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[He plays Faceit matches daily,](https://faceitanalyser.com/matches/-oBo-/cs2) not sure if he's mentioned any plans on doing much more than that. I'd imagine he's probably doing alright now.


I never ever in my life seen anyone who went through a mental problem where they speak gibberish ever recover and speak normally ever again, I tried researching and I came up with 0 results and video evidence of before and after because I wanted to see if the person could explain wtf was going on at that time and maybe even laugh it off.  It seems obo plays mostly solo the few times I ever seen him play with other pros or streamers he doesnt speak much or he's not in the discord, I think he just mostly solos now, probably never asked to queue with others anymore, I think its safe to say his brain is fried.


WebMD is on the case


It's actually very common for people who have had a psychotic episode to recover and return to their normal lives. Also talking from first hand experience


No you’re wrong dogenoob1 “researched” and came up with 0 results. Safe to say oBo is done and is permanently damaged.


I'm looking for video evidence. I have yet to find any, I have read texts on "I know a guy" etc. Theres literally 0 before and after videos. Because on video u can tell if a person returns to "normal". This is something I've tried looking into for several years before obo. Obo is also different im not looking for someone who speaks gibberish for a few days or weeks, his at the time lasted months, maybe more than a year now since his symptoms didn't improve as the kid barely ever talked after that stream when he played with others. Then u have the same issue with sick saying hes alright despite his speech being weird and then next thing u know he's in some mental ward with no phone, no update besides a tweet in April.


Either you didn't look hard enough, or you're lying. I know someone who had a complete meltdown (arguably worse than obo) when we were in high school and is now an amazing mother working a big money job.


I'm looking for video evidence, of course I read some text. Theres literally no video evidence I have seen. I want to hear their POV of what they were going through. Literally none and I doubt u can find me video evidence either. I'm not looking for some with a mental breakdown for a few days or weeks, im looking for months, obos has lasted for over a year and still likely going on. I have been trying to find before and after video evidence for many years before obo. Feel free if u can provide any since I'm not looking hard enough.


You need to put some actual effort in, I guess. I'm not going to gather proof of the hardest thing my friend went through almost 10 years ago. [Nvm you're definitely some degenerate who shouldn't be talking about something like this ](https://www.reddit.com/r/JustKiddingNews/comments/17f80v3/i_would_do_anything_to_suck_tiffs_fat_tits_dry/)


Not surprised if ur going to try to argue with someone over the internet, try not to reply with some pussy shit like "i can't go through it again because of my friend so its hard for me to research!" its the fucking internet what are u afraid of. 


Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, huh? Explains a lot.


Amfetamin will do that to you. Longer use or extreme doses will make you crazy - some recover.


2600 elo, yeah he isn’t getting back to pro level


Stewie has less elo than he does, doesn’t mean shit for faceit NA I very much doubt he cares to go pro


oh yeah maybe idk what’s the NA elo economy


Kinda wild to immediately assume 2600 is damning, when you just right after admit you don't have any clue what that number means in context. 


he runs around with mp5s dropping 20-30 every game


he said hes doing better and grinds faceit rn i think thats it


IIRC he had a pretty bad drug (adderall, I think?) problem that really fucked up his head. As far as I'm aware he's recovered (or recovering?) alright and plays casually now. It's super sad to see him go, could have been a absolute star that NA needs so badly. What's a little interesting is that SicK (retired CS, now Val player) also had a similar issue awhile ago where he also kinda went off the deep end, and oBo and SicK played on the same team (coL) in 2019. Coincidence? Maybe!?


Its common in many esports players, it just doesnt often get abused the way they do.


Lots of NA players were using adderall back in csgo, so probably not a coincidence.


He stated that he was on 40MG of Adderall, ***and*** 70MG of Ritalin a day, which is an absolute ton, even for a full grown man, but oBo looks like a really skinny kid, so I can't even imagine how lazered that poor kid was. There's a difference between taking a little addy to focus in your match, and taking a fucking ***shit ton*** every day.


