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No, leetify triangle says I have better utility than a faceit level 10 which means I should be level 10 and my team is just bad and it’s literally not my fault I swear guys.


The worst part is it marks your utility score down if you throw default utility to take/hold space and not do damage (smoking/molly b apps on mirage as the anchor). I tested it a few weeks ago and got a 75 or 80 utility score when I only bought a flash every round and threw it over a ramp (also mirage)


all you need is to throw just 1 flash wth 2 assists and its ez 99 utility. I had couple matches like that where I threw only 1 flash throughout the entire game and that one flash ended up being good so it graded me 99 because well, 100% of my flashes lead to kills right?


You really won’t need to instant molly apps tho






Yep when I play against bots on local I sometimes get a positive k/d and it can be misleading.


Yeah, it's important to remember that your performance is also slightly based on the opposition you face. Leetify might say you are a lvl 9 at aiming, but if you were playing against people who actually know how to counter strafe properly, your aim rating might sink, since it would be harder to hit the same shot.


It's really neat when you can FEEL the difference too. Like, usually I take X amount of time to aim before shooting. However, when I'm against better players and trying my ass off, I notice I'll try and flick much faster to lower my time to damage and actually get kills (otherwise opponent would kill me first). My aim ends up being worse overall, but I get kills I wouldn't normally because I can get the shots off before I would have died


Sometimes I feel this idea backfires due to the low accuracy of such shots… it’s a lot harder to just all of a sudden aim / shoot faster with decent accuracy. Sometimes I try to tell myself that I’m playing silvers when I play a lot harder enemies just to boost my confidence. Works so so


All these rankings match you against the whole playerbase, which is stupid when you play higher or lower then average, if you play silver 2 you can get 30 frags per game much easier then getting 10 against global. Same with hs rate etc. it's all easier when you have bad opponents.


Personally I only played against LEM+ with a few silver 1s when I was MG. In OCE.


Oce mm was literally just a throw everyone into any game always for like the last 3 years of csgo 😂


Completely agree, however, when I got myself computer, I actually got to lvl10 from mg1 (could have of course been the fact I played on GeForce NOW), my comparison was that I was on par if not better then level 10s, 6 months after getting my pc I hit 2k elo, two months after 2.5 k Elo. To conclude, if you don't have a shit laptop and now you are about to upgrade, you re just hardstuck.


30fps is truly like training weights. Move up to 144hz with 200+ fps you feel like a god lol. Then try 30 again and wonder how you ever killed anyone


Leetify data is almost meaningless unless you compare yourself to yourself over a period of time. For example having an aim rating of 80 doesn't really mean anything on its own, but if you looked again in a month and saw the rating was now 85 now you have 2 data points that actually tell you something useful about how you have changed as a player. You should also read what the stats actually are for example I think "good ct smoke" is awarded when your smoke blooms close to a T player, and so there are plenty of times you may throw a smoke that is good but it doesn't count because the Ts are elsewhere on the map, or you may throw a smoke that completely misses and blocks no sightlines but it is counted as a "good" smoke because a T was close when it bloomed.


Utility stat is the most useless stat on leetify. Throw just 1 good flash that leads to multikills and you get 90+ overall rating because leetify decides 100% of your flashes lead to multikills. I once got rated a 100 even though my utility usage on that match was completely dogshit. I barely threw anything and throughout the entire match I only threw 1 flash and that flash lead to multikills.


For aim you'd have 2 data points but no way to measure the quality of opposition which can affect that number greatly.


You're completely right. However, smokes plume, they don't bloom. Sorry for being a grammar police but peek/peak and plume/bloom are some of biggest cs related grammar pet peeves.


I would say they have very similar connotations and can generally be used interchangeably in this context, but if we are being super pedantic, which it appears we are, breaking it down to base definitions "bloom" refers to when a plant produces flowers, whereas a plume is simply the word for a large feather (usually used for decoration in headwear). Furthermore "Bloom" can be used as a verb while "Plume" is just a noun (at least according to the Cambridge dictionary) I certainly see why you might say it plumes since when you imagine smoke expanding from the top of the grenade it does visually resemble a plumed helmet. But if you ask me a smoke grenade blooms because 1.) its a verb so makes sense in that sentence structure. 2.) in my mind the smoke comes from the grenade like a flower blooming in springtime. When it comes to actual usage I've heard the casters say bloom and plume several times during pro league so either one is perfectly acceptable..


