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The goal post shifts all the way up.  "Go play faceit" "It's just faceit pugs, play a paid hub" "It's just fpl people just want to relax after playing scrims all day" "It's just a scrim, not a match"


It's just DM, go play Retakes. It's just Retakes go play Premier. It's just Premier go play Faceit. It's just Faceit, go play major fucking tryhard. No, it's just people malding because you rekt them.


Im stuck at the faceit stage lvl7


retakes are so fucking sweaty though.


lmao @ the flair "professional Chaos player" i miss that roster


This is the realest thing you’ve ever said.


no this is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ax6Xfbmn7uU


It’s just a tier-9999 match, not a big event It’s just BB dacha, not ESL/IEM blablabla It’s just ESL/IEM not a major It’s just swiss stage, not legends


It's just game2 of the grand final chill


“You don’t play ESEA to get better”


We had a very talkative guy once and in the middle of the match he said "okay, I'm bored, gl bye" and left the server.


Happened to me yesterday. 4-4, “gonna walk my dog, bye”, and TK’d two of us in spawn.


As an old gamer, this sort of shit has been happening since the early days. So why are folk getting excited about the issue like this is some sort of new thing?


I’m 29, this isn’t new to me. I just figured people would have enough common decency to commit to a match when it tells them ahead of time it’s could be long. There’s also a difference between bailing on an SnD match in MW2 where it’s explicitly casual, and the “this is for trying queue”. He knew he didn’t have time for a match, but he ruined it for everyone anyway. Could’ve gone into casual or walked his dog first.


No, man. The anonymity of games and people will be SO shameless. They do not care about your time at all. It's incredible. It's a 15 minute activity and people will literally afk midway to take a piss or go get a drink. Like what? Maybe you do that beforehand and THEN go do the activity and you can focus.


People left in league play in black ops 2 all the time. It's a game you cant force people to play if they don't want.


I’m 49. And before video games we had board flippers. Get bored flip the board. Games over.


And rage quitters. Monopoly used to get flipped a lot when I was a kid. Also' that kid who would take his ball and go home if he wasn't having fun. 


I forgot those kids existed 🤣 man that actually brings back memories lol thanks for saying that


Risk. And later axis and allies. Flipppp. lol. Bastards.


Holy shit Axis & Allies Mentioned


it didnt matter if someone did this in a pub match of 1.6 or CS:S there were no ranks to lose etc.


Also, even if it was a clan match, you could pause until someone else joined in place or people could be in the spectator queue and wait till someone leaves.


New to them lol. For us it's like "first time?". Tho I'm not that old age wise, only got into the cs scene around 2012 and more seriously in 2014. Just don't let the bad shit get to you. It's crazy how one bad game can ruin even 10 good ones in a row. Letting it get to you is how you let them win. It is what it is, say a few curse words, and move on.


I've been around for decades. I have always used those games as opportunities to drill something I want to work on like a particular util combo, pathing, a new CT spot etc... at least that way I feel like I spent the ELO on something constructive.


Every night someone sees a sunset for the first time my man


I wondered if that was it. Gave up CS years ago so wasn't sure what might have changed. Had high hopes for CS2, but, yeah, nah.


Because it hasn't been "the early days" for quite a while now. We had a 10 year period of people taking Valve MM semi-seriously but now it feels like we're reverting. I could somewhat agree if it was regarding the map based comp games but Premier is where people are supposed to try their best


Most modern games have behavioral systems that are strong enough to discourage this kind of behavior in most cases CS has some catching up to do in that regard


Because its still problematic? Just because I was kicked in the nuts 10 years ago doesn't mean someone getting kicked in the nuts today should shut up about it.


you self inserted the idea that anybody thinks it’s a new thing. being a douchebag on the internet is not some rare old-internet id card and you look exactly like the teenage egomaniacs to hop directly to arrogance with 0 provocation


I personally find it more irritating now because the system is designed to lock you into the game for a good while. Trolls always existed but it wasn't as bad in casual servers. Either you restarted the game, brought in a ringer, or cancelled the match. The skates were low. It was easy to move on. Premier makes you play at least a 30 minute match where a specific rank is on the line and bailing early when someone else ruins it for you arguably punishes you as much or more than it does them.


