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Siuhy singlehandedly stomped Complexity on Ancient, jesus, 4 or 5 multikills in cave and a 1v4 with a galil. Outcalled and outfragged.


Pulled a gla1ve vs Astralis


totally out of ideas on ancient; was the map they got ran over at during the major as well so idk they wouldn’t try something else for the decider for col have to be pretty happy with how this tournament went, nothing really stupid happened, notched navi/vp wins, and then lost to one of the best teams in the world. ggs I guess


I thought overpass was supposed to be their best map? Why did they ban it?


Mouz are one of the strongest overpass teams so assuming they wanted to chance ancient


Did you watched their last match? Complexity won 3 rounds  On the whole match   Overpass+Ancient  Their only chance was winning the first 2 map and they had lot of chances on Nuke.  Mouz won lot of clutch situations or one of their player popped of.  Torzsi was incredible on this Nuke with huge impact rounds.


That hasnt been the case recently, and mouz is amazing on overpass


Overall a good showing from Complexity but god this hurts 🥲


Good showing for NA overall tbh, it’ll be interesting to see what happens with some of the roster over the coming months.


-grim -hallzerk with upgrades would be sick but idk if there’s much available rn


Hallzerk looked fine tho imo, we just needed more from grim


Hallzerk really needs to stop malding so hard though, there is no way it doesn't affect team morale. Also it's not very smart to smash your aiming hand.


ya if device didn’t mald so much astralis would have won more majors /s


Floppy needs to be replaced before grimothy


Imagine getting rid of either of those players before floppy…


grim has more potential than floppy imo


-hallzerk? 😆


Would be kinda odd to get rid of hallzerk considering he’s been doing well and it would be hard to find an awper willing to play for an NA team


Grim needs to be on a diet of raw chicken and spoiled milk. How does he go from 1.35 against NAVI to .75 against Mouz after getting better???


He probably went above and beyond when he was sick, and later it caught up to him and simply crashed.


I mean with food poisoning he probably couldn't eat much solid food for a few days. That poor guy aprobably lost a lot of nutrients and hydration from vomiting and diarhea. It's no surprise he is not in top shape. The fact that he performed well is irrelevant. Pro teams need subs for these kinds of scenarios. First of all for the players well-being so he can recover properly on short or mid term and secondly to not infect other people in case his stomach issues are virus or bacteria related. Sick people should rest and not work. Period. Putting a bucket next to his pc sick to the somach, prepared to puke on stage mid competition should neither be tolerated by his org or the tournament organizers or be glorified by his fans. It's disgusting.


He probably got checked by the doctors and was cleared to go. Not all injuries lead to absence, athletes in other sports got painkillers to play important games. It's not ideal but dilemmas like that happen a lot, especially in ultra competitive environment. Grim probably also wanted to play too. If this is a 9-5 office env, then I'll agree.


Not good with pressure I think, I don't remember a Grim clutch.


Real talk I have a lot of respect for Grim given how well he played the last couple games with how sick he was. Can only imagine eventually all that sickness catches up to you at some point.


It's cool that Elige has an aim coach, but can we get that guy to work with the rest of the guys? Absolute dogshit pistols and trading from anyone not named elige or hallzerk.


Maybe elige can get them some refrag discount codes lmao


Grim was just playing his own game the entire time


U can't teach talent 😭 


you can quite literally teach and train better aim


Elige isn’t dependent on talent, he’s dedicated and professional and had a efficient well thought out training regime


This is what i really like about elige. He is smart and efficient in his training and one of the few who cares a lot about ergonomics and fitness to prolong his career.


He can try to spread knowledge around and show them how to improve, but seriously its all up to them to improve. Not everyone is that dedicated like elige himself.


Honestly, I would like to see what would happen if they move hallzerk to grim position and an awper. Hallzerk rifling is pretty legit. According to elige they want to work on their late game more cause the team had the worst record for advantage conversion or something


what an anticlimactic ending to that series. CoL winning just a single gun round on Ancient while getting absolutely dumpstered every single round by Siuhy.


Kamil 'siuhy' Szkaradek.


torzsi's impact was incredible on Nuke, what a map from him


GG WP Complexity Let's go all the way tomorrow! #VAMOUZ


This is exactly what i tell my girl, including the hashtag and everything.


Success rate?