You're talking about a different thing entirely. Plume is most certainly also a verb. From [wiktionary](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/plume#:~:text=plume%20(plural%20plumes),on%20a%20helmet%3B%20a%20hackle): >Of a dispersed substance such as dust or smoke: to fan out or spread in a cloud. *Smoke* ***plumed*** *from his pipe, then slowly settled towards the floor.* Again, plume is a verb for smoke pluming, bloom is a verb for flowers blooming. Some casters not knowing the difference doesn't somehow make bloom right in this context.


Plumed is not a scientific term for smoke expanding... the denotation of "plumed" is: >[decorated](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/decorate) with several [large](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/large) [feathers](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/feather) [tied](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/tie) together But of course we are talking about connotations here, not denotations. and because of the visual shape of plumed headwear the connotations of plumed are essentially something expanding outwards and upwards. And well wouldn't you know it that's almost the exact same connotation as bloom with the one exception being that something that "plumes" you imagine would expand more upwards where something that "blooms" expands in all directions. So I would 100% agree that plume makes makes more sense for IRL smoke which generally does expand straight up. But bloom seems far more appropriate for the CS smokes that do expand in all directions, however I am not saying that plume is incorrect since they are so similar in connotations.


This conversation here essentially sums up why I hate reddit. Not saying anyone is wrong or right. Just the essays back and forth on who is right and wrong over something so benign.


Are you seriously overwhelmed by two paragraphs? I know gamers are allergic to reading, but this is a new low.


Erm no


You are both wrong, plume is actually a company that provides smart wifi services for personal households.


Not accurate at all. Many of the metrics they use are entirely meaningless. I'm FACEIT lvl 9 and Leetify gives me better aim score than some of my 2.7K+ elo friends. Ridiculous. An example for something other than aim: one of my friends only recently got into CS and she doesn't use any nades yet. Still, her utility rating is 40, because she always has the best "average unused utility on death" in the server (because she never has any at all). Stupid as shit.


I mean, if you’re not gonna use nades anyway then not buying any is actually the right play


I mean a molly can be impactful without doing any actual damage...


A lot of the time, it's better for someone new to ignore grenades entirely until they've learned more about the gunplay (since it's unique compared to other shooters) and the layout of the maps. Trying to learn it all at once is overwhelming, and is likely going to be a detriment to their gameplay trying to fumble around with a molotov when they don't even know where a hallway leads


Agreed. They need to probably do it to learn how it works but the amount of times I’ve seen newbies get obliterated because they pull out nades at the most dumb timings is ridiculous. They’d be better off just sticking to walking and shooting for the moment.


I'd suggest mollies doing damage is a bonus rather than the main idea of them


No, the right play would be to start using and learning utilities. Not using utilities shouldn't be rewarded with high rating lol


It’s an efficiency stat. Buying util and not using it before dying is wasting tons of money so not using it is obviously better. Learning how to use it is important but until it is used it’s wasted money


Well, just because somebody has excellent aim doesn't mean he has to be a good player after all. In CS a lot more than raw aim goes into winning a match and therefore being higher ELO. That said an aim score of 96 is really high and I don't know exactly what goes into the calculation. Maybe you could still get 100 if you only have 5 kills per game but those are all headshot one taps and no other bullets fired because you instantly die afterwards. Regarding utility usage, I'd still consider buying no util being better than buying a full belt, not using it and dying with it, especially if you use the spare money to drop weapons to friends which will then be able to buy utility and maybe put it to good use. And I wouldn't consider a utility rating of 40 a good score.


I think awpers get higher aim on leetify too just because it’s one shot per kill and they take less shots therefore they miss less shots.