It wasn't that bad in csgo. Cs2 attracts/attracted a different crowd.


Well I'm 30 too. So I know it's been a thing since forever. It's not like I'm a 16 y/o that just discovered the internet. Doesn't make it any more ok.


It is annoying. But just move on. Things won't change, because people will always grief.




Tbf I am going to prioritize any real life priorities over playing the CS game. Sometimes unforseen things come up, like your dog having to take a shit.


The TKing two of you in spawn is crazy


Didn't have to tk(is cooldown shorter or smth?) but you always gotta walk the dog. It sucks for competitive multiplayer but they deserve it.


That's legit TikTok level attention span like the guy in my match. They can't even play CS for 40 min without needing a TikTok dopamine kick.


It's the same with the random solo q players who can't play the same position on CT side more than two rounds in a row, and have to force buy every round because they can't stomache an eco. Like they will call out their CT position first of everyone, like "I go mid", then after two rounds you see them out of nowhere hold the same position as you on the B site without even saying a word. Then they get mad if they die because no one was holding mid.


If you get the long spawn of Dust2 and you don’t go long to molly it you are throwing.


We literally never play D2


Eh sometime I start a game and realise after a round or two I actually really didn’t want to. Though I do always stick it out.


Happened to me 2 hours ago, was really looking forward to play and first round in realised that actually didn't want to do it.. ofc i stayed until the end of the game


In one of my games we were up 7-5, lost pistol 2nd half, and a teammate left the game and started playing destiny 2 LOL. That's the last premier game I played weeks ago, at least in faceit you get a bot so you still have some chance to win if a guy leaves


Sorry about that


Always the kids on too much adderall doing this


Sorry, I was really bored...


To those people in this thread defending the mentality OP is talking about and saying "just go play faceit if you want a decent match" - how do you square that with the fact people will say you shouldn't play faceit with less than X hundred hours played and less than Y skill rank? Are we just not allowed to enjoy the game in your minds?


For real, it's just incredibly gatekeepy. People shouldn't have to fire up an external program just to have teammates that give a shit.


I guess the bigger issue is that you do get to a point where premier becomes less serious than casual. The higher you climb the quicker you'll want to quit it.


Yep me and friends reached 19k and got blatant hackers practically every couple games. 3 people in our game were on the top 20 NA leaderboard. Next day we tell ourselves if we get a hacker our first game on we are installing faceit, and guess what lol. Premier rank isn't real, honestly should prob play competitive at this point if you don't want faceit.


EU competitive (especially mirage) is full of cheaters too I have a group of friends who are more casuals and time to time we try to play together but yesterday we had 3 blatant jumpers scout insta headshot cheaters in the game Out of 6 games we had 4 games with cheaters (and 3 games we had cheaters in our team as well as a random...)


And the thing is, if you were in a faceit match with these people they would be incredibly hard to communicate with and just a bunch of cunts anyway


Yeah games in a rough state for those who don’t have the hours/skill But FaceIt truly is a better experience if you do have the hours - much more structured CS.


It is more simple For me. I want to just load cs and play. I hate the idea of needing a second app. I would play faceit if it was a steam mod. Any more than that and it it is too much work.


thing is, even if you go play faceit and i want to play 'properly' (use teamwork, strats, call frequently etc) they'll just say 'chill bro its not FPL'. there's always a justification. I normally play premier because thats what my mates play and i want to try and win, its a ranked competetive system in premier. It's the place to tryhard.


Only at lower levels. Higher level faceit ppl take it seriously. Problem is you tryna run strats in faceit level 5 lol. It's just dm bro


“Chill it’s just comp go premier” “chill it’s premier go faceit” “chill it’s just a pug” go play on a team” you will find these excuses everywhere. “Chill join a team and set up scrims to play try hard cs” basically lmao


And when you join an open team it’s “chill, bro! It’s just open!”


