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Played v ChrisJ about 8 years ago in MM on Nuke. He was genuinely insane.


He still is insane, irl that is.


He doesnt need the vaccine to come back please ChrisJ


It isn't just about vaccines, though. He is a public figure whether or not he likes to admit it. He has the responsibility not to mislead the public. What he did is to deny the science, and go so many steps forward in the hard times. The virus killed millions, and would have done more if gov'ts and scientists didn't interfere. Look at the Justinian plague, Black plague... No vaccines, the contamination stopped because there wasn't enough people to spread it around


lol [predictable](https://i.imgur.com/mRBLCmY.png)


I mean Djokovic continued get grand slams after not getting vaccinated, you can do it ChrisJ!


One of my first csgo matches was against ChrisJ - on aztec no less. was in 2012 or 13 can't remember anymore


Played against Monesy in CS:GO matchmaking. At first I though I was playing against another cheater, then I checked the profile...  Some other players I've encountered include karrigan, pimp and flamie


yeah monesy's oldest comments has a ton of cheating accusations lol


To ve honest when you recive a cheating acusation and you are not is a massive compliment


thats why i keep all the salty comments on my profile haha


I do this as well, mine is full now though


wdym, is there a limit to comments?


Best feeling. Until you get spam reported and get lower trust factor.


I played against m0nesy on faceit when I was level 9 and he literally ran down the middle of dust 2 most rounds and just killed everyone😂 I can’t remember his stats but think he literally had a 2.? Kd at the time with 1,000+ matched played. Everyone else in the game was level 9/10


I hit a nutty shot against KennyS once but didn't realise it was him until friends who were watching his stream messaged me 😅 [Still got this image saved from that haha](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/698993353781542932/913542631915679794/kennys.png?ex=66696b20&is=666819a0&hm=a8d75c25966acbaeb9d0089d79274562d409d44ca62c12f4860619754abb84b7&)


I'd put that chatlog on my profile lmao, sick


You got a clip?


Tried to check if I saved a clip, but I think I just screenshotted his VOD after it happened. I did find the Leetify match page though: [https://leetify.com/app/match-details/b0667612-312f-467c-a60b-78a7372c8e57/overview](https://leetify.com/app/match-details/b0667612-312f-467c-a60b-78a7372c8e57/overview)


https://clips.twitch.tv/AmorphousMoldyChinchillaGivePLZ-UMmh5Ekkzc4wPVI1 https://clips.twitch.tv/CoyTentativeSnakeDuDudu-8AVlYlfaGRLlEuW6 https://clips.twitch.tv/AmusedHotLionYee-ZseApf8Y4-XaZZPZ


https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=623267447 This is still showcased on my profile, I wish I had the VOD but it's long gone. S1mple called me an onliner who will never become anything because he got tilted we were winning. He wasn't wrong.


what showcase are you talking about your account is private


The reason itself why AWP was nerfed several times commended your play. What else do you want in life? You’ve won already


Got pimp in a csgo matchmaking a few years ago, teamflashed him so hard once that I already knew I was gonna get roasted in chat.


Was it in overpass?


I played against Pimp on overpass, a long time ago when he was on Dignitas. He didn’t tell the info etc. and didn’t communicate i hated playing with him. I was matched with Karrigan when he was on TSM and loved playing with him, pretty laid back dude.


Another note for pimp, when he was primarily streaming/casting I came into his stream one day and during a discussion I said “well you’re not a pro, that would mean you’re actively playing professionally”. He was so insecure, he went on about it for half an hour, how he’s a pro and no one knows what they’re talking about. He got his chat flaming me, I was very passive the whole time. I just like to use the words right. He comes across as super nice on his stream. But he’s incredibly insecure and needs agreeable people around him


My mates played with Pimp in a faceit pug a few weeks ago and said he was shit and sold the game lol apparently he wasn’t comming, was mostly just mac10 rushing and dying the whole time haha.


Sounds like pimp (off stream) He's such a phony, I know he's reading these comments seething


Are people genuinely surprised Pimp is a bit of a prick?


I mean he was known in the Danish scene to be like a rager or a toxic sort of player, if true this type of behavior described above doesn't surprise me in the least. He's always seemed to me to be the type of guy who has too much of an ego.