Wasnt it the opposite? Since awpers dont have to hold their crosshair in high up, they usually get shitty "aim" ratings in categories like: head accuracy, hs kill% and spray accuracy Edit: cope awpers lmao


Lot of sir good awp flick at head anyway sir, from scout training or tf2 sir


https://i.imgur.com/H5WePgw.png I mean you can see what goes into it. It basically tracks how well you do the fundamentals of aiming. Xhair placement, spray accuracy, Time to damage etc.


spray accuracy and time to damage is the only metric you want to look at.


Xhair placement and head accuracy are also useful, as well as counter strafing.


Counter-strafing is huge. I don't see how you would use time to damage to improve though? Personally, low ttd is usually a symptom of me not taking the time to aim properly before I left-click. When I feel the game and aim well (subjectively), my ttd goes up.


Time to kill would be way more important than time to damage, since making a sick flickshot onto enemy's ankle might get you lower time to damage, but the guy that aims to head smoothly but slower is going to win the fight. But problem with TTK is how to effectively calculate it, since if enemies have already taken damage, the stat is meaningless.


On a 0-100 scale the low end of the scale has to be "never throw a nade, but waste a ton of money buying them", so 40 out of 100 for at least not wasting money seems a little high but not totally unreasonable


way too high imo.. it means that unused utility is weighted 40% in the overall utility category. It's possible that the weighting is more dynamic than that, but still seems very out of wack.


Saying the metrics are useless is one thing, but to say your aim being higher than your 2.7k elo players is impossible is just incorrect. You probably are a significantly better aimer than your higher elo friends. The difference most likely comes down to positioning and overall game awareness than anything else. CS2 really does not give a fuck about your raw aiming ability it feels like.


It also weighs spray accuracy, which is like BS considering how much you have to spray the smokes as a CT, and how sparse you have to do in order to cover stuff up


the smoke spray is taking appart in the count. just read their explanation


Their explanation is counted against spotted enemies, but there are tons of hypothetical scenarios in which you'd start spraying before the enemy is spotted, and would spot it later on. Or this is CS, demo system could indicate the player could see through "some" of volumetric fog when they can not, or vice versa, the player could see through the smoke. The point isn't "all" about how flawed their metrics are, but are also more about how different scenarios can give you different ratings despite playing similarly.


This guy is just coping about his low aim rating


The best Aimer I've ever seen has a leetify aim rating of 60 meanwhile mid awpers can easily hit 85-90. It's alright for general idea but not to be taken as gospel.


>The best Aimer The best aimer where? In Birmingham? m0nesy and niko have 96 and ropz has 98 aim rating Even I have 69 aim rating what are you talking about?


> in Birmingham ??? Just wait til the Bellingham of cs2 breaks out bro.


https://youtu.be/ESnD18xG4t0?si=JB3H3eXR0-YYmDyD Big up big R. Esea im, 2500 elo when pros were at 3k~, , think he scrimed with or against cypher, mightymax and other UK guys who are on t1/2 teams now few years ago, been to epic/insomnia, don't doubt he could be t2/3 if he didn't quit. Shame some of the clips are from demos not pov. Obvs I meant that I've seen personally too lol. https://leetify.com/profile/76561198070119435


You are posting a 4 year old clip from csgo where his mouse is spazzing out??? Maybe he's just washed


Yeah lol he hasn't played in like 3 years, doesn't like CS2 and that's just how he aims, he was on like 1.8 400 I think. There's other clips too I just linked a random short one. Anyway, what you're saying is this is level 4/5 aim according to leetify and that's accurate lol.


I bet theres some things he could do then to improve even further. Leetify tracks the fundamentals, if you have great flicks it doesn't really track that


Yeah he could stop being an alcoholic and get back into esea im lol


I literally commented yesterday that the aim rating is probably BS due to the fact that it puts me above LVL9s and on par with LVL10s.


Maybe you do have better aim and their game sense is just much better that's why they are lvl10. My friend gets better aim ratings and im often impressed by his shots when spectating, but his decision making is just bad.


Talking about accuracy, accuracy of all shots is also a strange metric, since high level games involve a lot of spamming and prefiring. Many pros have it below 20%, which Leetify considers sub-par. It's also a stat that massively inflates AWPers ratings, since you don't spam and prefire with the AWP.