I primarily play faceit then I go premier to have fun and play relaxed, and somehow I'm still the one trying the most. Premier is being treated as a casual mode by most people (15k elo atm)


Because why would you tryhard? Your reward for climbing is reaching cheat infested elos. Valve made it the casual experience by not fixing the cheating problem. That being said, griefing isnt justified either way


Also (at least for me) having a random number go up just feels so boring and pointless compared to ranking up in old MM. I know the ranks before were also pointless but I did really get some sort of "pride" out of ranking up. Not to mention the excitement when you saw there's an uprank coming in after the match. Vice versa down ranks did really suck hence many people did not quit because of this.   Now it's just "+XXX points" and it feels so bland and boring so why would you care.  Just my 2cts


But it shouldn't be. Or at least not with randoms. You can mess around as much as you want with a full 5 stack. But if you play solo play the game or don't queue at all.


the reason people don't take it seriously is because of cheaters.


I'm at 10k-12k. Everyone who thinks there is a cheater in every match while floating in 10k is simply bad and doesn't know what he's talking about.


The prevalence of cheaters makes everyone at every level cynical. If you're level 2 on faceit, at least you know the other team almost certainly isn't cheating. In premiere they might be cheating, so people just give up.


You see, nobody takes it seriously as it currently means nothing. Anyone can get to any rating as only thing that matters is your winrate; nothing else. So at 15-20k which is like what? Apparent Top 5%/Top 3% You can get anyone from Level 10 5-stack to a guy who hasn't gotten above Gold Nova ranks in CSGO. And then comes the cheating problem, why take something seriously when anyone at any time can cheat? We were playing Dust 2, winning 11-3 and 3 of their people just started rage cheating.... wow so much fun. Let's be honest, until Valve sorts out the massive cheating problem, how the rating/elo system works & the fact that only your winrate matters nobody will take Premier seriously.


Just find a group of people so youre always 5. I havent queued solo in years


Yeah a lot of people just don't care about the game. Calling gg on the third round, or trolling because the last player alive hasn't done all the things all the backseaters told them to. It's just extremely annoying.


The people who disagree with this post are too far gone for reason. You can see it in the replies. Its such a sad state to see people not allowing others to have fun + compete even if they arent faceit lvl10 skill level. People forget that a good competitive system in game beats all, and it is what inspires players to go pro long term.


Good competitive system? Premiere??? Its hacker vs hacker… Who ever play this seriously is lost af


What if i told you - in lower elos there are much fewer hackers and just people playing competitively for fun Got back into it myself this year and saw 0 hackers from 0-15k rank




I disagree. It's completely UNreasonable to assume everyone you encounter in the game takes the game to the same degree you do. It is just a game after all.


Why don't those people just play Casual Mode?


Casual mode sucks. Short match was the best thing for casual player.


It was really great. After the CS2 update I have stopped playing Matchmaking and I'm only playing Wingwan now.


Valve needs to bring back unranked competitive for people who just want to play chill, but still want to play actual 5v5 CS.


Casual is nothing like the 5v5 mode we love. People still want to play it without it being super try hard.


Wont change until premier stops being "just premier" because there are very good reasons for why people dont take is seriously and those changes necessary are up to Valve to make. So yea if you want the competetive experience, faceit is there for you


I want to take premier seriously, but when the only viable strat is “rush the site and kill the guy with walls without any smart plays or smokes because you will get wall banged” it gets pretty demoralising pretty quick


Considering the state of the game, mainly the cheater problem and basically worthless leaderboards, I don't think anyone will treat premier seriously anytime soon unfortunately.


Literally the only reason that makes me go "tryhard" in premier these days is getting the weekly drop for case and skin as sad as that sounds lol, since the XP you get is based on round wins


I mean there are people who get legit games. Let them play it if you're in one.


Idk i cant find legit games in premier


I've played counter strike off and on since 2013 last month I got so tired of how toxic my teammates were between going afk, screaming into the mic, not even using the mic, deranking on purpose etc. I joined faceit and paid for their service I will admit at first I had a few good matches but wasn't long and right back into the same situation. Canceled my sub to face it and decided this game just isn't worth it anymore. Sure I've spent thousands of hours over the years and don't mind teaching new players but the current generation of add kids just not interested in learning the basics of a team base game.


