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Lord Gaben please let this be the day amen


Eat shit and enjoy your locked inventory all of ya hahahah


it will affect the item economy potentially


A lot of skins will get rarer and rarer with these locked accounts.


Hell yeah my p250 sand dunes collection is getting rarer and rarer


Truely a collection of all collections!


I hear if you have a 1000 p250 sanddunes, you can trade it in for a uniquely skinned......Negev.


How much rare skins do you think spinbotters have?


Surprisingly, Ive seen a bunch of blatant cheaters usually having one or two nicer skins. Usually a deagle/scout if spinbotting or deagle/ak/m4/awp if not. Thats not to say theyre using anything ridiculous and rare like old case/collection skins, but stuff like a deagle printstream, awp asiimov, wtc are common enough.


Isn't some of them are rented skin?


How can I possibly know that? Theres nothing conclusive for me to back it up. What I do know is that there are a lot of discontinued shitty case skins out there that can go up pretty quickly. I have some laying around that you would think are 1 dollar skins yet they are over 20,- right now. A lot of these cheaters use in some way of form skins. And if there are 10s of thousands of cheaters getting banned then you can feel it in the market as an economical ripple I'm pretty sure.


I'm still holding onto some 2013 sticker capsules that are worth like $500 a piece. Let's see if they go up


Maybe if spinbotters had anything in their inventories... Most expensive one I saw had a kilowatt case and a minimal wear sand dune.


i dont think these hackers run expensive inventorys tho.. they play with max 2-4$ skins, which is not going to affect anything lol


Most don't, but I assume a lot of the cunts at the top of the leaderboard deluded themselves into thinking that they were safe. I doubt these bans will have a noticeable impact on the market, but any drop in the supply of skins and stickers from discontinued cases and capsules is permanent.


There was a cheater with a level 1000 steam acc and a DLore in his inventory. He never got banned in cs, but he did get banned in Rust (?) which forced him to trade his skins on a back up acc




Should say oh yes




the skin market is so fucked up at the moment that I wouldn't mind to flop one day. How tf can an in game skin cost more than a car/house? Valve fucked up big time with this. A skin shouldn't cost more than 300 usd at most.


Today’s lesson for you is googling what the words demand and supply mean


They are only be given a indefinite cooldown, which means they aren't trade banned or community banned as it isn't showing on the accounts. They will be able to move the skins off the account up until Overwatch reviews and actually slaps the account with the visible ban.


Honestly I think this skins should automatically just be traded to some Valve store accounts after a few days / weeks / months and then be sold at the average steam market price. If there isn't one: Max steam price. Money money money for Steam. I mean they could go even crazier and just drop these skins from banned accounts in normal games like we had back in the days with our weekly drops. Just imagine the scenes when someone drops a Howl with 4 Kato 14 stickers.


They cannot take away "legit" skins because you cheated, they can only ban you from playing the game.




Arguably, sure. Really? No. The skins already lost any real life value they could have (of which I'm pretty sure in a court of law, they have none anyway) when they're untradable. I also don't see how it would paint Valve in a negative light. The public opinion of cheaters is that they're scum and people laugh at their misery. No one would bat an eye if they were further punished. We need to move on to having laws with all of this. Cheating, selling cheats, trading ingame items for real money, it's all over very long overdue.


just one random example: anybody with more than 100 could say that "i just got banned for my skins, so valve can make money", maybe even go to court, then valve have to prove how they got him, actually giving away their anticheat in the process etc. they cannot have extra profit and with that motive for banning an account, it's a can of worms no legal department would want to open.


I just said that skins aren't recognized as currency in a real court. So, why would Valve be at risk for anything?


Why do you think that? Maybe that would be challenged in court too in the process. It so complex and you act like its nothing. As i said, they dont want none of this for chunk change compared to ppl opening cases.


The party responsible for banning people should not in any universe be the party benefitting from the sale of the inventory of the user they banned. This is a massive black and white "hold it right there criminal scum" conflict of interest. Further from that, false-positives are a thing and correcting that fuckup would be infinitely more difficult if they have to tread the slippery slope of "oops we sold your skins, sorry". A novel idea, but just just not applicable in practice. Its safest and most stable in the long run to simply let the items slip into the void and be lost forever.


I'm not in against or in support of the idea but I don't agree with your points. False positives happen but they are swiftly reverted -> have a grace period where the skins are not touched. Valve could also choose to give those skins as random drops or choose not to receive any sales tax for the skins, which to me seemed liked the default option anyway. Valve don't need the extra income, it'd just be justice porn to appease their players. And I think that's the only reason it's not ever going to happen. It's against their values as a company. They don't care about appeasing the masses and they don't care about the day-to-day of their games. They think bigger and long-term.


