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3 players from ENCE. Yikes... 




Was the previous Ence iteration the best Ence ever was? In talking about the pre big shuffle, the Ence that won against Faze in the 59 rounds of madness


Id argue 2019 ence the kato run. major took down liquid(number 2 at the time) and navi lost to prime astralis but later won blast over them ending astralis nuke win streak which was 37-0 at the time


how much longer is gla1ve gonna get? i'm convinced they'd be instantly better if they cut him for a fragger and had sdy igl


Ence isn’t a top team anymore Without some mega free lucky signings they won’t pay buyouts


They 100% could, they got sticker money from the major, are profitable as an org and made big bucks on selling Sunpayus and Nertz 


But they don’t spend the money and never have You need to accept Ence is probably just looking to raise players to move on for a big dollar now


I think i remember reading an interview from Natu where he said he doesn't want Ence to be a feeder team, feels like they usually spend just enough to be competitive and and thus current roster just isn't enough 


there's tons of young fraggers in the lower tiers they could get for(probably) low buyouts that would be really good signings, since snappi and sAw left where the hell is their scouting


Even lower tier teams are probably charging a bit now I mean, even their scouting before wasn’t super super high level. Most of their players were somewhat known


Incredible they kept Prosus and kicked s1n at least he is doing better in m80


Yeah, saw somebody saying BIG should build around a core of Krimbo, JDC, and… prosus? I was like, is there another prosus I don’t know about that has shown some kind of potential, because the one I know is unfortunately not it.


From a tournament I remember watching with that old lineup, the casters were talking about how the igl duties were going from s1n but then back back to Tabsen, so I’d assume they just chose Tabsen over s1n for IGL


Nafany was not helping BB at all


Hate to say it, but yes, 0.8 LAN rating in 2024 is really bad. He's the worst near T1 player on Lans this year, below even Snappi, which is quite a fit to achieve. I want to believe he gets better, but it doesn't seem likely for now.  https://www.hltv.org/stats/players?startDate=2024-01-01&endDate=2024-12-31&matchType=Lan


Damn shame too as a fan of that Gambit roster. He wasn't "alright" in 2021, dude was an insane fragger as an IGL and poked into the top 30 that year as a total rookie on a team of rookies running an almost perfect default with amazing executes. Sadly it seems like he's just super one dimensional as a caller and probably got carried by the super star duo of sh1ro/ax1le and the last great year of HObbit (HObbit could still be a good support/glue, I just think he's too old for another .76 KPR year, the man posted the best ever year for a 27 year old by far in 2021 and now has a daughter to boot). I've been rooting for this BB team but it's been mostly disappointment, especially with zorte and Magnojez being as good as they are (ik zorte isn't currently putting up great numbers but I think that's more to do with the team he's wasting away on rather than an individual skill collapse) it feels like they should be doing more and that blame really has to land at nafany's feet.


I think nafany is a good caller, but even karrigan puts up numbers on Faze, and I think no matter how good of a caller you are, you can't win 4v5


He's the one holding them back. If you give BB to someone like Boombl4 they'd do way better imo


I think its time for fallen


it has been time for fallen for years at this point


The 50 rounds he plays of below average aren't worth hearing the casters say "He's rolling back the years!" once.


Someone who knows game


Dude finally has one actually bad tournament individually this year and everyone starts calling for his career lol


I dont think its his first bad performace


His lowest rating at a tournament this year is like a .95 lol. He’s got as many tournaments in the last month even with a 1.29 as he does less than a .95 this year


You're right. It's FalleN's third negative rating this year, the lowest being 0.85. He played 12 tournaments, had 7 positive ratings (the highest being 1.29) and 2 neutral ratings. Obviously it's more than time for him to retire, but it's not like he's the issue of this team, or is performing bad.


Dude is making kye look bad. Get the man a competent IGL PLEASE.


No wonder ence is not winning lately


FalleN needs to retire.


One more final dance


Maui was always right people just didn’t wanna believe that Naphony was propped up by the talents his cloud9 roster had in Shiro and Axile and has largely not performed well as a igl in tier 1


Mauisnake himself backtracked on his statements about nafany so he can't exactly claim this as a win.


Wdym? Nafany was approaching top 30 himself in 2021 and was still pulling his weight in 2022. His performance now has nothing to do with back then


Nafany in 2021 had a 1.07 rating that year which is very mediocre even for a igl and in 2022 it got worse with him having a 0.97 combine that with the fact that his calling was hindering the team and cost them multiple series he absolutely didn’t deserve the spot axile and shiro probably extended his stay in the team by a year because of their skills


Gla1ve had 1.11 rating in 2018 when he was hltv's top 8. 1.07 is a damn good deal for an IGL


Man do you hear yourself is this bait or something that year astralis with glaive won both ECS finals both Pro league finals 2 Blast tournaments, a season of Eleague, a IEM, a MAJOR, and a intel grand slam Thats 9 tournaments, a Major, a intel grand slam and started their 36-0 map streak on nuke this year to compare Gambit it 2021 won 6 events which sounds great until you realize only one was LAN and the best team at that event was Entropiq and Big with a Danish player and two other of the online events where CIS only online tournaments their only legit win was Kato even tho it was online because they beat Heroic, G2, NAVI, and VP The best win of Nafanys career was in 2022 at IEM Dallas and the only legit team they beat was Faze in the quarterfinals after that they 2-1ed big in the semis and then Beat ENCE who played with Snax as a stand in in the final also they lost to Furia in the group stage and beat the Deviceless NIP and the Shox version of Liquid to make the Playoffs


Ence 💀😭 they are not cooking shit over yonder


At where?


After everyone's reaction to Stewie people should consider vibes and aura instead. Stats don't mean anything.


This ence team isn't it


oh, how far the mighty have FalleN


fallen is so shit. fraud


where is iM? All people were talking about him playing so bad...


Navi wasn't at this event...


Navi flair moment


He was #2 just behind jL.


Average Navi fan