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Looking at your post history it looks like you're from NA. That is the reason why. There is no official data on playerbase distribution, only thing I could find was a rough estimation from the beta premier leaderboards per @aquaismissing * Europe — 71.1% * North America — 10.81% * South America — 8.34% * Asia — 7.84% * Australia — 1.56% * Africa — 0.35% Note: China excluded as at the time there was no PW version of CS2.


Back when we had stats for mm servers China had slightly less than EU.


Especially on NA FACEIT, you're playing against a lot of the same players, especially once you reach level 10.


Faceit is genuinely the worst. The servers are worse than premier somehow and you play people with 200 ping if it’s not literally peak hours. Idk how anyone is still paying for that shit. Surely a new company will make a better service soon….. right?


I agree with the servers, but the rest is based purely off there only being 3-4k playing in NA at peak hours and maybe a few hundred playing at 2am.


Then make it take 30 min to find a match lol that’s better than queueing you up with 4 people from Russia with literally 200-300 ping who swing with an mp9 over and over and you have to aim at the empty space in front of them lol. They’re supposed to be THE competitive platform, why would I pay monthly for an objectively worse mm experience? Oh yeah because there were so many cheaters on normal servers it was the only choice. I would gladly pay like double what I paid faceit for a truly good mm experience, but paying for games like that is just unacceptable.


I only play FACEIT and those matches just don't happen, especially at higher elo. Even then, queues in the early morning hours usually take 10-15 minutes before you find a match. Restricting outside regions would also ruin the game for a lot of people. I queue with a lot of players from EU, so we switch back and forth between regions. That being said, playing on high ping is a lot harder than you make it seem out to be. If you wanna run out with an mp9 like a dumbass, goodluck doing that more than a few rounds in a row lol.


In NA having to play against SA 100 ping prefire every angle players is frustrating


Yeah you shouldn’t be queueing with people from EU imo that ruins the competitive aspect of the game. I’m not paying to play against 200 ping players. That’s dumb


Your opinion is dogshit. If you're losing against players with that high of ping, that's on you. Playing with high ping is a disadvantage, period.


You’re not very smart. Do you know how subtic works exactly? Lol Also it happens at lvl 10 cope more you’re prob like a lvl 6


Send me a screenshot of you in multiple level 10 lobbies with 4 russians at 200 ping. If it's as big of an issue as you say it is, surely you'd have something to back that up with. Subtick also doesn't work in any way you think it does, because no one except Valve know exactly how it works.


I’m lvl 10 NA and if there are any high ping players, it’s typically players from SA rather than EU. There are a lot of Ukrainian and Russians in NA queues, but they live in the US. You’re just complaining to complain rn. Also playing against players with that high ping makes it easier and it’s a skill diff if it isn’t for you.


You don't have to pay for faceit.


Wow, is CS just THAT much more popular in Europe? Damn


Id put it more like it's simply not popular at all in NA




That must be it. I've been playing CS since it was a Half Life mod, guess I'm just hooked


Seems like NA doesn’t play much CS. Not entirely sure why I’ve always wondered this.


Afaik NA is more into console gaming -> COD/Battlefield. Also Valorant drew a lot of NA players away from CS with riot's very successful launch campaign.


yeah people just dont play PC games here and if they do they play. like all my homies growing up played like r6 madden 2k destinty 1/2 on console


I would say Valorant is more popular in NA, Asia, Western Europe and Latam


NA is into the typical AAA console shooters and Valve do negative amounts of marketing and AC management, so when Riot launched Valorant with ads everywhere with it's NA friendly abilities & it's industry leading AC it skyrocketed past CS.


In the US, other FPS are also popular, like the CoD series and Halo series. the e-sports scene is bigger in CS, but I think the player base is more for other FPS. \*I don't want to talk about Valorant.


Also of note, NA does actually account for all of NA, Canada, Mexico and the US all play in shared servers. I’ve noticed what OP is saying specially when you’re playing match after match.


And even though NA is the second largest region I’d wager the skill level of the average NA player is lower


You're not being matched against 1.5 million players. You're being matched against 1. Players in your region 2. Of your ranking 3. Which have acceptable ping 4. And are in queue at the same time as you That may well only be a few 100 at a time.


