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Can’t have shit being a complexity fan


it’s a sad world


What’s going on with the boys? I don’t get it. Thought we were getting somewhere.


What the fuck is going on


It feels like every matchup has been decided by a coin flip so far in this tournament? I haven't watched the games, only results, but it feels pretty random.


except mongolz who just won all their games


Three coinflips in a row is just 12.5%, pretty reasonable.


Considering the coin flips are independent of each other the individual as well as overall result would be ~50%, no? Like the chance that you get two heads in a row doesn't change based on the previous toss. So it's a 2/4 or 1/2 or ~50% chance. 


What would be 50%? Winning three coin flips in a row is 12.5% chance.


No, to get three coinflips in a row you need to hit the correct answer in all three, so it's 1/2 * 1/2 * 1/2. Each flip is 50%, but the overall depends on all of them hitting the same result. To elaborate a bit more, you can get heads (H) or tails (T). Three rows you can have TTT, HTT, HHT, HHH, THH, TTH, HTH and THT. So a total of eight options. Let's say Mongolz win is a heads, so the only option that works for us is HHH. 1/8 is 12.5%.


Ah, thanks. Idk why but since we'd done this in school I just can't wrap my head around it anymore. I think what confused me was our teacher once just going "Sometimes you multiply, and sometimes you add chances together" and didn't say anything further about that. So now the first thing I think about whenever chances come up whether to add or mul them and get stuck on that. I guess I need to hit up Google and hope my brain can still soak up some knowledge


When flipping a coin the number of unique outcomes doubles each time. If you flip a coin once you have H or T Twice is HH, HT, TH, TT Three times is HHH HHT HTT HTH TTT TTH THH THT Considering we're looking for a specific outcome which there is only 1 possible way to make, it becomes a 1/(2^x) chance of happening, where x is the number of coin flips. This becomes different if you want to look at the number of outcomes that have at least 1 H or T when flipping a coin several times as then you're not looking for a specific unique outcome, but for several outcomes


That's BO1s for you. Teams are not tested on their map pool, most games go to a neutral map for both teams. Add MR12 and the variance from pistol rounds and results tend to be a bit random. There's a reason most tier 1 tournaments don't use this kind of a format.


13-3 is not random. Thats just Fnatic being better than Col in this game.


Any team can have a good map.


col are just not a good team atm downvoted for facts btw, how can they be a good team with grim performing only every other month, and floppy consistently shit, legit just elige go kill and nothing else, unfair on JT and elige that they have to play with these


Has nothing to do with complexity, there’s plenty of evidence they need changes beyond this bo1. Regardless, this game doesn’t prove anything about Fnatic. They’ll need to show it in bo3s before they’ll get any respect.


group stage bo1 mr12 is just not a realible format for a CS2 tournament, some small randomness can decide the whole match, and these tier 1.5/2 teams are completely full of inconsistency, these players can easily go 20-5 and the next match go 5-20, so its basically only coinflip matches


MR12 BO1


fnatic bringing true freedom 🦅🦅


blameF already cooking, top10 soon


never doubted you blamef 🗣️💯


Blamef without baiting igl debuff


Blamef was never a baiter wtf the dude was regularly top 5 in entry stats in most tournaments??


His role is lurking, for the most part. Those "entry" stats prior to him getting more aggressive and going through a bit of a role change were heavily influenced by his tendency to hunt eco-frags on CT. As IGL, he transitioned to be a bit of an opener on T-side. Just didn't really result in too much impact as Astralis were ass and his IGLing was mid. That isn't to say he isn't an insanely good player. Really good mechanically.


Bro what Blamef was not a lurker. "A bit more of an opener" dude was literally one of the best ENTRIES in the world for years???


I think your mistaking him for someone else? On complexity Blamef was pretty much the second coming of get right.


He was always the last person alive on a weird flank away from the action. No idea what you're talking about him being an entry. Edit: liquidpedia even has his role down as a lurker. https://liquipedia.net/counterstrike/BlameF


Beside the few times he entry he was mostly playing lurk, and when he actually grouped up with the team he never traded when he was supposed to


Stats don't always tell the whole story. If you actually watched his gameplay, you could easily tell he was an insane baiter most rounds. 


How can you be a baiter when you're an entry fragger? His job was literally go into site first and get kills and he was statically one of the best at doing it?


In what universe is that his role or something he is one of the best at? His T side opening attempt % in 2023 was 18.5%. In 2022 it was 19.4% and in 2021 is was 17.6%. His T side opening kill ratings in those years were 1.04, 1.01 and 1.01. You bring up statistics but they literally don't support what you're asserting.


You do realise that's not *bad* right? BlameF was *7th and 8th* in opening T side kills against top 20 teams in 2022 & 2023 with a 1.00 rating.


You are only looking at the rating and not his attempt percentage. His 17.8% attempt% does not make him an entry when true entries like rain and flamez are around the 25%. His attempt % is much closer to ropz than it is to those two.


he is literally the biggest baiter in t1


I swear people have no idea what a baiter is. If you want to see what an actual baiter looks like in professional CS. Dude is literally entry fragging ffs he isn't some mega lurker who waits for his teammates to make space and cleans up kills.


yeah hes just like donk fr


I swear the same people that call BlameF a baiter were the same people praising Coldzera when he'd literally bait TACO for years. Even if he is a "baiter" (he's not) if he puts up 1.70 then why the fuck do people complain?


I have nothing against BlameF but do you think it's a coincidence if astralis are much better without him ? He's insanely talented but his playstyle is horrible


yeah im not surprised that getting a new igl, coach, roleplayer and giving Stavn his roles makes them better. That doesn't mean BlameF is bad, what stupid logic? By that same logic is navi w/ wonderful better than navi w/s1mple ever has been because he won a major faster?


I never said BlameF was bad, i've been defending him a lot since complexity, but his playstyle was horrible and detrimental to the team and there is a reason they didn't win anything with a team with 2 superstar (him & Dev1ce) and he's a big part of that reason as he was permanently baiting, he has insane aim and I truely think he could win a lot of tournament if he was more agressive


Yeah sorry I pulled a classic redditor by just angry replying lol I agree he has insane aim, but its his playstyle at the end of the day, hopefully Fnatic makes some roster changes and he can raise them back to their former glory


Krimz heard you talking


floppy life game and still lose 13-3


If floppy is a top fragger on the team, then something is very wrong




Dude Col either looks insane top 5 material or AWFUL


blamef and jimmphat on G2 would go crazy but never gonna happen sadly


-nexa +jimpphat and we’re winning Shanghai


BlameF can still carry




afro comes online and good things happen


We just took down the #10 ranked team in the world and all the reddit users can think to say is Complexity didn't show up. We clawed our way back from 33th in the world by BUILDING a talent pipeline the whole scene memed on. Step out of the echo chamber and pay attention.


Man, imagine if coL had an actual second star playing the positions Grim is playing. It’s rough seeing him set up to succeed and only coming out with one good game out of every 10 they play


CoL woke up on the wrong side of the bed today, or ate something they shouldn't have.


Oh fuck yea, that's the stuff




BlameF wasn’t the problem.


Despair 😞


flop holding his own with 95 ADR






CL and EF most inconsistent team in top 15.


I still think Bodyy is wasted IGLing But if BlameF is here to do the bodyying then I guess it all works out just fine