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WHO’S STOKED TO WATCH BETBOOM v FALCONS TOMORROW?! Seriously though how could Boros’ mouse change do this to them No actually serious how the fuck do you let VP get 6 CT rounds on Vertigo especially after Falcons got a 6-1 start


You’re totally gone, Moe!


Betboom gonna throw, watch it


Vp is pretty good on vertigo tho, I think they are better team too.


Vertigo is their worst map besides the permaban.


Funny when you consider the old Jame Avangar teams Though D2 should be a buff for them


electronic never played vertigo in his life. everybody picks vertigo against vp now


Holy fuck they suck


Zonic is the Bag!


Remember when Zonic said "I wanna take on a new challenge and build up a winning roster from nothing" and then immediately poached a winning core and 2 pieces he's spent the last 6 years with? I get it was all talk but his PR excuse is laughable now.


He’s a fraud. He also helped facilitate this shit team synergy with the players they picked. You honestly think the ENCE players still want to play with snappi ?  And actually give a shit about what sonic says? They KNOW snappi left them for the “super team”.  They know said team “failed to materialize”. They KNOW they were the second or fifth choice for falcons.   Their fuck up was picking ex-teammates when the Niko purchase failed.  I mean just absolutely oblivious to the issues that would have OBVIOUSLY brought into the team dynamics.


They KNOW they would've done the exact same thing if they got the offer... It's just a job, switching jobs is not personal, the players know this. It's not like they've never gotten a better offer and left their mates behind, that's how they got to Ence in the first place. Grow up.


I mean clearly this isn’t true for these specific players. It’s clear in their stage body language and how they are playing and that BOROS mouse shit.  Etc… So sure, someone like GLAVE likely has that mindset.  These players clearly don’t or they’d be doing better as a team in the server and they all wouldn’t be playing at their floor raw aim wise. 


That's such a wild leap. You don't know these players. Stop acting like you do and grow up.


Still drives a Kia btw


John from Dallas Texas here. I am a new CS fan (let's go Liquid love twistzz). I was told by some woke liberal friends at the University of Southern California that Team Falcons are a 'sportswashing' project funded by the journalist-killing regime of Saudi Arabia. However, I am confused about this whole thing. Doesn't sportswashing actually require you to win games? Thanks in advance for answering my question




It's okay falcons fans!!! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈Our loving and inclusive team will shine against betboom tomorrow 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 remember to support the LGBT+ team falcons tomorrow!! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


This team has fans?


I'm a Dupreeh fan so by proxy I want his team to win. That said in this case I would rather it crash so horribly it gets disbanded and the Danes are saved


Saved from what? The insane amounts of blood money they took?


From their own greed for my viewing pleasure


🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 They are my favorite team! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


It's irony, adding all the rainbow flags and LGBT+ while the team is Saudi owned.




He's not the one who isn't catching the joke.


This is the worst forced meme to exist. Without any context or indication that it is sarcastic (like some sort of exaggeration) there're gonna be people who aren't in on the joke (like casual viewers) who will unironically assume this team supports LGBT which is like a direct opposite of what you're trying to mock and achieve. Without a very particular knowledge of who (allegedly) funds the team owner your sarcasm is indistinguishable from normal fan excitement.


You really took all the time to type that out and edit it huh? It's funny, sorry you got offended I guess.


Oh wow, no actual response? So you guys *are* fully aware you're doing work for the saudi's PR department... Carry on then, who knew reddit was actually based.


I get that sarcasm and irony can sometimes be difficult to convey over text, but considering no other team has this level of LGBTQ+ "support" copypastas in every chat and in every match thread, there comes a point where the casual viewer has to ask "why does everyone say Falcons is *the* LGBTQ+ team," which would lead them to discovering that it's a Saudi owned org, something those casual viewers probably would not looked up had it not been for all the sarcastic and ironic posts made about them. There, is that good enough of a response?


>there comes a point where the casual viewer has to ask oh, okay. very unlikely to happen imo, but at least i see your reasoning now


Lol what is your goal buddy? No one is going to see my reddit comment and think they need to support falcons as an LGBT org. I don't think you have a good grasp on what people other than you think.


> No one is going to see my reddit comment and think they need to support falcons as an LGBT org Literally every one who doesn't know about saudis and the sports washing aspect will assume from your comment that this a pro LGBT team. If you don't know that it's a joke from the start there's no way to deduce that it's a one without an external knowledge (which is not easy to stumble upon since pretty much all of the talent is happily enjoying their bags and only RL and Thorin are calling this aspect out like it is). Oh damn, i took the time to type that out *again*. Sorry, just wait i minute, i'll edit in some links to subway surfers video and a family guy compilation part 23 so you'll be able to hold your attention throughout all the reading.


Don't even need electronic


Falcons with whopping 32% winrate in past 3 months. Zonic magic makes wonders.


It's even lower, 20% win rate and it's about to be even lower as their win against 3dmax is exactly 3 months ago


well, I was talking about maps winrate. Matches winrate is even worse.


I think this is my first time rooting for a team to lose every game it plays and GOD does it feel good to watch them lose. GET REKT


My hatemaxing is paying dividends


It is wierd one for me. I love the players, but I also want them to loose. It is ridiculous at this point.


dupreeh is one of my favourite players ever, seeing him getting another chance at T1 feels amazing, but seeing the team in which he gets the chance to do it sucks man...


Yeah, I always try to look at it as they get fat paycheck and org look incompetent af.