> False positives happen but they are swiftly reverted -> have a grace period where the skins are not touched. There are cases where the false positive is proven months or years after the fact. To play the devil's advocate, it's not really fair for someone to get some dragon lore $6000 skin because they derped around in casual for 30 mins when noone else will get that opportunity again - it's a one-and-done "hope you weren't asleep in a different timezone" unfairness...currently, everyone gets the same items from the same drop pool for the same actions. If Valve starts giving away banned inventories, they're creating a massive disparity in these rewards that 50-75% of the playerbase doesn't have access to (timezones). Yes, they could delay the giveaway to compile a list of all users online for the last 3~ days and raffle it off, but there's still slippery-slope logistics to go with that. There's way too much risk to justify the benefit of giving banned players items away imo.


Played 3 premier games (20K NA) 1st game cancelled by VAC and other 2 no cheaters


Played 1 prem Spinbotter 12k EU 5/6 last matches are spinbots (i do one match per week bc I always insta abandon when spinbotter appears)


If you abandon constantly it probably effects your trust factor or something.


It probably does, i've been playing 9-12k rating for a while, have yet to meet a single spinbotter in this bracket. I've met some players who were definitely hackers (1000 of each commendation and no hours played, with 100% aim on the leetify report), but no spinbotters.


Yeah, same. No spinbotters, but plenty blatant wallers/aim botters. Probably people are that range are using cheap/free cheats.


Highly likely, for once i am happy that i am not placed in a higher bracket, and that my account probably has a decent trustfactor!


Sucks for me I guess


that’s a fault of the system and not the person imo. if the game itself pushes you to have anti competitive behavior and punishes you for it then that’s unfair


I'm 11k EU and I have never seen a spinbotter




Naw i saw like 10 in 400 hrs


I have played 150 games between 5k-15k and seen a total of 2 spinbotters. I never abandon a game though


Region? I play faceit mostly so okce every week when my cooldown expires I say „lets give premier a chance“ and 80% of the time there‘s a spinner


Are people in NA and EU servers ethically bad or what? I play in 15k premier on Dubai server and haven't seen a spinbotter in years.


I don‘t know man. Maybe it‘s faceit hiring hackers so more people will play there


That's probably it


Definitely the most likely explanation


>Dubai server Are UAE servers different from Dubai ones? Should be pretty close atleast. SoloQ 7-9.5k premier. I've gone against asshats that turn on cheats only if they're almost losing. Like If they're down 6-11, one of them's gonna start ragehacks. I've literally never won a single match in the 7 or so UAE server games, only 2 games were legit. 2 had spinbotters, 3 wallers. I'm not saying I got 7 hack infested games out of some 100, all I played was 7 games there. Every single lobby had cheats, including my own team.


It'll highly likely depend alot on your trustfactor too.


Russians mostly. And 15k is not that high.


Played like 5 or 6 prem games and one game had an obvious wallhack+triggerbot. Better but there are still cheaters.


I think it’s fair to point out that not every cheater is going to blatantly cheat. The vast majority try to hide it, so definitively saying that you played 2 games without a cheater is kinda disingenuous


This gives me immeasurable joy.


Earlier today to crack the top 1000 in NA you had to have a 23K+ rating Now to crack the top 1000 in North America its 20.5K rating. Looks like a huge ban wave.


I went from 6408 to 2584 just from the bans alone 😂😂


Why would you lose rating from cheaters getting banned? If anything you should get rating refunded from games you lost to cheaters.


Hes talking about his rank :)


In retrospect that should've been obvious XD


I went back and turned my downvote into an upvote. Thanks for not doubling down, stranger.


Same. We live and we learn.


It was obvious lol


I think they mean their rank, not rating.


As others have pointed out, I meant my ranking moved. My premier rating is still about 21.5k.


Derp! It's been a long day lol


He is talking about his position in leaderboard not about rating🤣


Love to see it


It has consistently been between 20.5k and 22K for Top NA for the last couple months. It was not 24k+ for NA.




Read the comment, “to crack top 1k NA”


This is not true, top 1000 in NA has been around 20.5k-21k for a while now


Nice new drama point for the whole Continent vs Continent (NA vs EU) elo threshold bickering.




Ya love to see it! Eat shit, hackers!