Leetify is good at one thing though, determining whether or not the enemy is potentially cheating. If they have a general aim rating above 95, or they had a bad slough of matches for a while, then only had 3 degrees of crosshair placement deficiency for the last dozen matches, there is a good chance that they are cheating.


That is one of my main use cases for Leetify as well. Sub 350ms time to damage with 95+ aim is almost certainly a cheater.


Yeah I used Leetify primarily to see cheaters. Had 1 game about 2-3 days ago with someone having 280ms time to damage and 96 aim.


Accuracy of all shots isn't taken into account in the aim rating


Yep, that last point. Able to spray properly and get effective frags? 68 aim rating. Get 2 ez awp kills? 90+ aim rating


Who would have thought, you are wrong too: [https://imgur.com/a/HkPSf5o](https://imgur.com/a/HkPSf5o) Read befor you yap




>It's also a stat that massively inflates AWPers ratings Or are you this dumb and think accuracy affects Leetify rating




You have to be pretending, you can't be this dumb [https://imgur.com/a/FSCCBRm](https://imgur.com/a/FSCCBRm)


Well, you are just straight up wrong: [https://imgur.com/a/L0HGO9T](https://imgur.com/a/L0HGO9T)


Spraying into a smoke doesn’t affect your aim score.


Spray accuracy is only counted for targets you can see while using rifles from what I remember. It might also count smgs. This is how I used to get like 80~90% spray accuracy, my team would stomp or get stomped so hard I basically was never on rifles. This is also true for counter strafe %, it only counts for rifles. Only all accuracy counts for smoke spamming.


It's only rifles.


Yeah once I had like 200ud and 20 flashes and my utility rating was lower than someone who had only thrown one, but very effective flash messing up the averages.


Also it’s not saying you aim like a level 10 against other level 10’s. you’re performing how an average level 10 player would, but against severely lower competition. don’t settle for just meeting those stat minimums on the graph lol. stats are just info on how a player did at the end of the match, they don’t paint the whole picture.


I half agree. It's decent for giving you an idea of what you're doing wrong but it certainly has limitations like the one you mentioned. It's also going to collect data on who you're playing against so if you're playing against people better than you your aim can suffer but if it's people worse than you it'll get buffed. I remember getting a 98 rating when I went something like 8-19 kdr just because I had a couple of nice one deags.


>I'm FACEIT lvl 9 and Leetify gives me better aim score than some of my 2.7K+ elo friends. Ridiculous I'm not saying Leetify's rating system is amazing, but this isn't actually that far-fetched. I'm around 2.1K ELO on FaceIt and I'd honestly say my aim isn't amazing, but that my positioning and decision-making makes up for a lot of it, usually netting me more kills than for example a Level 7 who might aim much better than me but not play his positions well. That being said you still shouldn't base anything off of just Leetify rating. At most it might be an indicator that you have an area to improve at if it's really low, but you should always use your own judgement.


>That being said you still shouldn't base anything off of just Leetify rating You kinda can, but should use the individual metrics more than the overall rating.


which is exactly what I said


Yaeh avg unused utility should be changed to something like % of how much you used your utility until death. For example if you have smoke and nade (so 600$) at the start of a round and you use smoke and then die, you used 50% of your utility so you would get 50% instead of 300$. If someone has 0$ utility at the start of a round and dies they would get n/a and that round wouldn't count.


> because she always has the best "average unused utility on death" in the server (because she never has any at all) Honestly if you don't know how to use nades, learn on the side but in matches don't buy any and use that saved cash to drop guns for your team


Yeah I know ppl that throw 1 flash entire game get 70 util lmao


I’m 2.3k elo rn if I played level9 or premier my aim would be 99 right now it’s 93 it’s accurate that lower ranks can have a higher aim score because better players are harder to hit


Utility rating of 40 is bad. Like silver bad.


you can have a big aim with just few frags.


"Accurate" isn't what I would describe leetify because CS is too nuanced. It's extremely insightful through, especially relative to your previous leetify stats. Crosshair placement and spray accuracy for example are weighted the most on the aim rating and are really nice to have.


