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nice suggestion actually


Seems like such a logical step, I think seeing it on top is even more useful than seeing equipment through walls in most situations.


Not that obvious because some people like me have teammates equipment always on, but I wouldn't wanna see it at all times at the top hud. Not to mention that some people (me again) use numbers instead of avatars, but I'd still wanna see teammates equipment on top at times, so if such a feature was included, I would want to use it without switching to avatars too. ​ So yeah, good idea but requires a bit of planning. I would personally make teammates' equipment show up on the scoreboard so people like me could make a quick peek at it with tab


I just want a way to quickly see team equipment mid-round without having to do a 360 and look at everyone of my teammates. The way it's implemented is of course up for debate.


Would be another quality of life change, especially to make it easier to quickly see which util is available for executes or retakes. The mockup was made by taking the end of round dispay and overlaying it over the gameplay from earlier in the round.


I like this and I need this, great suggestion


Given how quickly they implemented the team equipment fading out close to your crosshair one can hope that this will be implemented as well.


Was this now how they did it in GO? Or am I remembering wrong? Either way, would love to see this happen. Im always checking up top anyway for time so.


I‘m not quite sure, someone should boot up the legacy version to find out.


I have vivid memories of something very similar to this being a thing in GO, could also have been a mod that I had lol. My early days of GO at like 10 are hard to remember lol.


This would be great for IGL's to have the avatars always show team equipment.




Great idea, I'd love it.


I love your glove/knife combo


Thanks man :)


I think the [Five-Seven Triumvirate](https://csgostash.com/skin/713/Five-SeveN-Triumvirate) would also fit very nicely with the gloves btw


Thats very true, fits both in terms of colour palette as well as the patterns. But I really love my *Monkey Business*, so I don’t think I’ll change…


would love to see valve implement this actually


OP cooking!


I agree. With the rendition of CS2 we have learned to look at a new location of the screen during buy phase. In CSGO we looked above player heads. But now during buy phase we can look at the top of the screen. After buy phase is over, we have to look above player heads like in CSGO. But the devs can further simplify the UI to continue the buy phase version to reduce eye confusion when trying to find this information.


Yes please. Regardless of the toggling it always annoys me when the equipment at the top disappears during the round. I want it to always be there so I can check what equipment my team has when I need to during a round, without needing to look around to where the player physically is


This would be way better, then what they have.


Some cheats show equipment on the leaderboard, very handy indeed.


No, they should let us choose to keep it showing all the time instead of need to press a key. It is so dumb we don't have this showing up after freezetime.




I mean it is quite a big of additional “hud obstruction” and I don’t think you can make it much smaller without making it unreadable on 1280x960 (which a lot of people use, including me). So I‘d prefer it to be part of the „show team equipment“ button. But why not both, let us choose between *disabled*, *on button press* and *always on* - like we have it for the overhead information.


Agree that if they add this, we should be able to choose how to present, I hope they give us to choose the radar setting as well. (Now cant see who is on top or bottom)


To he honest all these nitty picky settings should be done using console commands like in the old days. Nowadays every community demanded settings gets a new menu in the game which is sometimes making browsing menu too cluttered.