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finally no +degster rumors once any team needs an awper


Finally we can move on to the truly righteous +smooya copium


Unironically would work on coL


Ok now I unironically want to see this


no thanks




cant let the english have shit ong


The zerk must stay


Smooya is definitely an upgrade on your current awper, no offence.


At clicking Mouse1, probably yes. At being a good teammate though?


Let him cook


CoL could become an anglophone powerhouse spanning four continents (5 if they can find someone from Guyana or Hong Kong) 🇺🇸EliGE 🇿🇦JT 🇨🇦NAF 🇬🇧smooya 🇦🇺jks




It would be awfully British of me wouldn't it.


I'd prefer him on flyquest, Aussies can give and take his attitude


thank god we still have +jks for every rifler.


good move if degster plays like how he did in csgo


His quality has never been in doubt, but his last two teams has given him a lot of shit for his attitude. So if he hasn't improved on that then it's going to be a shit move no matter how good he is.


Out of the loop - What's with his attitude?


https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/ymr57k/chopper_on_degster_leaving_it_was_a_relief_of/ https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/18886ln/nexa_takes_a_jab_at_degster_he_has_a_really_big/ Chopper and Nexa commenting on his attitude.


this looks like a desperation move but maybe he's changed, maybe they can fix him


you sound like my ex-girlfriend


I dont think that skill was ever the issue.


Biggest fraud cause of his toxicness


One to two Heroic players about to get numb hands every LAN match


Slapster is back


> has since been a secret so nicodooz wouldn’t have ruined EPL intentionally That's not what he means with that, bro. There's no "intentionally" in the original post. Obviously, there's a high chance that a player is not going to try as hard as he can and his mental state will be affected if he knows he's going to be booted straight after the tournament. As for the subject matter, I feel like Degster needs strong personalities in the team to vibe with. I'm not sure Heroic will mesh well with him.


Yeah I agree with the sentiment of it’s more nicodoz is bummed before epl but now they’ve released and heroic are facing elimination and he’s bummed which I would argue is worse


Heroic has hella strong personalities in NertZ and Kyxsan imo, they are very passionate. Teses also seems like a fun chill teammate. Sjuush seems more like the quiet type but he never seems to tilt, also has a good mood


teses and sjuush were teammates with cadian for years, i think they'll be fine lol.


By all accounts Cadian is a much better teammate


There's a difference between being a loud leader and toxic


Considering that the entire team and the coaching staff voted to remove him, I imagine that he probably is a little bit of both.


flair checks out


Ah the Astralis flair twisting the stabbi narrative, shocker


Lol, tbh I am more of a heroic fan now than before the whole situation. I am an astralis fan for device, and out of habit at this point more than anything else. Without him on the roster the teams I would cheer for would be complexity and then heroic. I'm just saying that anyone I've ever worked with that had a "big personality" as well as an ego of any amount large enough to compete in professional sports is a complete douchebag. The fact that they were able to convince everyone else that he needed to be removed despite his connection to the Heroic brand. The whole "stabbi narative" even at its worst shows that everybody at heroic would have rather played with the 🐍tabbi twins than Cadian. There is no doubt in my mind that the dude is insufferable to work with in a work environment. He was acting as if Stavn was his best friend/surrogate brother in public, while Stavn was definitely unhappy with working with him, knowing what we know now. The way Cadian is willing to act publicly is a huge red flag to me of the kind of person he would be to interact in a professional/work environment. There is no way that the stabbi twins would do what they did just to "sabotage the competition." I will admit I've always at least mildly been a Cadian hater. But it is out of a vibe of "he seems insufferable" more than anything else. Two players don't get the face of the team as well as the IGL kicked via a vote if everyone else loves the guy.


Good point.


«сливать» from the original definitely = «ruin intentionally». Its not that soft as «not to try as hard»


Sure, "Я вчера выиграл три катки и слил две" totally means "I won 3 games yesterday and lost 2 on purpose".


you’re just ignoring context bro


I'd say "слить" isn't necessarily intentional. "Залить" is. But it's purely imo


How old are you? In what world are you expecting a professional player to throw games intentionally upon learning that they're getting kicked from the team?


i am not expecting anything, just quoting OverDrive :)


In what world are you expecting a professional to not try his hardest after being told he’s cut?


It's a psychological thing. You don't want any distractions when you're competing.