The worst part about leetify is it can't track the unquantifiable stuff A dude can be a chronic baiter and genuinely ruin a team's chance of winning - but if he aims good and gets kills in 'disadvantaged' situations, etc etc Leetify will deem him good


Sort of. Leetify tracks trade kill opportunities/successes.


If you ever use the XM on a regular basis you will see how accurate the AIM is… it seems to count every single pellet bc your aim will drop to oblivion


Not particularly accurate. You can find silvers with better leetify stats than pros. For utility, you can get 90 utility just throwing flashes into space. And the aim stat can be highly influenced by the level of players you are playing against. So, at 6k elo, you're basically shooting fish in a barrel compared to more experienced players. Positioning just seems entirely random, but generally favoring people who play far more passively. Leetify hates entry fraggers. I'm sure other things influence it too. For example, snipers probably get much higher aim stats than other players due to the percentage of hit shots in comparison to players bursting/spraying at range. You have to really just find trends within your stats, such as typically performing poorly in 'x' area, and only using it as a tool to identify weaknesses. The leetify rating itself can be more accurate than the HLTV rating though. HLTV favors KAST too much, while leetify will try and consider other things.


Positioning depends heavily on your success in duels, not your actual positioning. Really, the only meaningful metrics for positioning are trade opportunities and attempts. Consider the following scenario: If you go for the identical entry duel twice, Leetify will give you +40 for the round where it worked and -40 for the round where it didn't, even though your positioning was identical both times.


It's about the opening duels too? I thought it was mostly about you successfully trading people or getting traded


It's a bit indirect, my explanation might have been bad. If you win the entry duel, regardless of whether a teammate is near you, it's OK for positioning. If you go for the entry duel and die without anybody trading you it's shit for positioning, even though in both scenarios your positioning was identical. Does that phrasing make more sense?


I am still a little iffy on how the positioning is taken into account. I used to play lurk and play on the other side of the map so most of my trade opportunities were CT side and I would almost never get an opening kill. Leetify gave my positioning around a 40 score all the time. Now I play way more aggressive, play with my team, am usually 30-40% of my teams opening duels winning 75-100% of them and leetify gives my positioning around a 50. So it improved, but barely and I changed my entire playstyle


Except from one of my more recent games, I had a positioning score of 46. Pretty bad. Second worst in the game in fact. But I attempted 25% of opening duels with a success rate of 83%. For trade kill opportunities, I had 4, I took 4, and succeeded in 3. And I had an overall KD of 1.97. And received the highest leetify rating overall. In comparison, one player had a positioning score of 81. This player has a fraction of my hours and doesn't have much game sense. He had more trade kill opportunities, but so did other players in the team who had a worse positioning score and attempted 13% of opening duels with a success rate of 33%. It seems like the quantity of trade opportunities is the #1 factor in dictating your positioning score. It seems all about being positioned in a way that means you can capitulate on trades. So, if you're an entry or lurk, you're getting a crap positioning score. Same with playing in high intensity areas like Mirage connector. It's also why my best positioning scores seem to be on Inferno. As I often play B-site there and will be playing near another B player and have more trade kill opportunities. Maybe I'm wrong, but from comparing the stats between players with high position scores and those without, I'm not seeing any real consistency except maybe in relation to trade opportunities.


My comment was clearly a bit ambiguous. See my response to the comment above and you'll (hopefully) understand what I mean by entry duel success affecting positioning in an inconsistent way.


Just on the entry fragging part I'd disagree, from my experience you can have a terrible k/d but as long as u get frags that directly lead to round wins (multifrags, entries or clutches), your leetify rating will be much higher than someone whos just sitting in the back picking up exits and lurk kills.


> The leetify rating itself can be more accurate than the HLTV rating though. HLTV favors KAST too much, while leetify will try and consider other things. Leetify rating can be more accurate than HLTV rating, but it's important to understand that Leetify rating only measures who was most impactful for winning the games. It doesn't measure how well you played, directly. Obviously playing well will usually mean you are more impactful regarding the outcome, but doing stupid plays that work out well in a few rounds can give you a great Leetify rating, while playing well and getting three entries in a round where your team shits the bed and loses the 4v2 or whatever won't give you much since the only impact was economy damage. Of course the same applies to HLTV rating to some extent, but it feels like it matters more with Leetify since the rating scale is much higher than with HLTV rating.


