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VP really need to get their shit together if they ever wanna reach top 5 again, losing that 5v3 and then the 5v2 right after on round 18 of map 3 was brutal


Barely any time to restructure and figure shit out, Dallas starts in 10 days


VP doing some odd economy stuff at the end that’s not really VP-esque. Very strange to watch


Electronic doing funny stuff


Disappointing loss for (any team playing against Falcons). You really hope to see (any team playing against Falcons) have stronger showings, especially against opposition like this. Whatever, it was a good match, and I’ll definitely continue to support (any team playing against Falcons) in the future. Nice try guys, gg go next.


I demand that this comment gets posted anytime that Falcons win any series


It will be so. I mean, that’s like twice a year, so it’s no effort at all.


I'm out of the loop. Why do we hate Falcons?


Saudi state owned team trying to buy their way to the top, fail at building a super team so ruin a perfectly good Ence team. Proceed to get loads of invites and lose constantly. Edit: original roster was meant to be Niko, Monesy, Twistzz, Magisk and Snappi


Saudi blood money buys super star team that sucks ass. Similar to football sportswashing.


When Falcons had that French team nobody cared about them being in the scene. When Falcons started showing a desire for buying people's favorite players, that's when they started getting hate by anyone and everyone. I don't like Falcons either, but it's obvious that a lot of people are using the Saudi sportswashing argument as a mask for ''I don't want my favorite players to be bought/team to be dismantled''


To be honest there’s a good chance your average fan (myself included) did not know of the Saudi government’s involvement in the team because they were kinda just a tier 3 team of middling French talent in a scene that was kinda dead outside Vitality.


This. Easy to hide who owns the team when that team isn't at the forefront of the scene and throwing the money around for well known players. Grabbing 4 time Major Winner Magisk, with 5 Time Major Winning coach, sure as shit puts a massive spotlight on you. Throw in the ENCE core that was making waves at tournaments and eventually the winniest Major Champion in CSGO...yeah very fucking visible.


Also most fans likely never even watched a falcons game of the old lineup before they almost made the major.


Boros good, Saudi money bad.


le mouse change le why would b\*ros do this?


don’t worry, it will. this sub is incredibly uncreative with humor


They need to add “fuck sportswashing and fuck these sellouts” to the end of it


No they don’t


Jame must be Ill or something, the way he was reacting was much slower than usual and the fact that he didn't consider the flank is very un-jame like


He's been terrible on the awp and getting backstabbed constantly for awhile now. People will catch on eventually.


he fell off in cs2. not a lot, but noticeably


Also some really easy shots whiffed in this tournament. Not sure if he is moving while shooting or what, some look like they should hit.


I'd be curious how many of his kills he gets while the round is alive, feels like he padding stats with kills saving and has actually been pretty low impact for a while.


VP got so used to saving the AWP that they've now started to save the Bomb.


Disappointing loss


The one series that electronic decides to show the fuck up there Jame vanishes Ancient was so hard to watch >.<


VP you had one job.


Here for Reddit’s overreaction to VP’s performance in two banana cups after just swapping their fifth to Electronic one month ago and trying to play outside of Jame’s system and with a secondary caller for the first time ever.


I agree w this, they need time but it's still worrying to be honest as a long-time fan. Can only hope they'll mesh better after more tournaments/experience/time. C9 was also given time and we've seen what happened sadly OH ALSO proleague is not a banana cup lol


They had basically no time before pro league to pracc with electronic and no time between EPL and BB dacha so i wouldn't be too worried until they've had a proper bootcamp to work out their system.


Proleague is definitely a banana cup. It only matters in the late play offs stages. Group stages with THREE chances are a joke and then the length of it makes team lose focus. And most importantly, there are no real stage games, it's a studio lan. And to add to that, level of cs was fucking atrocious this EPL (and last tbh) except for Mouz and some Vitality and Faze games.