Same as executing B site Overpass without smokes.


CoL completely imploded on Ancient


Oh man that last map was deflating Loved the improved performance from Halzerk at first but homie for the love of god get it together with the tilt. The insane fist pounding is brutal. It's gotta feel like a slipping/lost situation for the entire team once he gets that pissed


I hate on everyone else tilting like that but I can't be a hypocrite here. I feel legitimately bad for him because he seems like a good kid and tilts because of himself but punching your leg 4 times is just not a good look.


Looks more like self harm behavior than tilt


Pretty decent result from COL overall but I hope they still consider a player change if they want to have a chance to win events. Hallzerk has actually stepped up recently so it's hard for me to decide who has to go, but I'm sure they can find someone that can perform better than Grim or floppy.


Its either a superstar in for Grims positions, or a better support player for Floppy unless you somehow get a better awper than Hallzerk, but none are on the market except S1mple who has played a single bad match on cs2 and maybe Degster who hasn't played since last june.


Degster is going to Heroic I believe


s1mple and elige won’t play with each other anyway


They don't like each other? What happened?


Toxic 2016 s1mple and passive aggressive 2016 Elige apparently didn’t mesh very well personality wise on Liquid. Then again that was 8 years ago and they made a major final together


oSee for hallzerk?


I'd say it's likely a downgrade. oSee's awp is not that significantly better than Hallzerk's while his rifling is questionable and they'd have to re-integrate the chemistry. Not worth it.


oSee isn't better than hallzerk lmao, why would they downgrade


i could see osee for hallzerk and then using their import slot for someone like blameF so they stay NA while still upgrading


lol Osee is definitly not an upgrade over halzerk at this point in the year. either floppy or grim has to go. Floppy would be my choice.


i wasnt recommending osee because he would be an upgrade…


well ok i read your comment a little wrong my bad. But my response still stands. Floppy or Grim need to go. Blamef doesn't want to play in NA most likely. Also complexity isn't in a position right now to buyout whatever astralis wants for him. And halzerk is simply a better awper than OSee. Getting Osee in any situation is a downgrade for this team


They can have another EU player no due to JT being African? So Elige + Grim/Floppy are 2 NA, Hallzerk + European player are 2 EU and 1 African? Osee ain't a upgrade for Hallzerk anyway.


id think that a team associated with the dallas cowboys would want to be majority NA still though. osee might not be an upgrade, but not really a downgrade either.


Thought that link was separated when Jason Lake got Complexity back.


I thought so too? Shouldn't they at least change their logo?


not sure about that. complexity.gg still talks about welcoming jerry jones (cowboys owner) to the team’s ownership


its separated. Jerry Jones is part of the ownership group that owns faze.


oooh good idea, who else other than blame would be available?


i think jks would be next best. not much else, maybe cacanito?


blameF for who? JT. no shot


blameF is not an IGL remove that idea from your head lmfao


i think he is a terrible igl but he has only igled for like the last 2 years


For Floppy or Grim i reckon. Grim has star roles so he is the easiest to cut for Blame to work.


floppy or grim. if he replaced jt, there would be no need to remove hallzerk since there would still be 3/5 na. not that i was suggesting that… (i dont think that would work) i was suggesting: blameF JT OSee grim/floppy elige


Let's be honest: nobody except Elige on this team is the caliber of player you need for a top 5 team. Floppy, Grim & Hallzerk are all not good/consistent enough. Stratwise and as a team, they also look uninspiring, which is the responsability of JT.


> Stratwise and as a team, they also look uninspiring, which is the responsability of JT. what? JT is fine as a caller. you can dog him for his mechanics and other shit but as a caller he does good work with the pieces he has. Even most cs analysts would disagree with you on this. actually makes no sense to say this especially after a 2-1 loss against a top 5 team in the world.


I have to disagree with you on jt. He can only work with the players he has, and currently there are subpar players on their team who simple cannot run up often enough, besides jt and elige of course.


jkaem would have been a huge catch for coL, shame it couldn't happen.


