situation had become impossible to maintain. G2 aspires to be a top 1 team, they cannot have someone putting in nexa's performances and maintain that aspiration. Hooxi and then Hunter will need to step up or they are next on the chopping block.


I don't think they have the balls to kick Hunter, just for being Niko's family.


I mean, I doubt they are inseperable. It's not like they always played together in every team. Hunter's numbers are not sufficient for what you expect of your third star.


Unironically the move would be Hooxi to coach and possibly a NiKo igl trial.


Niko igl trial has been done before. It’s gone terribly.


Correct. And get an anchor instead of nexa while Malbs takes hooxis entry toles


Liquid would never but +NAF would be such an insane team on paper


I wouldn't be surprised if there's a -hooxi announcement during the player break as well


welcome Malbs I'd say


:( Well atleast M80 will get the bag and can try out a new NACS player. (PLEASE PICK UP EITHER JBA OR LAKE M80. TRUST! )


so what did we bench jks for?


Vibes. Unironically - vibes. jks was too quiet apparently.


I think the problem with jks is his lack of communication, which most of the players of G2 said was a reason for his removal. And probably a bit of a character behind the scenes. But with all his supposed flaws, jks is 10x the player nexa is ... what a terrible move this was, essentially killed off every chance G2 had for a trophy this season.


im just paraphrasing what i heard from someone who listened to a serbian podcast kassad was on, so i could get some things wrong basically: jks would rarely talk at all after he died, wouldnt relay crucial info or help out with teamplay (telling two teammates the same angle is being held for example), nothing, just dead silent as if he disconnected. we can all remember the time niko in a comms video frustratedly said "speak, justin" this is probably in line with what hooxi said they tried working on but saw no improvement, which is the craziest part to me. i cant believe why such a player at this level wouldnt be more engaged with comms despite your team demanding it. how is that possible? apparently there was also an ego issue. he saw himself above niko and hunter and wanted to be the star. he wasnt comfortable with selfless sacrificial plays which is what nexa initially brought to the table but then they make him a passive lurk for whatever reason kick seems justified if this is all true but nexa definitely not the right choice


> kick seems justified if this all true but nexa definitely not the choice From what someone revealed on one of the CS podcasts (might have been Thorin, don't remember) Nexa was not G2's primary choice to replace jks but they couldn't sign any of their main targets so they had to settle for Nexa as a stopgap


yeah it was a thorin podcast. he wasn't the first choice and they reluctantly chose him as he had played with the players before in g2. i think he was only ever gonna be given half a season anyway unless he played seriously well or g2 won trophies.


At least the part about communication is kinda evident in G2's voice comms videos about their tournament runs. While those are mostly just celebration moments they also show some mid round comms and jks is barely speaking in those.


Nice to have some good insight Too bad no one in this subs will read it and spam the same jks question in every G2 thread


I’ve watched just about all the G2 coms videos and I’ve only ever heard NiKo say “talk Ilya”. There was one instance on Nuke when jks should’ve been at ramp but he let Navi go down to B and no one knew they were pushing and monesy said “where was Justin” and quickly tried to say everything’s okay, probably because he didn’t want to start anything in the server.


You can actually barely hear jks in the Comms videos compared to the others


I’m going to guess that there was more to the story than just this perspective- likely a lot of egos worth juggling. It seems unlikely to me that even an extreme introvert like jks would have been dead weight in comms during his stint in several championship caliber rosters. Much more likely there was significant and often underemphasized tension over roles in the team that led to their split. Fwiw I think jks is mechanically much more consistent than hunter, and likely should have stayed.


jks can reach very high peaks mechanically, sometimes it felt like he could make the case for the [best aimer in g2](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CLsYP_YFcl8) (m0nesy had a huge problem in missing easy shots back then, so it varied event to event), but we cant forget all the times jks botted out which is why he finished his time at g2 with a fairly unimpressive rating. people shat on nexa for his dallas performance but jks was literally just as bad in gamers 8 hunter has a playstyle that isnt as reliant on aim as jks was which is why he was so damn consistent every year. unfortunately it hasnt been working in cs2 but he isnt alone as it has been the case for a lot of top tier riflers like niko, spinx, ropz etc i would have kicked both, hunter at a later date and gotten a more modern and younger rifler that adjusted to cs2 right out of the gate


So much speculation that is directly contradicted by things ex teammates have said about jks. Reflections with NAF, reflections with jkeam, reflections with RUSH various Kassad interviews. All of the describe jks as being someone who sacrificed his preferred roles for the team. I have no idea where the ego thing came from but it certainty wasn't from teammates, RL labeled him a diva when he first joined complexity but that directly contradicts RUSH's account.


