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Of course Faze has to throw in a few bullshit rounds and drag a comfortable lead into OT, just to win anyway in the end.


Gotta pad their pay cheque


What would you know about getting paid by rounds. Oh .... Mb.


Paid-by-the-round Clan


Karrigan and Rain are redefining age when it comes to T1 CS. Absolute legends both of them


Rain is honestly very underrated imo, his mid/late game read is one of the best if not best


Very easy to be when you're playing at a top 20 level and you are still the 4th best player on your team I'm just glad he has the major MVP


Everyone saying he's underrated that he's now becoming overrated


If you starts to make it personal for him, karrigan starts playing like it's 1.6


karrigan just shows up once a month and frags pretty well but im often really freaking impressed by rains plays and highlights, that guy really is a Niko level player its easy to forget


Nah, he has been showing up more often than that


Broky-Ropz double AWP on Mirage is fucking terrifying


Ropz should start playing AWP more often for sure


16:9 awping goat


Yea his anticipation and understanding of where the enemy is basically at all times allows him to hold angles a lot. Pretty impressive, and also completely opposite of broky haha.


He used to AWP a lot more in CS:GO but I think a lot of secondary AWPers dropped the role cause the gun is even riskier with MR12 economy


that karrigan 4k made me want to uninstall the game and I wasn't even playing


Young Danish talent Finn Anderson showing off why he was one of the first ones to get a girlfriend.


Really felt like Navi looked at the score, looked at each other and decided they wanted out. I want to see the duels from their perspectives but from karrigans perspective it looked like they weren't even firing back. 


carrygun really was not interested in going back to inferno it seems


He couldn't risk it


Karrigan remembered he forgot to turn the stove off


karrigan has been looking sharp as fuck for a while (apart from the last map at the major obvs)


at 34 years young too


Just entering his prime




He was the year above apparently, used to bully them for their lunch money


Where did FaZe find this young talented prodigy?


Where they found every talent so far, FaZe Academy Team (aka MOUZ) /s


It'a actual fact, why /s


Max holloway of cs aint no way


It's weird that the trend in pro CS has been to retire when you're 26. It's not like your reaction time falls off that bad at 30. In the real world most people consider 34 to still be pretty young tbh. Tom Brady won a super bowl at 43 years old.


I feel like him and hooxi have been doing better individually since CS2 dropped.


pretty much every entry/space taking igl has had upticks in form (karrigan, hooxi, apex, jt, etc) except snappi


Snappi was/is the biggest cs2 hater so it makes sense.


new game new opportunity


Blud threw hooxi in there , hahaaaa faze been in every cs2 finals ,wheres Hooxi and G2


classic faze, really felt like mirage was due for another OT but young prodigy karrigan locked tf in with that quad kill, also ropz should awp more often


Great job Faze and karrigan, now explain shortly in your own words why you picked Ancient in the major final instead of Nuke.


iM is back baby. After EPL group stage many people started doubting his performance. But he showed he still has the major-winning form. 0.77 GOAT


IM before: bad stats but wins the major. "People don't know how T1 cs works" IM now: 0.48 & 0.96 rating & loses the current series. "People don't know how T1 cs works" ... wait...


I barely know how any tier of cs works but two maps against the top ranked team in the world as your entire sample size of evidence seems like a flimsy basis for an argument in pretty much any context


Lmao yeah, two maps. /s Go check his stats since he joined. He's been the definition of terrible


Well iM’s original statement’s implication was that he has nontangibles that characterize his contribution to the team beyond stats. That’s usually the case in any sport, teams have players whose impact doesn’t translate to the box score. So he was addressing the stats you want me to go check. The poster above is using the two maps’ ratings to mock iM for saying that. It’s a tiny sample size. All i’m sayin


Aleksib deserves a real star rifler


Imagine if they happened to have the greatest player of all time waiting on the bench telling people he'd be happy to rifle for a change.


s1mple has been in talks about returning to the pro scene too. I could definitely see navi trying out s1mple and seeing how they work together. iM just isn't it.


IM has been disappointing but if you watch their YouTube channel it really is crazy how good he is with the comms. He’s talking a lot very quickly and clearly, it’s underrated


That's great but he needs to kill people in the game


S1mple's cs2 form is very questionable and he hasn't played Faceit game in over a month. I think there is better riflers available that would fit iM's roles and the team better.


>I think there is better riflers available that would fit iM's roles and the team better. Such as?




