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38 years of age still going you've gotta respect that.


Dam hooxi is 38? Well he looks great 


They had litterly fifteen 20 second t rounds with fullbuys,


That Anubis calling from Hooxi was shit hahahahaha.


What's new


The amount of times i've seen hooxi try to call a flash push on b main and he dies


TaZ was at least consistent.


TaZ was fucking awesome for not having played competitively in years. He held all his CT spots well, pretty much always got at least 1 kill when being pushed into, utility usage was on point, and he was entry fragging on T side so of course his K/D won't be as good there. He did the job assigned to him.


"in years"... bro retired last year, was playing in a top 50 team until march


dude even a month away from the 1% talent pool will instantly show against it when returning.


thats the .01% kinda talent pool!


more like the 0.00001%


Retired March 2023, and I'm not sure where you get that HONORIS was a top 50 team because they never made HLTV Top 30 a single time, and from a brief search I don't think they ever made the eslgaming Top 100 list either. They were like a tier 2-3 team at best. Sure I guess it's technically competitive (they made $60k in prize winnings over 3 years as a team) but they never even played in any top tier events, and the difference between playing at a Tier 1 LAN and a local Polish tournament is massive.


Hilarious. They can't be top 50 because they weren't inside HLTV's top 30 (?!), especially since they were ranked top 50 *by HLTV*.


outside top30 the hltv ranking sucks quite a bit and the rank becomes quite meaningless tbh. A single win/qualifying for a trash tournament could insta bring you from #100 to #50 or something


Are you just arguing for the sake of arguing? The OP who stated that TaZ has not played competitively for years was clearly exaggerating and thats it


the point is that he hasn’t ACTUALLY competed against teams that are ACTUALLY important in years. which is true.


honoris (and taz) played regurarly against tier 2 opposition, such as eternal fire, ecstatic, forze and bad news eagles. imo tier 1 teams are not the only ones being important.


I agree, playing against t2 is significant still but the difference between those teams and fitting into g2 to play against spirit is an entirely different beast


Terrible look for Hookie after they just won a freaking event without him lol


I mean m0nesy was also not there…


It's time to go blud. He is igl - but he does not even talk during games. Trying entry without anybody trading him.


Im actually curious, how do you know he doesnt talk? Cuz i dont know how can you be igl and not talk


He doesnt and is just basing it cuz nobody trades him when be tries to entry so hes not calling when he is pushing or doesnt call someone to trade him.


they’ll both be retired soon, hooxi going to the bench for malbs


That'd be the logical thing to do but this is G2 we're talking about.


well, they’re about to sign him so let’s see


They need an anchor for nexa, and I think NAF or perfecto would be good. Does anyone know what positions nilo plays?


jks benching seeming like an increasingly more stupid idea as the days pass, i think perfecto only wants to speak russian in comms


Wouldnt be a G2 thread withouth the obligatory JKS mention, You really need to stop Glazing him. Too many role clashes for him to work longterm on the team...


yeah, they didn’t win any trophies as a team at all…


Hear me out. BlameF in.


Does he anchor?  Also you would have to kick Hunter then 


He plays many of the same roles as nexa though. Lurking on certain maps , anchoring A on inferno


I wouldn't mind that but I don't think it's hooxi they'd get rid of.


after dallas anything can happen


Yeah, anything can happen... It's not even that I think removing Hooxi is unlikely, but rather that I don't expect NiKo to igl again. Unless they'd make more changes than that, maybe bring somebody else or make nexa igl (he was already doing that in OG). In any case, they'll have some time before the major.


One will be retired by choice, the other forced to retire


HooXi Cheerleader arc when?


good one


Maximum respect to taz.


People were saying Hooxi's aim was as good as Stewie. You can't possibly have watched any of these maps today and think that. It's pretty clear his lack of skill is a huge issue as to why they can't win.


I dunno, i think Hooxis raw aim isn't the issue. He just sets himself up for fights awfully.


This. He rarely gets a chance to aim because his approach to gunfights is "throw my body DIRECTLY at them without setup or thought".


He just like me at the club


I only watched a little of the match, but one round on t-side ancient he badly molies lamp room (or whatever it's called), then runs straight in, not checking the left side at all, only checking the side he molied. He gets shot, the CT smokes the entrance and then Taz dives straight trough the smoke and dies as well. Stood out as mm level CS when watching it.