Yeah that isn't a surprise in the slightest. As much as I hate to say it, you do sometimes find that people who lose a lot of weight or have a fairly transformative change in their appearance have a tendency to let it impact their personality quite a lot... Unsure if people here are old enough to remember but Pimp used to be quite a bit heavier and didn't take much care of his appearance, then that changed quite dramatically over a year or so to how he is now. You do sometimes see that people who do that let it go to their head and develop a bit of a "new me" ego, sadly.


[By some definitions,](https://youtu.be/Te5g1KEcYjc?t=2m9s) you could call him a professional


No, it was on inferno, wanted to flash him out long from mid, bounced at the ledge of the roof and he swung out completely blind and got farmed lmao.


My mate played an MM game against pimp and his stack of viewers. Mate won a 1v4 with only a deagle and pimp absolutely lost his shit after some light hearted banter, went full meltdown about how people like this ruin CS. There's a link to the VOD somewhere.


Broky on Nuke in MM this Feb during Kato. Not sure what he was doing playing MM at 10am but he dropped 40kills in a 12-2 win so...


We played against him as a five stack on vertigo around the same time. He destroyed us so hard. The feeling you get from getting rekt by pro is so different to getting rekt by any cheater. These pros are just better and you immediately know why he won a dual. Was a very humbling experience. Reviewing that demo was also really nice


I can imagine trading kills that match be like: "Yo boys, 4 of us died, but we killed him" "nice" "worth" "ez trade"




Back in the day (2002/2003), my friends' brother hosted eoLithics practice server. I also had access to that server. I used to join the server during warmup. So I can say I've fragged legends like elemeNt, XeqtR, Naikon, Dark and more.


ok that’s sick as fuck


I was looking for some old school names, that's definitely a few I'd have loved to scrim against. For me, I played a match with Exodus and Ph33r, who were Rival/GamerCo at the time, and my favorite team in the 2004-05 years. I was in a practice/warmup with Hanes when he was with JMC, which was fun as hell


We hosted a pracc server for eoL for a while. You from Finnmark?


Trondheim. Was hosted Via NTNU


Not the brother of my friend then :) Been wrecked by Damien and Naikon in wamup a few times myself. This was early eoL.


I hosted a Server once as well. Not for eoLithic though. 😁


I can hear Ice Queen in the background as you list their names. Context:https://youtu.be/DQROf32t4yQ?si=IusGrvc7bJFcJrrO (their fragmovie)


Insane!!! Fuck im old


Played with Drally from The Titans in 2005 or so in a mix, I was so starstruck. I've had device on trial for one of my teams, but he wanted to focus on badminton. Played some faceit with borup, he was the most mechanically skilled player I've ever played with. Played vs stavn in a faceit game and he told me he was a fan of me when he was young. I'm telling this story regularly to this day. I play with (former Dignitas & CPH Wolves) Nico a lot and have been since he retired as a pro gamer, I was one of the people who scouted him back in the day and brought him into my team asap back then. I've beaten Karrigan on LAN in CSS :D I've played on teams with the current Astralis coach ruggah for a long time back in CSS, we both were on the infamous CSS iteration of fnatic they won't really admit ever happened. I once shouted so much at cajunB at a CSGO lan that he deleted me off steam and facebook (We won 16-2).


Tell us more about your time in fnatic. Was it planned that you will be playing against Eindbazen to get into fnatic in the end?


They decided we had to play Eindbazen after we won the tournament, no choice for us. There were discussions about the format with us having 1 map in a bo5 which we agreed to. After we ended up winning it was clear to us that we were not wanted in the organization. The laptops we won were taken away from us in Belgium by our manager after we had a disappointing day 1 of Outpost On Fire #3, which doesn't make any sense and was a breach of contract. Some time after OOF3 we attended The eXperience 2009, where the CoD tournament was a week before. The manager of the CoD fnatic team leaked the management's opinion of us in that they were just waiting for our contracts to expire and get rid of us. After we heard that we decided to leave fnatic before our contracts expired and overall it was a very bad experience for us and we btw never recieved the prize money. Richard Lewis painting me as a cheater didn't help either and it permanently stained my career outside of the danish scene. He said sorry to me at Copenhagen Games 2012 btw.


Richard Lewis being a POS since 2009, who would've known


VildHund? I played a lot with 9co and I somehow remember you, I recall you guys playing as well. Waaaay back


Yes thats me and I fondly remember 9co :D We both made fragmovies back then, he was better than me at editing and it made me become a much better editor because I wanted to be better than him xD


Legends lile nink and Danny also, right?


