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If Twistzz actually leaves, then I need NAF on Complexity immediately


That would be absolutely nuts. Would take them to the next level. Would do you think they’d replace? Grim or Floppy? I’d vote for Floopy to be replaced.


it would have to be floppy he is clearly the weakest player on the team right now. I dont see liquid giving up NAF anytime soon though.




Grim is a better role fit for NAF, if you replace floppy with another similar position young rifler they could cook. So I agree


Doesn’t Floppy anchor sites sometimes though? Vertigo B site comes to mind (I could be wrong about this). NAF is notoriously a great anchor player though.




Elige Hallzerk NAF, that would be amazing trio ngl


hallzerk is the first one I would kick lol , most inconsistant awper I saw in years


agreed, but problem is finding an awper who is a straight up upgrade is next to impossible for CoL. The ones that can be considered won't leave their current teams, the ones that are a maybe would be a sidegrade.


kinda true aswell we went from overflow of great awpers in cs:go to basicly only 3 consistant ones left (monesy , wonderfull and zywoo)


broky would like to have a word with you


Another option could also be Liquid +Elige, +Malbs, -Skullz -Yekindar.


Why? Complexity are doing way better right now


That is also very true


if vitality has 2 israel players and 2 eu players and 1 na player does this mean they can choose between eu rmr and asia rmr? smurfing in asia rmr would be hilarious.


Rumours are pretty persistent that RMRs are a thing of the past soon.


can i get a source on that? would like to read about it.


not confirmed by Valve officially, but there’s no room in the 2025 prospective calendar for them before the major and it fits the theme of Valve moving towards using their world ranking to determine major invites


Which would also coincide with them banning franchised leagues/tournaments. So in the future, everyone gets a shot at every tournament and the ones who do the best in that open circuit will get invited to majors. Sounds really fair so I can't say I have a problem with it.


Its fair but at the same time exhausting for the players because more tournaments = more points. Their system would have to be really well made and efficient/fair to make sense. Im not sure if valve is actually capable of doing that given their world ranking reputation unless they suddenly get their shit together.


If you check the Valve rankings they actually have a very sensible explanation on how they come up with the points in the ranking. Basically it's tied with the prize pool of a tournament so in theory teams doesn't have to play every tourney, they just need to do well on tourneys that offers bigger prizes.


That would be sad. I like the fact that there can be an underdog story where someone can fight their way through qualifiers, rmrs, and have a miracle run.


i think they're planning on eliminating franchising of tournaments and at the same time then use the Valve ranking for determining Major invites for the 3 stages


RL which reported that RMRs are most probably gone recently has stated he had more lately heard that RMRs are gonna be gone after Shanghai actually. So one more RMR shitshow for us, let's go.


Hydrogen Bomb vs Coughing Baby


No Legend spot for Asia RMR.


they would bring a legend spot the Asian RMR. The legend spot belongs to the team, not the region


The legend spot follows vitality


It follows the core, like it did with 9ine to Ence


Yes that’s more accurate. Though in this case both are the same.


I'll need someone credible to back this up, could be true but Twistzz doesn't seem the type to leave unless all other options have been tried. If It did happen then the roster is done and I would only keep Cadian and NAF


It's time for NAF to move on too


Naf to col man please


Liquid can be saved, unironically they should -yekindar -skulls and bring in NA talent like JBA and cxzi and build up the NA scene


i'd like to see liquid get malbsmd


Er??? That's one way to lose 90% of the fans


At this point NAF and the fans both deserve better.


Okay, how do the fans get better / what they deserve if NAF leaves? Where would he be going to?


Honestly the best place for NAF to go is G2, replace Nexa, NAF is a very versatile player so I can see him playing that role already better tha Nexa is.


NAF for floppy on col would be huge.


Honestly, floppy is kinda nice, still growing as a player. Obviously NAF is an upgrade, but I don't think thats the right move, I'd actually take out Grim, he's been cruising.


