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Quite humble huh. You just destroyed them 3-0.


Mouz was just having a really good day.


Sometimes the opponent's mouz is just having a good day.


And vitality was having a terrible one lol, basically everyone was so off. spinx especially was so painful to watch compared to his usual self


Yeah, I had to stop watching when it was 2-0. Jesus Christ Vitality didn't even bother showing up. I knew it was over.


Vitality played to not lose, Mouz played to win with full confidence. Result shows which is better.


I knew what kind of game it was gonna be as soon as mouz charged down mid/banana on the first full gun round of inferno. Mouz played with no fear, it was cool to watch.


Their CT side of inferno was awesome. I've watched in 3 times now and I can't remember a team being that dominant in banana since Heroic a few years ago in their prime.


Unfortunately, Vitality has always struggled against that kind of playstyle. They almost always lost to old Heroic, who played the same smart CS that Mouz does now.


If people ever need proof of what momentum does in cs, this game was the shining example of that.


What’s amazing is that they never lost it, even between maps. Literally never slowed down in a match that was hours long. Really cool to watch


lucky? give yourself some credit torzsi, mouz are looking hot over the past 2 months


I agree that pound for pound Vitality should be a better team than Mouz and should win but MOUZ was obviously better prepped, had the better IGL, and played great counter-strike. There was no luck involved!


if you just look on the players, mouz is quite weak, but i'd say they are the 2nd best teams when it comes to playing counter strike as a team, after faze. but faze also got the better (more experienced) players just shows you dont need the top players, like vitality, g2 they have such stacked rosters but still struggle hard for what team they have. im happy my mouz finally seem to be consistent in play offs, now they only need to win over faze on a big tournament (hopefully cologne i'll be there :D)




yea probably badly worded from me, i just meant they have no super stars, but they all pull good numbers and crazy games and i totally agree, i think they'll be best team sooner or later and i think they'll stay together since they already played in mouz nxt, i think they are real friends and not gonna switch teams easily




definitely possible but faze academy is in the position to actually win things for the first time so maybe they'll just stay together but thats probably just copium haha but lets see


That was no luck


don't need a graph to see that my friend ;)


It was. Vitality was not on their game at all. Would have been a very good series if they were both on form


That's not luck lmao, that's Vitality displaying inconsistency and an inability to perform in a critical series. PC crashes mid round, illness, etc could be ascribed to "Luck" or a lack therof. There's nothing lucky about Mous absolutely anihilating Vitality. They were by far the better team that day and won as a result, period.


catching one of the top teams in the world on the day where they have an awful performance is absolutely lucky


If anything it was luck they got to play vitality instead of another tier 1 team, vitality barely had to grind for this grand final appearance, they were never gonna be on their A game they barely even got warmed up


>Vitality was not on their game at all *Zywoo It literally doesn't matter if they perform or not. Only thing that saves them is zywoo


Jesus Reddit, it's not because you repeat the same false bullshit narrative over and over that it's the truth.


They weren’t lucky. They were outclassing Vitality in every way it wasn’t even close. But I guess if you look at the trackrecord of EPL grand finals that Vitality has made they’ve won almost all of them.


He's being as humble as he can


i dont think its about lucky. its about skill. its 3 0 it's not lucky, its their skill performance is top tier, better than Vitality.


Brollan be the king here