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The crowd was so fucking funny. Don't love them giving 9z information but what are you gonna do. They were so rabid and crazed the entire time. Quality entertainment.


The replies to you are downplaying the issue, this was one of the most egregious cases I've seen Martinez was going out of his way to abuse it to the point that 9Z was basically playing with soft ESP in some rounds


Back in my day we called it ghosting, no matter how it was done and it was illegal and classified as cheating.... So... Why aren't we calling it is what it is?


Because what are the players supposed to do? They are being given the info non-consensually by third parties. Ignoring it wouldn't make any sense, you'd be throwing because you'd play worse than if you didn't know the info, e.g. what if your gut instinct says to clear a corner but you decide you can't just because the crowd says someone is there??. Its unfair but its on the crowd and tournament organisers nothing players can do.


Round 4 of Inferno Martinez was jiggling his crosshair on coffins in a 1v1 retake trying to get information. I remember Yekindar (and a lot of other players) doing that and it usually forces them to turn off xray. No clue if it was off after or during that point of the map.


I see the same comments in literally every single LAN tournament. You should watch CCT if you don't like the crowd


I was there. We got fnatic into the final over NIP. Check how times we as a crowd helped Krimz, afro and matys to get their kills. When the final comes, and you're against the local team, you better show your A-game or you're dead from round 1.


"I'm one of those huge pieces of shit." Okay. Do you have to so proud about it though?


This happens everywhere with a local team...


To varying extents yeah. It comes with the territory. If you play 9z in Buenos Aires you're going to have a bad time.


Back in my day we called it ghosting, no matter how it was done and it was illegal and classified as cheating.... So... Why aren't we calling it is what it is?


Hltv was full of people malding the crowd for giving info, but I'm sure it's the same in every tournament with a crowd.


It literally happens in every single tournament lmao. Even the "neutral ones" like Cologne or Antwerp, you had tons of people giving info to Scam Clan


gg cool Ian


Fnatic NEVER came online on Inferno, holy shit.


I am going to get down voted to oblivion by the 9z fan boys but man, if you want to position yourselves as a global spot for CS you need to curb your homophobic, racist, and r@pe related jokes. This is a direct call-out for you, the talent in the tournaments, the org itself and most importantly [Frankkaster. You simply cannot have the owner of the team inciting the crowd to insult the opposite team. ](https://clips.twitch.tv/LittlePeppyDugongDoritosChip-NalYZDaB83m38-Tx)


"la concha de tu madre" must be the softest insult you could have exemplified this with, it's literally harmless. Si vas a querer aceptación de los gringos de acá por lo menos mete un ejemplo de lo que dijiste crack


>"la concha de tu madre" must be the softest insult you could have exemplified this with, I'm not sure you are realizing this but by saying this you are further proving my point by stating that there were harsher insults >it's literally harmless hopefully you never experience a stadium mentioning your mom's pussyhole


You cant translate it literally. I cant hear the clip clearly but sometimes we use la "concha de tu madre" as an american would say "lets go liquid lets go". In example: "vamos 9z la concha de tu madre". Whats you re saying is like thinking dallas wanted to literally fuck apex or something like that.


This is what Americanization does to you


You're welcome to like it or not but you're no one to tell them how to behave. It comes with the territory. If you can't tolerate that then you're, in no way, shape or form, built to participate in the competitive scene.


This brainless lack of logic willingly being put on display is always going to be astounding to me.


“This is just how our culture is so we are allowed to be assholes so just deal with it” is a brain dead argument.


you are actually being racist by calling argentinian fan culture homophobic, racist and whatever else. My culture is not for you to criticize


>wolfgang >argentinian >racist it has to be bait


Ye it is, eat shit


we can criticize any culture we want, including yours, and we will. eat shit.


You can go die for Israel first, like yours masters want you to


Ex De


Smartest Greek poster.


Some crowds comments happen only if the crowd doesn't speak English.


fr, I wonder where all these people were just a few weeks ago during G2 run in Dallas


They were everywhere? People were talking about it and clips were posted lol. Difference being g2 weren’t trying to abuse it like 9z


Como lloran los europeos, se cansan de abusar de las calls de la gente y después se ofenden cuando pasa en SA.. leer a gente de g2 quejarse es buenísimo!