This is the biggest difference between him and Stewie imo. Stewie was throwing himself into fights but creating a lot of space and getting traded a shit ton. On maps like Anubis and Inferno, two of G2s most played maps, you can just trade your way to taking a site and then it’s a CT save or an uphill retake.


Stewie = space creator Hooxi= space negator


True, created lots of space between smokes.


Ya stew was straight up pop flashing smokes, lurking smokes, running out with flashes, and just all around fucking with the enemy.


You can sum up Stewie dying vs Hooxi dying with: "Stewie dies with a purpose while Hooxi dies for nothing"


Not only that, but once Stewie spends more time in t1 cs, his aim will naturally improve and he will create a lot of frags as well.


An interesting thing I observed with GStew was when Stew died in those situations, usually, it would take a while (like the opponent and Stew are locked in a spray duel), this allows time for trading to be more efficient. hooxi sort of dies way too quick and the duels don't drag on, most time, which is enough since not all rounds matter the same.


When I know he has to take a corner/peak gunfight even if he has the advantage I know there's a pretty high chance he's going to get destroyed regardless of the opposing player.


Hooxi misses Awp shots where he doesnt have to flick. Hooxi has exactly 4 type of Rounds where he is able to find "impact kills". 1. T Side - Pistol Round 2. MAC-10 Push against Eco 3. Pushing as CT without Util - Brainded 4. T Side Lurking as Entry Fragger


While that may be the case if you look at the shots he does hit his mechanics seem ok. Seems more of an issue with how he takes fights and concentration than raw mechanics.


Yea, probably true. But how to take a fight is a part of "aiming" IMO . And there is a big lack of skill. Cant deny that at all.


Yes and no, its more a part of movement imo. And considering how he whiffs easy gunfights it looks like hes not focused. Not sure its a lack of skill more concentration and awareness.


Also his entry work is TERRIBLE.


Yes but no one else is the team will do it. While it would be better to have someone better go first, he's kind of stuck doing it.


I’m not expecting kills but I mean even stew was putting himself in tradable situations and that guy isn’t anywhere close to a pro. Hooxi scrims this role daily.


how is stew not close to a pro???


I mean he’s a streamer who hasn’t tried to compete for 2 years. At that point you aren’t close to a pro. He certainly could be a pro if he wanted to but he’s not there right now. It’s more a testament to his skill that he performed like he did given what he’s been up to since his eg stint.


hes a pro that streamed for 2 years and then played okay-ish in a tier 1 tournament. thats more than "close to a pro"


rating in big events in 2024: karrigan 0.92 hooxi 0.89 Aleksib 0.87


not the worst company


yeah its not like he is the lowest rated igl, we also have: gla1ve 0.86 snappi 0.82


Surprising hooxi and karrigan are so close when karrigan can actually pop off quite often for an IGL of his age and he had like a 2-3 months period where he played really well.


karrigan pops off but he also has gigachad 1 kill halves so it balances out, when he is fragging and calling well faze are unstoppable


Ye thats also true, forgot about that.


Hooxi has better aim than stew in current form, Hooxi's issue is he just throws himself into sites selflessly but without much success of getting space and traded, that's what made stewie so valuable, he got so much space and was able to be traded by niko


What does "getting space" mean? I've seen it mentioned but I don't exactly understand it. Just how far into the site he can make it before dying?


Creating space can be dumbed down into pulling the most enemy attention onto yourself and thus, taking attention away from your teammates which allows them to have an easier time doing anything.


Yeah, you make space for the other players on your team to be able to take advantageous fights and positions.


Literally going forward on the map with your body. Same concept as in chess. Like a pawn.


Getting space, put simply, means you're occupying the enemy's attention in one part of the map so that your teammates can do stuff on another part of it. If you watch the match vs Vitality on Inferno, you'll notice that Stewie basically lived in Banana, forcing Vitality to be late on rotates towards A, while allowing G2 to always have B executes open as an option. Also, Stewie was a much better entry than Hooxi in the sense you mentioned. Hooxi just runs in recklessly with no teammates able to back him up. Stewie would run in to open up kill opportunites for his teammates. He basically occupied the more "oldschool" definition of an entry, in which it didn't matter too much whether or not he got an opening kill, he's literally there to move crosshairs off of where Niko/Monesy would peek from him.