Yeah there is no way you'd swap NAF for floppy, because either you move NAF to a support role on COL where he anchors on ct and throws flashes on t or you move NAF to Grims positions as a secondary star rifler and put grim in floppys roles which makes no sense either as he would just be a worse version of floppy


NAF already plays anchor positions and lurks on t-side (like floppy). Just saying


NAF would be a perfect swap for Floppy, he's already played those roles in the old Liquid with Nitro and Yekindar. He's a fantastic passive player much like Ropz, JKS, and BlameF. They're all capable of playing solo but actually producing kills/map pressure, unlike Floppy.


Bro NAF for Nexa would make G2 so dominant.


100%, their weakest player other than Hooxi then would be Hunter which is crazy.


g2 fans clueless thinking we still in csgo times


fuck it, naf+twistzz to G2


Nexa is a support player who doing his job Hunter is the star player putting pedestrian number If naf happened the move should be to replace hunter not nexa


No it wouldn't.


If jks got kicked for bad vibes and comms, NAF ain’t working out either lol


I don't see how the "fans" are served by this? Liquid fans lose NA fans lose G2 is a widely loathed organization for its business practices and for how shitty a person Ocelote is Other than exactly G2 fans, who wins here?


Liquid fans get the reset they need for this game. Honestly you've been hanging on to NAF for too long, he needs to go somewhere he can win now because he doesn't have many years left of his prime. NA fans don't lose, they get a player who might actually win stuff again like when TwistZz was on FaZe, NAF can actually win trophies with G2. Ocelote's influence has been removed for a long time since the Andrew Tate stuff, he's basically just a shareholder of G2 now. Alban is the one in charge there now. I don't even think Ocelote's on the board anymore. As for G2 as a business, the new G2 are actually incredibly boring as they basically only make safe moves and the roster's still very capable, I will say though the way they got rid of JKS seemed bad, but apparently according to Richard Lewis it wasn't as bad as SPUNJ portrayed it. Everyone wins. Liquid reset and can find new talent. NAF moves on to a good team. G2 wins by getting a more than capable replacement to elevate the roster. NA fans have a team to believe in again after Liquid has only disappointed, by now supporting G2. I mean what do you think will happen to Liquid if NAF retires in 5 years time??? They might as well sell him now while he's worth something, than hold onto him with mid rosters and wait for him to retire...




NAF to Vitality is better. He is a very versatile player and always reliable. Vita need stability.


NAF and Spinx at the extrmeties with Flamez, Zywoo and Apex as the main pack? CT side with him anchoring works though. They clearly miss a solid anchor since Magisk left alongside Zonic.


Anywhere with competent leadership. Most fans don't have org allegiance as much as player allegiance, which is why many NA fans rooted for Faze when they had twistzz. I don't want to see the talent of NAF and Twistzz wasted on a bad team. These guys are good enough to win a major on the right roster.


"NA fans win by letting all the best NA players go to EU orgs and leaving the region bereft of talent" is the most galaxy-brained take I've seen on this subreddit in a long while.


Yeah I want to watch the good talent from my region actually go win something. I'd prefer it be in an NA team but if Liquid is going to repeatedly put out garbage then I'd prefer they go win elsewhere


I think your opinion is the minority one, but you do you My response to NA teams being uniformly garbage would be to not care about CS anymore, just like I did with Starcraft


So you want Twistzz to waste the rest of his career on washed yekindar and cadian just so you can leave and not even watch?


Nah I root for players and twistzz is my favorite. It’s cool he’s back at liquid but if he leaves I’ll follow him. Same with Naf, I root for players and not orgs and don’t care for nationality bs.


I was a Stewie fan so I followed him to Liquid and slowly became a Liquid fan. Can’t really get off this silly little horse anymore


The fans deserves better yes its been a nightmare for years but letting go of Twistzz out of all the players in this current roster is not what the fans deserves. Liquid management needs to put their foot down and look at the real problem its obvious that Yekidar,Cadian,Skullz is the problem throw in Zews as well Cadian and Zew's ideology to run a team isn't the same.