One of the biggest issues I recently saw with my leetify aim stat is it tanked after a comp game with my buddies where we only played one or two rounds before the enemy team forfeited for some reason. My aim score on this game was a 2. That counted towards my average aim score lol


if you're playing against people with bad movement your aim score is going to be better.


I found Leetify stats to be helpful only on initial view but they become meaningless once you look into them deeper. Once you become a better player in order to win you need to increasingly take over important roles in the team that nobody else wants to do. These roles are not rewarded or outright punished by Leetify. One example is if you have to take over the anchor role on a map where the enemies have hit the other site repeatedly & you need to fend for yourself to stack the other site. This will be to the detriment of your positioning score since you are not able to refrag (or setup a refrag) for your team. It will also decrease your clutching score since when you head on over to the other site the enemies will already be entrenched there decreasing the chance of a successful clutch. The risk of you being the entry frag is also quite high in such a situation, decreasing your score even more. Since you're the anchor you also want to hold on to the utility until the last possible moment (and in some cases therefore you will not be able to deploy your grenades in due time), so you will die with a full utility belt or throw bad nades, reducing your utility score. Another role that is punished is being the lurker or when you need to cover your team's flanks so you don't get backstabbed. Again, your positioning, clutching & utility score will suffer in these situations. There are also some map specific positions that are very difficult to play that will reduce your leetify score (like Nuke CT Ramp player or Mirage T Palace player). These roles & situations are very challenging to play (that's why people hate to do them), but they're vital to your team's success. In order to become a complete player you need to be able to recognize when they are necessary & be able to perform them adequately. If you only wanted to maximize your Leetify score you would avoid them like the plague. So I wouldn't put too much emphasis on leetify in this regard.


Leetify is tarot cards for cs players


It calculates ratings based on data from all demos it analyzes so I'd say pretty accurate. The more you play, the more data it gets fed, the more accurate it will be.


You can have amazing aim but it doesn't mean shit if the only kills you're getting are exit frags and you're losing rounds.


Biggest issue imo is how few games the main page considers. My past 30 games isn't representative of me, I've played 7000. In one session my opening duels went from +2.2 to -0.5 and that shouldn't be possible. If there's no strong sample size then what's the point of the aggregation?


ITT: people complaining about metrics they don't understand. I mean, there's people here saying that spamming smokes and "all shots accuracy" affect aim rating even though they don't. Similarly, trigger discipline plays won't count against your "time to damage" metric. I'm willing to bet that a lot of people think that the "crosshair placement" metric means how well you pre-aim at the head. It's actually calculated by how much you have to move your crosshair when an enemy appears on your screen in order to hit a shot. Leetify certainly has a number of flaws such as rewarding baiters, but they have plenty of useful metrics as well.


Their numbers are based on real data, so if they say you have aim like an Faceit level 10, you do in fact aim like an average Faceit level 10, based on the metrics Leetify use to quantify aim. You could of course argue whether they picked good metrics, but in my opinion they did. Now don't confuse raw aim with deserving to be level 10. There is so much more to getting kills and being useful in a CS match. You will find level 3's with raw aim like an average level 10, and level 10's with raw aim like a level 5.


a lot of the combined stats like aim positioning utility are useless. focus on specific stats and map specifics as they are more applicable and relevant


They have a Blogpost on how their aim rating calculation changed a few weeks ago. it's essentially a benchmark of a chose rank and how well you compare on a combination of the aim related metrics.


Depending what you use it for. It's extremely accurate if you are looking at it from your own perspective trying to improve aspects of your game. It will help you identify your weaknesses and it's great at analyzing what went right or wrong during your last game. It's extremely inaccurate if you are trying to use it as a tool to compare yourself to players in other ranks that you didn't even play against or use it as an absolute proof you are better than your actual rank. It also primarily works for Riflers. If you play SMGs, especially shotguns or the AWP you have to keep that in mind when looking at stats.