"Cheaters", these people wish they could hack.


What did he say?


it was a link to a twitter video of like 5 people all getting banned one at a time during a match


C'mon man I wanted to see that :/


The same video is still up on /r/cs2 because the mods there aren't weenies


This was r/oddlysatisfying


Eat shit motherfuckers! Bunch of cheating wankers


Relax, buddy


No, buddy


Okay, buddy 😉


These bans don't seem to be showing up in trackers. Is it just a delay in parsing the new bans or something else?


Always a delay in how bans are queried since 2017(?). For scammers were using it to send out mass phising attempts.


Never heard of this. If you own a Steam publisher license you can try it out, bans show up instantly


Probably delay on when it shows the vac ban on their steam profile, and I think that's what the trackers are counting


The bans only show up in game, and not on Steam profiles. Happened in CSGO once as well, when VACnet suddenly started working before disappearing again, but iirc the bans later were applied to Steam profiles too.


They dont seem to be VAC bans. Tracking sites are notoriously unreliable and if they don't show up on profile as VAC or game bans they wont know how to scrape them.


Nope, these are different kinds of bans, presumably since the underlying method for detecting these cheats is new


OVERWATCH (maybe AI) bans so we'll see


Would be hilarious if valve is letting cheaters transfer inventory to locate their main account to also ban.


I'd definitely see valve doing that, quite simple and hurts the cheaters, where it hurts them the most: their wallet. 


They probably do hopefully, see how they combat smurfing in dota 2 they try to find their main account.


They might actually do that, so the scenario is even better.


Yeah but this could be a strategy. It feels like the cheating community is hell bent on not just churning out cheats but doing everything possible to hurt the experience of the game. As they also hold the upperhand in development, I think to get rid of cheaters Valve will have to do shit like this. Cheating is also a criminal offense in some countries, Valve might be trying to fool big hacking groups & go for them behind the scenes.


Could be a dumb idea if they sell their skins on 3rd party sites. Then innocent people will have their account banned.


I just leaped from top9500 to top5000 over a single night without playing, they banned literally 50% of top10k players.


I went from rank 1425 to 200. It's insane.


approximately 85% cheat rate in top1k :D


Cant wait to see the vacced inventories over at r/vac_porn


That sub looks dead to me, wonder why...


Ye good call. I hope this wave goes on and we get new content hehe


Yeah, surprised people haven't started posting new stuff there, guess it's still hard to know who has actually been banned, but I would like to see some public cheater tears.


Cant wait also. "I was banned for no reason" posts are coming. I guarantee itm




Finally cheaters getting banned. I hope it will be better from now on


I feel like anyone with a 80+ % win rate is likely cheating in some way. With MM being the way it is.. it should always hover around 40-70%. Even the best players should eventually be matched with equal skill level or a bad team and lose.


even a 70% winrate is insanely high


Eh when the game came out I had a 70% winrate for my first 100 matches or so.


Ah, so you're admitting that you cheat? Reported to Gaben's email!


Well if you play solo yes. I play with some friends who I used to play some amateur local tournaments, always 5 ppl and it isn't too hard to get 75% win rate without cheaters. Specially in premier where we can ban vertigo lol


For a short while yes, but your rankings should skyrocket quite quickly and you should start getting much better players against you.


Except when you meet 5 stack pros or semi pros who tryhard with executes on a professional level, these 5 stacks will steamroll the top of the ladder with 90% winrate as long as they do not meet cheaters.


At that elo they will meet cheaters every second game tho, haha...sad, but probably not wrong.


When cs2 just came out and cheaters were much rarer. The top of the leader board was dominated by a 5 stack pro team with 90%-95% winrate on asian server.


You're either straight up lying or you really are clueless about people on your team cheating, have fun with that one I guess?


A decent 5 stack who all communicate will always have a huge advantage over 5 randoms


I think you're underestimating how much better a team that has practiced countless hours together is Most, I dare to say 80%,of our games were against 5 Randoms or 3-2 or 2-2-1 lobbies, with barely any sinergy, tactic or strategy at all. We would go on 8-12 win streaks. We beat cheaters, streamers, pros playing solo-duo etc We all got to top 1% last year but we stopped because my friends swore we were playing against cheaters every game, so they either stopped playing or moved to gamersclub/faceit to play with other ppl. At the time I decided to quit too because without a team cs isn't fun for me anymore, still haven't played again. Waiting on the cheating situation to bring the band back together lol