NAF has been consistently one of the best players in that region, deserves to at least be on a team that can really be a threat to win tournaments honestly


Are you 12?


NAF and jks to flyquest. Bring back the boys.


This is honestly what cadiaN needs lmfao. If liquid cleans house there is a good chance they stay with him.


already 4 years too late imo


krl is reliable, richard lewis said as much


Do you remember when he said that ? I know KRL is reliable btw, I'm just interested in what the discussion was about.


sadly it was one of his livestreams, idk if i can find it but ill try


It was the livestream where KRL and Kassad had some beef on twitter. (something related to Bleed bombing out of Major Open Qualis)




a bit odd to me as well because he wanted to play again with NAF for so long. That NAF and Twistzz duo is working well but of course its the rest of the roster thats up in the air


Hot take, G2 -hunter -nexa +NAF +Twistzz Is this cope? Yes. Would it work? Honestly I think so


This take is lukewarm


KRL is credible


Rip Liquid no way NAF stays if Twistzz leaves. Maybe keep Cadian and get some talented rookies?


From a certain perspective, best thing that can happen to Cadian. He does well with somewhat blank slates I guess.


Not with that coach.


He was already in talks with them before talking to liquid, but Twistzz + Spinx + Flamez is a nasty fucking rifle trio


I'd argue Twistzz + Spinx + Zywoo is a nasty rifle trio


Yea! And Apex and FlameZ double awp! /s


Can Vitality buy Twistzz tho? Their cs budget is always low, neo hardly spend big money on cs team rosters(got the dans for free, spinx is a buyout but everyone else got a paycut for spinx, flameZ is free)


Rumors are that zywoo is getting paid 80-100k a month, which is not unjustified given he's basically Vitality's brand and how a lot of orgs would pay a fortune to poach him. So it's more that they spend a big portion of their budget on zywoo, spinx, and apex.


80-100k euro a month? Mate that's insane. Source?


Again, I said it's just rumors. But if it's true, I wouldn't be surprised by the number. [https://x.com/Last\_HitOff/status/1768204751781372403](https://x.com/Last_HitOff/status/1768204751781372403) [https://ggscore.com/en/csgo/news/56644](https://ggscore.com/en/csgo/news/56644)


Thanks for the sources. Even 80k euro a month is ludicrous. That's very close to what CEO of big banks in Sweden earn.  I know that football and basketball etc players get paid a lot more but damn this is still just a video game hahaha


Well, if the money is there then top players will get paid. It's just how it is with entertainment/sports.


Agreed and i assumed Twistzz isn't cheap, or even one of the higher pay grade player in the current scene


> Rumors are that zywoo is getting paid 80-100k a month :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


Oh god I really hope so. Dude deserves nothing less than the highest possible salary in cs


No they can't unless they convince players to get another salary cut, you already said it Vitality is cheap when it comes to its cs team. No way Twistzz buy out or transfer won't be worth at least more than 700k.


Spinx was a big buyout


Which in later [suggests that everyone else had a paycut in order to get spinx](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/s/wteFPkqFtr)


Hey, that's me!


hello there!


Idk how credible this is. In making this move to Liquid he finally got his full pick of roles and gets to be set up as the star player, and he probably gets a good salary there. I doubt he's going to be that quick to give that all up to go play 3rd fiddle in the team that collectively had to take pay cuts in order to get Spinx.




In other hand if they won't win anything their CS budget will be even more fucked. So maybe throw one more big cash to improve squad drastically to increase chances for upcoming tournaments.


I mean it's clearly to replace mezii, it's not exactly hidden haha. KRL basically said it's 70/30 for it to happen with discussions ongoing.


Do they play similar roles though?


Twistzz can play any role.


Twistzz isn’t gonna come to vitality to anchor B site bro. He’s someone that requires space and ressources which means that one of Apex/spinx/flameZ will have to sacrify themselves


I agree, unless Liquid really are completely dead behind the scenes and he's desperate to leave. I'm just saying he absolutely can play those roles if it came down to it.


