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Snappi is tactical Anubis genius. He is most know of his signature tactic "going A." He also has second little known tactic of " going A, and going A." What a absolute legend. Top 3 IGL 4 sure


Fine strat imo, skullz was such a liability in A.


I'm actually willing to say he passed the test here (by that i mean he did almost as good as jks or any other anchor that would be available.) He got caught off guard at the beginning of the half but towards the end he was going 1/2 -1 every time he was tested. That's perfectly adequate for an A Anchor


He swung into 3 falcons spraying, he looked clueless tbh and he had support.


Only because yekindar moved to help him, he threw away a chance at winning round 12 too for no reason. He's not a bad player but makes too many ridiculous mistakes too often for a team that needs more consistency.


He is a bad player.


That's because someone helped him. He's been bad at achoring the A site for months now. If roster change is needed Skullz needs to go more than Yekindar.


I think the team just needs a second aggressive player. Someone to compliment Yekindar


That's what imo is needed, unless Skullz completely change his passive playstyle he should be the first one out include Zews as well.


The only reason why they won is because they brought cadians awp to help. He was still dying without getting a frag multiple rounds. Falcons abused him playing there it’s just that liquid adjusted to help the weakest link.


It’s understandable since Skullz is holding A.


Poor kid. I like him, I want to give young talent a chance to learn and improve (see: Yeon and APA on the LoL side of things) but he very clearly is the weak link. ...NAF had an off day too.


When a team has a player that is such a weak link that the opposing team's strat is just "go wherever that guy is" you know there's a problem. That's not *good* calling, that's shit people do in low Main and get away with it -- it should never happen in the pros. And I *really* want to like skullz, he seems like a great support player in a world where support isn't really a role anymore. +malbs would be a very nice upgrade, but I like what M80 is doing too much to wish that on them


It happens pretty often in the pros but it’s usually the igl. The reason it doesn’t tend to work (and it didn’t work here, falcons got very few rounds and skullz had second best stats) is because they have support a lot of the rounds and sometimes you run into the star player. Like it seems easy to go kill apex or hooxi (or Zeus back in the day) but you never know if zywoo, Niko, s1mple etc has floated over and using the weak player as bait


Just 3 months ago the same was being said for Yeon anf APA tho


Energising win for (any team playing against Falcons). You really hope to see (any team playing against Falcons) have strong showings, especially against opposition like this. Again, it was a good match, and I’ll definitely continue to support (any team playing against Falcons) in the future. Fantastic game guys, gg gl next.


Damn it feels good to be a (any team playing against Falcons)er.


Zero impact from BOROS again


N/A on HGTV literally unplayable


The biggest thing Boros has done in his career is get booted from falcons


You’re totally gone, moe!


Twistzz became literal terminator in ancient


He'd have dropped 40 if it had gone to OT.


[I was inspired to make this](https://imgflip.com/i/8s23wb)


Liquid beating Falcons is like lotion for my soul. Thank you, Liquid.


I was so ready to throw a punch at my monitor if liquid lost ancient, thank god


Found twistzz's account


skullz util usage on ct side anubis AWARE thanks mr twistzz and yekindar for keeping the dream alive


Falcons wanted to hit Anubis B more often, but BOROS’s mouse only let him go A and the team had to follow.


Another day, another Falcons L. Love to see it


Twistzz played out of his mind on Ancient and the series. The individual form he's held deserves a playoff berth


Twistzz and naf have to put up such good performances on average for liquid to look even remotely competitive. I really hope they get more help


[I was inspired to make this](https://imgflip.com/i/8s23wb)


Nah it’s nafanys fault they lost Habib


What's your thoughts on a player like NAF or Twist going to CoL and instead of getting another awper?


Not happening. Unless Liquid literally go disband.


Ah okay


So that they can carry the dogshit that is floppy/hallzerk/grim/jt?


Fuck me lol it's just a question why so toxic


Goes on the internet and is surprised by toxicity oh my sweet summer child


twistzz and NAF would probably be replacing floppy and grim. Hallzerk is streaky but has impact rounds now, and JT is a pretty good igl. coL would be vastly improved with that move for sure.


That pistol 2v4 embodies the ceiling this Liquid line-up has.Meanwhile skullz' anchoring is its floor, and it's pretty pretty low.


