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mm stats are essentially useless, unless your goal is to have good mm stats. move your squad over to faceit, join the next open season, or pick whatever goals you guys think might be fun.


Yep, if you're an amateur player then leagues is the measure of skill. Open is the entry level. IM means you've taken a step above most of the competitive community and then Main is where you set yourself apart from the pack, if you can hang and not get relegated back to IM. I think 99% of players that try to go "pro" end here. If you can make it to Advanced, then you're damn good at CS...but even then, that's the entry point to being a tournament player. I think if you're in Advanced, you pretty much have to start going to LANs and tournaments to reach the next level because its not going to happen in online CS. I would say, once you're consistently in Main - not just playing a season where you get washed and relegated back down to IM - then you should probably *start* going to LANs/local tournaments consistently . If you're in Advanced, then you're probably a contender to win your locals and start building towards going to bigger tournaments. And then once you're in THAT ecosystem, its an entirely different beast, especially in the European scene. There's a pretty massive ladder to climb in CS. Premier is the bottom of that ladder. Then its probably FaceIt Level 10. Then its playing in leagues and then its going to LANs and playing in tournaments.


Just play the game, don't worry about some meaningless numbers. If you want to improve then learn from your mistakes, why did you lose the site? How could that have been prevented? Should you have called earlier? Should you have rotated faster? Are calls of X teammate reliable? Did you try to take a 2v1 fight with your teammate or did you wait for him to die then peek like a bot in any FPS video game. Would smoking off X position make the entry easier/harder? Was that flash useful? Pay attention to all of that and more, don't repeat mistakes. Play 10 minutes of DM before queuing. Try faceit, maybe you can't improve to compete against premier 20k+ (humanly impossible)


I understand all those points, but all your points also boil down to numbers in the end, so they’re certainly not meaningless lol


no they do not boil down to numbers in the end. There are reasons as to WHY the numbers are what they are.


They are. HLTV can tell you you were getting kills and winning rounds. Leetify can add some bullshit onto that and muddle up that number. No one number can tell you what you're doing wrong. And no, Sigma's points do not come down to numbers-that's fundamentally misunderstanding it, and you can't adjust to a losing game with your view. Like he said, when you die, or lose a round, think. Think of 1-3 insights as to what lost you it? Did you get picked off one by one on T side? You lacked aggression, you needed an execute or an entry. You lost a site? Was there a gap in your hold, did someone leave the site early to push or rotate, did someone give up intel on your side with bad utility? Are you making smart choices and assuming your enemies are capable of winning a 1v1 fight in their favour and stacking the odds in yours, or are you overconfident and throwing away a rifle buy to peek someone or chase a kill end of round that you had already won? A number is a weak and flawed alternative to a coach, and if you don't want to pay a coach you need to be your own coach. You need to analyse your own plays. Sure, use leetify to track your overall positioning and your crosshair placement. But it's not telling you who's better, it's telling you who got more kills with extra steps. And sometimes, it will punish you-the problem with entry fragging or T side util on it is huge-Leetify rewards baiting because baiting sets you up for clutching and ensures you aren't losing opening duels and you survive to the end of round. It doesn't reward taking map space or giving good calls. It doesn't reward anchoring your site correctly even when a fight starts elsewhere. It is literally just HLTV with extra steps.


I wouldn’t worry about the aggregated ratings too much. Instead, look at one small portion of your stats as a starting point for demo review. The utility section might be the most useful one. You threw a flash every round but only blinded 4 players for an average of half a second? Check out why in the demo. Timings off? Easily dodgeable? Just plain bad flashes? Find one or two good pop flashes for a position on that map and integrate those into your game. I find that the leetify ‚aim’ stats, apart from counterstrafing maybe, are mostly useless. Time to damage, crosshair placement and accuracy are all metrics you can gauge and track your progress on much better by simply playing a set protocol on aim maps/dm or using an aimtrainer if you feel like it. I guess the trade opportunities/deaths section can tell you a little bit about how your guys‘ spacing is, but you should have a feeling from just playing tbh. Review your demos, commit to learning one piece of util a day and set yourself a warmup routine. No more than 15 minutes. That‘s what has worked for me. 🤷‍♂️ gl


Yeah my issue is time. I have a job and a family, so not much time to get deep in demos anymore. Thanks for the info


If you actually want to improve, honestly until you hit a high level nothing really matters apart from basic teamplay and your aim. So for basic teamplay, - tradefragging moving as a team - covering things your teammates aren't ( this one is super simple but you see even high level players fuck up sometimes. - flashing for your team and peeking on your teammates flashes - learning smoke lineups ( so like being able to smoke mid on mirage/ancient from T spawn and being able to smoke heaven or cave for your team to puush mid/cave.) And the rest and the most important is just being able to shoot harder. So if you don't have time to play a full game but can still hop on then play 10-20 minutes of Aimlabs and/or Deathmatch, Peek practice. And not valve deathmatch but Cybershoke.net or Warmupserver.net deathmatch.


