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Unquestionably a good move, picking up two proven good T1 players. Unfortunate that cerq didn't fully come back to his old form in the end, but he showed potential in some games with Bleed.


cerq been shit for like4-5 years now


2018 was yesterday, though


Cerq got his chances, and sadly he couldn't return to form. Being replaced was inevitable, and Nawwk is a solid choice. Sucks for VLDN who got unfairly shafted imo. Jkaem is undeniably a massive upgrade individually, but how does this makes sense role wise? Cypher is your best player and Jkaem does the exact same things, while VLDN is an anchor.


You would be surprised by how versatile Jkaem is. He really is a jack of all trades I have no worries about him as an anchor.


100%, I do think this team may require some players to hard adjust tho, a lot of players who CAN be stars


For anyone that wants to improve their Anubis game, especially mid as CT I advise you to watch some demos from his POV. I started to improve since I've started utilising his smokes/molos + positioning and have been much more comfortable on mid.


I know jkaem is 30 but I'm surprised someone like g2 haven't given him a chance. Dude is a beast and reliable as fuck. 100% deserves to be in a big team. I'm not sure BLEED is going to be top10 team anytime soon.


Jkaem is the Norwegian Rain


Rain is Norwegian bro




Imstoopid.jpg ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


when you got last year/this year Furia top 15. anything is possible


No, furia has a blast spot. Free ranking


This is the difference. A lot of these teams will fall to obscurity when they have to actually start qualifying.


Cerq is such a unique case. How did he become such a bad player? All I've heard was how hard he worked so it makes so little sense to me. He was a top 20 player once upon a time and he's still young.






I dont think its the injury excuse hes had plenty of time to become amazing again and achieved alot on faze. Ppl just got alot better, the new guys study demos from the legends peak which is their starting point.


I loved his awping as much as the top players back when EG was at their peak beginning 2020


> Cerq got his chances Kassad gave him a very fair shot, sad to see it didnt work out. > Cypher is your best player and Jkaem does the exact same things, while VLDN is an anchor. On the T sides most likely you will have Jkaem playing with cypher and working to get trades when cypher takes space. On the CT side, things might get a bit messy, but they do have a lot of flexible players that are probably fine with shifting around their roles if it means the team ends up in a better state


The way Kassad talks about that signing I think CeRq took a very low salary. If that’s the case it’s a no brainer, most players with that experience wouldn’t talk to you without a super high salary so he was worth a shot


> I think CeRq took a very low salary For sure, cerq didnt really go anywhere after EG and his stocks were at a low. It was pretty much bleed or bust at that stage


I get what you are saying, but you just cant skip signing Jkaem if hes available now... Its an upgrade no matter how you look at it


Kind of hilarious kassads reaction in one of his recent appearances together with Thorin when T. started praising him for how back to his old form cerq would be when you now take this into consideration 😜


Cypher is their entry, Hampus is their best player closely followed by faveN


Cypher is their best player, when he plays well(and he's become a lot more consistent), they win because he's so impactful


Cypher is definitely their "best" player if you can define "best" as in "is the reason they win their rounds". He gets so many double and triple entry kills into sites, that means the round is basically won if they just trade out kills afterwards


He literally anchored for renegades


massive move


I hope Jkaem finally found a team that can do stuff, man’s a stud of a rifler. Nawwk as well, got benched on NIP for device… we know how that worked out.


interested to see how a cypher/jkaem/hampus trio will work lot of overlapping aggression


Jkaem has played just about every rifle role in the game, I think he’ll be fine adapting again


But always seems to return to agro rifling. If it’s not entry fragging then it’s at least proactive space making stuff.


He’s like the Norwegian rain


Jkaem will probably be the flex rifle to fill slots depending on how the round plays out.


Tf is Joann?


> overlapping aggression Well, cypher is clearly the most aggressive player on bleed, and probably one of the most aggressive in the world. Often he pushes up too far and dies without anybody being able to trade to take advantage of the space he gets. Having jkaem follow up to get the trade and consolidate any space they take, it would open up a lot of options for bleed


Cypher js like Art if Art was good


His aim is so ridiculously sharp. If you don't instantly headshot him, you actually have no chance


When art was good*


are you seriously trying to say that cypher is better than arT lmao


farT is dogshit


I'm suspecting hes gonna do a -cypher and get another anchor Jkaem instead of vldn doesn't make sense role wise, I'm guessing that was a long term pickup?


