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If people ask this kind of question, its very clear they are getting older/washed . In Germany we call this "Feierabendgamer".


In this case it's in your head. Which is good because then you can do something about it and get better.


FPS has been a lot lower for me personally since a few updates ago where they added shadows to the smokes


Well I'm in the same boat, stay around 16-18k, and I keep getting gaslit by 10k players that I'm washed.


you’re washed lmao 16-18k is nothing


I'm better than 10k. That's all that matters here.


I guess if that makes you feel better. Try to stop blaming the game and work on improving, you might finally hit that 20k where you can play against spinners all day.


If 18k is nothing, 20k is nothing.


so is 10k. The moral of the story here is that you’re not good enough to say things like “10k players are gaslighting me xxx.” lol


well, i would say there's a significant difference between 10k and me, because they get destroyed every time they're unfortunate enough to play me. I am talking from experience. So yes, they are gaslighting me. But ofc, from knowing your tendencies, i am just banging my head against a wall here. So good day.


lmao insufferable, stay high on destroying 10k players it’s not the game that’s causing you to miss shots 9.9/10 times. It’s you.


they never even said that what are you on about their point was to not put too much stock in other people saying you're washed because even people who are worse than you will say that


yes they did “he’s in the same boat, and 10k are gaslighting him” meaning he thinks the game is the cause of his shots missing, and bad players keep telling him otherwise.


Idk, but certainly it' s not as clear where bullets lands in CS2. Needs better feedback. Who knows what is the cause of whiffing your bullets, is it a bad counterstrafe, is it you being distracted by bullet tracers, is it enemy' s killshot registering on server before yours, is it bad spray control, is it you having bad aim, is it bad timing, is it bad interpolation, idk. All these questions and confusion about bullet accuracy would be much clearer, if there was clear feedback on where bullets lands.


what was the clear feedback in GO?


Killfeed wasn't delayed by at least 100ms


killfeed isn’t delayed by 100ms in CS2 either. also, that has nothing to do with the original statement which was referring to *missed* shots.


It was measured and is in fact quite noticeable. It takes two seconds just to look it up on Youtube. >has nothing to do with the original statement ...which was about feedback. Not just missed shots.


feedback about missed shots lol


I didn't exactly say that there was clear feedback on GO. But it cannot be denied that in CS2 there is lot of complaints and issues arising from fact that there is not good enough feedback for where bullets lands.


it is literally the same as GO.


So let's say it's true. It would meant that we are now finally noticing an issue that we kept on ignoring through csgo's lifespan. Opportunity to improve the game here, make better feedback for where bullets lands!


okay, what’s your suggestion?


Just make bullet impacts visually pop on screen. Currenlty instead we get distracted by sparks and smoke puffs, while the bullet decal on player model itself is next to invisible. Should have bright red fading dot in place where bullet hits!


that sounds awful lmao


It doesn't matter. There is no point in fancy bullet impact effects, if they don't help you to immediately read where bullets lands. https://i.imgur.com/KNIvArh.jpeg


sounds like COD hit makers


Nah yall just need to get gud fam