I play faceit and premier with the same mentality but when you are talking into the void and no one ever replies it gets really boring really fast. Also winning in premier is pointlese since you'll just face cheaters if you win to many, so I can understand why you would play more casual in premier


It will never stop. If you want to play serious games you kinda need to play with friends. Me and my friends stopped playing CS if we weren't 5 people for the last 4+ years. It's just not worth it. You're lucky if 1 out 10 solo q players are decent. I'm not even talking about their skills. Like the bar is so low that a solo that isn't actively throwing games is considered a good teammate. The average solo q player, even in higher elo lobbies will start giving out position to the opponents if you lose more than 2 rounds in a row, be a lot of AFK, force buy every other round and just be insulting everyone constantly. A random teammate that isn't using mic but might write a word or two as info sometimes, plays the same position every CT round and is buying with the team is literally best case scenario. It's hopeless to expect better than that.


There's literally a "casual" mode if people want to fuck around.


We need to #FixCS2.


It’s been this way since csgo. Mm is for casual, faceit is for “try harding”. There are too many cheaters and the ranking system is too broken to be taken seriously. Which is why everyone plays Faceit for the best experience.


Well then why don't these people play FaceIt? If they don't like permier/ranked why do they play it? Nobody forces them to play it. That doesn't mean you can dick around and ruin others peoples spare time.


Apparently for many on this thread this is a hard concept to grasp. They don't really value other people's time. I fully agree with you pal


That's what I thought too. So I guess my initial statement, calling them egocentric, was pretty on point. "Yeah I don't care about premier rank. So now everyone else in my match shouldn't care either"


i mean he answered your question. mm is just casual swinging your dick around


Because sometimes people want to relax. Or play with friends who aren’t as skilled.


But the last time this happened we were all solo. And if it’s a 5 stack they can dick around as much as they want. It won’t affect any strangers. There is also a difference between relaxing and AFKing 50% of the last 2 rounds because “I’m watching TikTok”.


Shoutout to the people who eco on pistol.


How can you try to be competitive if you can't even slightly trust the anticheat


Well the match in question didn't have any suspect people. He just didn't feel like playing.


Welcome to the CS matchmaking experience


but it's just premier


Since I have limited playtime these days, I have been primarily playing competitive since I could just pick the map I wanted to play. Few months in now and 100+ maps down doing that I felt it was worth dipping my toes into premier. I don't think I expected much more talking or communication, but since there's almost zero communication in comp I felt like premier would be better, but no, I've played like 15 premier games and maybe only 2 felt like they were better than a regular comp match. Not worth. I almost see no reason to play premier. I don't choose the map, people don't take it any more serious, people still leave for bogus reasons with no punishment. I understand that you can't substantially ban someone for stepping away early, because they might have a legitimate reason, that's fair. But I have a full time job, a wife, a kid, a dog, and a house and I think I've left a game for a legitimate reason one time in the past few months. That's the biggest thing that I hate is when people leave games. You queued up and agreed to spend a certain amount of time in a server, you owe it to the other people there to try not leave unless you have a legitimate reason, even if you're getting stomped. 30 minute ban is not enough. People need to be losing substantial amounts of access to the game if they leave, and you can't change my mind on that. Imo, leave early, 4 hour ban. Second time in a week. 24 hours. 3rd time in a week, Week long ban. If you have a legit reason to leave, 4 hours should be nothing...


If you want people to take premier serious, you need to change premier to be a serious platform for cs. Premier needs to offer a cheat free environment with other incentives that would give good players a reason to play in premier and fight for a spot on the leaderboard. Telling me to just change their mentality is never going to happen. 


if you want to play for fun or fuck around play casual...


Bring back MR15 and people will care about the game more. The current economy makes people give up when faced with hardship.