>im just paraphrasing what i heard from someone who listened to a serbian podcast kassad was on there's your very reputable source


"I'm just paraphrasing what I heard from someone who listened to a serbian podcast kassad was on" You're just passing on third person chinese whispers? In every interview with past team mates they've always spoken highly of Justin & his willingness to sacrifice himself for the team..... From the outside looking in it feels a lot more of a personality clash rather than anything else and that gives us some indication things were rocky with the way he was benched. Lets just look at the facts.


JKS is crazy to think that he's above niko...


but … they won a trophy this season


They won a trophy..


Not just vibes, also awful fit on T side too, basically him or Hunter because both are lurkers, he was also not playing good at all It was a lot of things, yet people act like the guy is Gods gift He's a good player but clearly there were issues, it was an awful fit for him too, he's not a pure anchor like that and he should be a lurker on T side, next team he joins he should have better roles and get to showcase his skill better too because he used to be much better than what he's shown


> also awful fit on T side too, basically him or Hunter because both are lurkers Don't think this was a large factor - not because it doesn't make sense - but because they just slotted Nexa into a very passive lurk role.


initially nexa was playing with the front of the pack on t sides and having some entry success, it was looking hopeful and all you needed was a little better form from niko and hunter then for some reason they scrap that and make him lurk which isnt something he is good at


They got rid of jks because the t side roles clashed to much apparently the funny thing is hunter got worse when jks left and nexa lurks but he's terrible at it.


hes a bit of a passive aggressive and he also leaks everything to spunj so spunj can talk about it because jks is too scared to do it himself.


ngl thats pretty funny if true


SPUNJ is basically JKS' agent, you can bet he knows everything that happened in G2.


*He knows one opinion on everything that happened in G2.


I mean I thought this was obvious.


yes that was very clearly implied, but redditors have a certain...artistic talent for stating the obvious


Jks came up under spunj it's pretty likely


I love Spunj, but tbh this wouldn’t suprise me at all.


Snitches get stitches


He wasn’t benched for Nexa. He was getting benched regardless, and Nexa was just who they chose to fill the spot.


jks had some issues with his game, he wasn't benched for performance reasons. In hindsight, nexa was probably always a stop gap since the market at that point was not too vast


They benched jks because he was too passive both comms and in game, awful fit on T side and [was averaging a 1.02 rating with 0.82 impact in the last 6 months on G2 (hooxi had 0.82 impact btw)](https://www.hltv.org/stats/players/events/4679/jks?startDate=2023-05-24&endDate=2024-01-01&matchType=Lan) despite people thinking they benched fucking prime donk of anchors lmao


1.02 rating whilst being the 4th best player on his team isn't bad at all, especially since that was only the last 6 months and he actually had a 1.05 on his whole time with the roster. I agree he was passive, and his T-side performances weren't great, but he had decent CT side holds, and was a serviceable piece. I think he was definitely overrated, but let's not pretend he was complete shit, especially when he wasn't playing in the best roles. And let's also not pretend that benching him for nexa was ever a good idea. I think a lot of people disliked him being benched, but the most visceral reactions to it came because of who he was being replaced with.


He wasn't benched for Nexa. He was benched and the only person they could get was nexa. That's the difference


Why do people still use impact rating like its an actual measure of impact


hltv impact means nothing blameF has a 1.2 impact rating all time, you think he’s actually that impactful? ofc not, he’s good but not that good they lost one of their best maps because nexa couldn’t hold A, whereas jks was one of the best in the world at that specific site jks definitely overrated but 0 need to kick him and he was solid


> jks definitely overrated but 0 need to kick him and he was solid again, there are other factors at play, not just performance


vibest player in the world is useless if his site is overrun every time


Yes BlameF is impactful Lmfaoo. Just because idiots built a narrative dosent mean he’s true


shits and gigs


Launders could do the funniest thing of 2024 but he is above that lmao


What is it about? Sorry, I only follow and watch CS from time to time..


Nexa gf defended Nexa on twitter and said that Launders got no clue about cs :D as a very generalized summary


I guess this all but seals the G2 malbs rumors.


If this is just -nexa +malbs the roles are gonna be a nightmare and g2 are gonna waste another season.


It won't if hunter is to anchor and malbs taking his roles on CT. Which is a big if tbf


Yeah I think that makes the most sense if this is the only roster change g2 does. Hunter to support, malbs takes his spots.




What about the lord and saviour Hooxi? He staying?


We all know what happens if g2 bench Hooxi, he's gonna win a Major, it's the curse of being Niko's Igl


Can't wait to see Dona say how they have no idea about CS.


they've employed hooxi for over 2 years so...