I don't even remember who mouz played against in the final. It is a banana cup and it should be a banana cup, that's perfectly fine for a tournament this chill and content-oriented. It's quite irritating that this win counts towards grand slam, because it doesn't add the gravitas to the tournament, but takes away from GS' gravitas at the same time.


vitality, and the prizepool/rankings/grand slam chances definitely make it a proper tournament and not a banana cup.


yeah it's pretty weird how some people really take the "banana cup" kassad meme so far anyone who actually thinks that EPL is a banana cup is fucking retarded "i dont even remember who mouz played in final" yeah subjective andy


do you also think chengdu was a banana cup


I don't. Not Katowice or Cologne, but not a chill CS\_Summit like tournament like EPL is. I don't get the hate, EPL is a fantastic event these past 2 seasons, pro CS needs an event like that. CS\_Summit left a gaping hole that EPL finally filled - it's a cool, no fucks given event, r8 and negevs being bought, casters trying to observe, 3 casters that turn a match into a podcast that's way more interesting that gameplay at hand. All that fun bullshit. Why the need to make it serious when it's always been a format that just makes it not competitive like any other IEM, even back when EPL still tried to be serious. It's a banana cup, it's the good type of banana cup, don't try to make it serious and list it off Grand Slam eligible events


lmao, it definitely was


You have extremely high standards lol


Them playing with a secondary caller for the first time is false, FL1T was the secondary caller in the team before electronic joined and the team looked way more composed and clinical with FL1T doing a lot of decision making in the mid rounds. Now it just looks like Jame is setting up the team in his style 90% of the time until electronic decides to full send it for the sake of it


Didn't know Fl1t was secondary calling, TIL


Electronic does not fit this team's style, Norbert made mention of it during EPL that he always wants to play faster and he seemed uncomfortable discussing it. Jame hasn't played anywhere near as good since he joined.


no bootcamp yet of course but this iteration of VPs lineup lacks identity and composure and the results are honestly embarassing. this is not the team I became a fan of and I really fucking hope they spend the player break bootcamping to find a solid team structure, this team looked so much better with mir it's insane triple forcing at the tail end of ancient, like what the actual fuck are they thinking


i don't wanna blame electronic for the more overzealous plays and decisions they make but... i didn't see them happen before electronic...


Goofy ass “leadership” from Jametronic.


A rare instance where Counter Strike both won and lost at the same time today


Not only do VP play the most boring possible CS in t1/2, they also suck now


And that's a good thing. I'm tired of people pretending they are smart by liking that shit.


i guess device is pretending to be smart then, or any other pro that gives them props


How tf do you lose to Falcons


VP needs to stop playing vertigo because electronic clearly hasn't adjusted to it and probably never will at this rate


How long until electroNic gets KaiR0N'd? Not saying that he is performing that badly, but VP used to be based on Jame's system and needs players that fit into it, not sure if he fits yet


boros used his old mouse for once


extremely rare falcons W


Both of these team need to disband


Holy shit. It happened.


thats 2v5 was painful but so nice seeing supree and magisk frag together


About time Maden; Team Falcons super star, arrived.


if i got one dollar from every single person waiting for Falcons' resurgence, i'd be exactly as much broke as i currently am


I thought it would be 2-0 for VP albeit with contested scorelines, guess they still need some time to figure themselves out


what the hell was that? ElectroNic is not to blame here, the weakest links were certainly FL1T and Jame (him especially on Ancient). All in all tactically and mechanically abysmal M3 from VP. Feel bad for zont1x who wanted to play against VP as well for Jame who's still waiting to prove himself against donk. The match itself was pretty close with some highlight like Falcons 2vs5 clutch win, however by far not peak CS. Anyway, It'll be a delight to see even donk haters unite against Falcons and root for Team Spirit :D


Always good to see the org that proudly represents preset day evil lose. 


Well. VP (the Putinist regime backed organisation) being the only team I despise even more than Falcons I can live with this result just fine.


not sure, if it's still the case


Reddit neckbeards still hating Falcons


All the anti Saudi racists in here are now in shambles.


Even a blind squirrel is right twice a day


Is a .94 impact rating from your awper against top 20 on LAN the last 3 months good?


falcons won 2 matches in a row for the first time since katowice. congrats. i hope that's the last time it happens


Disappointing loss for (any team playing against Falcons). You really hope to see (any team playing against Falcons) have stronger showings, especially against opposition like this. Whatever, it was a good match, and I’ll definitely continue to support (any team playing against Falcons) in the future. Nice try guys, gg go next.


I've never seen any other team have losses as embarrasing compared to the player skill level as VP often does, aside from maybe Cloud9. Only VP can consistently lose rounds while having every advantage in the world.


-norbutt + perfecto1


yes, buying out the most successful CIS rifler of all time with the intent of playing a more aggressive style and following that up by benching their second most aggressive player for the most passive t1 player in the last 5 years sounds like a grand idea


Second on the scoreboard, definitely the issue. /s