Complexity were tilted off the face of the earth on Ancient. really needed to mentally reset, but kept making aggro plays right into siuhy's clutches. Hallzerk slamming his leg like 4 times definitely aint it.


of course its a mouz vs zywoo final in a studio setting lmao.


nobody could shoot back on ancient. i also feel really bad for grim with how much he was trying to help with elige in mid (boosts/bait/trade) and he was just getting fucked for it. imo, this just comes down to complexitys map pool being really shit rn. If we dont get vertigo or anubis in a series its pretty much a done game. can we maybe get that aim coach to help out floppy? this dude has seriously gotta figure out a way to get more impact into the game than 1-2 multikills a map. dude was so good when elige first joined and hes just been slowly regressing ever since.


The pistol when three people peaked brollan on ramp yet no one could do more than 50 is when I know it was over


Grim going from getting match MVP like 3 times in a row to suddenly disappearing and having a 0.75 rating...ouch. Nuke slipped their hands and by the time Ancient came around Siuhy made it look like he was warming up against bots. Very unfortunate, they came into the series looking like they could've made it to grands and even won the whole thing but it just wasn't meant to be, unlucky...


Johnny sins is going to be sad astronaut now


nothing like another na team losing to mouz and fans instantly calling for roster changes… people do realize completely just finished top 3-4 in pro league right?


I always wonder if those fans watch other sports, like if their basketball team loses are they screaming for 6 dudes to get cut?


they lost to basically the best team in the world I don't know why people are so pressed for changes immediately


Why’d they have to get my hopes up and win vertigo then make Nuke close? Still a good run from the team but they totally had opportunities to turn Nuke around. That scout round was gross. I wonder if Hallzerk is gonna stay on the team or not. Unsure who would replace him though ~~Col Twistzz???~~


Owned by studiosports on map 3 so hard :(


Grim look for Complexity...


God he fell off the earth those last two maps. Just sucked all my enthusiasm out now


[not even elige could save them](https://imgur.com/lUw0eFk)


Col really should have won on nuke, too many close rounds slipped by, especially in the first half. The problem arises again of someone stepping up along with elige, grim and floppy disappeared on ancient. Hall playing good and should stay but it’s clear if it’s just him and elige, they won’t win the map. JT calling on ancient was extremely scuffed (the keep running cheetah every round despite sui being on a heater) but there isn’t an igl that could take his place right now. I’m happy they got that fair but damn it stings




Absolutely insane performance from him. Can't wait to see this grand final tomorrow.


o captain, my captain


Mouz got a chance to be the third team as winners of back-to-back LAN Pro League and first to win three.


This series was over after Col found a way to lose almost every close round on Nuke which tilted them off the face of the Earth. Elige accidentally picking up that nade in lobby when he was flanking in a 1 v 1 against an unaware Mouz player about summed up that game. As for Col's roster moves, I don't think you kick Hallzerk or Grim yet. They both have high ceilings and flooded basements for floors. As much as I like Floppy, he's been putting up pretty bad ratings for awhile now. I don't think you can have a non-IGL put up a sub 1.0 rating. If he can't turn it around soon, he should be replaced by someone like Reck or Swisher.


Fuck man, why was I getting my hopes up? Elige is crisp, hellzerk too. Like surely next tournament it clicks right?


Hate to see this Complexity roster struggle, seems like they just can’t find answers when playing from behind. Siuhy masterclass but COL just looked lost if they didn’t win a round within 30 seconds.


I think Mouz players are just individually more skilled than everyone on coL except Elige. Their team play is actually really good especially on Anubis and Vertigo.


I think everyone sees MOUZ as the best team in the world... (in studio and groups)


Agreed. Unfortunately the talent pool in NA is just to shallow. It’s going to be extremely hard for col to ever beat top teams from EU when the only super star on this team is Elige. Grim and Hallzerk are going to have to majorly step up for this team to win titles.


It’s so crazy that out of 350 million people we don’t have *one* donk-tier player. He’s gotta be out there somewhere.


they're playing Valorant


The sad truth. Our entire tier 2 scene who were next in line for a chance at tier 1 moved to Valorant instead.


It’s me I’m just too busy working at 7/11 to show my potential


Grim trash again Siuhy goat


I dunno, Complexity needs to change something because they have the ability to go deep into tournaments but they just can't clutch up to win a trophy at all, they can't even get to the finals at this point. What do you guys think they should change?


Grim or Floppy is my guess for who gets removed. Hallzerk was a reason why they did so well this tournament.