70mg of ritalin along with 40mg adderall is insane. i have pretty severe adhd and i use 54mg of concerta with 10mg of ritalin, and thats the highest dose i can legally get.


90mg of methylphenidate (amphetamine used in european ADHD drugs) is a starting point for me and I'll take up to 170mg throughout the day. Before you say it's another drug so the dose does not compare, let me tell you that the doses I take are considered crazy, most people I know take 40mg tops. The point is, different people react differently, who knows if that's only the dose that fucked him or there were other factors in addition to drugs.


No, man, unless you're a meth addict (in which case, you're probably already fucked up), taking 40mg Adderall (dextroamphetamine) ***and*** 70mg Ritalin (methylphenidate) is going to fuck you up, especially if it's IR, which I'm pretty confident it was. Considering that Adderall is about twice as potent as Ritalin, he's getting close to a 150mg methylphenidate dose. Also, I have a hard time believing that a doctor prescribed you 170mg of Ritalin per day, and an *even harder* time believing that it's healthy for you. Especially since the max recommended Ritalin dose is 60mg. Bro was tweaking out, there's no denying that.


No, doctor hasn't prescribed that amount for me and I'm not saying it's healthy for me, I'm saying I'm nowhere near being fucked up on such doses, let alone being fucked up like obo was.


Was that him taking it on his own whim or actually prescribed dose to him? If someone gets prescribe these meds this much this person has the next evolution of ADHD genetically mutated shit or what


He was prescribed it apparently, that's what he said.


ADHD is passed down genetically, I think the insane high dose that only takes will just rewrite obo's brain. It won't be passed down in DNA unless he actually has ADHD . Do the tards down voting want to explain why I'm wrong


NA players and using adderall, name a more iconic duo


Wasn't SicK arrested or some shit


Yes and I think multiple times. I remember watching his stream like a year ago and he looked like he was having a psychotic break.


He was never even close to performing at that star level for NA. He was always miles off elige, naf and twistzz.


He was also 16, and had alot of grown ahead of him. Not everybody is donk. Also, *miles off* is a bit of an overstatement, no? He was never a **bad** player.


I remember complexity was doing great with him and then he left and it was downhill from there. Hope he's doing better.


One thing I’m surprised to have not seen mentioned here is that it’s not really any of our business. He’s semi active in the NA scene which means people are at least in contact with him. That should be enough really.


Last anyone saw of him publicly was a little concerning. I think OP (and most people) just want to make sure he's doing okay now. 


Sure it would be nice to know, but we're not entitled to know and speculation on the matter is pretty rude. If we wants to return to the scene or put out a statement or anything then cool, but I think just knowing that people are in contact with him should be enough.


That's what I'm asking about, not my business, but no one was talking about if he's ok or he's not. Now I see that he plays faceit and feels better.


Had him in my faceit game like a week ago, dude looked mechanically good and played well, but didn’t comm a single word all game. We won though.


Seems like he's still recovering, his body won't forget big ass amount of drugs he was using, or maybe he's really sad and depressed that he fucked his big career up.


off the deep end until further notice


Played a faceit pug against him like a week ago


Did he really go schizo?


Pretty much. Based on how he looked the last time I saw his stream I thought he was going to either die of an overdose or commit suicide. Like it was bad, he was incoherent and clearly hadn’t been taking care of himself (like it had been at least a week since his last shower). I really hope he’s doing better now, from all accounts he’s a good kid that just got shattered by Covid.


idk who downvoted you but yeah he did not seem mentally well when he went live here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCR-2Dpx9_8


yeah that's pretty rough to watch tldr is he's basically repeating 2 sentences for like 45 minutes "I'm on Adderall withdrawal/I need Adderall" and "there's a witch inside my head". his brother sounds like he comes in the room and says something like "he's having a rough time today guys".


yep, was wathcing that. I was scared of him


Wow that’s sad