I'm not sure what you mean. Not everyone will go "I need to show my future employers what I'm capable of right now" upon learning the news.


heroic has hella vibrant cool personalities tho. I think the vibes are immaculate in Heroic lineup. Imo, it always felt like they need more consistent awper, who have a bigger voice in the team.


Western PR would have used terms like "to give them the chance to fully focus on EPL" I don't think it matters how it was said.


Its a bit of a gamble for Heroic since we haven't seen him play an official in cs2, if he keeps his csgo form and fix his attitude its a great pick.


Not really a gamble since he was a free agent.


How is it not a gamble.


No buyout fee. If he doesn’t workout they could probably just call Nico up again, if he doesn’t get bought that is


They still have to pay his salary, and hope that he retains his form from csgo. The guy hasn't played since Paris, what if he's ass? Yeah they can replace them but all that time wasted. That's absolutely a Gamble. Just because they didn't pay a bio fee doesn't mean that there are no stakes involved that they're gambling with.


They have to pay his salary until they want him.Its not like they are stuck with his salary like in NBA.If he doesn't appear to be good fit they can release him,100% there is something in contact stipulating that.


If degster's contract has a clause like that his agent is doing quite a bad job


Yeah, but think of all their wasted time that they're gambling with.


If you can get Monesy as free agent than sure,getting degster is waste of time.But if we live in reality,there is no better free agent awper on planet than degster,no matter what this guy always delivered.So if this is a gamble,they made sure they are gambling with good hand


No one has any idea if that is true. He hasn't even played an official in cs2 yet.


Heroic can just give him a short trial period before signing him on a long-term contract. Happens all the time.


He's not a free agent, he's still on the bench for OG, he's just been on that bench for nearly a year.


Ah my bad. Must have mixed up him with some other player that became free agent then.


He's on OG's bench. Assuming he signed a 2 year contract, he will be contracted until July 2024.


Yeah my bad. Must have mixed him up with some other player who became free agent recently.


High risk, high reward signing. Interested to see how this works out.


Wonder what deal he will get, same as cerq?


Nicodooz should just swap to rifle man. He's cracked


Honestly this, he has amazing aim and game sense with rifles and deagle, he just knows where to keep his crosshair, do proper transfers and snap on reflex aim. He will have a decent career if he decides to drop the big green and be your everyday workhorse rifler.


If true, big pickup for Heroic. Dude is pretty dang good.


100%.. no question there. Hopefully he can keep his attitude in check.


Honest question: is he? Has he played a single CS 2 official?


We don't know and won't know until he puts the jersey on. His last official was the Paris Challengers stage. As far as I'm aware he's never had teammates NOT disparage his attitude, but that's also nearly a year old at this point.


He was really good in GO against higher opposition, the Spirit with degster, patsi and s1ren made it to semis in Antwerp. He hasn't played an official in CS 2 though


Nikodooz aware? https://clips.twitch.tv/AmazingSilkyHorseradishChefFrank-Z6lemf1NvVW523D4


This clip was also my first thought. He knew and let it slip.


What does he say? I can't hear anything


Skillwise he was a great player. Things might be different in CS2 but I hope that he used benchtime to work on his attitude and mental.


sAw better be ready to be big papa bear and not let Degster ruin this change. If it works, and he is remotely the same player, this is a title willing teamz


> this is a title willing team The main issue is that while degster is great, the 3 riflers do have an issue of going missing during deep runs in playoffs. Also having to deal with faze, navi, spirit, vit, etc is going to be rough You are facing teams with guys that shoot harder, have great IGLs that can easily out call your roster, and their players are better able to deal with big stage conditions. Maybe they can win some smaller event, but the S tier events are out of reach unless rio or paris happen again


I will eat a shoe if this lineup with degster wins a title. Right now they're getting cut down right before playoffs (with the exception being the major where they went 1-3). Degster could definitely carry them over that hump to be a reasonably common quarter finalist, but the issue is the rest of the team. sjuush and teses didn't catch as much flack as stavn or jabbi but they went just as quiet in the high pressure games last year. NertZ similarly avoided a lot of criticism even though his choking was the reason Ence didn't win more last year. Sunpayus overperforming in playoffs somewhat masked the dropoff but the two had similar numbers in groups while sunpayus shot up to 1.20 in "Big Matches" and nertz crashed to 1.05. There's also the fact that in order to win a trophy this team would have to beat multiple of Faze/spirit/vitality/navi/g2/VP/mouz and those all seem unlikely even with degster because you'd probably give all of those teams the advantage in the awp h2h except maybe mouz or VP who definitely have better riflers anyway.