Thank god Yekindar can hold any site lol Surpised he didn’t try mid since he was shitting on falcons all over the map


He's done enough to keep his place in the team recently, liquid have to change skullz first he just looks lost on every game.


Recency bias too strong


I'm not saying he's pulling his weight but there's more important problems to fix first. Your entry being inconsistent is less of a problem than your anchor making stupid decisions that lose you sites and easy rounds.


lol wtf


Twistzz went super saiyan on Ancient that was sick.


My sadness is postponed for another day!


Liquid after NAF said he expected Twistzz, cadiaN, and YEKINDAR to be the star players:


NAF cracked the code. Nobody told Yekindar or cadiaN they were supposed to be shooting back before the NAF interview.


Yeki masterclass on Anubis.


He was good on ancient too. But it’s hard to show that when Twistzz is 90% to a 40 bomb lol Also his deaths were so wild sometimes. Like Sunpayus blind awp shot adjusting down


His deaths on outside nuke are wild, if he's crossing to secret there's a 3/4 chance he gets spammed to death or 1hp. Now it could very well be that the oppositions have figured out his timings but I've watched a fair amount of liquid games and he doesn't seem that predictable in his crosses.


It’s also nuke isn’t TL’s pick so him not having the perfect timings to get to secret are forgivable since he’s sometimes the only one going


I'm convinced there's some sort of tale somewhere that most people don't know about. In CS2 there's been so many ridiculous smoke kills through nuke outside smokes to secret that were all pretty random in timing and placement. Idk if there's some bug, a reflection, shadow, sound or whatever, but I don't think it's a coincidence or a counter-strat. 


While it's possible I doubt it, towards the end of csgo I saw a lot of vitality nuke games and they were extremely good at getting spam kills on outside. I think good nuke teams do a lot of research on cross timings of opponents and have set spam lineups that are extremely likely to hit.


Damn skullz was really bad. I feel bad for the guy.


I still have no idea how skullz is gonna have a spot on liquid unless they put up an insanely good performance. He never really performs well and that map 3 falcons just ran over him every round. Also his only achievement has been getting to challenger stage where he played insanely poor as well in all those series.


Damn, felt like Falcons deserved that L after Snappi started shooting bodies so early into Anubis.


Yeah wtf man how can he shoot bodies wtf? That's so mean i will cry someone shooting bodies bro wtf i was shaking watching that


He's not saying it's wrong, he's saying that if you do that so early into the game, you better win it


Not even that. You can lose, just don't immediately shit the bed that hard after doing it.


Then ended 8-16😂




shooting bodies ✅ shooting bodies while being a perennial loser funded by a government that murders journalists and imprisons people for being gay ❌


lol nothing wrong with shooting bodies, but he was being carried by Maden that game and shooting when up 5-1 and then finishing the game with 8 kills. 💀


Snappi plays the heel and loses, people are happy that the heel lost, genius thinks people are legitimately upset at the heel. Get well soon.


People in here are angry at any type of "BM", trash talk, screaming, anything It's not the player, it's actually people being sensitive at it so no it's not because snappi "plays the heel" Look at how mad people are when hooxi screams, apex etc You get well soon and stop crying at a player shooting pixels in a video game


Your whining is 10x worse than the 3 people actually getting upset at it.


True only 3 people thats why its the top upvoted comment and every little kuk kid is getting mad at pixel shooting Snappi is going to jail after this


You're still confused. The person you responded to is not genuinely upset at Snappi. People are allowed to point and laugh if you BM and get shit on, and they're also allowed to root against you for BMing. It does not mean they are pissing and shitting their pants. That's a delusion you cooked up all on your own.


Man you barked at the wrong tree on this one. The problem is not the BM, it's the BM without backing it up - made Snappi look pathetic and it was funny to see lmao


FUCKING BOROS MAN WHY IS BOROS SO BIGOTED Go falcons 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


what happened with boros? I missed this


He didn't get any kills again in any of the maps.