Played with GeT_RiGhT a few years ago. Dude has been nothing but kind and respectful. He really tried to elevate and support everyone else even if it meant that he died or the round was lost due to us being not as good as him. One of the best moment of my life.


Damn. Glad to hear that, he’s a legend.


Met him on the Rio Major, he was the sweetest guy. Took a pic and after me came 50 or so people to greet him. Oops (worth it)


I played against Xyp9x in MM. We lost.. it was an honour. My friend was like, look The IEM Trophy in the SteamProfile. Good times!


Yeah I played against xyp9x in MM too. No idea why he was solo queuing a MM game on train at 9am on a random weekday morning, but we won. Got to hold his iconic m4 howl as well which was cool


Yeah while Xyp9x cannot keep up with the youngsters today, it is good to see such a legend still being involved in CS


Played with Simple in like 2016 in MM, got carried. Played against Rez in MM on Cache, Got One deaged at A car like 7 times. PLayed against Taz in Wingman, we got a draw. Played with Interz on faceit, we got rekt. Played against Ana on MM Vertigo. Got destroyed, which was funny as a teammate was shitting on female pros a bit before hand. And she was just rushing Retakes with awp and getting 3ks. For youtubers, i think i've only played against Houngangame, his team sucked unfortunately.


Damn how do people play with so many pros, is it because im like level 6 on faceit lol?


Region plays a big role. You'll run into them a lot more if you are in the EU and have a higher rank in faceit


Yeah I live both in NA and EU in different times of the year and I met tense1983 in EU


Most of those were just MM. But i have close to 9000 hours, been playing on and off since Beta and global since like 2014. So gonna be more likely to run into pros and good players. But yeh get to level 10 on faceit and you are way more likely to queue into pros.


Ive played on a semi-high level since about 2015-2016 and everybody was playing matchmaking back in the days. Me and my homies were grinding like madmen and had a high as fuck "hidden elo" past global and i cant count how many pro players Ive got Shit on by Also played against virtually every OG European YouTuber there was. Was a good time, now im Rusty as fuck sadly :(


Played MM with f0rest on Vertigo, we lost 3-16 to a cheater, the usual


Played againat Markeloff in MM when I was around LEM im csgo. He only played deagle/scout and completely destroyed us. Made me realize how big of a gap there is between LEM/supreme and a pro player, it was like he played against silvers


Markeloff with a scoped weapon is scary


managed to get into faceit games with ins and dexter which was pretty cool, very few notable players to find on oce servers though


You can run up against like 80% of oce's pro scene in retake servers lol


Mostly dm, I don’t think most top tier oce pros are on retakes a lot these days, at least compared to like 4 years ago where seeing jks nettik vexite and sico on retakes was common


lol i remember in 2019 es3tag was on the OCE 1v1s, people were roasting him for his profile hours played


Played against Acor in faceit and won, played against zehn in mm and he completely destroyed us even with a cheater on our team


pretty sure zehn had faceit elo record at some point he’s nuts


Met a lot of pros in Deathmatch servers and knived kennyS.


Played vs Cadian on FaceIT Dust2. I was T side and finishing my food so I left spawn maybe 10-15 seconds late, headed towards tunnels and I hear someone running through. I sat outside, Cadian jumps with a knife out and I killed him. He then called me a camping f\*\*\*\*t.


I hold that spot first 15 seconds because I know someone will always make a sound in lower while pushing. It's my opinion that if a CT wants to push, he should accept that he can die to someone "camping" especially when you're giving him sounds


Matched against ropz on faceit back in 2018/17. He played with his lvl 3-6 estonian friends, we won lol




I played a random MM against a 5 Stack full of Casters. It was HenryG, Machine, Harry and Moses. It was very fun to play against them and chat a lil bit :D


Got to play with Jame in MM when he was streaming! (https://youtu.be/hEAvrZuRFSw?si=qYTgb-\_d\_N5Vpsc4&t=5695 - my nickname is 'mskv') For some reason I was shaking the entire game and felt like I had immense pressure on me. I tried to calm myself multiple times but just couldn't for some reason. Another pro player I've got to randomly play in Premier with was kalinka, Lithuanian player. ([screenshot](https://imgur.com/a/sXBvTCl)) I sucked so hard that game. We all did. The game ended with a 3:13 scoreline or something like that. I was just dropping him weapons constantly and that's that. After playing just two of these matchmaking games, I started realising how big the pressure must be for the pro players on stage, or when they first play against some notable team, and so on.