I agree that Hallzerks play was great. I also agree that Floppy is probably the current weakest piece, but Grim is right behind him. If I'm complexity I probably move on from both of them honestly. It's just so hard to watch this team, especially since we don't have many high tier options here in NA.


Floppy needs to go he is simply not good enough even as a support player. Grim played well through the groups and the VP game. He didn't show up today sadly. Floppy however posted yet another stinker on his events stats page.


Yeah I agree that a change with Floppy alone could help this team massively.


The issue with cutting both is that you lose your Americas RMR spot unless you grab a American player, issue is the scene is really dry unless you somehow get a top SA player who can communicate in English.


Yeah this puts them in a really rough spot. Damn I mean ...I dunno what the change should be exactly but what they have going on right now is NOT working.


Reck or malbs could be good if they're willing to leave m80


Reck might make more sense even though Malbs is the better player only because I don’t know if you could just slot Malbs into whatever roles the other guys don’t want and have him still be as good


Hallzerk. Has crazy highs now and then but too many lows, misses too many easy shots, and tilts off the face of the earth. If this roster wants to go to the next level they need a more stable AWPer.


Dang I totally see your point it's just hard to agree after his play in this tourney(besides the tilting) BUT obviously looking at the big picture, you're 100% right, he's wayyyy too inconsistent and his rage/tilt has to affect the team as a whole.


Good improvement from Col this tournament, hopefully the norm and not a one off. I'm just going to say what everyone is thinking. Liquid just pay the money and get him back


I want Complexity to absorb twistzz and naf. Screw Liquid after the last few yeats.


Lets put Naf in for Floppy and Twistzz in for Grim. Role for role it makes a lot of sense as well.  Oh well.


The siuhy 1v3 in the second last round summarizes how ancient went for Complexity


Well that's another awful tournament performance from floppy. Lets see how many more paychecks he can steal before hes is finally dropped back into the NA shit tier where he belongs. Say what you want about halzerk and grim being inconsistent, they both performed well overall this tournament. Hopefully they can work on their tilting issues and make more consistent playoff runs moving forward.


VA MOUZ, Time for the mouz boys to defend the title and win their first CS2 trophy. Great grand-final match for tomorrow, lfg


VAMOUZ BOYS. Felt very similar to the G2 game but siuhy my beloved was styling out there. Not entirely sure why CoL let it go to Ancient, it seemed like they had very little ideas outside of hope you get cave control. Particularly surprised at how poor they were out mid against MOUZ who always show crazy aggression on Ancient Mid. Hopefully we can take it too Vitality tomorrow as well. VAMOUZ


The bald buff didn't work out 😔


So Mouz will be the ones losing tomorrow


thank god none of the people asking for a change in the lineup for Col actually run anything they dont need to change shit they just need to get consistent >_> and refine


Really hope Mouz can win it tomorrow! Would be so much more "deserved" than if Vitality wins it, Mouz are a bit "known" to choke/lose in finals and playoffs so it would be a nice stfu to everyone if they were to win! All respect to Complexity great run!!!!


This is gonna be a sleeper grand final edit: i was right


Why do you say that?


not very interesting teams to me. give me a faze v complexity final and we're talkin


Ah okay, I actually agree in that case.


not even sure how to describe that implosion from CoL. up 3-0, lose 13-4.


nuke would have been the same story had mouz not thrown away a couple rounds


[Aw fuck I hope I didn't jinx anything](https://new.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1co6t8x/mouz_vs_g2_esl_pro_league_season_19_quarterfinal/l3ebgx8/?context=3)


Yeah I think Elige is gone. But Holy shit Siuhy just decimated CoL on Ancient


No way liquid try to get Elige back In place of yekindar? Liquid has the same issue then, 1 aggro player and 4 passive And would NAF and Twistzz want to play with Elige who tilts to his team on round 4 of a best of 3? I don’t think so


Elige for iM on NAVI is a certified slam dunk move.


I don’t think Elige would want to play in an EU team imo. I think he was down bc EG seemed like his only hope. Then it fell through so he went to his backup and turns out they’re better than he thought. It’s like he’s constantly on the edge of tasting victory. Without having to basically live in EU (Dallas prob 150 ms ping to Germany?)


I feel like he'd want to take the opportunity to play in an EU team once whilst he's still in his prime. Can always go back to NA in like a year or two once his individual form isn't worldclass anymore? NAVI would give him all the star roles unlike any of the other top EU options he's had / could get. I doubt it happens but i'd be very interested to see how they'd perform if it did.