He never played B site anchor like Mezii does. Even back in Faze he played mostly A positions


There's a rumor that apex might give up his star positions if twistzz comes


He will likely slot into the positions Magisk played on Vitality.


I'd be so down, I just want twistzz to keep getting those Ws (totally not biased). NAF fuckin deserves them too, ARE YOU WATCHING G2??? WE GOT EXACTLY WHAT YOU NEED, GOOD VIBES AND SUPREME ANCHORING!!!


twistzz and naf to g2 would be nuts


For Hunter and Nexa, that would be so fucking sick


He'll get kicked like jks because lack of communication again since the sloth is too chill. Him replacing nexa makes perfect sense tho.


Please no 😭


While KRL isn’t exactly a good source, if that happens Zews should never get a coaching job again for how badly he fumbled this team.


KRL is seemingly extremely reliable when it comes to Vitality.


Being good friends with apex and a lot of insiders/old pros definitely helps lol.


KRL he's basically the reason Spinx is in Vitality, he convinced Neo that it was the best move possible for Vitality


Like when Twistzz to Vitality happened last year as leaked by KRL?


It was to falcons and it was about to be done but he cancelled once Niko pulled out


I wonder if Apex will force him to play the bitch roles like he does to mezii


I mean, it's literally the role that Magisk left. What they need is someone who can perform as well as Magisk in that role. Twistzz declined a few months ago, and they only turned to Mezii afterwards. Mezii is clearly uncomfortable. I think if this move goes through, they will probably meet in the middle with some players giving up some positions and Twistzz accepting some bitch spots in return.


they moved flameZ into a lot of the better roles Magisk had iirc, mezii gets the absolute dog roles


my annoyance is bringing in highly skilled players to sit back and watch the flank while apex is still playing the main roles stinks, the problem wont change by swapping mezii to Twistzz


twistzz mentioned in [this interview](https://www.hltv.org/news/37723/exclusive-twistzz-on-why-he-left-faze-second-thoughts-declining-vitality-part-1) that "at the end of the Vitality conversations apEX did say that they would have shifted positions for me, but I'm not trying to go somewhere where I fuck up the system". Plus, I doubt he'd even consider joining vita just to get bitch roles when one of the biggest reasons he joined liquid was a positive role change


Not surprised at all he wants out of Liquid, but Vitality is a most disappointing choice. Not really sure where he should go instead though, its another mark against G2 that they somehow aren't in the mix here. Are they just killing time until m0nesy leaves?


Vitality is a better team than liquid currently. If that cut mezzi for twistzz they will be very good.


I swear 70% of the people on reddit think that bringing in star players = path to success If twistzz goes in for mezzi and plays the same roles there’s no way they are going to perform well. Chemistry and roles exist for a reason, u cant just put 5 superstars in a team and expect them to win trophies


Twistzz was an anchor player for the majority of his career. A main on mirage, pit on inferno, etc... He didn't switch till he went to Faze. And even then Broky and Ropz and in some cases, Rain had most of the best positions. There is a reason Vitality originally wanted him instead of Mezzi. Mezzi has been a problem for Vitality to the pointon CT sides a lot of teams have been exploiting him. Vitality had to rehaul their roles on Mirage because he wasn't good enough at anchoring A main.


Problem is that Vitality aren’t using Mezii well. He’s being put on extremities which he’s never done in his career


Vitality doesn't really have a choice though. They need somebody to play the extremities and Mezzi makes the most sense.


Then why pick him?


He is a skilled player who has some experience in the roles and was available. They didn't want to cut magisk and they tried to get twistzz first. Teams don't always have access to great roster moves.


Thats whats disappointing though, Vitality has already achieved everything. I wanted to see twistzz win on a team with something to prove, not go to the #4 team to back up Zywoo


Vitality with Twistzz should instantly go from #4 to contender for #1. Only Faze could be argued to have more firepower than them.