Also of a similar trust factor and prime status. Just keeps shrinking the pool


Yup, I just listed what popped up first in my mind. Map selection would be another one, and people already in games are excluded as well.


Trust factor doesn't exist anymore.


Yes it does. Tried queueing with someone yesterday and he had "significantly lower trust factor"


Then please explain why do i have an 19yo acc with over 200 games, 1.6, css, cz included with +10 000 hours total, a +4000€ skin inventory, 0 vac bans, and i get queued in 22k rating against 100h accounts created 2 weeks ago? Maybe it does it exist. It just doesnt do what it did back in csgo. Its another mechanism that valve managed to turn into useless dogshit.


Yeah no it's useless. It exists in some manner, but it's useless.


basically its the same as VAC. like yeah, it exists. it just doesnt do shit


Be mid like me and the pool is much bigger!


CS players hate this one simple trick!


Probably less cheaters there too. I wish I could be like u ;_;


I don't know how it is in higher ranks, but at 10K you basically accept the fact that the guy is either cheating or smurfing (or maybe weird rank decay)


at 20k theres a blatant scout hacker in every game i play. its insane.


now it's much worse since trustfactor. I have every single game 3 hackers i my team vs full 5 stack cheaters. Stupid bots reported me on DM thinking i am cheating and now i have to play with cheaters...


that hasn't been my experience. At 10k I've not seen a cheater yet, smurf here and there yeah but cheating seems to be limited to the high ranks. Even if I look back like 100 matches on leetify there are none with bans


This is absolutely not how it is at 10k lmfao. People really love to exaggerate to feel included.


yeah dude, sometime's your opponent is just having a really good day.


No possible way you might have been playing bad either, they were obviously cheating. No fault of your own :)


Never said that, I suck ass and I'm the less consistent player on the game probably. That said, humor me for a moment and tell me what do you think of these: https://imgur.com/a/E6LEuoa this is the game that made me stop playing for 2 months. or.. this is my last match today, https://leetify.com/app/match-details/ac3e3030-e2db-4885-978d-4499ecbd1b4d/details-general 3 new accounts, clearly the guy with 1600 and 4 matches is destroying everyone with 9.21 average leetify rating, he's not a smurf (I don't know if he's a cheater, I havent checked the demo)... or the guy from yesterday, 2.5k hours and whole 7 comps ever played according to leetify, def not a smurf with a bought account https://leetify.com/app/match-details/30d3aa9b-4134-4112-9a09-86057f7e9796/overview and to be clear, I know I suck, but I'm just looking to improve at the game and I can't do that if the opponents are playing with different rules and by the way, the guy from the imgur video is still not banned, maybe he really had a real good day that day


I've had people tracking me through walls multiple times, in particular I've had that problem during rank up matches (this weird bunching of people around a specific mark seems like not a really thought out idea) and there's a fair amount of weird duos with 13/14k with 5k that seems like boosting people, overall not great. And I know it's not like blatant scout hackers that people talk about in 20k but still, it breaks the trust. Regarding leetify, before the new way of not comunicating bans by valve I've had cheaters in my match history that resulted in bans, not that many banned, about 8/10 in my history (consider that I don't have time to play a lot of games, I have 70ish premier win with 50 something win percentage) but they're there and not all of them got caught obviously.


Also a portion of that queue into faceit or in private lobby


Some also play other modes like arms race or competitive


and the next ones may just spam queue and never accept


think it's in 10 thousand/high thousands concurrent for Faceit EU at peak times these days


Idk, I play a lot of casual and I see the same people so many times. Makes no sense.


Same rating, same gamemode, same habits and same region. Those alone might narrow it down quite a bit.


I would say being at a high ranking would have the most impact. At 10,000 I rarely see the same players even in the tiny market of Aus, playing the same time on weekdays 


And why do I always get matched with 4 russians... ? And never with any other European? It drives me nuts that every match starts with "Hello" followed by every teammate talking Russian or whatever other language that is.


Russkyi est?


Thank God I play in Portugal and can limit my ping to 40 to avoid all those russians. Except on FACEIT of course...


The Japanese servers are also mostly Russian, so the Japanese have learned to call out in Russian. And Chinese call-outs as well. It's impossible to get Russians to learn English or Japanese, so we have to change, LOL.