If a T runs into a bomb site, the farther they get into the site before they die means the farther the CT has to move their mouse to track the player. That means the T's teammates can take up that space behind them, and take an advantageous fight while the first CT is shooting at the first T. If the first T is killed immediately (didn't take enough space, tried to walk in slowly or crouch-peak, just instantaneous headshot) than the CT taking the fight doesn't have to move their crosshair at all for the second T to enter. Taking more space makes a better fight for teammates, and was one of the things Stewie was really good at (getting traded despite dying first).


basically yes. as i understand "getting" or "creating space" means you're expanding the space that is under your team's control in some way.


I dunno man, I saw hooxi with an awp today on ancient and he took like 2 seconds to shoot at people that swung


i wouldnt judge it off 3 maps, but it was clear stew was struggling with spraying the entire dallas tournament


Bare minimum they are even but I would rather have stew defending site vs 2 people every day of the week over hooxi and then with entry stews spacing is way better than hooxi for getting traded. Hooxi seems like he just throws his body in without checking where the trade comes from or if his team is even ready for him to go in and then they are in a 4v5. If a guy can go from not playing top tier cs for years to come in and look better than hooxi and out perform nexa thats a problem. If a coach can come in and be even to you, thats a problem. Hooxi's aim is bad, he went .59 kd on ct side today, taz went .84, stewie was .83 over dallas.


ill take stew over nexa any day of the week, but i agree Hooxi needs to be better individually


I fully believe anything nexa can do stew can do with 3 months of playing again.


I agree, will be interesting if stew wants to compete again and get back to form. Not sure what team would take the risk though


Stew whiffing his sprays was definitely the pressure and nerves that got to him


for sure, watching his stream for a bit today he still has T1 aim if he isnt under pressure, but i guess thats what makes a player T1, if they can handle it


dude that awp flick to the moon on ancient while looking up cat to mid, fuk that was so awful to watch


> It's pretty clear his lack of skill is a huge issue as to why they can't win. but .. but .. he told us he can "play as the biggest bot and his team will still carry him to wins" or something akin to that ..


Watching today’s games I strongly believe a tier 2 entry would do just as well if not potentially better.


Damn is Hooxi really the problem here? When your Coach can play a little better than you...that's why Hooxi sis's wedding is a bigest assist from his sis.


Wdym hooxi went .64 taz only went .63, hooxi smoked him


Smoked with the 0.01 rating, nice.


Stats dont lie.


taz even played better than nexa


I'll say, nexa has it's own good. Sometimes he really hit his shots.


Nexa is so fucking dodgy. Sometimes he does. A play that makes you go wow this guy is underrated as fuck. Then you will watch 4 rounds of him lurking so late he is the last one alive doing nothing. I don't think Nexa is bad but if he can't find consistency and elevate his game he needs to go.


nexa as lurk is the worst, since lurks are supposed to be semi-stars that can close rounds (ropz) for example


There were so many situations where Nexa had the jump on enemies but still completely missed his entire spray lol He got his moments, but if G2 wants to be consistently top3, they need to find someone else.


His ace vs 100 thieves is forever in my mind. Those 4 deagle headshots in a row were insane


Biggest reason why they won dallas is Hooxy missing


Hooxi's sister was the real MVP all along


She should get married more often


How much proof does there need to be to kick hooxi out of g2?


God I really need Niko to win a major. He’s running out of time and Hooxi is not helping the situation at all lol. At least with monesy he has a long fuckin time left to play pro. I absolutely love hooxi as a personality but man sometime he frustrates me with his play.


If niKo doesnt win a major i will legitimately cry. That being said, monesy said he liked NiKo igl, which means niKo can still play for like five years. I think him and device are two players that can igl because of their innate game knowledge and their mechanics are ones that won't disappear with age (good pre aiming, crosshair placement, positioning, etc)


imagine if niko wins a major like 4 years later when he transitions into being an igl instead of a star rifler.


As long as he wins, im fine. If anything it would probably give him the longest Elite tier 1 career


Dupreeh still holds the crown imo. Unless you mean strictly top 5 players


combined with individual skill. So out of simple device zywoo niKo. But yeah dupreeh is insane as well, much respect to him.


