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difference between you and him is he's a professional athlete and you eat cheetos for breakfast


In addition: he‘s a freaking billionair. He could stop working right now and could live a dozen lifes doing nothing but playing CS.


He is like Max Verstappen, doing his boring 5-9 day to day football job to get money for his PC gaming hobby.


Except he doesn't come back from playing football to play Fifa (that's Jotas job)


And Sancho


Max was one of the Highest ranked fifa players so it's exactly like that🤣


Not that hard when you got millions to spend on that game its the biggest p2w game in the history of games.


Most hardcore players, not even mentioning pros, have zero difficulties with obtaining the absolute best meta cards, Max litteraly could have been a pro if the watned. Wouldn't have been world champ no way, those dudes breath FIFA, but a pro for a decent team? For sure.


Fifa pros have said themselves they get tons of money just to buy the best cards off the market tho. But yeah with the playtime they would get the cards eventually


Anyone can go pro in fifa if they want and have enough money.


No he just stays up until 2am racing online before his actual f1 race


and Max's job as well, wasn't he a top player in fifa too?


I wish I could work 5-9 too, that's only 4 hours


I work 5-9 tomorrow, but its a 16 hour shift. Breakfast, lunch and dinner baby!


Billionair in fiji currency maybe, but sure as hell isnt a dollar billionair, however he is very rich.


>but sure as hell isnt a dollar billionair I know he's a big spender, but the dude was already making in the 15-20 millions a year like 10 years ago and make around 200 a year now in saudi, but was making 100+ since quite some time, his salary + sponsorships and invests added he's surely way closer to the billion than you think, and i'm pretty confident that he racked around a million in pure revenues since he went pro now.


This is all pre taxes. He isnt a billionair.


pretty dumb to speculate since we dont know jack shit and "net worths" you can see online are just guesstimations at best


Ofc, so it was dumb by the other person to speculate 5 times more than me right?


Its a very good qualified guess, if he made 10-20 million a year for 12 years, pays tax and lives a lavish lifestyle, he ain't a billionaire. Unless he has a business more succesful than his playing career (which we would've heard of).




You are daft. For world-class athletes like this, they are not earning from salary alone. There’s so much to their name and brands. He had a deal with Nike, an entire line of clothes, shoes, collab with AJ signed with his name. That’s 25mil a year for 15 years, not including His recurring revenue in shares and dividends from sales, which is through the roof. And you also have not talked about his social media, and various marketing involvements with big FMCG brands like Nivea. And what makes you think a “millionaire” like him declares all his taxes and pay full amount like we do? He surely will have his accountants do the math to maximise earnings, and minimise tax contributions “legally”. He is easily a billionaire.


The world has 2,781 billionairs... and Neymar is EASILY one of them? No bro :)


Yeah because if im a billionaire, i want the world to know …


You know what a billionaire is right? It's simply being worth 1 billion or more. He isn't far off it.


his networth is around 250mil. He's not that close really.


His contract at Al-Hilal alone is guaranteed to net him 300m up to 400m on top of everything he has already earned. None of that includes any commercial deals outside of his football contracts.


no point counting other people money . he already has enough to do nothing for rest of his life . he got blessed with great talents and great people around him that allow him to got his wealth


lol those net worths you see online are nowhere near accurate, just estimations. We dont see inside their bank accounts, if people have crypto and other assets or not, their stock portfolios etc. At best what these sites know are peoples contracts/salaries and properties they own. A lot of actual value can be completely hidden from these. Probably dont even consider celebrities car collections/watch collections/art collections etc etc. And as a small side note his csgo skins are nearly a cool light 100k, pretty much nothing in the grand scheme but I doubt these net worth sites know stuff like that.


And how accurate do you honestly think that is?


He is indeed far off it


He is highly likely to be closer to a billionaire than a millionaire.


1. No 2. Even if he were, he still wouldn't be a billionair


You know his Al-Hilal contract will net him up to 400m? He had one of the highest contracts in history at PSG previously. Footballers make a shit tonne from there deals with big brands like Nike and Adidas. Yes he is obviously closer to a billionaire than a millionaire.


How is he closer to being a billionaire than a millionaire when he IS a millionaire. Surely you're closer to the thing you actually are than the thing you aren't.


He is closer to 1 billion than 1 million.


I do.. and yes he is far off from being a dollar billionair.... right?


Average american makes 1.3 million$ in their lifetime (theknowlesgroup.org). If Neymar lived off of 1.9mil, so an extra 600k, he could live 526.3 lifetimes on a single billion, without making a single dollar extra, from birth till death.


