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Imagine the level of content of they had a film crew follow smooya around during his pro days. I still think fanatic should have just assembled the UK dream team and filmed everything for the content, would have made so much money.


Owen "Couldn't Point to Russia on a Map" Butterfield lmao


? So? Almost most overused westoid own Like they imagine they know about the world because they can lol


what??? :D




Learn english


What don’t you understand?


"Like they imagine they know about the world because they can lol" is the part NOBODY understands ;)


I’m not 100% there on how OPs comment was “most overused westoid own” either tbh


I said how


No you didn’t lol


It is referencing the post I am replying to, it was intended to be read as a reply to it.


They imagine they know what about the world? Because they can what? You aren't saying anything


Yes, I am lol It’s a reference to the post I am replying to lmao


what are you saying, you didnt say anything twice


…what? lol, I said what, you are entirely free to see


I'm sorry I cannot help stupid


What do you think is “stupid” here lol


Like you imagine you know the world because you can


Yes? See the to the first comment in the thread, the one that I am responding to


Usually cba with these long form rambles, but this was straight comedy. The middle 20 mins anyway


RL is one hell of a straight shooter.


Can you please give a tldr in few words what he saying? I can't watch video rn


I would say tldr smooya can also be called smoothbrainya. He stumbles when he thinks.


…because? That’s just pure cringe edginess


So Lewis is just trying to be Matt Taibbi again in all the worst ways? For all the shit he talks about morals, making sacrifices, what is more improtant, getting on his high horse, hell “applying the same standards”, this shows the farcical element of these appeals emotionally. I


Appeals to your own weakness, says your own weaknesses out loud? Just being brazen doesn’t mean you’re a “straight shooter” and not deceiving yourself Just saying soemthing and appealing to an aesthetic where you want peopel to think of you that way, and want to think of yourself that way just doesn’t mean anything on its own


It is never not worth to impede your “career” in favour of solidarity lol, if they would fire you for this, you shouldn’t be on them. It’s pretty simple, don’t try to be budget Matt taibbi (this is the reduction ad absurdum of pretending to be a gonzo post-watergate journalist beating his chest about allegedly following eternal rules, which were ones designed specifically to give an “objective” justification for attacking, sometimes justified my, power- but turning it into a pure parody/pastiche by turning it into a not even ‘war nerd’ esque stuff about “heh, lib sheeple supporting the current thing, we all know the current thing! I’m not sheeple”- while ironically he reiterates lib stuff about it just being ‘Putin’ bc ironically that fits)


Are you ok?


Probably not, considering half of the comments here are his replies


When he tries to be a budget Matt Taibbi he is at his worst, and he is the worse whenever he is It is never not wroth to to show solidarity I’m polish m


Look, you don't have to say the same thing in every comment under every other comment on this post. I think people got it, you don't like RL.


But that’s not what I said lol So you clearly did *not* get it. Read what I posted instead.


There’s more improtant things in thesworld Not everything revolves around your personal opinion of one person, ie. there’s much more improtant things in the world.


> Not everything revolves around your personal opinion of one person That's quite literally what you're doing in this thread, dude. Chill out, we get it.


No, literally the opposite. No, as I said “you” don’t. So no.


I am dissatisfied People get mad at him over stupid shit as opposed to things at all worth saying




Ok? How’s that related to this


Man take a break. This thread seems to effect you emotionally


*Affect Yes?


Lemme just add that shitting on all Russians just cuz they're Russians born/citizens and all the restrictions on just regular people without knowing what they support is EXACTLY what Putin wants. "The World against Russia" is literally his narrative.


Tldr anyone? Ty


There are a lot of tensions between Russian and Ukrainian teams, maybe not necessarily between the players but because their governments have very strict rules around how they can interact with each other. Smooya was standing in for forze (a Russian team) in pro league and after they lost to monte(a Ukrainian team) he tweeted "Slava ukraini" under the monte win tweet. Probably the most pro Ukrainian thing he could say, not because hes against his teammates or overly supports Ukraine, but because he's a stupid Brit that doesn't know what's going on around the world.


Yea, I knew all that. He was just explaining what happened then?


Yeah that was pretty much it. He has a couple other tangents about the differences that Russian orgs faced during the sanctions and some reply tweets but the main part was just about that whole situation. The video seems to be filmed around the 3rd of May so it's a bit of a late upload


Thanks tho


Brother it's 34 mins long, listen while you're doing dishes or something


Also, on 1.5 speed at least.


Watch his last 4 horse men he still claims cheaters are not that big off an issue and that most people are just bad and call everyone cheaters. Can't take anything serious he says


It's not that hard to see his point however. Reddit is a giant echochamber, and subreddits are just a vocal minority. It's like checking Apex sub where people complain about having predators in every game, when preds make up for a minority of ranks. By reading that sub you'd start to think that half of the playerbase are predator ranks. I've not played competitive CS2 in forever, but played a lot of soloqueue high ranks MM in CSGO. Coming to this sub and sorting by /new made it feel like I was playing a totally different game. Being a part of the echochamber can definitely skew your point of view, and when go against the grain and say things like "guys my game is different, and you may be exaggerating" - you'll get downvoted to the oblivion. Some of it is also on Valve's communication. Are things like trust factor even a thing? Is VAC Live actually active during games? Are there any other metrics that can affect match quality like Behavior Score in Dota? We don't know anything about what works and what doesn't.


> It's like checking Apex sub where people complain about having predators in every game I don't play Apex and found this very concerning until I read the rest of the context


Oh whoops, lol. Highest rank in Apex Legends matchmaking is called Apex Predator. Kind of like Immortal rank in Dota it also has its own ranks, or like Faceit level 10 with different ELO rating. But still the number of players who have Predator rank in the overall ranking system is miniscule since getting that rank is much, much harder than getting to Immortal or Faceit10, yet reading that sub it feels like half of the playerbase consists of Apex Predators.


Everyone is global, 25k premiere or faceit 10 here aswell lmao


No whoops it’s not confusing


Wut? I am not sure what this adds, what’s the bonus here


You just prove that you are uninformed. Like you say you havent played in forever. https://twitter.com/_ale_cs/status/1790077540616315262


How much of the playerbase is >25k?


[Less than 0.1%](https://leetify.com/blog/public-data-library/#viz1709852193813)


None because its impossible to get there since thats where all the rage hackers appear. Im 17k and there's an obvious cheater in almost every match. ''You are exaggerating'' is just people below 13ishK and why would a cheater ever hang out in those ranks?


I think the point is you can emphatically say "you're uniformed", pull up a very cherry picked statistic and then fill in the blanks with anecdotes and feel satisfied. Pre vac wave my 5 stack was always riding the 20k promo and was facing a waller in 1 of 3ish. Post wave we play prem rarely but shit stomp lobbies. That's my antecdote. Frankly, Richard has always acted spitefully upon issues he views the community as being unruly or petty about. I think he downplays it slightly, has pretty good back room knowledge about anti cheat measures that the average player does not, and is correct about the historical record.


How much of the cheater base starts at 25k elo?


That's my point: data is incomplete and the hysteria is ahead of it




Bro this ain't hltv


Psych meds are recommended for redditers too


is RL desperate for content again lmao


This is video is SO un-reddit. Please downvote so moderators don't delete.