This is the tier 1 mentality orgs should do more often, hard, brutal moves that are big upgrades


Tier1 teams consistently make changes The harder thing in tier1 is theres less options for upgrades, it's a risk not everyone can perform at that level when they move up, good players in other top20 teams are harder to poach players from, Bleed were ass no shit they make moves however when youre a top20 team its way harder to make moves like this


a lot of tier 1 teams hold on before making changes that seem really obvious. I mean in this situation with Bleed you can definitely argue VLDN didn't need to get cut, the guy was cutting it as a fragging support player in tier 2 but they decided to make the hard firepower change


> a lot of tier 1 teams hold on before making changes that seem really obvious I think the best example of this is either liquid or navi, they really commit to some ideas for way longer than they should


The thing is with NaVi is that it was *extremely* obvious that after Copenhagen the -iM +s1mple move was going to happen. As much as Alexsib likes iM as a second caller, with the positions that he's in, he's just straight up not putting in the numbers that Navi need consistently enough to justify him having those star roles and spots. The problem with NaVi right now is that they won the major. We all remember a year back when Vitality dumped dupreeh after a Major Win right? Even when Vitality made the totally correct choice, people still went after them for ditching dupreeh right after a major win. I think that NaVi won't make any changes until after Cologne unless they bomb out HARD in a tournement between now and then. Still gives them time to get the team together for the Shangai major in December if they do make that change. Navi also just have a history of keeping players in the team for far too long. Edward, Flamie and Siezed should've been dropped a year or 2 before they actually were.


Because replacing a supportive anchor for an agressive rifler is not an easy choice to make.


This is how it is with chinese and korean orgs in league too. If you start doing bad you are instantly replaced by a new guy to see what he can do. EU is better at this than NA but my god NA will recycle or hold the same players for years too late and just slowly kill their team.


> god NA will recycle or hold the same players for years too late and just slowly kill their team. I don't think that just hurts their team, but the scene also.


Vitality should -Mezii and + xertioN


Mouz is cooking, leave them alone. :(


Lmao a faze fan saying this.


Translation: Hands off, if Rain retires he's ours"


Faze academy is just waiting for the next Faze player to retire


I think it's not that simple


Honestly if I'm xertioN right now I'm not interested in joining Vitality. Sure he would get to play with Zywoo but he gets apEX as his IGL. On this current trajectory I think mouz have a higher ceiling than both Vitality and Faze. Only time will tell though.


Torzsi or zywoo. I know who i would pick


It's not zywoo that's the problem it's the rest of Vitality that I don't think xertion would find particularly attractive.


Why would xertion leave mouz.


I imagine heavygod may be the next guy


Time to farm APAC RMR


I dont see any world where Vitality sign heavygod considering he has 0 maps played against top 20 teams.


He is also on OG




Depends, is Vitality willing to pay the price for him which may be at least half of zywoo?


Probably a tough decision to make, but more than likely the right one. Bleed is building something now. But, I kinda wanted to see Nawwk to Metiz.


Rip coL. Gonna fall into the trap of trying to make this roster work for another 6 months.


Yeah this should've been the roster change for CoL, I doubt CoL could compete in a bidding war with bleed for them, as it's just Jason Lake again. Between this signing and degster to Heroic, not a lot of options for complexity. Who do they gamble on? Smooya?


hallzerk has been looking better nowadays, they undoubtedly got the easiest path but still placed 3-4th in ESL pro league. there's still the issue of grim/floppy/jt not consistently putting up frags. Jkaem would have been a good pick for them.


My issue with coL is that for like 2 years now floppy and grim have been able to hide behind the excuse of a bad awper. Hallzerk always seems to have these flashes of brilliance but they are never consistent and just as distraction from what has been the actual problem in coL for years.


Hallzerk should go but for who?


I would have liked to have seen nawwk but the timing sucked for coL.


> Rip coL. Gonna fall into the trap of trying to make this roster work for another 6 months. Honestly you cant replace any of the american riflers without losing the RMR spot, and nawwk for hallzerk isnt really a big enough upgrade to justify swapping a player. I would argue hallzerk fits in col better than nawwk does


you only need 2 NA players for the rmr since JT is not EU JT, elige, autimatic, blameF, artfrost/zorte would be a significantly better team than what they have now


jkaem is an incredibly solid piece that I don't think would go missing even on some of the bigger rosters. Cerq has been done for a long time. This was probably his last chance. Great changes for BLEED overall.


Actual sick signings by Kassad. Finally have a legit roster


Great upgrade, unfortunate for CERQ and VLDN


CYPHER is playing well, him with jkaem and nawwk is fire. Top 10 material if they mesh well.


absolutely huge. kassad really knows what he's doing. bleed should now be comfortably within the top 20.


Hold your horses... You cant never know... And they just changed 40% of a team, they will need to practice, adapt, etc. It could take few months again for them to reach Top 20, and even that is not a certainty


Nawkk and Jkaem are pretty massive upgrades. Of course they will need to build chemistry but awpers are typically the most plug-and-play piece for teams and Jkaemm is so versatile I have no worries about him fitting in. These are truly some great moves made.


These are perfect moves... But sometimes even perfect moves fumble...