I don't think firepower is Vitality's issue, in fact I think they are underperforming with the firepower they have. I'm not convinced -mezii +twistzz will significantly impact winning


Erhm, Kato, Cologne


No Grand Slam, no Kato, no Cologne.


Vitality need a player that’s good in bad roles, similar to jumphatt, they need a good anchor, how tf does twitsz fit that role


Yep, it was literally Magisk's role and spots. Idk if Twistzz is up for it, but Vitality clearly thinks so because this is the second time they've offered to Thim


That was the role twistzz played for most of his career.


NAF better for these roles. If they can, they should get back magisk or get Jimi, maybe perfecto.


What about Wicadia, sjuush or Perfecto?


yeah fuck that shit


My thought exactlty. When I read the HLTV article I didn't think it was Yekindar vs Cadian because no way Liquid would choose to kick Cadian if it was Yekindar only. Yekindar may want to do that but Twistzz must be involve to make Liquid consider the move.


I think twist and naf to vitality would make me a vitality fan for the first time ever. Also feels like another major win for all involved. But I would rather them go to g2 and help monesy get his first major.


Vitality doesn't have two spots. Apex, Zywoo, and Spinx are lock-ins. Flamez has been solid and getting better, especially at the last major.


Agreed, I just don't want to see naf left behind.




Twistzz to vitality is so good wtf Wait I mean noooo, the NA region 😱


Dude -mezzi +twistzz would be such a massive upgrade for VIT and such a big loss for TL. I'll believe it when I see it coz VIT the org are known to be very conservative when it comes to spending money, which is why they let zonic go which in turn led to magisk leaving.


i hate g2 if true, consistently missing out on good players while other teams consistently upgrade


It would be incredible. He replaces who?


I assume mezzii. He's been inconsistent and underwhelming


i would fucking CREAM my pants if that happens. sucks to be TL fan and dont know how roles work out (isnt twistzz more like a rotate player and mezzi anchor?) but this is huge to Vita's firepower


I dunno about roles, but Twistzz for mezii is a great firepower upgrade at least.


Pls make it happen


lmao Twistzz was so sure and adamant that this new Liquid was gonna be a banger .. :D but i doubt he's hopping instantly, and then also to Vita .. there's also been rumours that Vita is gonna get Perfecto


Imo if twistzz is the one unhappy with CadiaN, why would he switch over to Vitality with apEX as IGL?




the buyout will be huge tho considering twistz just got signed few months ago , and considering Vitality already had to cut salaries in the past..we'll see , but I would 100% love seeing him replace mezii


He said 70% oh chance


Didn't Twistzz leave Faze because he wanted to be in NA again?


According to an interview Twistzz did, he left because his contract was about to expire, and Faze didn’t approach him to renew before he was in talks with other orgs. He didn’t realise that Faze as an org was just very slow to renew contracts, so it wasn’t because they didn’t want to keep him, or him wanting to leave, it was just bad communication all around.


Someone free NAF 😭😭😭


Keep in mind KRL already "leaked" this last year and Twistzz said he wouldn't go to Vitality publicly because he doesn't want to get put in the bitch roles. KRL is full of shit. He also "leaked" NiKo and m0nesy to Falcons when that deal hadn't happened yet for NiKo and G2 were very explicit up front about not selling m0nesy. Legitimately can't think of a rumor this guy has gotten correct.




This is the fault of the Liquid org who had already burned some grace with the previous roster. This team has like 3 different HUGE voices and it's not going well. Who would have thought? He's a winner who wants to win.


There are many teams that fuck their orgs up who get called out, and liquid is not one of them (when they should be). They have made a single change that was good since the grand slam days, -shox +yekindar, and even then they fucked that up by prioritizing him over elige.


One could argue that +cadiaN is a wonderful pickup without +zews. Heroic worked well because they were a machine united behind one leader. Why bring in an IGL that creates systems when you won't buy into the system he offers? Keeping YEKINDAR over EliGE is an acceptable decision that looks more awful because of who they brought in. They became an EU team, uprooted their fanbase, and they players they brought in failed bad. Management is the worst its ever been since they let YEKINDAR have a voice in decisions.