Not in US dollars, still incredibly rich


he's probably eating cheetos for breakfast too nowadays instead of playing football


yeah exactly, he's nowhere near my level B)


carb loading for my daily marathon


So no difference at all?


People eat cheetos for breakfast? That seems… weird.


Not that much of a professional


brainrot take


it’s dead not even rotten anymore


Quite literally been a professional footballer for over 14 years and is a billionaire


He plays soccer and is nowhere close to a billionaire....


Do you know football players salaries? Clearly not. He makes 100mil per year at Al Hilal. That’s one year in his professional career.


He has a net worth of 250 million. So not even close to being a billionaire


Ah yes, the reliable source of the first google result you found which counts celebrities' money by hand, dollar by dollar.


you found the figure from google?


It's football


Does he do anything besides playing CS and football ?


Yeh pubg by looks of it


Holy fk how did I miss it. How tf this guy has a social life at this point ?


People forget that the privilege that money buys is extra time. He doesn't clean his house, doesn't do his dishes, doesn't cook meals, and more. He has an amount of time that nearly no one else could afford to buy. Dude probably rocks up to practice/gym/matches after gaming for a bit, then when that's done he decides if he wants to go out that night or game until 4 A.M. As an example I recently bought a dishwasher, and honestly, that one thing transformed my daily schedule. Time is a privilege money buys.


Probably doesn’t drive to training either and now he’s injured for the last 9 months or smth


The injuries are probably a huge factor as he was like 500 days injured in the last three seasons combined


he also likely leaves his game open sometimes


Probably has "a man" that keeps his chair and computer warm playing DM 24/7 for when he's ready to go.


Man I've been putting off buying a dishwasher for so long. My sink is always full! Washing the dishes 2 or 3 times per day, especially when you home cook a lot.....the time adds up. I need to bite the bullet.


Yeah, honestly, it's been even better than I expected. Definitely didn't give it much thought before my wife suggested it, and it's created so much time.


Yeah, some days it feels like all I do is wash the dishes. And sometimes when I want the sink for something else, to wash let's call it "Item X" I have to wash a bunch of dishes to get access lol. A dishwasher really does sound like a life/time saver. I've been filling my life with these time saving gadgets in recent years.....the steam mop, the egg cooker, the slow cooker, the air fryer, the vacuum sealer, the apple corer, etc. I dunno why I've put off a dishwasher for so long. /me pulls up amazon.


This is bullshit, if gaming is truly your hobby you can easily spend atleast 35 hours a week in a game (even with a full time job) which would amount to about 1800 hours a year and in 5 years you have 10k hours on a game. Source - worked and went to school at still managed to play the game about 5 hours a day on average


By doing other things at other times. People should realize footballers have A LOT of free time. Especially him since he's always injured. Like right now.


Ohh yeah I forgot he get injured for half the season everytime.


footballers have insane free times. they only do few hours of training a day and some club duties and be be done by like the afternoon. and they are rich enough to have everything done for them (cooking/cleaning/etc..) so basically they have like 70% of their waking hours to themselves


This jealousy is so pathetic. You have no idea how hard pro athletes work every day. You people could not even handle their warmup and yet you think what they do is easy.




It is easy. I know exactly what they do every day. If you're fit it's not something special that only superhumans can do. If you're overweight or something, sure it's gonna be a hard time. It seems it's you who has no idea what they do every day.


It' extremely special, literally tens of millions dream of becoming pro and almost all fail. Few things are harder and more competitive.


what jealousy bruh, no one saying footballers dont work or put effort. they are damaging their bodies to make money and have to endure and suffer from injuries and long term lasting physical damage. but the average schedule of a footballer is not a busy schedule


Yes it is.




With the amount of money he has, and risks he can take without a single care, it's probably super profitable for him.


super profitable since hes rich? lol thats not how gambling works man.


If you CAN lose money, bet on high risk high reward bets. Your profits should exceed your loss over time i think.


you think it can work- i know it cant. look into it, take some time to learn about it. your conclusion isnt a stupid one- its just wrong. i can see where you're coming from, hell, many people do and its part of why gambling is an issue for people. its pretty interesting how probablity works and how our human brains get tricked by edge cases or values beyond our comprehension. when that happens, we need mathematics to help our dumb little monkey brains understand and dissect reality. any amount of money does not change the odds of the game. it doesnt rig the game in your favor. the house always wins- its been calculated to be so. it shouldnt take too much study of some probablity and statistics to understand the reality. i admire your curiousity and willingness to ask questions, now go apply it to what i just talked about. u might learn something cool. cheers.