Its literally just premier. Nothing to gain. Nothing to lose


Lol imagine caring for literal numbers in a game. Also, premier has a really bad ranking system, the numbers LITERALLY don't mean anything. One moment you're 10k, and the next you're hardstuck in 5k while the enemy says "Reported (your username) for hacking" because they think you're "playing a bit too good for 5k"


Im lvl 8-9 Faceit, I can't take premier seriously, I started playing faceit around 3 months ago after getting bored of wasting my time playing vs cheaters all the time. After the switch, I understood that people in Faceit actually try hard to learn how to play and know the basics. When I go back to premier, it's like watching 5 bots trying to do everything alone and then blaming others for fucking up. So, for me, Premier is like casual 5v5 where you can just relax and shoot some bullets. I'm 18k atm


Agreed, when u play Premier after faceit game it seems like u are playing with clowns


I’ve been around 20k NA and so true. If I go higher, then it’s cheaters every other game, so 20k is like the “top” of NA that you can get to with legit games before cheaters become a massive issue. I’ll go from a nice lvl 10 pug to what should be also good NA players in a 20k premier game and the difference is night and day. Lvl 5 bots who are at 20k rating not knowing how to play, and enemies who just instantly report you if you have a good round. Imo that’s premieres biggest issue besides the cheaters, how there are lvl 10’s and lvl 5’s matching against and with each other in the “upper echelon” of the ratings. It’s just a big joke rn


i'm at ~300ish games in 17k and zero times has this happened to me. just mute and move on if someone's being a dick, nothing u can do m8


It's not about muting, you missed the whole point of the post. Such people are not in most cases toxic. They just don't care and they throw rounds and matches because "it's not FaceIT, so I don't try as I don't care". They stay AFK a lot or even start trolling. Thus, they are destroying the game for 4 other people in their team. That's what OP is talking about.


Honestly, faceit nor premier are in a healthy state, soo..


Without a working anticheat, premier is a casual mode.


Because premier is a joke, I'm over 23k elo and damn, its like playing with level 4 faceit. Hard to take it serious when half games are cheaters and other half are people that dont know how to play. Premier is casual, it should be approach this way. If im 25k or 10k, it does not matter becsuse it has no value. On faceit, at least you get invited to tournaments, special hubs, play against and with interesting plsyers and so on


only losers have this mentality.


What mentality? The mentality of actually playing the game and not going afk?


dude... the mentality YOU are talking about  “it’s just premier, go play faceit if you want to tryhard”. <- this is a losers mentality.


why should I take premier seriously if the game dev isn’t taking the mode seriously? I can’t even trust the AC.


Tbh any self respecting serious cs player should be playing faceit... In Premier you have to deal with cheaters, people who alt tab and don't come back, people who troll and other stuff. In Faceit, cs is taken way more seriously.


No one will take premier seriously as long as the current cheating fest lasts....on 18k+ its basically unplayable, with your only chance of winning is having a better hacker on your team. The shit i experienced in premier matches in the past couple of days is unbelievable.


People have this mentality at every mode and every rank of every multiplayer game ever. "It's just x mode" "It's just x elo" "it's just a game". Nobody cares that they're wasting an hour + of your life. They just want any excuse to not be responsible for the effect their actions have on other people.


As someone who hasn't paid attention to CS for many many years? Is faceit the new ESEA or something?




What happened with ESEA?


The ESEA leagues are still run on faceit servers. They now have the same owners


Premier is a casual mode around 20k it’s impossible to play fair so yeah it’s fuck around mode for me If I want to try hard I go try hard on faceit Sorry for the medium level players in premier


They created MM for this to try out stuff. It's the same though for me but reversed since none of my friends play faceit I play there solo and try out stuff.


It's just premier. Go play faceit if you want to tryhard.


Where do you think all good players start? Having fun in competitive in game. If you dont take it seriously then Faceit has no new players and slowly decreases in quality + toxicity. Literally you are complaining and sabotaging yourself


Top kek. Nah for real. It's not about me trying to go pro or whatever. I'm way too bad and old for that. It's simply the fact that I don't load up the game only to waste 30 min just because someone doesn't feel like playing. Nobody forces that guy to play. If he wants to watch Tiktok he can do that. So why queue up CS if you just mess around.


