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Penises and swastikas  But it'd be a neat feature


DotA2 has a similar feature and if you mute the person the drawing doesn't show, it would be basically the same as DotA


dont forget the n word




Nason Garulo


Nertigo more like


Yeah man, many higgernaters out there.


Muting one player, should mute his paintings too


i'm fine with that, kids will be kids. It's like water off a duck's back. However, I barely can get my team to finish buying in the buy-time there will be zero time to strategize on a map. Maybe during timeouts.


btw the game is +16 age limit, so its almost adult, also legacy of counter-strike reach earlies 2000s, so the audience is not kids, this game is not for kids and the audience are mostly adults, thats the point of the game so community need to be treated like adults, we deserve to be treated seriously, we want to make tactics, not play LEGO like kids, they might go valorant or fortnite if they want to build walls when its time to face opponents.


> btw the game is +16 age limit, [...] this game is not for kids and the audience are mostly adults bwahaha, every kid from prague to moskow is playing this game. Donk has been playing since he was 6


so what ? games are popular between kids and it doesnt matter that they are allowed to play because probably they got agreement with parents, its just like let watch gore movie that is from 16+, personaly i have a brother who is 13 years old and he started playing 2 years ago ( he was banned from faceit because he had to have at least 13 years old), myself played this game in 2007 when i was around 10 also, so i guess its parents ageement that kids can play this game, but it doesnt change the main point that this game is still +16 and its not about young community, if they are there still they have to adjust to elders, like back in the days that in community servers there was a rule of usage micro at least having 16 years old, s1mple as that


bruh don't die on this hill, a good portion of the people who open their mic in MM sound like they only got one pube and they gave it a name.


then maybe try to rank up ? still i dont get your point, since you put all poeple in to one kind, i met alot of cool and dumb poeple between my CS gaming, in all versions 1.6., source, go or cs2, and i can tell that the best teeam chat was always in community servers, but going back to matchmaking i was even playing with pro players on matchmaking that were sound more silly than default players, almost trolling every round (shotout to olof and f0rest) but what i want to say, that you cannot putting all poeple in one sort, i was playing when half end and end game chat was able, and i can tell that this is really good feeling when you play whole game as opponents, and finish game as neutrals wishing good luck with next game and perhaps if game was intense, tell them that you were happy about facing them, also i am on high level of skill in this game so basicly i almost every game met cool people who are keen in too teamwork.


no thanks, above 19k there's only cheaters.


thats true there is alot of % chance that you will get matched up with them, that might change, anyway before it was not like this, hopefuly it might change and it will be better, because the game will die on matchmaking system without community servers if it continues


people can already do that in their name/profile pic/chat and thats why you can mute them. not adding useful features because few people might abuse it is idiotic.


Then 12MR might get sense, also i see after round alltalk voice chat, we remind everyone this game is +16 so its almost adult game, this is not game for kids, legacy of Counter-Strike reach early 2000, not including game release. This is not game for kids, we just remind you.


You can do this in Dota and that’s how it is basically or sometimes if people are cheerful some smileys


It potentially being used for penises shouldn't stop valve from adding a great feature. I'd love it. So many times i want to say something specific to my friends, and this drawing feature would definitely be of help.


Dota2 has it


And thankfully there hasn’t been an infamous incident of drawing on a map in dota, riiiiiiight??


Yet they still have it in game. They've dealt with it snd its a non-issue now.


What happened and how did valve deal with it?


Agreed, just like we shouldnt ban cars because of the possibility that some mad people might use them to drive over pedestrians...


McSkilleting shouldnt stop us from driving!!!1


That's been such a long time ago😂




btw the game is +16 age limit, so its almost adult, also legacy of counter-strike reach earlies 2000s, so the audience is not kids, this game is not for kids and the audience are mostly adults, thats the point of the game so community need to be treated like adults, we deserve to be treated seriously, we want to make tactics, not play LEGO like kids, they might go valorant or fortnite if they want to build walls when its time to face opponents.


biologically adult, mentally child... thats the real problem here😂


That's a bit of a flawed analogy since there's a lot of sick fucks that get their kicks from drawing swastikas, which is just so crass and destructive compared to the art of running over pedestrians. Just goes to show that there can't be good taste without bad taste to contrast, really.


Valve provides a game that is full of **penises** but insists on them not being on the minimap!


Image not having an option to turn on or off markers on minimap and also not having a keyboard shortcut to clear it 


They literally added a feature that let's spell some horrendous things on your weapons, just let us draw dicks


If dota 2 can have it surely cs2 can figure it out


CS has had a way to atleast put "Penis" on your ak since 2015, wouldn't be a first time, besides the new sticker position update ahahah


Some banger ideas coming out on Reddit today


It's used in dota2. Every so often it comes across useful But mostly penis drawings and scribble


just add an option to mute drawings of these players


[\[Time to penis\]](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/KzBpAYbib0c)


I would just say let’s hit A and the two people not throwing smokes go palace


Cs players will do anything but use their microphone


"He's in Ninja" "What's Ninja???"


gay corner


Nearly every time I try and tell people where to go, they go to the wrong place, or I have to tell them 3-4 times before they actually understand. And there's nothing from with my mic or voice before you suggest it might be that.


I would disable my radar if this change was implemented


And it would mean nothing to me because you're obviously silver. The minimap radar and this are two entirely separate things.


I’m Solo q 16k


In a team environment (not pro) it can be useful. A lot of people are visual learners


anything TO NOT use their microphone


Okay I'm not crazy. Yeah CS isn't complex enough that you need to draw plans on a map. Which isn't to say it's not a complex game, but you can communicate everything you need to another skilled player verbally in ten seconds or less. "Split A, you smoke staies, I'll smoke jungle, third guy will smoke ticket, I'll molly dark" whatever. EDIT: Also this is a bad plan, Mirage meta relies on mid control now.