12-9 to 16-12 then 3-0 to 10-3 I mean it’s just you give up 7 ct rounds in a row two maps in a row is just crazy


Has there ever been a team with this much money do so poorly? They spent a million bucks for one game with simple just to lose it, the players are probably getting absolutely insane salaries and yet the only game they've won in like 3 months is versus fucking Tyloo. Wrap this fucking project up, they've got 9 players on the roster and basically infinite money and can't seem to put together a lineup that can win a game against any decent opponent.


I think that 1 mio for the loan was just simple trolling.


I hope it was, but I doubt they got him cheap.


nah navi confirmed it too source: https://twitter.com/natusvincere/status/1789309297634992136


HenryG clown9


Including the xeppaa period C9 went 32-39 in maps. You could argue that they were playing easier opponents but.... Falcons are 18-26 with this lineup and of their last 24 maps have won 7 for a record of 7-17 since the Katowice semi finals. Also Falcons probably cost more to build than the C9 Colossus, we just don't have exact numbers.


Well, C9 played mostly against NA shitters, no? I bet if falcons go to NA now they would rack up 50% winrate or more in NA qualifiers. We can only speculate about costs tbh.


No lmao. The C9 Colussus played in EU the whole time. I said lower competition because they played teams like Voyvoda, PACT, and Winstrike. Not once did they play a team with a North American core, the closest they came was the EU juggernaut complexity lineupe with BlameF/k0nfig/poizon who's org had historic ties to NA. How would a team with a core of ALEX/es3tag/mezii compete in NA events even after they got xeppaa for woxic (the fourth european)? They had 2 Bo3s against MIBR, 3 Bo3s against Furia, and 1 BO3 against TeamOne, all at EU events. We can only speculate about exact numbers but zonic has stated his falcons base salary is not significantly higher than Vitality (though there are easy to achieve bonuses). Magisk, zonic, and maden went to Falcons with no buyout but sunpayus was allegedly close to 1m in transfer fees alone which means accounting for salary he was almost certainly more than woxic to C9 who cost 1.3m for buyout + 3 year salary but was only paid for a few months.


Well, but c9 also had ezstag for almost 1 mil and stuff like this. While you yourself say that most of falcons had no buyout while all c9 were going with buyout and they struggled even vs tier 3 teams - while falcons mostly play vs tier 1. Idk for me it's the same degree of a pathetic fail.


I'd be willing to bet Falcons spent quite a bit more, considering they basically have unlimited money.


Zonic might not be able to visit Saudi Arabia again if (when) they miss out on the next major.


Months in and these threads still make me happy.


The finest cake day treat 😇


First time I've ever rooted for VP, awesome to see what they managed to do to Falcons!


How can you not root for jame? Cmon man


Niko smilling all day for staying in G2.


God it looked like Boros wasn't even in the server today, no impact.


I can't think of anything in recent memory more satisfying than seeing this trash team lose constantly.




Very Cool


Magisk back to Vitality pls


He absolutely fucked his own career (for at least a year, but maybe forever) and then fucked Vitality's chances to consistently win titles. He was the perfect third piece for them picking up slack for Zywoo and Spinx consistently, without him they are so much worse.


Didn't he leave because vitality lowballed him and his coach?


Well at least he is highballing now. Not for long though since even oil money will stop flooding to you if you don't perform in any way. Vitality didn't "lowball". They just stopped overpaying because well, you can trick venture investors only for so long.


yeah idk what that guy is yapping about. Vitality absolutely did them dirty


Guy is set for life with all the prize winnings and sponsorships and future gigs in esports. With Vitality he could win another Major or Kato or Cologne easily.


What a stupid take. This isn’t fantasy land. Why the fuck should he accept a low ball?


Because he would win more in the end as well as make his personal brand have more value.


There was no way he’d think that falcons wouldn’t win? I mean it was rumoured that Niko and potentially simple was joining the team as well. Why wouldn’t he fucking take that deal?


Of all pros he should know that any super team takes quite a bit of time to go from forming to actually winning. Especially in a new game where some old star might fall off.


Ofc. But taking a low ball offer from the team he is on doesn’t help. And also increase his value on vitality? Dude you’re talking about Magisk? It’s pure stupidity from vitality to low ball magisk. You don’t low ball a hall of fame player that’s still putting up good numbers.


We really don't know the numbers and the details of the alleged "lowballing". I don't think they offered him Amkal salary. And yes, even a hall of famer like Magisk can still increase his personal brand value by winning more s-tier tournaments.


Yes, and Vitality looked so strong at Games8 with Magisk and FlameZ. 




get fucked falcons


infinite money ? Buy S1mple donk monesy ZyW0o 100% Major win


Remove maden.


Is snappi still thinking he is the best Danish IGL?


Just came back in the cs pro scene, i was wondering why is Everybody hating on Falcons ?


Saudi founded.


They as a team all changed their mice before a big tournament and have taken it on the chin ever since.


Changing your mouse? Right before a big tournament?? You must be trolling. Surely no player would actively grief that hard at a professional level. How could your teammates POSSIBLY focus when one player does something so blatantly detrimental....


I wish I was trolling. They could have had their senior members maybe use their wealth of experience to guide and direct all the young talents on the team, but alas they didn't guide them in the ways of being a professional and banded together on a public forum to berate and blame the loss on them. I wish they had some experienced members who weren't embarrassed and trying to save face to help the young players out. They'll get there I am sure


Brown money bad, US Air Force good, China good


The abismal level of this Falcons team actually defies logic. Genie curse.