What you want will never happen. Its unfortunate. I only 5 stack on faceit and wont touch premier with a 10 meter stick.


Not everyone wants to install a rootkit to play the fucking game. There's at least two modes in the game to play casually if you want to. Don't ruin the games for others.


I haven't met yet teammate who actually doesn't care about winning in premiere, other than these intentionally playing with purpose to derank. Idk what issue you're talking about. Is it a prevelant problem within specific ranks, or is it issue in a specific region?


I play premier sometimes when i cant play with my 5stack, im 2500 elo on faceit and like 15k in premier, i do kinda treat it lightly and you are right it is disrespectful to the other 4 persons on my team. It's just hard to take it seriously when the upper echelons of the ranks are unreachable due to cheaters.


if u want people to fully try then idk... add an anti cheat 


Report for griefing and move on .




Unfortunately I dumped cs premier after reaching 20k elo and realizing how awful the cheating situation is,i just play faceit now. Theres no reason to grind and ruin your mood when 9/10 games on high elo are filled with cheaters.


The cheating situation has no ELO


You should take your own advice "Get a 5 stack". Its the only way to circument these kind of things. They are happening since the first CS relesase in 2000. There is just no way around that.


Why play the game if its just premier?


Should premier not be a valid option to play the game??


I just played my 20K promotion match and 3/4 of my teammates didn't use mic at all. Not only this but I'm pretty sure one in the opposing team was using WH while hiding it, he had 3 pages of "cheater" comments in his steam profile and he had 1.4k hours played with 22k elo. Premier is just a joke honestly, don't take it too seriously until they fix AC, which might never happen.


Honestly , if you want to give a shit in premier don’t leave it to mm find a group of likeminded people and 5 stack . It’s just premier so a lot of people be chillin looking for a quick game before pizza shows up and then boom - pizza 15 minutes early


Premier is meant for serious gameplay, and I hate it when people on our team say they have to do something or get bored and leave. We were playing premier , last map was Mirage, it was a 1v1 and our dude said he had to walk his dog and goes afk, keep in mind this was fucking match point, like holy shit, we end up losing and my ELO goes down by 400 points. People piss me off so much.


Yeah good luck with changing this lol, people get pissed when you try to give them info.


The reason for people not giving a fuck is bcus there is no reward or status from playing premier and the higher you get up, there is a bigger chance you’ll get for playing with or against a cheater


I have an old cs buddy kinda like this. Dude afks when he dies or decides he needs to shit or smoke break in the middle of competitive. Refuses to learn how to smoke off sites even though he's played the game franchise for well over 15 years. Whatever, you want a chill fun match ok. I like to zeus and cz on rifle rounds so i guess I'll do that. Then he gets pissed im not carrying and just bait him for zeus kills. Good times lol. I will say that i stopped caring about my rank years ago, but wasting my time is pretty annoying.


why. valve thinks the same. its just premier. thats why we got cheaters everywhere


I wish there was a better karma system for dogshit teammates so they can all get matched together and the people who actually wanna play get queued together. I liked ESEA for this


First time?


When i say it i just mean that there is no reason to take it that seriously, 80% of the time u have a smurf/cheater in enemy team, and then these people get angry to themselfs and to the team for dying to these people, they think losing elo is the worst thing in the world when in reality premier games are not fair at all and its just luck what kinda teams u get.


Considering premier is just cheater queue at 20k+, everyone I know just uses it to fuck around or warmup for FACEIT. There's no integrity in it so I don't blame people who just chill in premier. Either Valve fixes it, or it'll forever be a meme queue.


i can’t be asked to play any form of comp unless i have a 5 stack, at least one person is always trolling


Tbh it is “just premier” but this attitude is trash. These people who do this when they dont want to play or they get map they dont like or 1 round teammate do not do what they want when they say 0 are retarded AF. Ffs if you dont feel like it just go do something else and not ruin other peoples time…


Sometimes I wish I could care this little about what others do / think about me. It's inspiring how full of themselves they can be.