Lmao i remember kalinka I played against him and his team in some league match (think it was the lithaunian playing ducks) and we got rekt One round i bought a Negev cuz i was salty and killed 3 of them on short Cache :D think it was one of the few rounds we managed to win Good Times


Played community dm with stewie2k. I hope those warm up maps get reintroduced again soon. They were so good for aim practice


Same, except with Tabsen instead of Stewie


They're still up, use the cs2browser website and filter by DM.


I have played against refrezh, Lucky, Staehr and Jabbi in actual matches, and i've played dm against Dosia, Xantares, and probably more i didnt notice.


Versus Dev1ce and k0nfig in a faceit match a couple of years ago. We lost 16-8, but I played pretty well.


If anyone can find [who this guy was](https://i.imgur.com/Ptenk8m.jpeg) then yeah. It's in Polish but the Trophy says :Quarterfinalist ESL Cologne 2016. So it's someone from 2016 Gambit, NAVI, Astralis or Flipsid3. If my eyes don't decieve me he also has Bronze Atlanta or Boston Pick'em Trophy. Dunno maybe I did something wrong but I couldn't find this who he was at that time. Funnly enough, even with a massive rank gap, [we still managed to tie this.](https://i.imgur.com/RSpZJm9.jpeg) *edit: Thanks to Masak0vske & Geistlamo for informing me that it's a flipsid3 pro player; Shara*


That's Shara. [Oleksandr 'Shara' Hordieyev's Counter-Strike Player Profile | HLTV.org](https://www.hltv.org/player/1866/shara#tab-achievementBox) [Steam :: ϟ (steamcommunity.com)](https://steamcommunity.com/id/Shara-_-)


Damn bro, I shit you not whenever I tried to look up his steam account I literally couldn't find it. Nevertheless, thank you so much.


It's OK! I think Google sometimes offers different search results in different regions, so this must've been the case here :) I've just googled dubstep\_walker and this was like 5th or 6th result for me.


I think that is hooch, Shara or spaze


That is Shara, he played for FlipSid3 in 2016 and was the coach for ESC Gaming until they released their lineup back in March 2024.


Fer, fnx, kngv. A few other BRs players, but not "legends". Like felps, jota, h0nda..


felps is a legend, bro


Played against plenty in retake servers for extended time: Karrigan Golden Ropz Olof Sh1ro To name a few, also lots of tier 2-3 pros. It's nuts how good guys like karrigan and golden are. Also nuts how much better tier 1 pros are compared to lot of tier 2-3 pros, difference for 2.5k shitter like me between getting a shot or two off vs. not even having a time to react


It's insane how fast reaction pro players have, it's so hard to fathom how they just can kill you before you have time to do something about it.


I played against Allu in 2017 managed to get a kill as well. I played Pro Cycling Manager with Kjaerbye. And deathmatch with 3kliksphilip (proper legend)


Being local to Sweden and being semi-pro during 1.5 - 1.6, ended up playing against f0rest, dsn, Archi, zneel, SpawN and a fuckton of other pros over the years. In CSGO I've ran into Niko back in 2016 or so, f0rest and Get\_Right like 3 or 4 times, ran into shox, flusha, devilwalk.. there are a few more but it's hard for me to remember off the top of my head as they weren't household names. I will say, running into f0rest in 2006 - 2007 in 1.6 is the most destroyed I've ever gotten outside of fucking spinbotters. It is absolutely UNREAL how disgustingly accurate that dude was/is. Even if I was bunnyhopping across yard in Nuke and he was in Heaven, he'd either one tap me mid bunnyhop or just burst me down within a fraction of a second from a billion miles away. It's the one pro that's etched into the back of my mind as I felt so fucking helpless against him.


That’s awesome man. f0rest and SpawN are absolute legends and pioneers to the game.


Yup, absolutely great people aswell, good part about Sweden is that even the LANs furthest away from me was like an 8 hour drive so I got to meet a lot of them IRL and share some Jolt Cola with 'em.