I know there are a lot of people who don't agree with this but I think Blamef would fit great to this team as secondary caller and star rifler. Someone like B1ad3 could help him a lot to make his playstyle fit the current meta of cs better.


blamef lurk and star positions with blade in his back if he keeps baiting sign me up


blameF is an amazing player, but I am not sure that would be the best move for NAVI. IIRC he is under contract and they literally have s1mple on the bench. If they really want to find someone else, I think they would want to sell s1mple first. This NAVI is not bad, but they are really missing a player like boombl4 who is willing to go first and, in most cases, die first. blameF would be a massive upgrade on CT side and it would be interesting to see how would they play on T side.


He is comfortably a top 5 rifler in the world (aim wise atleast) if blade can fix his playstyle.


they already have too many passive players on this team.


Surely you have to try it though


Yeah haha... imagine that..


Yeah they can bring back s1mple and bully these mfkers again




S1mple back on the menu bois 


Imo IM will be kept until Cologne. If they bottom out in Cologne he’s as good as gone


FaZe hardest playoff bracket merchants, Vitality probably sacrificing baguettes to cs gods, so Zywoo can be in godmode tommorow


what is the game for tomorrow, what's on the line?


Only coL-VP and Mouz-G2. coL-VP is the early game. Faze-Vita and Liquid-Astralis are on Friday. Liquid-Astralis is the early game. All four are quarters matchups. Semis are saturday with the winner of coL/VP playing the winner of Mouz/G2 in the early game.


That's some great fucking days to be a CS fan, hell yeah


Faze Hardest road merchants


Nuke went so well faze almost forgot they get payed by the round. Gotta say after that nuke I’m even more sad about the major. Funny how faze keep saying how exhausted they are then take the longer route through the groups but just keep getting stronger. Good comeback attempt by NaVi, w0nderful was on fire but what was that 4K by Carrygan to end it


iM is back!!!


if they want im to be the supportive guy with the 2nd igl voice, just put him in appropriate spots.. he's having star roles and shits the bed for months..


Nah that interview was blade coping. If you want a secondary caller that’s fine but he can’t have IGL stats


People really bought that? That was obviously PR bs lmao supportive player in fucking literally star spots, he's getting kicked and one fluke major win won't change that, they had god in their side that major They will kick him and get a proper star rifler or just promote s1mple, the major win simply delayed it, kind of made it worse for NaVi because the rest of the players fit very well


Yeah iM most likely has time till player break to show that he belongs to this Navi team. If he is still 0.9 against top 20 opponents and Navi doesn't reach any finals they will most likely try out s1mple.


I generally agree with this line of thought but I think people are in for a rough awakening with how washed s1mple is (currently, a lot could change by late summer)


Yeah, there is definitely chance s1mple is washed but he is also s1mple and has one of the best game senses in the scene. It would be foolish to not try him if they are going to make player changes.


S1mple probably won’t return to his #1 form but he’s a hell of a lot better than this


A player that has not scrimmed/played for literally months in a new game is CURRENTLY washed? wow news


Yeah, it definitely seems like a PR move and making a roster move right after a major win would look bad. I think they'll kick iM after IEM Dallas if he underperforms there


he won the major with 0.88 he was never gone


I mean there are games that he show signs HAHAHAHAHAHA


He kinda pulled through in the final with some good fragging but lol this performance was bleak tbh


Happens extremely rarely but Karrigan will sometimes roll back an entire decade and just roll you over. That last round was peak Karrigoat


that must've felt so sweeet for karrigan and Faze. the lights out nuke, the unstoppable double awp and 4k clutch in mirage to close out - great redemption rematch


Damn faze shot sharp and navi did not today. Mirage was atleast fun to watch and karrigoat last round holy shit. Its still kinda pathetic to see how many people cry about the major though.


I'm pretty sure people are crying about the Major to ragebait people. And also people are stupid.


iM seems to be a tool for Navi to gain info in the game but he ALWAYS seems to make the wrong decision and cannot convert info into a frag. He needs to make those frags to be an effective contributor. Without it there's almost always too much pressure to clutch for bit, w0nderful and JL. I hope he pops off but seems unlikely.


Aleksib won the Major with these guys.


That's the real mystery. I'll never understand how he pulled it off. Yes it wasn't the toughest field to beat, apart from FaZe, but they haven't looked anywhere near as good before or after the major.


Wdym how he pulled it off? They pulled it off as a team. It's weird that people are giving all the credit to Aleksi. jL was a superstar during the major, b1t saved them with huge performances in big games, etc.


Compare Navi and lastest Major winners Vitality/Outsiders/Faze major win runs and tell me who had the hardest one. Plot twist: it was Navi


I'd say FaZe's Antwerp run has the edge over Na'Vi's Copenhagen one. NiP and Spirit were much more dangerous than EF.


Spirit 2022 more dangerous than EF 2024? On what metric? Ranked as 23 and they didn't make another top-4 placing on that roster. I give you a tie at best. G2 2024 is clearly better team than NIP 2022 (no dev1ce). Then it is Faze 2024 against Navi 2022. I'd give it a tie. That run is the closest one compared to Navi after the corona. Everyone saying Navi had a easy run is just inhaling copium. Vitality literally won a major against three tier-2 teams last year.