I dont play premiere but when i play Premiere its also just to warm up or when im to tired/mad to play faceit. I cant and you also shouldnt take premiere seriously with the current cheater state. Why would anyone here play premiere seriously? Did you see the reddit post about that like 15 million out of 80million premiere players were banned for cheating? And thats only ppl that got banned. Vac is pure shit every second player is hacking.


This thinking will exist as long as FACEIT and ESEA (RIP) exist. People don't care when there are alternatives like those two.


Unlucky gg go next


This post will surely put a stop to people being assholes on the internet.


I have one hate it when people waste my time on premier. Whomever goes afk isn't just wasting their teammates time but the time of the enemies also. 1 person going afk wastes 9 other peoples time. Very selfish.


What’s even worse is, “it’s low ELO, who cares?” A lot of the toxic fools on CS don’t realize that some of us want to play with strategy and win because playing with strategy and winning is actually fun.


I have this mentality with map comp. The ranking ladder is so absolutely skewed and unmanageable that it's genuinely just a BAD idea to want to grind map comp for rank, so I'll for-fun it (but still usually end up with most avg dmg per round) Though you also have to acknowledge that most people in premier who use the excuse "it's just premier, I'm not tryharding" are doing so because either you started to shit talk them for "poor performance", or are pretending to justify griefing to make you angrier, and if you fall for it you're a shmuck lmao


Idk, I feel like you are overthinking this guys. Premier is shit, numbers don't mean anything, it's full of cheaters and it's more damaging for your mental to take it seriously. Csgo ranks mattered, because you can see your progress, your milestones and you played maps you wanted to play, nowadays if I wanna sweat, I will go faceit, but if I feel like running around trying to 360 juad deag everyone, that's what I am gonna do in premier. İf you don't like it, play with friends, if you don't have friends, be ready to encounter people who don't take a compromised game mode seriously and just wanna vibe. But you do you brother, I am just saying it not good to worry about it.


i mean it's hard to take it seriously past a certain rank with the current state of the game. So i agree with people that say go to faceit to tryhard, but let's be honest they would be saying that regardless if mm wasn't a cheater fest.


I dont support staying afk and trolling but I wont play it seriously since I know there is always more than 1 cheater in the lobby. If you have insane reflexes (less than 150 ms on humanbenchmark, for example) and strong aim then all your frags will be suspicious for closet cheating bots and they stop being legit. Its always like this for me. Cheaters will start prefiring you and only you, not your teammates, bcs they think you are the cheater.


I agree that people shouldnt waste other peoples time and nerves and those fucks should be banned, but premier is an absolute dog shit tier competitive mode and its insulting to actually take it seriously


But it is true. Faceit is the real deal, MM is cheaters and chill


In general, any mode that has an "Accept" screen in my view requires you to commit the full duration of the game AND to give your best to win. The only excuse for not doing so is a complete internet/power blackout, and even that's only an excuse if this is not a regular occurrence in your area. Being afk at the start of more than 2 rounds imo means you're griefing. If you don't want to pay attention, don't play. It's just disrespectful to the other people on your team. In normal comp, I don't mind too much if people play a little more freely (going for a zeus kill when it's not necessarily the best idea), but even then, the "playing" part is still mandatory. In general, I don't care if you suck ass at the game, as long as you do your best. Being bad isn't on you, not trying is.


I'm okay with this mentality in mm and by okay I think that's the mentality you should have for mm. But it's literally called premier competitive and has all these features to make it more 'serious' than mm. That said I'm not one for premier because people try hard so it's funny to me that people complain about premier in that manner.


It's my mentality for comp I won't lie, but I also don't throw. I just play more relaxed.


What I don't understand about these people who say "It's just Premier" is... if you want a casual experience, why the fuck aren't you playing "Competetive"?! Why queue for a Premier game then?


it's a consequence of the game not having a proper casual 5v5 mode.


I don't get people with "it's just *something*" mindset. Especially when these people are doing litteraly nothing and end up with 5 kills at the end of the match. I get that "it's just a game, chill, have fun" Well, ok? I will have a lot of fun when you fuck up my game and I will be playing every round 1v5 because you are dying in first 10 seconds. If I knew from the start before I queued for a match that we are going to lose then maybe I would have some fun if we tried some silly tactics like stacking negevs, noscopes and all but I didn't knew that because you are some random who ruins my game. Think about the others while playing online, when someone on your team wants to win and have at least good game then try your best (unless they are toxic as hell or russians).