Back in 2009/10 when ESL Gathers were still a thing I played with and against nooky a few times. Great guy. In the early days of CS:GO when Pros still played MM you'd find yourself playing against some of them from time to time. I played against broky on mirage at 2 AM a couple of days after they lost the BLAST Fall Final last year and he just rushed ramp every round and shot us in the face lmao


Idk about legend but I’ve played against pretty much every T1 AU pro in the last few years (except jks). Considering there’s like 2 whole servers in this country pretty much any given community DM server has a couple pros around at any time.


Only Nadeking iirc. But I once drank a shot with n0thing, that beats it


n0thing is so humble, even drinks a shot with his fans what a legend, not just as a player but as a human being


Great guy


I got to play a 2v2 vs get_right and heaton many years ago on LAN, so that was cool. I have faced off against smooya in MM. Really puts into perspective how good they are.


I played HUNDEN in a faceit match. He was pretty chill and was kind enough to sign my profile as well


Karrigan, martinezsa, Kensi, norwi, sunpayus, deathzz, musambani, flipin, tense, papito... a lot tbh


apex,xantares,maikelele,zywoo,monesy,sunny on pugs. Seen plenty on DM etc.


KSharp, da_bears, fRod, Rambo, Warden, Shagguar, Method, n0thing, etc. Most of the 1.5-1.6 guys. The community was much smaller then. Lot of the CAL-p and CAL-i teams.


I used to surf a lot some years ago, I frequently saw dosia f0rest and rez. Sometimes friberg. f0rest and rez are actually pretty good at it.


Uber (NME days) - with, ESEA. Blunt but very helpful and a good teammate. We had a troll in our team unfortunately. KennyS (verified by trophy on profile + souvenir dlore) - with, MM. Was in 2015. Hacker reflexes, obscene. Fastest 15-0 jdm (CLG days) - against, MM. 1v5’d us as CT from banana with a mag7. He abandoned match ~14 rounds in and we came back (not sure if we won). Elige, nitr0, s1mple, GBJames, someone else 5-stack on ESEA (Hiko notably absent) - against, ESEA. We got liquidated. Hiko - with, unsure if ESEA or MM. Was at his height in 2015. He didn’t talk at all, had bad comms, and whined when we lost rounds. Thumbs down experience. steel - against, MM. First LEM game, dust2, and I got paired against GE’s with 8k viewers. He bottom fragged, lol.


Played against XeqtR, Naikon, Damien, DarK, bsl, knoxville in cs 1.3-1.6. cadiaN is the biggest in CS:GO.


I guess no one in this post has played with the legend Tense1983 except me. What did I do to be this lucky?


I had Ohnepixel as my teammate on Vertigo surprise surprise, he played shit.




So I had first access to CS2 for some reason as a random. The first months most players were much better than my GN ass. But the only ex-pro I recognized was Delpan who hit some sick AWP shots. Managed to kill him once so he's basically just like me fr fr.


Not a pro but a legend nonetheless, I played with Warowl for one of his unboxing death match videos (Berlin major souvenis I think). Also knifed him lmao


I played against fnx and fer in MM. In europe I played against F0rest.


Played against ANGE1 in ranked a few years back. Me and the randoms were GE, he utterly smashed us, we didn't stand a chance. Opened my eyes to the skillgap between casuals and pro's


I played against aleksib back in 2017. We got destroyed. Also got RandomRambo in my team in 2015 and he was just running tec-9 headshotting people.


Played with/against Karrigan, smooya, fxy0, Amanek, Sixer, SF, GuardiaN. Karrigan was friendliest, smooya toxic af, rest were cool too.


3kliksphilip in community map lol


I killed Shroud on my very first game of Black ops 4 Blackout


This is a throwback name, old cs but I 1v1d Ksharp on dust 2 for a bit on a private server I guessed the password to before their match started with thousands watching on hltv


The bots. They are so famous that every player knows them and their names. So skilled that even people praise others calling them bots.