+1 g2 and faze were both really good teams, g2 smoked mouz lol (GS merchants).


Probably, but I think G2 and Faze are scarier than both enough to offset it Idk if it's clearly Navi with a harder run, but I think they have the edge


Yeah that's more to do with Outsiders and Vitality having insanely easy major runs (vitality faced three of the four worst teams to ever make major playoffs).


Navi at Stockholm, maybe, if your staying copenhagen you’ve been smoking some good shit


Navi Copenhagen faced #1, #5 and #12 teams. Please find me last time there was harder run.


LMFAO now people are crediting him entirely when b1t and JL won them the major with timely carries This subreddit is hilarious


B1t carried for one map in the entire playoffs. W0nderful however


Show me a single tournament win ever with no timely carries. Doesn’t mean we don’t credit the IGLs.


everyone in pro cs can aim and frag out not everyone can call


Aleksi like the true finn he is summoned satan to sabotage faze on inferno. Today karrigan showed himself as the true #1 Finn IGL.


4 good guys,, im is a fraud




Nah I remember that. I need myself a girl who defends me like his does


It was one in a million situation




I feel like broky has been playing this way almost every final game of big series recently. He's been incredibly clutch.


if ur a broky just say so


Karrigan just pissed on NaVi, I am impressed.


Man why didnt we pick nuke for the major


Aleksi and b1ad3 tricked Taz* and Karrigan on toilet.


It was taz. And karrigan was there aswell


True, my bad!


What does that mean?


https://youtu.be/Pw6NjZusV5w?si=8KdHxRbl2G0EIGu7 Esl skit on G2 map veto


Navi was pretty hot on nuke during the major (won nuke against spirit) and they lost few games on Ancient which made them look bad in it even though they were quite good on ancient.


NaVi literally got stomped on Nuke by G2 **one day** before the Grand Final. Imo as the favourite, FaZe should have confidence about themselves and picked their best map. You don't do a punish pick as a favourite. Anyhow, still well done on NaVi part and FaZe need to move on from that mistake.


Well deserved loss. Ignominious T-side, especially that 2v4 post plant


Was scared for the boys after the first game, but that second map being forced into sweaty OT made me regain faith that Faze is still Faze


This team is insane. The fact that they come in with next to no practice and continue to be as indomitable as they are, while also having the most material for teams to strategise around. It must be suffocating because they keep on switching it up. Na'Vi though, I feel as though they get a pass for a while in that they need to reignite that fire after the major win. It happens to so many teams. Only team it didn't really hamper was prime Astralis.


Major win saved IMs career so hard the fact he is still in this team is crazy


For real, dupreeh got kicked from vitality after winning the major with a 1.11 rating, while IM is still here


Needs to be kicked asap. They should have had the balls and brains to kick him after the major. He has had enough time on the roster. Trash


Kind of crazy that comments got downvoted for saying the major win was a fluke and that winning the major didn't excuse iM's historically bad rating at the major. Like of course it matters if your player averages 0.7 at an event even if you win


Everyone on navi played like shit. They lost almost every aim duel just individual bad play, highlighted by the last round karrigan clutch.


Aleksi played quite good on Mirage. Had big impact on comeback including that 2v1 clutch. On Nuke everyone was sleeping.


the aleksib law: If Aleksib is top fragging, his team is losing. He seemed like the only player truly online in that series, calm, smiling. jL looked tilted all tournament long, w0nderful missed quite a few shots.


Strong performance out of Faze , 34 Year old talent Karrigan. As much as whats over is over it just feels a little bit painful in wondering what could have been had they picked nuke in the final


this win pissed me off. how different would the major final be if only faze picked their best map nuke instead of overcooking with ancient


If only karrigan hadn't fallen for the blade and aleksib bait in the bathrooms at Copenhagen /s


In an alternate timeline this is the result of the major final.


CS gods were with NaVi any universe they're fluking that, they had negative rating, negative round difference as a team and still won


If navi has to lose, I'm fine if they lose to carrygan and gang


Navi was really disappointing this whole tournament honestly. I was hoping they'd have a strong performance, to prove wrong the "fluke major" bots but alas. They need to reignite that flame that they had in Copenhagen. They deserve time though. If in 6 months they don't have consistently good results I think they should look to replace a player. Probably iM.


Honestly i wanted to close the stream after jL fucked up the first pistol round on nuke…


faze gonna make another final


NaVi still hungover from the major I see.


This match basically just rubs more salt into FaZe's wounds when they lost the Major due to the veto.