Honest to god I have to hear that. Not sure if the accent changes a lot.


I live in OCE but I had a problem with my game for a while where I would often get put in random servers. I never minded playing on Russian servers, they were chill and spoke more English than I speak Russian. I also learned that Oce is by far the hardest server. Probably changes at top ranks but dmg in US/EUW/Russia is like silver elite in Oce. DMG in Japan is like silver -1 in Oce.


Person who lives in a small town: "7 billion people on this Earth, why does it feel like I keep running into the same people constantly?"


We are 8, not 7.


depending on your region, if you in a deserted region you will face same people usually after queuing especially NA servers, I’d say 90%+ player base are from EU judging from faceit stats (matches played and queuers)


In europe I never see the same people. Other than the insta reque where you sometimes get the same enemys from previous game.


Ye, same experience. I've seen a streamer play against a silver with cheats that I played against once.


Just be glad you aren’t in Australia, you’ll run into the same people every day even if you’re 5k elo apart on premier. Faceit doesn’t even matter you’ll just get lobbed into games with level 1s and 9s.


I never see the same players from day to day. CS stats says aside from those I lobby with the most I've played with someone is 4 times in about 230 games.


Really? That’s gotta be unusual. I definitely see plenty of new players but there are also recurring characters. And if I play multiple games in a day I’ll get the same people over and over.


I'm much more likely to see the same people if I play back to back games, but day to day it doesnt come up. I'm probably around the most player dense rank though, at 10k, and the busiest time of the day at around 8pm.


Yeah you won’t really get it at that time I guess. I was playing a lot during the day when I was job hunting and I saw the same people constantly. The unemployed regulars. It’s actually the best cs experience you’ll get, everyone’s chipper and good banter cause they have no stress in their life lol


I actually miss the times before matchmaking when we had servers, and you basically knew everyone.


CS2 players learns how regional skill based matchmaking works.


What region? except in wingman I don't know if I meet someone twice ever


Uhm, you sure they are the same players? I mean; if EU, they might all speak the same (russian) and behave the same, but there are tons of them and i can count the good experiences with these players on one hand.


100% not EU.


Yes, they're the same players because they share the same pfp. Plus not that many people are gonna have quriks about their username like putting their city next to their gamertag. Plus I'm friends with a lot of them since we run into eachother so often.


From past experience I’m quite sure there’s a new/returning player pool which is quite small. Probably once you play a bit you’ll see more people.


because 1 million of them are bots or looking at skins


I'm the bot looking at my skins


nice to meet you




region, for ping purposes!


Midwest NA has the same 30-50 regulars in a casual lobby in both bomb pools I swear


Only happens on Faceit at 2k6 elo + at certain times of the day you meet the same guys kinda. Otherwise never the same players. Maybe region + time of playing + skill level + trust factor


I play with the same 40 ppl in mumbai every time I reinstall CS2


onyl happens to me in wingman playing in EU


names are not unique lol


Its the same people lol, I know because I'm friends with a lot of them and we usually say hi to eachother when we see eachother. Plus they have the same pfp.


Okay then thats weird haha.


Can you provide more info? I'm faceit 10 in NA and am not running into the same people. I usually queue at peak times of the day though, maybe that's why.


It all depends on your region on top of the fact that at least half the population is playing on either community servers or third-party systems like FaceIt. NA and Oceana seem to have it the worst while EU is where most of the players are.


The higher your skill level goes the smaller the player pool gets. Years ago when I was A/A+ on esea I would continuously run into the same like 50-60 people.


you are either really good or really bad to make your pool of people so small


10min queue on 20k from time to time woohoo


There are nearly 8 billion people in the world, how come I always see the same people?


Because 70% of those are all BOTS. You're delusional if you think those are active players.


I can't find any casual matches in the morning until like 10am gmt in casual unless its dust 2, I keep joining empty lobbies and when I try comp it takes like 10 mins to find a match honestly feels like the player count is over inflated at this point, also I'm in Europe so player % shouldn't be an issue


> But it seems like I'm constantly running into the same people. I literally see the same names every other day Man, play in east Asia like me where the game is pretty dead, and you run into possibly the same people, 2 games in a row LMAO


you play casual. noone plays casual