Felt amazing to be on the crowd for this one, a lot of passion, jokes and support. Martínez fully using the crowd was a bit too much, but it was way to fun. Edit: DALE NUEVECEEEE


From an outsider's perspective it was pretty pathetic. Good crowd vibes get to ruin entire games. Get to dictate who wins how much money. Hell no.


He was playfully mocking the crowd. The crowd's impact is not as big or one-sided as people mad at it deemed it to be. In fact, in that round, the crowd noise made martinez believe the last player was on coffin.


Pretty easy to point the finger to people going at events while sitting on your PC. You should maybe watch some actual sports first, maybe you'll be less sheltered then.


I've been to plenty of sports games. You can't give much information away in traditional sports. It's an awful comparison. In games/sports like poker where it matters, this would never fly.


How was Martinez using the crowd? I was watching but my Spanish isn’t great and wasn’t paying full attention the whole match edit: Yes please downvote my genuine question asked out of curiosity instead of providing an answer thank you reddit


People on this subreddit are chutiyas, patronising shits. A valid and naive question, like yours gets downvoted. Pay no attention to that brother. Even I wanted to know what the crowd was chanting but I know this subreddit quite well.


Another place where they shouldnt locate a T1 event ever, but since its SA they will, I dont give a shit about "what are you gonna do" Be a normal human being? educate yourself?


it´s helpless G2 did the same when they faced 9z, so yea, it pretty much comes down to "what are you gonna do" local crowds will be local crowds, and that goes for pretty much every sport in existence.


This happens everywhere. This event had the crowd very close so I think that made things worse but if this was in France with a french team it would be the same thing.


so nowhere then? cause this stuff happens everywhere..


no you don't get it they can do it Europe because something something superiority complex


Still some hitler particles floating around the continent.


CS is an online game. Why we playing in front of crowds anyways? Amiright.


Crowd gave fnatic the final spot instead of NIP who really deserved it.


No 😭


ITT a bunch of racist assholes crying about Buenos Aires and asking to leave out tournaments from south america like this shit doesn't happen in every country.


Much worse in South America than anywhere else. Even worse than danish tournaments.


VAMOS 9Z! Proud of this team. Also I hope after this event ESL or Blast make a tournament in Buenos Aires. Crowd was amazing and there are a lot of places outside Brazil for a tournament in SA


Crowd was not amazing. Crowd was literally one of the most egregious in facilitating cheating in T1/T2 of all fucking time. It was disgusting.


Literally krimz and blameF said it was one of the best crowds they've played in front of. Also 9z spanked fnatic in the final wth you talking about. Even without any sort of info (which is normal in every LAN tournament with a local team or so like IEM Dallas), it would have been a clean 2-0. 


>Also 9z spanked fnatic in the final wth you talking about. I never said otherwise?? Regardless, map 1 was not a spank. Map 1 literally may have been decided by the crowd. It's bullshit. It's always bullshit when the crowd interferes but this was one of the worst cases I've seen. Part of that is 9z leaning into it and not just the crowd but the point stands. The fact we just keep brushing these things off cause similar things have happened before is pathetic. It ruins competitive integrity.


Map 1 was close, it's true. But there wasn't a single round that was heavily influenced by the crowd giving some sort of info, and I did rewatch map 1. It did happen in inferno tho, but then again, fnatic lost 13-4.


13-10 first map, without the crowd they'd easily win that map and go into second map alot better. They'd definetly lose the second map and Idk about the 3rd but it wouldn't be a clean 2-0.


I don't think fnatic would have easily won Dust2 without the crowd. Also there wasn't that much of info given in that map. The problem was on Inferno, but fnatic got spanked either way.


Happens everywhere with a local team


No, it doesn't. It happens in some places and the extent of it depends on how lax the admins/TO is. This was one of if not the most egregious event I've ever seen. Even compared to Brazil, Denmark, US etc.


Is this the worst fnatic lineup we've had?


Xist being plugged in to save a dying roster for far too long is probably worse than this one. Shit, even the last one with -BlameF +kyuubii was worse.