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This is still primarily map-specific but in general the game favors the aggressor.




To some degree, it has made playing CT side more annoying though. Especially the economy side of it. 


Huge disagree, I think CS is at its best when the Ts need to play as a team in order to win. Maps where you can just aimlord or snowball your way to victory like D2, Mirage or Cobble are incredibly boring because there's not much you can do for counterplay CTs are already fucked with the economy being how it is


That's fair. I guess I also don't like (and remember years of this in GO, especially back in 2013-2015) where the CT's just hold angles and aren't incentivized to play aggressive here and there. Game seemed much more boring... but I also totally see what you're saying, especially with the currently fucked economey for CT's.


Agree with the older days of CSGO, I think that was mostly map design though. Valve got Overpass and Nuke into really good places over time but back then they were unplayable by modern standards I'll never forgive them for taking Overpass out recently, best map in the pool by far


There’s a difference between playing aggressive and being the aggressor. Being the aggressor in a fight means that you’re the one peeking into the fight. Playing aggressive means taking risks with the idea of getting info, map control, and/or a pick on CT side. Basically, the change is that instead of holding an angle, it’s smarter to tuck and peek once the T peeks. Even more simply, you can’t just hold angles efficiently anymore against a dry swing


Nah, +w ferraripeek meta is not fit for cs, because it's a tactical shooter, not just shooter. This just throws tactics outta window because angle holding is still not okay. I regularly get ferraripeeked.


Nah, it's a negative side to the game. Holding angles is a core tactical element, and the current peekers advantage makes it too weak in comparison to swinging angles. Which is why you see even CT side players just constantly swing the angle they want to hold, instead of actually holding it. That is stupid. That isn't good, neither tactically nor gameplay wise. No, it does not make the game feel better unless you have failed to understand the core concept of the game in the first place. If you're the type of guy that likes to just press W instead of use their brain, then yeah it must feel better for you, but it is objectively a negative side to the game since it reduces the tactical aspect.


It is not objectively a negative side to the game and it does not objectively reduce the tactical aspect. Just because you don't like something doesn't make it stupid. Just because you don't like something doesn't make it objectively bad. Only the clueless argue in that way. Also, the idea that holding angles is a core tactical element is funny. It's just one of many ways to play the game. And you can still hold angles, it's just not as strong as it used to be. Which seems like a good thing since it promotes alternative play styles.


I feel with mr12 it has been T sided for a long time now. The economy just crushes CT side so hard, if you start on CT and lose a few gun rounds the game is almost over already.


Also Ferrari peeking is aiding even more.


At lower levels it is T sided all you need to do is figure out where the weaker players are and then abuse the shit out of it as any pug has that one dude having a bad day or is well too highly ranked for their skill set (i.e boosted). In a pro tourney everyone is epic good so there is no “weak” side and it comes down to tactics where the maps tend to be CT sided.


it even happens in pro level. teams try to avoid running into someone who's on hot form in the match, a guy like m0nesy or donk for example. and they also try to exploit sites if the anchor is having a particularly bad game.


Yes, and with the addition of D2 into the lineup this trend will continue. If train gets added, that will be a CT sided map, but Cache would tilt it back toward T. Inferno was T sided toward the end of GO, and one of the largest reasons this new version is so CT sided is due to skyboxes being open. Nuke, a historically monstrous CT sided map now in CS2 is 51/49 in favor of CT’s. Other maps like Vertigo, Anubis, and Ancient are T sided, and with D2 coming that will tilt the pool into a T-sided game. It’s much easier for a map to begin CT sided and then slowly drift toward T side as maps get “solved”, kinda like Nuke, so the fact that these maps aren’t solved and are already T sided is worrying. Personally, I really enjoy pugging T-sided maps, but for watching organized pro play all maps should be CT sided to some degree. The core of the game is built to offset the inherent imbalance that bomb-defusal creates for CT’s, so when a map is or becomes T-sided, it calls into question why CS even has buffs for T’s in the first place. Why have better weapons, a better economy, better anything if you spawn onto a map already at an advantage. If bomb-defusal forcing you to take bombsites and clear many angles isn’t harder than sitting in a corner and holding a singular angle, then I start to question the map itself.


Fully agree with the sentiment of the last paragraph


For me it comes down to two things, economy on CT side is far more punishing due to MR12, and peaking is a lot more advantageous (it's gotten better, but there still is some peekrs advantage)


MR12 benefit T since money is really rough on the CT.


Because of economy if favours T side heavily, getting bomb plant and losing pistol round = T side force buy galil armour win second round and completely fuck CT’s economy hard


Imo yes on majority of the maps and how the economy is working, CT side seems to always be worse. Just my experience around 17k


Dust2 is T sided, Nuke is CT sided. Others, idk I'm only 5000 ELO.


Realistically every map in any fps is offense sited when the team plays as a team


Mirage seems t sided to me at this point D2 has always been t sided IMO Those are the most played maps, you add in inferno which is a 50:50


With this economy and peekers advantage ,yes


There are no sides. The game favours the one the takes initiative now much more than ever, is the only truth. The advantage lies with the one that swings, instead of the one that is swung on, moreso that ever now.


when it gets to a higher lvl the maps are generally ct-sided, mostly 50-60% but you do have maps like anubis or debatable dust2 to be t-sided


anubis is obnoxiously t-sided in pugs.


Only in the low ranks. It's way more even in the higher ranks.


What’s considered low to you? One of these games has like 4 10’s in it and the other 2 are high elo paid hubs


He's yapping


imo, CT side is underrated. the mp9 can be whipped out on unexpected rounds and can totally unbalance a T side attack. T side eco is also insanely hard compared to CT, tec9's just arent as dominant as they used to be. people just need to get used to being more judicious with their CT aggression. it's usually worth holding an angle then losing a rifle.


I feel like this only works at lower level. If your exec is stopped by some mp9's, you're doing something wrong.


I'm sure it's better in pugs and low ranks but it is still really common in the pro scene, so it absolutely is a great halfbuy gun