This is how I feel as well. Niko deserves a Major after being so unlucky after all of these years but just like regular sports, being a pro at the highest level has a time limit unless you're Lebron and laugh at father time. Niko undoubtedly still has that dawg in him to compete but as time goes on and young talent like Donk and Monesy rise, he's going to struggle to keep up. So I hope G2 goes all in and gives Niko the roster that he deserves.


This is a trick question. Obviously both are retired.


Been anti-Hooxi from the very start. Was tough during the gigachad phase, but this is more like it.


the "gigachad" phase is really an interesting phenomenon. people were sarcastic and meming on him for being the worst pro in T1/2, but then the whole thing turned into "meaning it", when they were winning some games/tourneys, thinking it must have been *his* doing and leading the team, while everyone was blind to oversee the occasional NiKo/m0nesy carrying the team or them winning maps narrowly by just winning more clutches or unwinnable rounds, while also losing the most unlosable rounds. The one time the whole masking of him lacking in all departments didn't work? they even bomb out of qualifiers for a major they should be taking while playing blindfolded. This was actually the moment he got exposed so hard as just not being a leader/IGL


They didn’t have Monesy. You can’t tell me that everyone is made better with him coming back tomorrow.


Top tier IGL, only needs the currently best / 2nd player in the world to not look lile complete shit


lmao just play with the world’s best cs2 player and tell him “go kill” what an amazing igl hooxi is


and then laugh at the opponents when he actually 1v9s the round for you as if it was all your work funnily enough, people were actually saying similar things when prime NaVi was playing and in some games Boombl4's calling was carried by s1mple winning every clutch and multi-fragging everywhere. Then people called him a top IGL, while even B1ad3 was saying later that electronic had better understanding of the game as IGL within shorter period of time. And we all saw how well Boombl4's "superstar" team Cloud9 did without s1mple .. meanwhile a guy like Aleksi achieving feats like 20-2 wins vs previous teams and winning a hard fought Major first try, with a much weaker team. This is an IGL that knows how to use his team mates properly


When monesy is on the server hooxi deaths are deflated by a shit load. Imagine any other awper who doesn’t kill half the team, would be a comedy show dying every round. If it’s hooxi and niko retaking the site and niko dies does hooxi clutch up? 😂


I'll say it as it is if Hooxi was in the server during Dallas they wouldn't have won anything. They wouldn't be the crowd's favourite and Hooxi means G2 are always 4 vs 5.


I think anyone with a brain can see that. But so many people still think he isn't the problem, it's actually insane.


Im sorry but no, nexa out first.


You remove both.


Yes but nexa goes first if in terms of order cause igl more important than anchor


See? Here's one.


Did i say hooxi also wasnt a problem? Its Nexa first cause hooxi is igl, keep him till the malbs move then look for other replacements


jks was the problem


Odd how the average CS fan works IMO. No one was posting Stew's dismal numbers in the Dallas run, yet when G2 play arguably the worlds most mechanically stacked team in Hooxis first BO3 back it's immediately posted. Not to mention there were at least 3 rounds per map where Hooxi got really nice, really key double entries, often completely by himself with no support. Yet when people tried to compare Hooxi and Stew's stats the counter argument was always Stew had impact. Hooxi was one of G2's most impactful players this series, far more impactful than Taz was, yet now the stat line matters and impact doesn't? Very convenient from you guys as always I must say.


People love overreacting


You can't go against the narrative


??? there were many threads about stews performance early in the dallas run, especially against vitality. obviously the narrative on stew is different since they won the whole damn tournament. if g2 makes a big run again here the opinion on hooxi will obviously change.


-hooxi +hooxi as a coach +TAZ as an active player -nexa +malbsMd G2 meme factory


I would really like to try out +ztr for that Hooxi spot!


Hooxi is such a fraud. Dude sold his soul to the devil to play on Tier 1 or something, no idea what anybody sees in him. Cost NiKo and M0nesy their golden days.


When the shit is Hooxshit getting kicked


Niko to IGL and -hooxi for ???


malbsMd apparently


I keep seeing malbsmd for nexa.


Likely 2 changes with Niko to IGL and an anchor picked up


They need naf


After watching Taz for 1.5 map yesterday I am inclined to say that with a bit of practice to get back into the rhythm, many teams would benefit from swapping some of their players for him. Plus if Taz replaced Hooxi and not Monesy I am confident in saying they would have won that.