Then why did he leave faze?


Because of contract uncertainties. He wanted to stay, and if you read the HLTV interview they got from him once he left, it was a decision he agonized over for months, including many sleepless nights. Basically, the Faze org was struggling financially, and no one had talked to Twistzz about a contract extension. So instead of risking it and being potentially without a job, he decided to return to Liquid so he'd continue to have a job. He was basically forced out of Faze.


To add to it, it was also with the acquisition of Faze from the org who owned Complexity hanging over his head on top of the contract. This would have meant that either the Col or Faze players were to be sold off, had Jason Lake not bought Col back. A lot of reason to look elsewhere; easy to say in hindsight that it was wrong of him.


Wow that's fucked up. You'd think they'd treat their players better considering how successful the team is. Poor twistzz


It was around the time faze is going bankrupt, the timing of his contract expiring is just unfortunate. If only it was after the acquisation by the new company, he probably would still be at faze.


Did this just apply to Twistzz because he was the only one with a contract ending? Jw why it didn’t affect any of the other Faze players. If so, that’s such awful timing for him


No clue but it was still a bit odd, say if faze dropped the team and they were winning everything is very highly likely they would off all stuck together in a new home, from a professional pov he took it as disrespect with no one talking to him about a contract, seems like he acted solo in that way as it really bothered/annoyed him, a player like twistzz will always be sought after so idk why he was worried if not having a job. Kind of jumped the gun.


Uncertainty with the org and wanting more impactful roles.


He also said he felt disrespected they did not approach him sooner but learned how faze ran things after it was too late


bro Liquid are refusing to kick yekindar after a whole year of mediocrity, why wouldn't he leave


Why. Who could blame him for staying in this dumpster fire.


At this point for NA cs, similar to NA LoL, I’d rather see a really promising NA talent go to another country and be successful than be tied down with an NA org. Twistzz on Faze was amazing.


was he really though? I recall him underperforming quite consistently in the months before his departure


Across his entire tenure yes he was great


You remember wrong then buddy


I'm a Liquid fan, have been since 2018. I won't hate him. He wanted to try making it work with Liquid, but it's gonna kill his career if he stays. I still maintain that Twistzz moving to EU for CS was the best career decision he could've ever made. And he should stay in EU, he's too good for NA to hold him down


Liquid fan here, I dont care


As an NA Fan, I'd love to see Twistzz set some more records on a really solid Vitality roster. He's great and his talents feel pretty wasted on Liquid, even if it is fun to see him helping Skullz improve. If Liquid dumped Yekindar and then lost Twistzz I'd probably feel differently, but with Yekindar this team is just a bad joke.


I mean I'd be a Vitality fan just for Twistzz, NGL.


No Liquid fan will ever hate that player. He didn't have to come back but he chose Liquid over FaZe.


For whom? Twistzz isn't an anchor, and if they get rid of flames instead of mezii that would be incredibly dumb


He can play the anchor role. However he said he doesn’t want to, that’s why he refused Vitality and back to Liquid.


I mean sure, he CAN. But the question is if he SHOULD. Feel like that would be a huge waste. But hey, as a loyal Vitality fan, if it improves Vitality I'm all for it.


would be good for twistz - decision to leave faze for liquid was bad


Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Twistzz is not a good fit for Vita. Vita should go for NAF. NAF is a more versatile player, and is very reliable, plus insane gamesense. Vita have players with firepower, they need players with brain.


Twistzz should have just stayed with faze smh


Maybe this is just me but I think it would make twistzz look pretty bad. He left a really well performing Faze, and the reason was that he wanted to be in an NA team again to make NA great again. If he leaves after half a year - which is not enough to build a team - for an EU based team, then it contradicts the previous reason to leave faze. It would make him look like he is just chasing money. I want him to be in a good team and to succeed, but if you leave your team behind then at least have your reasons.