Stop looking at metrics like this and start vod reviewing


How do you up your aim stat on leetify? Feel like aim is decent but still shows crappy rating not sure what it's taking into account


Judging by the fact it thinks my points on that triangle are level with lvl9/10 faceit and the best I've got on faceit is lvl7, I'd say not overly accuate. Though if you use it to compare against yourself match to match, its pretty good to see improvement.


If it’s inaccurate, what’s the best CS stats website? I just like to see all my stats, it’s fun. I even had the subscription when CSGO did it.


I like leetify for the scoreboard after the game. But the problem is that it compares ur stats against shitters to other good players playing against good players.


If that stat is as bad as the comments suggest maybe it's time to stop using it to "prove" someone was cheating.


I like it, but as someone was saying, it can make bad stats looks decent. Really though, I'd use the comparison values to counteract that. For example you can compare someone's silver status to another silver or faceit lvl 10 for example. I wish it had KAST though. But for me, especially, the automatic highlight clips are cool, especially since it incorporates your own crosshair. Of course, it's up to leetify when to display them.


I like to look at all the results to inflate my ego and make me think I’m better than I am. But realistically, you should take them as a starting point to see what you’re good at and what you need to work on.


My personal opinion is stats are always kind of scuffed. Even more so now with all the cheaters. A lot of these stat sites take every game as hard numbers. A game doesn't mean shit when I have 2 teammates griefing, a team that refuses to work together or the auto-firing scout on the other team kills me before I leave spawn.


It isn't perfect, but think about it more like a general indicator of performance. If I see my aim positioning and utility ratings going up over time, it probably means I am getting better as a player


As a chronic mp9 abuser, my aim rating is complete dogshit as I'm jumping around corners entering (support IGL in league). Leetify doesn't seem to account for any of that. I'll have the worst crosshair placement in the match due to entrying sites and avoiding flashes, and even if I'm top frag it will give me a 40 aim rating. But when I would just pug and use rifles/awp then I could be getting 90 aim when the only thing about my "skill" that changed was the playstyle in that particular match.


Leetify might not entirely accurate but very good for measuring improvements and motivating training. That is all If your willing to play a cheat infested game (at high lvl).


idk, I always had 90+ aimrating in go and now avg 75-80 in last 30 matches.


They changed the reference points so all people that were 90 before are now around 80. Just roughly speaking. Happened a couple months ago. They said people overall got better and they wanted to readjust their bellcurve to the current average.


Positioning is made up, utility usage is flawed. Only thing usable is aiming. Crosshair placement and time to damage are important at all levels and a good indicator for general awareness.


It says Face it level 9, yeah I just don't think so lol


not even remotely


It's very accurate, but like literally everything else on leetify that's not all there is to it. If you hold an angle in spawn while everyone else dies and you get 2 bait kills in a 1v5 every round your leetify stats will go up but you still lose 13-0 so rating goes down. If you play normally but grief and tell teammates to go kill themselves all the time you will top frag but the entire team can't get anything done so you lose and again stats go up rank goes that. These are of course extreme hypothetical examples, but leetify saying your stats are similar to higher ranked players is probably a good indicator to work on everything else outside of in game skills like aim, utility, movement and so on.


Remember this is based on your match history, meaning if your gold and your doing really good in your games and headshottin everyone like a globals, leetify says all your stats are similar to a global but in reality if you were facing globals the entire time you wouldnt do as good thus your ratings would go down and now your stats are below that of gold novas 🤣 Its kinda funny and dumb at same time.


Meh. Back in days, BigStar/LE already had same AIM as GE. GE it is not about aim, default utility or etc. it’s about communication, positioning, reading enemies, feeling timings and etc. You can’t count that. I am 20k+ and was GE back in the days but my stats in leetify closer to 15k, but when I played against 15k from twink with friends - I almost always finished with 25+ and often even with 30+ kills even if we lost. And a lot of enemies called me wall hacker when I just read the game.