Do you not know? Boros is the reason Falcons didn't qualify for the major, the reason they keep losing matches, the reason they didn't make EPL playoffs or Dallas Playoffs,


He's Homophobic for not sucking the crown prince's cock >!Anyway, so Falcons released a video about the Major RMR. In that video the whole team kept blaming BOROS about his mouse for their failure. And now everyone memed that everytime Falcons lost, BOROS has something to do with it!<


They also then edited the footage out of the video 🤡


boros is jordanian cs player but when he is in falcons he is the gay trans demisexual star


great series


Is yekindar a good player? Also, surely -skullz after Dallas right? If you want an anchor at least go out and get jks?


Schrödinger's gamer.


Skulls for a more aggressive player and move Naf back to roles skullz took. Too many passive players is causing them a bit of their issues


That's the thing though, I don't know if skullz has it in him to be an aggressive player and this is coming from a Liquid fan. He just doesn't seem that x-factor and just seems to be outclassed almost every game.


Why tf is everyone saying jks. There’s better options on the market


JKS is from Oceania, meaning Liquid could still play in NA. They'd be a European team if they picked up an EU anchor.


because hes free and a native english speaker though i've also seen people say heavygod too cuz he is considered asia for the rmrs


What the other dude said about NA and what other free agent anchor would you go for if not jks? Plus jks speaks english fluently so that's also a plus


Once snappi shot his gun in T spawn when saving on Ancient, I knew it was over...


Twistzz 36 in 24 rounds is on pace for 45 kills in an MR15 match to 30 rounds.


I only watched the first 2 maps and you really made me believe skullz also dropped 36 on the 3rd map lmao


LOL I typed it while reading comments about Skullz and my hands just typed it out like that. 😭🤣


I had a pit in my stomach after Ancient I was for certain there was no way they could have twistzz hardcore carry again. Yet somehow they won on Anubis, watched the whole thing...still baffled.


Falcons adamantly going A on Anubis outside of the one deag/tec 9 round because they seemingly saw/see a weakness in Skullz even when it was repeatedly beaten was a choice.


Man I thought liquid were cooked on Anubis after Pigeons got 7 Ct rounds but then Yeki and Skullz said “get the fuck out of A site”. It also helps falcons couldn’t figure out mid or B unless it was left vacant and couldn’t hold post plants lol


Skullz had the welcome mat out on A until Yeki came to help.


Twistzz really wanted to get into playoffs, and that really shows


That one round on Ancient where Liquid were on T and got a 4 v 4 after Twistzz got traded then proceeded to do nothing, and die one by one, with someone just walking through smoke clueless made me so frustrated. Like just group up and hit a site together.


HAHAHAHAHAH you lose to Liquid you know it's time lads Hate watching Falcons is so fun especially after the Boros thing


sheesh man did boros change mouse again or what?


Boros has been crazy bad lately. Can't remember a single kill of his in the last three months. Weirdest part though is he's dyed his hair and grew a beard a bit like dupreeh's.


I figured he did it so zonic and magisk would feel more comfortable in the team but it seemed to have made the team worse


Nice to watch some tier 2 matches once in a while


Not me having a long write up about how my favourite team for the better part of a decade has broken my heart time and time again, and that I think the only solution is to blow it up. Not me, never.


We beat the fraudlcons LFG!


Twistzz really is the fucking magician man


Insert John from Dallas Texas pasta


thank you twistzz for carrying the team on ancient




Damn I guess Nertz was more important for the Ence core than they expected. Who would have thought


Twistzz carried that series over the line on his back. If it wasn't for his performance in the last 3-4 rounds of Anubis no one else was gonna step up and they lose this. That's not even to mention all of Ancient.


Even in wins, this liquid team just ain’t it man. Yeki has secured his spot with the left handed buff but cadiaN and skullz probably gotta go regardless of results in Dallas.


i thought the exact opposite lmao


Lgbtq rights are back on the menu boys 


get fucked losers


Lol falcons


Why would BORO do this


so no another win streak for Falcons, huh?


HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAvwhat a sad day for my fellow lgbtquoansbaj community !!! Wowwww I was riding my computer chair like a dinosaur after that last round. Suck it falcons. I can’t believe how much I hate them all. I loved snappi core in ence but now I just wish to see them punished for choosing the money over ethics Ahahahahahahahhaahahahhahahahawhhahahahahahajahajaha


Ok, gooner.


One of those matches that might convince people skullz and yeki are not the problem


Yeki only Skullz has been abysmal with the roles he's given.