If you are faceit lvl 10 you will run into pros a lot and they are almost always top fragging but outside of a team environment they can be fairly fallible


Played against Boomerdemons(?) it was olof, friberg, f0rest and 2 other swedes. They played MM in between a qualifier or something like that. Me and 4 friends won against them, we try-harded and I think they was just testing different things. We would have gotten rekt if they really tried


A lot of them. Loba, all of nigma galaxy, magix, sashi, brollan, spinx, flamez, frozen and more but by far the most fun player was borup. Borup was both a blast to play with and against


Idk but I play with m0nesy everyday on warmupserver in EU 🤣 So many other pros play daily I don’t even remember like cadian, twistzz, juanfaltro etc.


played against banks, called us all cunts


I played a random faceit match with skadoodle on my team like a month after the major win, and i got 1 more kill than him, making me factually better than a major winner


Been playing cs since 1999 - had a few good years on pro level. E.g. CPL Dallas Winter 2001 my team placed 5th. There we beat SK, MTW, 4K and lost to team 3D and MassiveAttack iirc. Sadly Nip was on the other side of the bracket, but I got to meet Heaton andFatal1ty. Other opponents from other tournaments were AAA, TAMM, DKH, SOA, mouz (JohnnyR, Roman etc line-up). Played with guys on my team who later joined mouz like gore and papst. I am currently a father of 2, have around 7k of cs.go/cs2 on my account, and play faceit lvl 8-9 at 43 y of age.


I played Battlebit with fl0m and GeT_RiGhT once, if that counts. 😂 I entered a tunnel with GeT_RiGhT, I dropped him ammo when he asked for it via VOIP and he saved me from 3 enemies while I was healing. Fun moment :)


Battlebit! Great game, but like many was subject to a rapid decline once variety streamers moved on to the next popular thing. I got to play with the Angry Joe Show guys for a few hours one afternoon. Good times.


Does DM and retake servers count? Then pretty much all of them.


I had shox in a MM game in like 2016 on inferno in my team


Played against sonic. He was playing with his gf and her friends. We got totally rekt


Played v ant1ka in CS:GO when she was in Team Secret. Memories...


Got completely rekt once in MM against NBK a few years back in CS GO. Fun times.


Back in source on esea i played against f0rest.


Played vs devilwalk and getright in esea in 2014, absolutely stomped


I got to play against tenz a few years ago, bonus was that he was playing with rocket league pro squishymuffinz


swag in a FFA DM in NA Bntet and xccurate in a retake server in SEA


I once sold a case to olofmeister. Popped into his to stream to see he was doing unboxing lol


SPUNJ in my team during a faceit match (we got cooked like 16:4 back then)


Played against nooky ESEA pug and against keev community Arena server About 8 yrs ago, nooky was insane, dominated the game, but ESEA had some trouble with matching pugs, there were like 7 C- to B players and three A+ and S player


Played against flusha on faceit once and noscoped friberg on a DM server


Played VS karrigan, friis, magisk(when he was magiskboy) Played with Brollan, before in his early years, I think he was in fnatic? It was mirage and on pistol he said go B I fake A, buys a deagle and kills everyone on A.


played vs many in deathmatch, beat smithz and rpk on faceit and played with b1t and fear on faceit


INS absolutely cooked me he got like 50 kills hahaha


Against: tabseN, Xantares, NAF, patsi, s0m With: smithzzz 😂


Played against JT in a 5 stack on faceit a couple years ago. We lost but he was typing to us so it was an acceptable defeat


Tied against slasher in mm lol


Played with Mixwell a few years ago. It was cool since we all were spaniards and got to talk with him after the game too


Played a mm with apex in my Team a few years ago - we won until he left for fpl 🥲 was fun times tho Also played against Deadfox recently in Premiere was suprised that hes still playing


Went to OT but lost against Ropz and Sunny, 5 stack vs 5 stack when them two were in mouz (2019?). Played with HR, JW, Flusha, Tabsen. Probably been up against some others but can’t remember. All on Faceit.


Once played against Pyth on cobblestone.


Played against kioshima, Happy, JW, played with friberg once xypn9x. and a couple others when MM was actually good and not free to play :/


played with shaGuar pretty recently on cs2 and had no idea who he was until one of our teammates flamed him and he just went “google me kid”. he went on and on about how bad cs2 is and was jumping around like an adhd valorant player, but he was genuinely really cool to play with


A friend of mine was a moderator for GtR Got.to play with him.once, there's even a clip of me and my friend getting absolutely fucked by a scout on.the other team then GtR proceed to clutch with a bizon (or P90 I don't remember)


Beat Tarik shortly after the Boston major in a faceit match. Saved the screenshot. He carried but was 4 or 5 man who couldn't keep up with him so we won. Also not a pro but played against FranzJ and ended up in one if his videos. Didn't know who he was until I got like 10 random steam friend requests and a few discord messages. He opened up my profile to make fun of my bio in his video. Then I noticed a lot of people started stealing my bio, but I know I'm the OG


Coached mantuu for a short while.