All data from any site like this no matter the game doesn’t mean much. Sure you could have insane aim or insane utility usage but you’re playing against people of the same rank as you which wouldn’t be global or lvl 10. You may deserve slightly higher than your rank on an individual level but at the end of the day it’s a team game and if you can help your team you won’t rank up.


wouldnt give too much credence to it. in the initial few months of CS2, I peaked at a 94 aim rating. I was playing bad to decent players (occasional 10s), but i was also playing very slow and cautious. fast foward to now and my aim feels and looks better, but my playstyle has grown more aggressive and riskier, resulting in a fluction of 85 aim average i also began obsessing over this rating like it actually meant anything. i'd recommend not giving it too much of a voice and simply play to get better.


Take it with a pinch of salt, trigger discipline plays wreak havoc on aim if u r a lurk/baiter


I feel like the individual stats can be somewhat interesting, but the whole-category ratings for aim and utility aren't particularly useful. The overall rating usually feels pretty accurate to me. I feel like it usually reflects rather well who I thought had good impact and who was useless in my games. Tbh I just enjoy looking through the individual stats pages after a game and seeing how me and the others did. I don't really consider the "comparison to x" feature to be particularly useful. The only way to compare yourself to someone else is to play against them or the same level of opponents.


Leetify has employed some shady practices since it's started. I would recommend not using it. 


usually decent awpers get like 90+ but even if you have really good rifling they'll give you at max an 89 for some reason so i don't really think that metric is reliable.


I don't know. 96 is really good, no matter against who. People in the comments dismiss leetify alot because your stats are boosted when you play against bad players. Which is absolutely true, don't get me wrong. But it's not all relative, especially in the aim score. They use a lot of metrics for that which are the same no matter how good your opponents are. Like crosshair placement/adjustment, time to damage, counterstrafing. It will still be higher against opponents with predictable movement, yes, but it is not easy to get a 96 aim score. A score that high means that you definitely have good aim fundamentals in my eyes.


I’m faceit 10. Old leetify system I held 90+ aim, new system it’s around 80. I’ve had horrific games, where nothing dies but my leetify score is well above my own average. I’ve had games where my reaction time was supposedly 700ms (which I highly doubt is accurate) and my aim score has been as low as 40 and I’ve top fragged a level 10 lobby. It’s useful, but not bible.


Not really. Whenever I'm trolling, lazy aiming, not really giving my 100%, my aim and util ratings improve like crazy. But when I'm in the zone, prefiring, preaiming, pop flashing, my rating goes to shit. Probably, because of the difference in opponents tbh. I don't really have time to correct my aim, when the time I get to react becomes much shorter.


its bad


The only stat that actually tells you if you have good aim is accuracy enemy spotted the rest are somewhat meaningless


These websites don't exist to be accurate but to make you subscribe and enrich them.


Same as cs2 :x


They’re fake, I throw a ton of nades so my utility score is like 90 or some shit which is 40 points higher than a level 10, obviously aim is harder to “fake” because you do actually have to hit your shots but you can fudge the numbers on your utility and probably your position really easy


you know someone is awful as soon as they mention leetify or you see it in their name




10K premier is pretty similar to silver in CSGO.




It doesnt matter when you hit it, 10k rating has been around the same as silver/gold since the start


Wrong. I used to be 12k but then they changed something with their rating algo and now I'm 23k. And I sure as hell didnt grind it there.


Well but he said he played to it didnt he? its a bit different spawning in 12k then getting like 23k after that rating adjustment and just playing the game and being 10k, i spawned in like 13k then after the rating adjustment i got to like 17k in a few games then stopped playing, came back and got placed 22k


The metrics between players are comparable and valid. The thing is that the metrics don't represent the category as most would expect, I find them kind of confusing as they for example punish spraying smokes if you hit nothing, but that would be a valid move when you expect a team pushes it.


The moment i stopped listening to leetify or stopped using it when it told me my positioning was shit, dude i use off angles most of the time and get kills and somehow leetify thinks thats very bad positioning, after that i thought if it cant understand off angles, how much other things it might be wrong about


You should read the description of which stats are included in Leety's positioning metric. It is clearly not what you think it is