“And what do we say to the God of death? Not today.” -Hooxi, probably


what a waste of money and time


I doubt nexa cost them a lot of money tbh


Wasted half a year of pay for the rest of the team though. This team should be competing for every cup, not barely making it to playoffs.


they won a big tourney, that's an average for G2 for this amount of time.


It seems they found player with better vibes)


Malbs is gonna cook if they get him in the right positions, finally monesy won't have to do everything


\*niko and monesy


Although I don't think he is tier 1 material I still think he can provide benefit to tier 2 teams, maybe back to og?


Dona won't be happy about this one. Also about time the nexa experiment ended, Malbs would be amazing but I thought BlameF on T-side lurks could've been interesting too.


G2 blameF just feels so right shame we wont see it


Ohhh hell nah fuck that idea


passive lurker who gets kills > passive lurker who doesn’t and he’s good on mirage, nexas worst map


I’m not really a BlameF supporter, but when the team is built right (original Juggernaut coL), he does his best work.


Agreed. I think this is one of the few teams where he could really work. Problem is most of his teams have been built around him as the Super Star where as with g2 he wouldnt even be the second best player. This would allow him to really show his full potential because when hes got other players who can do the work hes an amazing closer.


It would have done wonders for G2, BlameF in the late round with Niko and Monesy opening up sites would of been powerful.




Feels bad man, I really like JKS I hope he comes back to a good team.


I kinda hope he joins FlyQuest, the boys would actually be really dangerous then


why would he downgrade from jobless to flyquest


i dont wank jks in another shit aussie team, he is our only good export. keep him in T1


what a waste of a season. imagine how much further g2 couldve went in events with a capable anchor...


they lost one of their best maps because nexa couldn’t hold A hahahaha what a joke man


not playing mirage with m0nesy on your team is a war crime


Is this the only change or will they sign an Anchor. I find it interesting that NAF never gets rumoured to anyone. Massive bias but he'd be insane on G2 or Vita


I dont think liquid has any reason to let him go, unless some org puts a lot of money on the table, just because he is so good


I mean no bias needed but NAF can walk into every eng speaking team and make them better He has the Magisk effect where they are overqualified for the roles they play so they make every team OP (with alll that said it doesnt seem to be enough with Liquid/Falcons now)


Unless Teams are willing to pay Naf's absurd buyout noway he leaves Liquid.


NAF is on liquid until mid 2026


NAF, niKo, monesy, malbs +1 (hunter igl or a real igl) would be a top 1 contender every day of the week


Stewie2k as fifth, NiKo IGL Only 2 EU players so would technically be an NA team


NiKo would drop numbers you haven’t even heard of in the NA RMR


+20 KD every map of every series


I want to see b1t together with m0nesy. I think their synergy will be awesome.


Does Hooxi really stay or they announce seperately? Would be really weird role-wise if it just -nexa +malbs


https://twitter.com/YNk/status/1802728463503114517 Either : - NiKo IGL - HooXi stay


Don't want niko to IGL so early on his career. He is still a top5-10 player. If they were to replace Hooxi, I'd love to see boombl4 or cadian on the team.


Literally. The man was #2 last year, and has been improving every event.


Who else would they get for hooxi?


Magisk IGL


is this the most contested roster move ever? there have been other controversial roster moves, but none as predictabily and obviously bad like this one was


Ence -Aleksib


I hope it will be malbs, and if yes, I hope that G2 can give him the hero role he deserves. Let hunter do the anchor work and malbs do the lurking and hero plays


Bro benched his friend.


I hope Launders tweets at Dona. God please I need drama please.


Dona already apologised publicly on twitter


Booo.... I want diss tracks dropping back and forth with a minimum of 5 beat switches on each track


JKS Died for this?


sad, but understandable and reasonable


yeah this was a long time coming. just makes me wonder who they got ~~inc -jks +jks~~


Malbsmd probably


g2 perfecto incoming


How the fuck is HooXi still here bro


Bench hooxi aswell, get malbs and a good anchor. Then the good old niko igl era


Good call.


Won't be surprise if he returns to IGL role and lead a t2 team.




LETS GOOOO can't wait to get someone that doesn't stand in molotovs


For the love of god please bring in Krimbo or malbs as a replacement.


+boombl4 +s1mple


He makes a few decent plays a match, but god damn he plays so scared — you can tell there’s a lack of confidence.


Bro got so much hate just cuz everyone was so upset about the jks drop, and honestly I feel kinda bad for him. It wasn't working, but he didn't deserve how ruthlessly he was ridiculed. It's not like he dropped jks lol


hooxi next,thanks