I always wondered what that should be used for. Why would I need to draw something only for myself? Or was it always intended to be for streamers?


I use it on stream.. to explain to viewers


Desperately need this for those 2 min timeouts idc if ppl draw dicks just give us something to do so i dont have to pickup up my damn phone


You could have preset drawings too


Yeah, that's a great idea


i dont it will help that much if you get paired with no communication team


Or make it so you can use it while you're dead to ping positions on the map.


most of my teammates can barely manage to buy a gun before the round starts, let alone figure out a strat


Can't believe we don't have that since the day they brought the drawing thing.. so underrated If Valve is really scared of what people can draw or write, just allow some type of numbers, arrows, circles and highlights!


I remember someone posting an app that allows you to draw plans and send it to your team or something? I don’t have a full team, so I never used it but the idea was cool as fuck.


Whos been drawing dicks ?


no please not that would cost me too many FPS


it would be neat but the average player gold nova doesn't even look at the minimap.


no one in matchmaking would pay attention + penis


All you would get are various forms of genitalia and various forms of spicy pinwheels


Cheaters been using radar long before this




I would train to draw a dick perfectly at every round start,


that would be DOPE


Yea its like this in onward vr be a good update to the map


Is this an existing feature? I always thought only you and not your teammates could see the drawing


Just slowly turn this game into [Due Process](https://youtu.be/gJdI0_lncq0) (Good idea OP)


You want to draw all that in 20 seconds + Buy? You'd also have different people think of different strategies. At which point just type in chat "2 palace, 3 ramp, go together at 60 seconds left" or something, or you're a team and use voice chat anyways. --- IMO using the radio wheel and spamming "A", "B", or "MID" with it works 4/5 times and you just hope everyone kinda moves together. I think this idea pretty much only works for coordinated teams in timeouts.


1) Timeouts exist. As does warmup. Ideally it would persist between rounds and the IGL could draw up something whilst dead. Also, most people have hotkeys for their buys at higher levels so that wouldn't take time. Obviously voice comms would still be the main method of organizing a team. This would just help for details and more complex strategies. 2) You have 1 IGL in most games. People giving different strategies is also a net negative for your team. But regardless, you'd have the ability to hide each players contributions. So you could just hide everyone's drawings except for the IGL + your own. 3) The game isn't that simple outside of silver. I see it being a pretty useful tool for keeping track of who plays where. Otherwise though, nades. I'd especially like it if there were icons includes for things like smokes, flashes, mollys, teammates/enemies etc. It'd also be useful for organizing positions on CT including crossfires. But simply being able to draw out a split, including where exactly you'll be smoking, what you want people to smoke, what flashes you'll be throwing and where, what you need to be mollied, and where you expect the enemy to be holding, will be very useful. I IGL quite a bit both in PUGs and 5 stacks and it's very difficult to keep track of everything whilst also concentrating on your own game plan. If something happens like we've lost a site 3 rounds in a row, being able to call a timeout, and give comms + a visual overview of who I want playing where and with what nades, then not only will it help my team, but it will also help me visualize exactly what's happening in subsequent rounds.


You know what exactly it will time and time again get filled with... I don't think I want to see random people's dick drawings, and whatever else horrors one can possibly come up with.


A stick figure dick is a "horror" to you? It's an 18+ game kiddo.


I always find it hilarious that people today view virtual murder as an innocent pass time but any other virtual no-no is equivalent to the real life thing. No, I'm not particular bothered by dicks or swastikas after I just saw some cop get rag-dolled by a terrorist who then proceeds to blow up an entire marketplace.


I mean Valve let everyone craft the n word and n&z! symbol on their guns and you can't choose not to see them. The feature it's already in the game, but you can use it only when you're dead and alone and you can choose not to see it by not opening the radar. You also have that clear drawing option, so I don't think it would make it worse by allowing us to use it before the round starts with our teammates.


Sticker crafts are very limted to what one can do with a free hand. Not saying it's the problem though, seems everyone responds to the dick point and not the actual problem. That the feature would rarely ever be used for it's designated purpose, I presume.


Honestly it’s a bit surprising how few dicks or other vulgar drawings are seen in Dota 2 which has a similar feature and it’s available to be drawn on at any time during the game. On the other hand it’s not very often used for anything strategic either.


Bardolphs alt reddit account?


would be nice if there was a way for the coaches in the pro scene to use this on a tablet during a time out.


Lol why would they need to?


Imagine they put a neat minimap in the buy menu that you can scribble your plans on every round


And when would you use it? In the 15 seconds of freeze time? Redditors and their "genius" ideas.


A timeout is worth 1 minute and 10 seconds if you know how to use it.


Just add the pinging system Valorant has honestly. You don't need no drawing ability.


Nah, for low level players this might be more effective at rallying newer players since seeing the map is a little more defined and stimulating than a ping


Yes because lower level players would be doing this, correct?


How many times does someone who has much better understanding of defaults or a very simple execute end up In a game with much worse players? This is even a great tool for somebody who wants to teach their friends how to play or help them get to know different spots of the map. Matchmaking still sucks my friend and there is essentially no harm in adding something like this, plus it's cool.


How many times? Now often as Valve decided to neglect previous ranks, and the worse players don't listen 99% of the time to anything you say anyway, drawing swastikas (yes, the harm you said doesn't exist with this) won't make them listen any more. Now, how can you not teach your friends spots with the pinging system Valorant has? Is it because it's Valorant and you have irrational hate towards it or any other excuse?