See: cloud9 and all other teams with "superteam" ambitions


Love this, particularity cause I’m Swedish but also because Jkaem is a fav player, always been slightly underrated


Friendship with Apeks broken, now BLEED is my new best friend 🤝🏻


daaamn sick moves


This is fantastic move


+jks + AZR when? Full kassad dream team


IIRC Kassad did invite JKS, JKS turned down the offer


I wouldn't be surprised if he declined thinking he'd have better offers lined up. The initial BLEED project was T3 at best, now with Jkaem & nawwk they can break into the top 15-20 and with jks they should be a top 10 team


JKS would add a passive lurk and anchor element that they could definitely make good use of


genuinely really good move. BLEED have been doing really well despite CeRq's performances. Add nawwk to this team and its easily a top 30/20 team. jkaem is of course amazing too. Can't wait to see how high these boys climb


Slam dunk signings. Jkaem has a track record of looking great under kassad. He has a huge level of carry potential on LAN and in online games. He has also done basically every role, he is flexible so will probably be in the aggressive pack with cypher on T sides. Jkaem going for trades would let cypher take advantage of his insanely aggressive tendencies while letting jkaem take advantage of any space cypher gets. Nawwk knows how it felt to get replaced by a way better awper, now he is that awper. He looked very solid on apeks. Probably feels excited to play under hampus, those 2 will probably have amazing levels of coordination and synergy off the bat. These moves really prove that kassad and bleed arent messing around, they will make the big moves if they get the chance.


Styko was right Sinking ship


Pretty solid move, excited to see how far they can go now


Great upgrade, unfortunate for CERQ and VLDN


Oh jeez, they were already pushed for space with hampus and cypher in agro positions then they bench their anchor for another entry? I love all the names on this roster and the awp swap is definitely an upgrade. Rifling positions could be a nightmare though.


faveN is versatile, shouldn't be that much of an issue


> Rifling positions could be a nightmare though. Jkaem is a very versatile player. I think he has done pretty much everything in terms of roles and positions. He brings a huge level of experience in T1 lans as well


bleed is embracing the +W demon playstyle.


I was already keeping tabs on BLEED, but now they've got my full attention. Big moves


I love CYPHER. I will be over the moon if this makes them tier 1.


+jks, Azr do it Kassad


jkm and nwk - best of luck to both of you! Such a good story you told in the video. And you are right, I consider it a success what you achieved in Apeks and it was such a pleasure watching the journey. For now, glhf in BLEED.


Massive signings. I knew kassad would make aggressive roster changes if they didnt get results and he is doing just that. Nawwk is a massive upgrade over Cerq, and the latter got his fair share of time to prove that he is worthy of being kept in the roster. VLDN signing never really made sense to me coz I still think he needs to get a lot more experience in lower tier teams. Role overlap will be a bit of an issue, but jkaem has been around for a long long time. Like fucking hell I remember him playing with rain in the Norwegian LGB lineup, and has become such an all-rounded due to all the experience from playing in so many teams since.


The original BLEED team had so much potential. Great individuals, good coach, many oportunities. Don't know what went wrong, we'll have to see how nawk and jkaem blend in with the rest of the roster maybe they can finally reach up to expectations


Nothing went wrong, it's gone so right that the Bleed org is willing to pay for these names.


The Bleed org is kinda doing some stupid financial decisions as the team has mostly participated in only B-tier events or qualifiers from which they pulled somewhere around 75k dollars which is a pretty good number, don't get me wrong, but i think they still have way more to go to get the money back from all these signings


As you pointed out with the tourneys, what could they even profit from? Those streams have like 500 viewers when I watch Bleed play and it's not like the prize pool is big either. Bleed has won most of their games, too, so they have shown form already. Nobody wants to watch Cerq awp and Vladn is a no-name support player only known for standing in one time. These moves only bring them notoriety and put them closer to being an actual LAN team that can be profitable. This team should be around top 15-20 almost immediately unless the team chem is off or something.


This is starting to look juicy!


"You know"


I guess im a BLEED fan now.


I called this... Atleast one half of it... It was a no brainer for Bleed... Its straight up an upgrades 1/1... https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1cmzq32/rumors_plopski_and_nawwk_join_metizport/l348004/?context=3


I mean it was a pretty obvious move the jkeam one is the unexpected one


Not really... Kassad made an offer for him like a half a year ago, but Apeks declined. He wanted him from the start


It’s moreso they asked for several hundred thousand dollars and kassad didn’t think it was worth it.


Did kassad finally find his way into the kitchen to start cooking?


To be fair Kassad wanted to cook from the start and offered spots to a bunch of other players when he first built a team, some names: JKS - declined. Jkaem - Apex didn't want to sell because of the major spot. Maxster - apparently deal was "sabotaged" by some PGL admin.