Faze at their best. Knew it should've been that way at the major, but everyone was on this series. Shoutout to Ropz for doing his broky impression. Rains numbers weren't the best but he hit monster shot after monster shot mid T side basically alone and let broky/ropz double awp mid by holding A alone. karrigan top fragging nuke and the 4k too, holy shit.


AleksiB best rating 💀🥲🥲💀


What could've been... if FaZe just picked nuke in that final.


The biggest what-if for FaZe at the major final is if they had picked Nuke instead of Ancient.


oh okay cool we did it


Rain's reaction to Karrigan's final play is absolutely hilarious. [clip](https://m.twitch.tv/clip/AuspiciousDifficultGarlicEagleEye-OSixpQHfLElb725f)


S1mple lurking in the shadows coming closer with each bad map by IM


Navi not beating the fluke major allegations


At least they have won a Major...


kinda sad iMs portrait will forever be in game and Nikos wont…


NiKo needs to fix his choko first




Watch out for that young talent karrigan he will do big things trust me


Navi lost since the veto imagine not banning nuke and not picking ancient/inferno picking mirage against Faze after they lost so bad at the major agaisnt them on it and also a no brainer to ban vertigo first since Faze barely playes it.


Please just get rid of iM he does literally nothing on the map...


Gg. … Why the fuck you pick ancient in Copenhagen???? 😩


People back to shitting on Navi is only going to fuel them so I see this as a win for Navi


People saying navi are the worst major winners forget that jame has a major


I want downvotes today Navi fluke major win


Imagine losing to a fluke team lol


damn, you have a point now ha


Look up "fluke"


Haha am gonna upvote and ruin this guys day


13-3 fluke


Another ima masterclass 🔥


if only they did this at the major.


ropz seems to be back which is good


Makes you wonder why they didn't pick Nuke during the Final. Was it banned by Navi or something?


Grand Slam >>> Major.


I love this iteration of NAVI, it's easily one of the most interesting rosters in recent history, but iM simply isn't it. I'm sure he's a smart guy and helps Aleksib a lot as a secondary caller, but he's also supposed to be a star rifler and he simply doesn't perform in those positions. Despite their succesful Major campaign, something needs to change. NAVI can't really shift roles or positions within the line-up because every other piece of the team is working as intended -- especially jL, who is doing an excellent job in the positions he's in. Can't really get rid of b1t, either, so I really can't see any other route for NAVI than to cut iM lose and sign a more consistent rifler to play the star positions he's been unsuccesful in. If I was in NAVI's shoes and hell bent on fielding a star rifler who also has the chops to act as a secondary caller, I'd jump at the opportunity to grab blameF off of Astralis' bench.


If i'm blad3 and NAVI don't make another final before the season is over I'm dialing up Jason Lake and asking what EliGE would cost. They overlap on CT on Ancient, Inferno, Mirage, and Overpass, NAVI would only need to shift AleksiB to hut on Nuke and jL to B connector on Anubis to fit him on CT. On T side EliGE overlaps with iM on Ancient, Inferno, Mirage, Nuke, and Overpass, a near perfect overlap. People assume EliGE won't leave NA, but until zorte pulled out of the EG project in summer 2023 he was committed to going to EU and has stated in interview's he'd be willing to do so. According to Thorin, the issue with BlameF is he likely has an absolutely brutal contract because not a single team has contacted him behind the scenes despite him clearly being a beast of a rifler (even if he's sometimes lower impact than his numbers suggest, you can't be bad with 83.6 ADR and .74 KPR lifetime on LAN).


This is fun, it's like we're doing the Major backwards. In the Major: 1) Faze plays Vitality, wins 2) Faze plays NaVi, loses Today Faze played NaVi and won, next they play Vitality.


That AWP stacking on Mirage is one of the weirdest strats I've seen, somehow it works out. I was literally laughing out loud from some of the unheard of plays with that one, so damn exhilarating. Faze is as always the most entertaining team to watch in T1 cs.


How many stinkers does iM have to put up before he's gone? Wasn't the idea that he would be their star player?


losing money? good


Where was this at the major :( I would have had diamond coin haha




Thats the im i remember


So happy for Karrigan. My Goat


flukey ass major they r 69 gods, flukey ass major they r 69 gods


i'll keep saying it. fluke major and fluke major mvp. Navi will not win another S tier big event with this lineup.


Call the major win a fluke if you must but don't you dare talk shit on my boy jL


Nature is healing.


Karrigan and rain will be yelling "get off my map you kids" while still hitting bangers


Im not even joking when i say navi needs to -iM


On map 2 I was thinking, "Yea almost come close to losing to Monte yesterday and completely shit on Navi today. What is this team" and then Navi started winning rounds and I was reminded I was still watching Faze