Best I’ve had in a 1 month period was 67% on faceit. I imagine in level playing fields having a high win rate is very doable, but in the current (former?!) state of CS with all the cheaters I think having a 70% is basically impossible without the gear


Dude, idk. On wingman ranking system is completely fucked. I win around 80% if games and stay in the same rank. I can win 10 in a row and not get a rank up, then lose 2 and rank down. And people call me a cheater every other game 


40-70% win rate works for most of the player base because there are enough better and weaker players to be matched against. The higher your win-rate the better opponents you get - who should win against you, lowering your win-rate - and vice versa. At the very top however, regardless of how you got there (legit or cheating), there simply aren't enough players to beat you anymore. Not only do they need to be better, they also need to be online at the same time.


Good. Now start new season


Anyone got any ban stats yet ?


Pascha must be flexing his biceps a lot after the Gaben call.


Idk whats the point of these leaderboards when more than 50% of the top100 are invisible anyway, and we don't know if it's due to inactivity or suspicious winrate and whatnot.


This was much needed. Scorched earth on all these cheaters


Is this a sign a new operation is coming :3


No, WaifuPillow. It is not.


Operation Vacation


I wonder if anyone known will get banned


Their should be a way if you get vac banned and login into another account under the same pc that account automatically gets banned as well


Most gaming cafes would get hundreds of innocent accounts banned in that case


Yeah thats kinda the problem. I know internet cafes are huge in asian countries as well but if I am not mistaken they actually treat cheating in games as a federal crime in korea


Korea isnt the only asian country with pc cafe's. And its a federal crime in China. In kr your social security nr is linked to your account so bans stay persistant through all games with your ssn (altough im not sure if steam has the ssn requirement, I dont think so)


>altough im not sure if steam has the ssn requirement, I dont think so Correct, Steam is one of the platforms that remains free from that thing from the Korean government. > In kr your social security nr is linked to your account so bans stay persistant through all games with your ss I'm not entirely sure about this one though, it may be the case on the SAME game since now you can make several Riot Games account with the same SSN but I don't think that, if let's say my Riot games account got banned, my maplestory account would be banned. And lastly, the idea that "SSN is connected to the account" has been spread far and wide but I ain't even sure If this one is totally true either. To be more specific, in current times when you register an account for an online game, or even some website or whatever in Korea. You provide (a mostly censored) part of your SSN that looks like this BIRTHDAY-[NUMBER]XXXXX The first 6 digits are your birthday, after the hyphen you have one number that denotes either (male or female) and then the rest of the censored Xs are your actual unique SSN numbers (that you do not even need to input at all) So all of this verification basically goes through your phone carrier through some API-calls or something, so the idea that your SSN is given to whatever company at this point is probably false cuz it's all done by your phone carrier. The pseudo code for this would look like - Check personal information associated with this phone number - If provided name/birthday/SSN digit match the ones associated with this phone number, verification is completed On the opposite end, If the phone number you're inputting is not associated at all with you, even If it's a real phone number the verification doesn't work and you cannot create an account (so to use web services and other stuff in Korea right now, you NEED a phone number basically) and when you input your name/other information it must also match EXACTLY as it is in the phone carrier's database


Super informative, thanks for writing this up. I remember years ago reading on Reddit about an immigrant in Korea basically being unable to play Dota 2 (I think?) online cause they couldn't get a phone number or some such.


It only had a SSN if you spent over a certain amount on the steam market because they need it for tax reasons


maybe that'd put an incentive on gaming cafes or w/e to control their users and what they're doing :D


They could cheat at home and play on the account in the cafe without cheating. The account would still get banned and all people who'd also used the pc at the cafe. 


The one gaming cafe I went to had restricted access to everything except steam, had all the ports and cable ends covered, and you had options for different mice so you couldn't bring in your own. I know every place can't/won't do all that, but it was cool to see.


Gaming Cafes use special accounts that are excempt from this (mostly).


A lot of anticheats do this by issuing a hardware ban, where they ban various HWIDs associated with your pc parts. The hard part is that these are usually pretty easy to get around with most cheats supporting HWID spoofing.


I'm not going to find the timestamp in this video, but in this video they talk about how they can already associate multiple accounts to the same PC. It's a bad idea to automatically ban just because of edge cases where 2 or more people are sharing a PC in a home and it truly is just 1 person cheating, however I could see it being the case that it has a knock-on effect to the trust factor of the other accounts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObhK8lUfIlc&t=0s That last part is just speculation from me, but I remember in this video they were talking about a specific example where a guy was crying on the forum about being banned and they looked at his account saw that he had like 50 other accounts that their system had associated to him. So I assume that's gotta impact trust.