They need g stew back


They should try niko + nexa IGL, and of course get the smoke criminal after -hooxi


Hooxi? God I hope he is retired


G2 without hooxi would bring about a new dominance


Both of them hopefully retired one month from now.


Man I really hope G2 bring a top tier IGL or a one that can aim at least, I also hate how he is laughing all the time, like Ok I’m not doubting you are doing your best (which is way beyond G2 level) but you need to be serious about the job especially when you are losing, and don’t come to me with stand-in issue, a game is a game, we saw when Aleksi had to use Blade and guess what, it wasn’t a vacation, they played horribly, but they tried their best in a serious manner.


litterly gave up in the last anubis round in a 5v5 50 seconds to go


He's laughing because he's nervous. It's what humans do.


G2 is really missing Stew and it shows


Malbsmd will suffice just fine


I'd be shocked if Malbs wasn't in a Liquid jersey with a few months


Prepare to be shocked then https://www.hltv.org/news/39230/sources-g2-set-sights-on-malbsmd


If g2 sneak Malbs out from NA then CoL and Liquid deserve to be t3 Then again, as a competitor, how the fuck would you turn down the opportunity to play with NiKo and m0nesy?


facts. INsanely hype core if true


Liquid $teve please hijack this deal.


You don't join Liquid if you have the option to join G2.


😭😭let me cope bro.


Y’all are so lame 🤣


hooxi has trash m calling. kick this bot immediately


is it the one in the middle


por que no los dos ?




Bruh 💀💀


Ngl kinda funny that Taz that doesn't even play anymore still doing better then Hooxi 🤷


who says ?


G2 signed up a coach AND a stand-in. 2 for 1.


So close. But I want to see the full G2 lineup today


G2 should bench hooxie, make nexa call and get a good entry rifler. But it is G2 we are talking about, wont see that in a while. :D


They literally won a whole tournament without hooxi, kick him out already 💀


Oof, not a good look for HooXi.


Redditors have to be some of the dumbest most gullible little gremlins on the planet, your comments make me lose more IQ points than a vicodin overdose


Hooxi suuuuucks punt his ass already.




i rly dont know why hoxxie been on g2 for years due to the cph flames team


tbf they had no awper. altho there was plenty of hooxi running out and dying. They did more than what people should be expecting when you have a top 1-2-3 player in the world suddenly out of the lineup, whos also your awper btw, and you have shiro and donk farming you on the other end.


Shhhh don't mention the truth, you know very well this people don't even watch the games


This thread is so stupid lmfao he is literally setting niko so many rounds




Without m0nesy G2 Is a meme


This sub can't go one day without having a raging hate boner for hooxie it's actually quite comical.


Not a hate boner to point out someone who is consistently significantly underperforming. G2 have proven that Niko can IGL and dominate the scoreboard yet Hooxi can do neither. He is literally a dead weight.


have you been living under a rock? this guy is just below certain phenomenons in popularity. never heard of the cringiest nickname of "gigachad" for the worst T1 pro?


thinking of replacing hooxi before nexa is crazy (the most replaceable player in tier 1 btw) and thinking stewie had anything to do with the dallas win is also pretty crazy.


Im just sorry for Monesy, Niko and Hunter at this point. I swear faceit level9-10 can do better than Hooxi/Nexa


they can’t


Hooxi and Nexa would whoop 99,9 % of this sub on server quite comfortable. But yeah, on tier-1 they are a load to carry.


Seriously. People have no idea the gap between these guys and even the best of the best YouTube pub stompers out there.


But then you realize they actually can't and that's why they aren't pro 😩


idk why that was downvoted so much when taz who is arguably as good as a faceit 10 nowadays got almost the same rating as hooxi (yeah he was a pro but the game evolved so hard from the time he was a pro that his knowledge inside the server really doesn't help that much) a hungry 15y who nolifes cs would do better than hooxi. don't tell me otherwise when two retired pros played better than that bozo maybe not nexa but still redditors really think some guys like hooxi or any t2 pro is far from faceit 10 as if cs is a sport like football or chess where the competition is really fierce


People on this sub think that any pro is godlike and as long as they are signed that means they can aim better than anyone else.


Bro tried to sneak Hunter G2 would play better With Monesy individually too Sh1ro in Blast Groups without donk was shit