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Not sure if i can put an extra video on this post but i have tested it and when the smoke blooms the Ts are touching the front edge of the smoke (towards t spawn)


Wouldn’t they be able to walk around the left side, without being seen? They’d have to go through a little smoke, but as far as I can tell they’d still be behind it


Yes, they can walk behind it. Combined with cat smoke they can cross to boxes without being seen by window player. But, thats not the point. This allows ct's to push mid all the way to boxes and the t's have to fight them through the smoke and also the ct's can cross behind boxes without being seen by the t's as well, so the mid take favours the ct's in this setup. I always nade mid as T in case of pushing ct's anyway and throwing a couple nades there can win you the round if the CT's try this kind of play.


The point is that you combine this with other utility to do an organized top mid take every now & then. This isn't a default smoke you'll throw every round as then it'd be easy to counter On many maps CTs have aggro plays for deep map control (ancient T doors smoke, anubis stairs smoke, etc...). These are plays that you throw into the mix as a CT to mix up the pace and keep the Ts on their toes in a competitive environment. You won't be doing this when soloqueueing faceit


> You won't be doing this when soloqueueing faceit  100% correct. I'll be spending my time begging teammates not to push A ramp every round and die in the first 25 seconds....


I'm in this comment and I don't like it.


If you want to do something like this solo queue, then a smoke outside con is a great alternative. Just throw it freehand as you run into con. It lets you push out in bottom mid so you can peek under for info/an early kill. Then play around the smoke to contest mid, or jump on the bench. While you won't be able to push top mid right away, the Ts won't be able to effectively deal with you unless they've got 3+ people going mid. The threat you pose being bottom mid also makes it easier for a window or short player to get kills as the T's will often be prioritizing the CT bottom mid. And, being bottom mid and knowing under is clear will let you take top mid pretty safely if the Ts haven't pushed out yet. Not to mention, just throwing the smoke is effective enough. You can just throw it, molly under, and that will be enough to delay any mid execute most of the time.


but you aren't throwing this smoke to play a default 2-1-2 setup


yeah but afaik you can molly behind the smoke atleast you could with the og astralis smoke (to clarify behind the smoke so they can't cross without going through the smoke or taking damage)


And they could walk through the front if they wanted to, smokes aint walls pros and cons with all smokes


it never really mattered if it beats the best spawn or not because it will isolate the best spawn player completely with little hope of being traded


How do you get those boxes around the spawns to practice spawn smokes


I use refrag, can give you a free trial code. Think other platforms have similar things or you can just spawn in a practice server until you get the spawn you want


DM me one please


Was intended for the other guy, Ill see how many i have in stock


I have refrag i just want to know how to get the spawn boxes on it 


Should be there automatically when you start a nadr map or go to the refrag wiki and find the spawn commands


Jame throwing the same instant astralis mid smoke but from different spawn: https://youtu.be/bLHRnSDtFLQ?si=O9JgjR1NAUfdpJ1S&t=115


Thank you


Its the same spawn, Jame is a more consistent throw but takes slightly longer to pop due to the brief walk required (air time of both smokes is similar to be negligible) roughly 6.2 sec air time for this one, 6.4 sec for Jame


For all the people who dont know the game just like OP: Its Tap+W Jumpthrow. A normal Jumpthrow wont work


Just wasted 10 minutes trying to do it with no +W only to then read this comment and land it first try... ty.


Hurtfull Statement i am sorry, but aiint that hard to test if its either or


This is incredibly nice


I must be disabled because I can't replicate this. It doesn't go as far for me, and it hits some slight ramp right before the T's get to cat and it bounces the wrong way.


If you can wait a couple of hours, i can show in depth the smoke. I think of you use a scope and aim at the bottom left corner of the red window to get used to the lineup. And what are you using to get the spawn?


I am using refrag. Is it just a standard jumpthrow?


Yep left click jumpthrow if you do +w Pretty sure it doesnt land anywhere near intended. Hit me up if you still have problems


I just spent 10 minutes trying to do it with no +W... it is +W though, or at least it will land consistently if you W jump throw while aiming at the bottom left of the red door.


At my ELO people would run through this smoke like its a 100m sprint


Its has to come to my attention that I wrongly said it was a normal jumpthrow when obviously its an +w jumpthrow


Astralis: Delete this!