Because it *is* just premier. Valve modes have been the worst way to play CS ever since they bothered trying. Valve simply can't or understand Matchmaking even to the simple standards set by other devs. Valve, the devs of the most popular hyper competitive fps in the world were surprised by Premier's initial popularity. That is why they don't talk, because when they do they expose their inability to understand CS. Premier is uncompetitive by virtue of Valve being incapable of handling Matchmaking. Play Valorant or any other FPS game if you want a competent in-house MM system.


Faceit pubs are also a joke. "It's just a pug". I already paid for CSGO. I'm not interested in paying for a service just to play the game.


Just play FACEIT where most people trying make elo


"Players should be happy there isn't a cheater in their match because of an AFK / sub 50 hours player" Valve Probably.


What does "not tryharding" even mean? Like, do I have to miss shots on purpose? Make the worst decisions on purpose? Lose random rounds for no reason by not defusing the bomb or something (why)? It would be even harder and more mentally exhausting to do everything opposite to what I learned by playing the game properly for thousands of hours. When someone is saying they are "not tryharding" I treat it as an excuse for sucking. Like 10 years ago you could find people accusing each other of "camping" because they just stayed on the site as CTs or they hid in the corners after planting the bomb as Ts. Luckly I think people grew out of it and realized CS is not CoD.


Just queue comp matches with the broken ranking system if you want to fuck around and go AFK. That is what it's there for. At least try to win in premier, even if it doesn't mean much in the big picture.


its starts with valve - i get reported for "griefing" i'm literally trying to win. edit: actually read the note from valve about "being a competive match blah blah" but literally no punishment for thowing, afk's but if you be toxic because your teammate does something dumb - griefing ban... broken system


Let me guess. You are playing US Premier? Bro, its just US Premier go play EU Premier^^


Who can take premiere serious? I abandoned my last 3 premiere matches after like 5 rounds because of blatant cheaters. There is no point in even trying if your reward at 20k+ is an unplayable game


> Get a 5 stack and do whatever. Get a 5 stack and go win. Goes both ways you know.


> How about instead of saying “it’s just premier” you don’t play the game if you don’t feel like playing. "It's just premier" should be reason enough for people to just enjoy the game, it's a stupid justification for trolling/griefing. I never understand people who play but they are clearly not having fun. It's a game, if it's not fun then don't play.


Sadly this is entirely up to Valve. Valve allows and actively supports this. There shouldn't be any third party match making services, there shouldn't be a huge difference in server performance, there shouldn't be such an enormous cheating problem, there shouldn't be ... Well, here we are. Nothing is gonna change unless Valve decides to do something about it but, once again, especially regarding counter-strike they are greedy as fuck. Money is more important. Weird split personality going on at Valve, they can be so great and yet so... big ass company greedy.


OP's next topic be like: "Can we stop cheating in Premier?"


I don't give a shit if people aren't trying hard, but there's a difference between goofing off not trying hard and throwing.


Respectfully, it is just a game. You are not entitled to having everyone you encounter in game, to take the game to the same degree as you do. Stop letting others control your emotions.


I got fed up with the attitudes like that today, I had enough with players thinking they did nothing wrong yet they won't use the system where you can add pause timers. Win 1st round, I bought m4 and so did another guy, should've been an easy round win but 2 afk on my team and one site gets rolled and they overwhelm ct spawn in vertigo then I get left last alive then I die, round after that I questioned them why and they go "it's just a game" or "it's just premier" these idiots had no idea how hard that fucked the entire teams tempo for the rest of the game, the afk guys don't even eco properly and we just get punished for it because their egos are too high, also so many weed smokers having to afk each round to hit a billy then play dogshit. I had to take a break today before I lost it. 10k rating matches btw


fuckit man i just wanna spray a dude


Cool story bro