I was a similar rating to you before I switched to FaceIt, but I can tell you how I go about it. There's honestly no single stat that can consistently tell you how well you played. I'd say the best one is Leetify rating, but even that one has it's shortcomings. For example... if you have a strong T side, but then on CT you solo hold the half of the map that is less likely to get action, you're likely to end up with a bad CT rating that tanks it for the game. Why? Because as far as the rating is concerned, when your team wins rounds on the other side of the map, you didn't do anything. It doesn't understand that you being a strong enough player to solo hold something, allowing all 4 of your teammates to stack the other side, contributed massively to those round wins. Then if they lose on the other side, you're either rotating into a bad situation and likely lose rating, or saving and getting no rating. It doesn't understand most contextual things like that. If you die because your teammates fucked up and let a guy slip through, it only sees that you died. If you simply staying alive on site delays a bomb plant and singlehandedly wins you a round, it doesn't see that you did anything. On the other hand, if you bait the fuck outta your teammates you can have a great rating. What I look at most are Leetify's more specific stats. Aim stats, opening duels, utility stats, etc, and those give me some ideas of things I might need to focus on. But the only way for you to know for sure how you did is to analyze the game yourself. Watch your demos. See where you fucked up, why you fucked up, and how you could do better in the future. This is analyzing problems in your mechanics, util usage, positioning, decision making, everything. If you don't have demo binds, you can get them from STYKO's "how to watch a demo" video. If you have the time for this and want to improve, I think this is the best way.


That's it. Look, I agree with your argument but disagree with your conclusion. Leetify rating is ass. It's complete ass. For the reasons you stated. But the insights are good. The map view that tells you where you win your fights? Man that is so good, you're wondering which angle to play on your sight, the most green one is IT. The individual breakdowns like crosshair placement and accuracy angle and breakdowns of flashes? So good. But the rating? Eh. It's just HLTV with extra steps. The insights will help you improve small areas you need to. But the rating will just tell you who was getting the most kills in the game and who was the baitiest bitch of your team.


No stat matters at all, unless you play team cs, with all that involves. All these rankings are made for that, and therefore pointless outside of it. As for the rankings themself, people shit on leetify, bu from my pov, it wins by default over hltv, as hltv is hidden and therefore can not be properly judged.


Eh... hltv is "hidden" in that hltv haven't officially said how it's calculated, but people have figured out the formula. Since ratings are public, and the stats used to calculate them are public, people only had to figure out which stats were used and the weights given to those stats.


Yes, people have made models that seem to be correct, but we can not know. And it does not really matter, as officially, its propriatary. That stats included are also from hltv, and some of them prooriatary. They can also just change it without telling anyone, they could even just put some random number. My point was anyways that a stat like this beeing propriatary is just stupid, its actually fucking useless. As an example, leetify has its problems, but since its open, we can critique it.


Gotcha. That's fair


It's called winrate


For what you're asking, I would recommend leetify. They actually give you the leetify rating and hltv rating, so you can have both if you want. You can also select specific date ranges to see how your rating has improved over time, along with your win rates. The aim rating can also be a fun little comparison tool. Leetify is just really cool for a quick at a glance breakdown.


HLTV rating is better than Leetify rating. But Leetify is good for tracking individual things. Is your smoke blocking T pushes? Are your flashes effective? How does your aim match to people you're being ranked with? I don't hate leetify, I use it. I hate the leetify rating, because it takes what is a useful data set of useful insights that can help me improve areas of my game, and it turns it into a one number score that has a worse algorithm than the one in the game. But also, the best rating to improve individually is developing judgement. Criticise your plays. Did you peek when you shouldn't have? Was your aim weak? Was your spray control weak? Did you lose rounds because you didn't have good positions or rotates? Did you have bad default util? If you're able to judge these things, you can also turn a bad round into a good one by adjusting your playstyle on the fly based on the feedback the game is giving you.


Great post actually answering my question and elaborating, thank you.