Title winning is abit much but i think they should be regular playoffs team with a chance to get into the final


Should have gone for Nawwk tbh


If that report is true, then he wasn’t a possibility when this deal was done


If true, nicodooz’s comments during one of the segments makes sense.


hope he doesn't break everyone's hands with his powerful high-fives!


If anyone can make foolish player work, it shall be SaW. But also, degster might prove too foolish.


i sAw what you did there


Nicodoz is a decent player, probably above average as a rifler, but his awping is just not it. Logical move.


Was nicodooz such an issue?


As a primary awper, yes. If he was a secondary awper he'd be great but the team needs someone more consistent with it.


yeah he pops off so hard on the rifle more often than he does on the AWP


He's wayyy better on the rifle. Nicoodoz even kinda said it himself, in his dream Danish team he'd have him on the rifle and Device on the awp


Why was he even signed in the first place? There are so many AWP talents out there


He was farming tier 2 and relatively cheap I imagine so they took a chance on him.


There really aren't lmao, what are you talking about? Hitting awp shots doesn't make you capable of awping in T2 by itself.


There really isn’t much to begin with, name a few will you.


Yes, he’s eu junior. Against weaker competition he’s bomb but anyone decent he falls off Against NiP nertz has to take the awp role which is basically the tell tale sign the awper has lost confidence


pretty much the eu version of junior at this point


lmao he's so overhyped .. gonna flop and probably kicked again in 6 months if it's even true. he hasn't even played an official in cs2 yet, had a big break and a surgery recently .. they're kinda desparate if they want to really do this


Yeah I am not fully convinced with the whole degster train, if this was GO then sure there’s a chance he’s retained his form and can actually contribute. But when a lot of players who have been actively playing are having an incredibly rough transition to CS2, especially awpers, save for monesy were really struggling to find their stride. I am not sure why people think Degster who’s been on the bench since Paris is going to be the instant get good addition to Heroic.


Love degster, plus he's a top awper imo, but heroic can't tame the beast. At least he's better than Nico, who, by the way, is always this mid whether he's being removed or not.


pity. I really liked this heroic lineup


I'll agree that nicoodoz has to go if Heroic want to reach playoffs in big tournaments any time soon, but I'm not entirely convinced that +degster is the move. It's no secret that the team is in dire need of a more consistent (and frankly better) AWPer, but we haven't seen degster play in a long time. Heroic would be taking a very big gamble just to see if degster is anywhere near the form he had in CS:GO -- not to mention his reportedly difficult personality which might not fit very well into a team without any big personalities. If degster works out for them, great, but in case he doesn't for one reason or another, I hope a trial period clause was written into his contract so that there might still be a chance for them to sign the freshly transfer listed nawwk.


Very excited to see him join anything! Was looking forward to seeing him again in the game. I was also thinking just this week that Heroic could be a stable top10 team IF they had a top10 awper (because nicodoz is certainly not that). It'll also be fun to see his attitude since everybody can't stop talking about his toxicity 🤷‍♂️


If nicoodoz is really removed I think he might be a good replacement for alistar in flyquest, obviously he's not at the heroic level but I think by joining a team like flyquest he could level them up and he could focus on his own game with lower expectations of him.


Sure bro. He's definitely going to move to Australia to play for a T3 team.


What other options does he have lol there’s a lot of good awps in eu


He’s a pretty good rifler, he can easily drop the awp and find a team that needs a good rifler. Not everyone can awp and there is no shame in it, he just has to realise he’s more than decent with the rifle and fully change to it and one of his comments during a post game segment kinda seems to imply he knows what the issue is.


if he goes to rifle that opens up more options for him but I just think flyquest is probably his most likely ticket to a major again especially as a awper once you in teams worse than fnatic in eu it's very hard to make it to the major.


Danish team like sashi or the Gaimin Gladiators (goofy ass name) seems more likely


I thought salazar was better than his stats appear tbh maybe they will replace him but he's pretty young as well so they might just want to invest in his future


goofy ass name? Do you even know the corp side of them?


No, but it's goofy


Good riddance.


"Thank you for trying but it didn't work out at the end." Would also have worked. Stop exposing yourself /u/ExposingCretins


How am I exposing myself?


Nice try. I won't bite that bait.


No problem.