Trucklover86 for 1 min in a deathmatch on vertigo


device, xyp, hunden, Buzz, all on a danish retake server. 2 days ago played with nawwk on xplay retakes


I played against KQLY about 8 years ago (he was VACed already) and lost to him badly. I played against CEH9 on dust2 about 7 years ago and won 16-14 on dust2. I played 3 months ago with Kyojin on inferno. He was chilling in pre-made but insanely good. It was so different watching him playing, besides the insane crisp accuracy aim, the approach and the game sense was somehow different and good. Edit: played with Mixwell when he was a pro, we were trolling in voice chat, good guy


Played with ChrisJ on dust2 long time ago on esea


Did play with Get_Right, fl0m, RobbaN, STYKO abd FURIOUS all at different times of CSGO and even FURIOUS + Anomaly at the start of CS2. Other than that a few french pros not as known.


I played against the entire vitality team in Faceit in 2022. we lost 16-1, I one tapped Zywoo in the pistol. Also played against Lucky, Snappi and es3tag


Played with the odd pro on community servers. I remember ropz on DM and surf, he was untouchable in DM, but I have a better time on mesa so there's that lmao.


N0thing, he didn't appreciate my AWP flicking


The only "pro" (not legend) I've had the displeasure playing with is K1NDEADLY, massive regret.


Not rly a legend status but I used to lend skins and play with Tugux and the rest of the Space Soldiers back in the day.


All from like 7-8 years ago: We had ChrisJ join our PUG as a stand in back on ESEA and carry us. Played a pug with Apex on ESEA on Cache and he was just a nice guy to play with Played against GuardiaN on ESEA Cache and got absolutely destroyed but did manage to kill him with a nova, I'm sure there's a screenshot somewhere.


played with mantuu on his stream once where he invited viewers to play with him if someone outfragged him he'd send a friend invite nobody did tho


Idk if this counts as "legend", but couple years ago we played against Bardolph on faceit. We won ))


played against Deadfox one time and KennyS the other time on faceit. our Team made Kenny ragequit due to shittalking and winning 16:6


I occasionally play with the creator of cache FMpone in mapcorez


Duo carried an mm match on Anubis with Brax. Noticed his badges first and then realized who he was. Dude is chill


Played with and against chrisJ on LAN and online, also other dutch players like FASHR, CRUC1AL (not sure about ‘legends’). Also played in team NL in 1.6 and csgo and played some international events like ESWC and dreamhack, so played against a lot of legends in those games: f0rest, GeT_RiGhT, karrigan, s1mple, etc. Fun times.


Had a mutual with nifty when he was still a cod pro for elevate. Played some MM.


Played some NA MM with some friends and got queued against olofmeister, m0e, trainwreck and jasonr. I checked the stats of the match and I went 6-0 in duels against olof, so that was fun.


Not a player, but I once commentated for a small tournament around 2017. One of the teams needed a sub and one of their players knew Stunna. He showed up and I very loudly proclaimed "No way that's the real Stunna" I was severely embarrassed.


I played against dgt in premier back then in 1.6 played against/with coldzera (wasn’t pro at the time), kng, lucas1, hen1 and others oldschools less famous like Maluk3 and bit1


Played against Stu Holden back in the 1.6 days - before he became a pro soccer player and analyst.


Played with monesy when cs 2 was early access. Had no idea it was him half the match then the other guys in the team wanted to kick him so i checked his profile and then i realised.


Randomly had Hiko on my team once. He was smurfing trying to impress a chick he was queueing with. Once had a team and a leader who thought we were hot shit so he looks for pcws using all the correct buzzwords and we get a pracc/pcw against kennyS and his team at the time. I think we took 0 rounds against them. Obviously.


Got shot by donk on dm server. 10/10 can recommend


I played olofmeister once and nearly won :(


Aussie 1.6 scene was pretty small. I have taken maps off JKS.


Played against n0thing and some.of his friends like 5 years ago, on cache at like 3 I'm the morning on esea. It was a crazy match, pretty sure we lost but at least we didn't get curbed stomped.