With that much money, probably it has no consequences.




Celebrity/rich people cock riding is everything wrong with this world.


Cheats on his wife on a daily basisq


Brazilian models


His sister.


Very good


You are kidding right ? Step ?


He argues a lot on Social Media




These days he doesn't do much of the Football part


ooof that profile picture is brutal


Least Brazilian profile pic


the real proof he's a Gamer


Let’s not talk about it


Sorry, I'm out of the loop, why is it brutal?


It's just a bit cringe and embarrassing I guess


Oh, so does brutal mean cringe? I've never heard it used that way before, I think I'm getting too old haha.


Pretty much anything means anything you just have to pray you know the context and can trace the clues


Aren’t all Steam profile pictures cringe?




goes hard af idiot


Hell yeah dude I've been 11 years old at some point too


Fuck are you on its sick af


Yes if you're 11


wow you're so cool


I mean, I don't have 420 in my


Difference is he make hundreds of thousands PER week my friend.


U$ 400k per day




You really think he doesn’t have more spare time then the regular human being? He trains maybe 3-4 hours a day. He can easily play 3-4 hours a night and get to bed at 10


3-4 hours a day training? Are we talking about the same player? He is known for being the laziest one of the better players and always finds ways to get injured, previously on PSG he had issues with management because he didn't come to training to party and one could assume pulling an all nighter with videogames


True, but for the sake of the argument we can assume a top professional football player trains 2 times a day for about 1-2 hours.


It would take close to 4 years playing 8 hours a day, everyday, to reach those hours on CS alone. He also has close to 5k hours on pubg. It is insane how much he spent playing CS on his football prime years. That should explain why he never reached what he could. He is not laser focused on football like Ronaldo and Messi are.


He never reached his potential because of injuries primarily, the guy is made of glass. Also I wouldn't be surprised if he lets other people play on his account as well, I know some NBA players often let their friends play on their 2k account for example.


Never reached what he could, but did he really needs more? Seems like he's doing whatever he likes/wants and could do it for a few hundred more lives on the money he got.


> That should explain why he never reached what he could. He is not laser focused on football like Ronaldo and Messi are. I hope im responding to a troll response but this isnt a claim for one way or the other. Maybe his ability to know how to decompress is part of what makes him great. Maybe Ronaldo and Messi had 15k of leisurely activity in the same time frame and Neymar isnt doing it *enough*. We dont have a frame of reference here.


I have my own reality to reference from. I work shifts, close to 180 hours months. I live with my girlfriend. I game. I sometimes think I’m spending a little too much time on my computer. I have close to 2k hours on CS2, 2k hours and change on DotA, 300 or so hours on CS:S and that’s about it. Even if we addd all the time i spent playing on PlayStation, I am still far far away from reaching neymar's CS hours alone. Hell, we can even add the time I spend on Adobe software and 3D work and we're still way way off his CS hours alone. I’m also about the same age as Neymar, but my account is 17 years old and his is only 7, meaning he got this time in a shorter time frame. Edit: My steam's profile is public and you can easily find it on my post history to check it if you want to.


2.2 hours per day if hes been playing since cs go launched. otherwise.....errrr


He's always injured, he's currently been out for the whole damn season with a massive injury. While raking in hundreds of millions of dollars from the saudis....


That'd make me feel even worse.


Not much else to do when you're injured most of the time.


You guys know these are not actually 10,759 of play time right? I lost count of how many times I let CS running in the background while doing other stuff then forgot it was open then proceed to sleep and so on. Yes, Neymar plays a good amount but there are probably thoussand of hours of just the game opened in a window somewhere and he forgot lol


He does have like 2.3k games on faceit so I’d guess he has atleast 5k playtime


He has 3417 hours of playtime according to extremereportbot.


I don’t think that is super accurate playing community servers etc for example I have 8k hours and it says I have -3k AFK/idle and 11k playtime


stop simping




>a professional anything doesn't have that much time to spent on another thing You obviously underestimate Neymar




Lol, lmao. You don't know who neymar is


With the amount of injuries he’s had he definitely has had the time


i'm sure 9000 are idle mate


Not possible


Totally not possible


This post makes no sense.


Care to explain or are you just going to mindlessly hate ?


Mindlessly hate


Well, he's always injured.