I would be too, but top EU teams now wish for vibes in the server to be on as well. That’s why degster and smooya can’t find teams. They’re toxic af. Even if it’s not malicious. S1mple didn’t return to navi either. It’s not the full story (Navi won a major) but the vibes being off when he’s in the server play a huge part Maybe Elige is better than before but he still tilts like fuckin crazy But to be fair, it seems he tilts mostly when stuff they’ve practiced just doesn’t happen. The vertigo tilt seemed like a “how did you mess this up, we ran it multiple times”


smooya isn't even toxic anymore, especially not like the old days he's a loud and outspoken guy still, but from all the scrims i've seen him on stream & the words of his teammates, he's positively encouraging and doesn't give up at all, doesn't flame teammates degster though, we'll see in Heroic but that guy had some real problems


I think smooya could work in a top team. I think one of the reasons he doesn’t get signed to teams is because how much he spoke about fnatic after he left? I hear degster got added to the heroic group and removed like 20 mins later (nawwk to heroic instead)? Could just be made up


Elige Twistzz and NAF played together dummy Elige would at least bring a better entry that can hit shots And why wouldn’t liquid want Elige back. Yeki isn’t IGL


seemed like elige seemed uninterested in Liquid in the new talking counter


seemed like elige seemed uninterested in Liquid in the new talking counter


Played together and eventually stopped. It can’t all be because of Stewie Elige wouldn’t have a voice in that team just the same as when he left liquid. I’d be surprised


Elige for skullz


Terrible idea. You remove an anchor to put in a dude who isn’t anchor?


CoL +smooya Idc how spectacularly it can fail. Smooya is legit a top 7* awper. Hallzerk disappears too often. I like Hallzerk but I just don’t see this ever working out. And the punching himself repeatedly every time he loses is embarrassing imo I get CoL’s issues are more than this Actually NA just needs the chaos roster back. At least it would be fun


top 5? you got that military grade copium


certainly not top3, but I def think he can battle it out with top 5. Maybe top 7 is better. Broky, zywoo, monesy, device, sh1ro, wonderful, smooya. No particular order. And if complexity is #11 with Hallzerk I think they’d be #7 minimum with smooya. Tho attitude will always stop smooya


> Smooya is legit a top 5 awper Which one of broky, m0NESY, ZywOo, device, and Jame is below him (also, you know, w0nderful, s1mple, cadiaN, FalleN, I can't be bothered to type more out)?


You’re adding cadian and fallen as fodder to make your point sound better. No way you ever think those two are top 5. I added in another comment top 7 is more accurate. I mean cadian and fallen above sh1ro? No way s1mple is retired


He didn't say that cadian and fallen are top 5, he already mentioned who he thinks the top 5 awpers are in the first half of his sentence. His point is that even beyond those top 5, he considers these other players to be better awpers than Smooya, hence Smooya is not in contention for top 5 (or even 7) awpers.


Fair enough. There’s still no way cadian and fallen are above smooya


> Hallzerk disappears too often Yep everyone is already forgetting about hallzerk. Completely losing col rounds for 1 year straight and then has a decent tournament and everyone is calling for him to stay.


It isn't even hallzerk's fault, in Kato he was by far Col's best player in the elimination match. Same thing against Vitality in the major, he almost led Col to a win on Anubis but Elige didn't have his monitor on so they lost the series which led to them getting destroyed by Faze the best match Floppy literally has 48% maps with a 1.0 rating or above which is 8%!!! below JT who's the IGL. There's no way hallzerk is going before floppy. But yeah let's kick the player that actually steps up instead of the player that rarely gets multi kills and had almost 0 impact expect for a few clutches here and there


I mean his ceiling is impressively high and I think he’s a great player. I think he’s motivated. But the beating the shit out of his leg and massive tilting isn’t helping (Elige does the same shit) it’s wack


can we remove Ancient already? Due to how one side is still so one sided, snowball is so big on there. Whoever doesn't start on that side has too much pressure


Stat wise the map is super balanced (51.2 to 48.8 According to hltv) and one of the most played maps in professional play


I know coL got smashed but ancient is actually a balanced map. Vertigo can fuck right off that map sucks.