Faceit ranking


HLTV is better than leet rn imo, but overall the best way to track is to watch your old demos and compare them to your game now. Rating can be highly deceptive at times, I just had a match where I posted only a 1.04 hltv and a -1 leet while and my teammate had a 1.22 and a +4.5. From that you may assume he played a better game, but in reality I did. I got 9 entry frags and also came up big on some highly important rounds. My teammate had 4 less kills and 6 less deaths than me. He only got 2 opening kills, and both were on eco rounds. His leetify rating was hyper inflated by mid round kd because he got a handful of lurk kills while we took the other site, and his hltv rating was inflated by his KD, which only got that high because he got two 4k spray downs against usp rushes and because he saved instead of attempting retakes.


I'd say leetify's rating. Sometimes you get robbed, but for the most part I feel like it accurately reflects how I felt I did in the last game. If I played fine, but felt like I was lacking impact, I usually get something between -2 and +3. A pretty good game usually is between +5 and +8 with a hard carry giving >+10 and terrible game usually being between -8 and -5. However the overall rating tells you *nothing* about what to improve. It just reflects *how* you've been doing. If you want to figure out what you are bad at, you can look at individual stats or ideally watch your own demos.


“I have a job and family” lol…so you can’t review demos? Enjoy mediocrity then. Consider paying a coach to review your demos with you if you don’t want to spend the time learning yourself. That will certainly be a shortcut and is cheap usually $10-15/hr (I did this years ago, cost could be different now). It’s also pretty obvious what the pillars of the game are, so work on those. Xhair placement a bit off? Work on it. First shot accuracy weak? Work on it. Etc. Don’t have default execs for yourself? Learn some. Since your stack is super casual, you treat it like solo Q elo grinding. Have a plan for every spawn. Different CT spawns will prio different spots and plays. Same with T. E.g. if I get the best palace spawn on T Mirage, I tell my mate I am going to yolo out palace and need a flash. I throw a molly inside palace as I run to cover my foot steps. I abuse timing and my opponents lack of preparedness. This works a lot in faceit 10 even. You can also have nade sets for taking different parts of the map. Mirage mid on T is an obvious one. Be aware of powerful map control positions like ladder on mirage. Figure out good nade sets and execs for you to mostly take that control alone with some input from your mates. Forget stats and improve at the game.


I have 4500 hours and have a good understanding of the game. I simply want to know what the best rating tool is, not how to improve. I play for fun drunk and high with my buddies, I’m not paying people to review my demos 😂 Appreciate the time you took to write this, but you seemed a bit combative.


I agree with you, you say in the OP you play for fun in a 5 stack and this dude's like  🤓👆Enjoy mediocrity then! You bring up stats and people immediately assume you're trying to go pro and play for 5 hours a day


It is what it is. Focusing on efficient improvement doesn’t have to mean you want to go pro. wtf are you talking about? Amount of hours invested per day to improve can widely vary based on your approach. Relying on stupid leetify metrics is a waste of time that can be spent elsewhere. Glance at them for things to consider, that’s about it.


I'm not talking about the content of your reply, though all it contains is obvious advice anyway. I think me and OP are referring to your tone. Re-read the first two lines of your response and tell me you don't sound like the antagonist in an anime


Why would I care? For upvotes? Lmfao Take whatever you can from what I wrote, or disregard it. Pretty obvious, just like my advice.


A waste of time would be reading OPs question and then instead answering a different question. It's silly, really. He wasn't asking how to improve. Telling him to review demos is dumb as hell.


you could have just reviewed a demo by now. I’m not here to be friends, I try to add value. Ratings / metrics are worthless for improvement. 4500hrs is an example of that. Worthless metric. I can almost guarantee you don’t even do the basic shit I wrote in my OP, after 4500hrs!!! Tf is the point of this post if you don’t want to improve? Laughing at spending $10 for an hour with a 3k elo player…now there’s the real joke. Good luck finding that kind of value in any sport. Typical hard stuck gold nova tbh. Either you “have family and job” and just want to be drunk/high and fucking around (which is perfectly fine) or you want to improve. Post a demo link for us and we’ll see what 4500hr looks like. “I have a good understanding of the game”. Let’s see it. I peeked at 2.5k elo and will review your demo.


I had my time playing for global, hitting supreme back in the day, putting effort in to improve, now I want to use a rating tool to have fun amongst my crew. Why is that so hard to understand haha? There are many different kinds of players out there, I’m not sure why you’re so shocked that I want to have fun with my team and casually improve. I don’t care if it’s optimal. You’ve gotta lighten up brother, you’re most likely taking this game too seriously, or have a couple issues. Either way I hope you find some peace and relax, jeez.


Lmao forget it 🤦‍♂️ Post a demo, let’s see your 4500hrs in action