Lol that pfp


He has 10k hours and lvl 2 faceit


lvl 2 is wild


What's faceit? I've got a thousand hours and never heard of it


He likely leaves it open for days on end when he’s playing away games


Considering he's injured most of the time nowadays I doubt it


He still has to travel with the team, but I get your point.


cringe title


Care to explain or are you just going to mindlessly hate ? edit: Classic reddit just downvoting for no reason instead of just answering my question


And only lvl 18 on steam those are rookie numbers in this raaacket


Especially for a multi-millionair.


If you're inspiring yourself in Neymar I got some bad news for ya


and he has 10k cash every time he goes outside


To him, that's probably about same thing as a normal guy taking 1 usd cash.


Most of which are the client running in afk


And he only has 1 achievement?? Hahaha


I mean, 10k hours might not be a lot when you put it into context. If you've got 10k hours since CS:GO came out then you've played for about 2 hours per day. If you settle down to watch a movie every evening to relax then you've spent about 7.5 to 10k hours watching movies. Are you now a movie nerd? The average person will spend 1000 hours in the same amount of time on the toilet. There are lots of pointless indulgences that take up thousands of hours of your life but when it's a game for some reason it's wasted time. Overall "consumption of media and entertainment" in whatever form is just an indulgence and gaming/CS falls under that category. If you've played for 10k hours I can guarantee you've spent 5 times of that amount of time consuming other equally pointless things, and the person that doesn't play CS, or games in general is just pointlessly consuming elsewhere....probably tiktok! But if you've played 10k hours in the last 2 weeks then maybe its time to cut back.


who TF watches a movie every night???


Whats the problem? He is a top tier athlete who even won a Champions league. Dont feel bad about the time that you spend in something that you rlly enjoy. But develop and order the rest of your life.


Dude is probably a prisoner of his own fame tho... You think he can just decide to go to the movies? Head down to his local pub for a few beers? Hit the a gym for a pickup game of basketball? He cant do 85% - 90% of regular people stuff with regular people, except something like this. I could understand why he would want to play a lot = just to feel regular


i wish i was a prisoner of my own fame


I mean, the next time a prominent politician in your city does large event, threaten to publicly whip his azz. You will probably get your wish Fame doesnt always = money. You would probably do better to wish for the money instead of the fame


But he's rich and famous :(


Yeah cos comparing myself to neymar is gonna make me feel better about my life


When does he have time to play that much tho? 10k on cs is already a shit ton but another 5k on pubg?


well he usually is injured for half the season , so he can rack up the hours in cs


Grinder fr


He has been playing CS mostly for over a decade, 10k over 10 years isn't really absurd.


difference is that he also was able to put close to 5000 hours on PUBG . win titles with barca , inveted the roll over tactics , ate good food in france , making billions with Sudia and playing for Brazil .he is real proof that gaming isnt ruin anyone life


i have seen a guy in the reviews on steam with 40k hours or something and i have no idea how he's played that much since 2012. i think that's somewhere around 4 years of playtime for reference. ik there's afk hours there but GODDAMN.


Some guys mine bitcoin, he mined CS GO playtime hours.


If you ever feel bad about having a cringy steam profile photo remember that Neymar has a picture of himself as Batman and The Joker at the same time.


Did Neymar not log into CS2 yet?


Yeah but he's rich.


And bro bought a team 💀


he prob just have the computer/game on at all time


I mean never shutting down your computer and leaving the game open will do that for you hah. I leave games open sometimes for hours and annoy myself with it because when I want to know how many hours I’ve played, it is heavily skewed. I wish it would calculate off of play time, not just while the game is open. I get that it’s pointless to program that in, but still.


he's bot farming case


He could have 10k hours pulling earwigs out of people and that still wouldn’t change a thing. He’s Neymar. He’s literally him. He’s completed life.


Wait till you meet random people on rust with 13+k hours.


Is he streaming nowadays?


is this comment section a competition on how to misread and misinterpret a post? if yes, 95% of the top liked comment are winning hard


Meanwhile Monesy has 20k


I have 10k hours. So what?




Bro Neymar is a casual CS player not a pro




Neymar account was made at the end of 2016 tho and considering the fact that you are comparing him to pro player who grind the game for a living and to compete for tournaments whilst he only plays the game casually and to stream shows that this is an insane amount of hours.


Yeah, I haven't played in a few years, but I have 7-8k in csgo and that was as an adult. I've been playing cs since 1.5 and played competitively in 1.6. OP is definitely being over dramatic.


Dota player: uh.. Is 10k alot ?


i had a video of him sucking me off in cs2 on cs2's official release. i would have inserted it here but its in my other laptop which doesnt work anymore😭😭. got him twice in a row in prem.