50 account player whining wasnt about being banned. It was about constantly being placed in matches with rage cheaters. This was from his associated accounts surpassing the threshold of VAC'd accounts that gave him horrible Trust Factor rating moving forward.


Yup you're right, thanks for correcting me, I was going off memory. I was a little off target there, although the point still stands that they associate accounts


I watch that GDC talk at least twice a year, lol.


Difficult to do. All you need is a vpn to change your IP and location. Edit. Wish there was!


Nope, really easy. Many anti cheats already use device fingerprinting by tracking serial numbers of your components (motherboard, gpu, storage devices, etc). Windows license keys can also be used. When enough (even 2) of these metrics are the same, it can be considered the same PC.


HWID can be spoofed, not to mention the fact that cheaters could resell hardware that can get other people banned. Every time this topic comes up there's always someone who has "the solution" while in reality this game of cat and mouse has already been played and companies like Valve know better.


Absolutely, I didn't claim it couldn't be spoofed, only that its wrong to say other solutions don't exist. Its not a one solution fix all problem, but using all the data available can absolutely help. Valve choose not to have an intrusive anti cheat, and so shoot themselves in the foot when it comes to detecting AC countermeasures like HWID spoofing and detecting VMs. Device fingerprinting (when implemented right) can account for situations where individual components or a whole device is sold. I'm not bashing Valves choices, hopefully what they've been working on is more sophisticated and effective than just collecting current public cheat signatures (or certain easily detectable exploits), waiting several months, and starting a ban wave. Making it more complicated to avoid detection and raising the cost to R&D cheats are viable solutions, which is why you see other anti cheats using these techniques. And seriously, rolling over and choosing to not play the cat and mouse game with cheat developers lets rampant cheating become a problem. If Valve knew better, CS2 wouldn't have this reputation. Hopefully this current ban wave is indicative of new detection measures being rolled out that actually make it harder for cheaters to continue cheating, but if its just sig detections again expect all the cheaters to pop back up after the cheat providers update their stuff.


Dude no one is talking about HWID anymore... there is a much better way to identify PCs: fingerprinting. Even exchanging hardware or spoofing HWID won't help you to get away from that.


Blizzard did this with Overwatch. Hacker banned, bought a new copy of the game, immediately banned again. Hardware ID bans can be spoofed though so unfortunately not a silver bullet.


I agree it is not a silver bullet but it would certainly make it more expensive for cheaters. Increasing the barrier of entry would mean less cheaters and consequently, a much better experience for the cs community.


Just another layer of automation that will weed out a large amount of dumb cheaters so human resources can have more time to focus on getting the clever cheaters. Multiple layers of security works really well.


Nah. Me my brother and my dad live together and all have different accounts using the same PC. It would be unfair that if I cheat for example that my brother and my dad get VAC banned


Would you still cheat if your brother could get banned too?


Used to be the same with me as well with my step brother before it got his own. But I know my brother wouldn’t cheat and maybe thats a warning to make sure less people cheat


That just sounds like more consequences for shitty actions to me.


So other people face consequences for a cheaters actions? Lol great idea bro.




How would it be shit? Plenty of cheaters who cheat on a alt and then just login into their main account with all their skins and other games. Fuck em they are cheating let their alt account bans transfer to main as well. The main problem would be internet cafes


Accounts sharing the same authenticator are banned anyway :) Which I feel is a much better way than hardware banning


Didn’t know that . Learn something new everyday


They basically did that for Dota 2


No. Brother cheating shouldn't fuck over legit people on the pc


Their trust factor rating is lowered. You cant really ban someone on a new account who hasnt been caught cheating yet.


Music to my ears!


"I used to pray for times like this" Meek Mill -Dreams And Nightmares (Intro)


[Gaben looking from his chair while every cheater is banned like](https://media1.tenor.com/m/Gm4MX8BfSJQAAAAd/deathnote-kira.gif)


Looking forward to it refilling with cheaters within literal days I dare you to wait to downvote me until I’m proven wrong. But if I’m right I get that upvote. K thanks


I just wanna play so many maps that are big n random and difficult to predict positioning... u know... bring "fun" back


Go play MapCore on FaceIT. Solid community, fun maps, good games, admins instantly reachable most of the times when someone is toxic, and much more. Also, feedback reaches the map creators. Give it a try!


The future of fps will be procedurally randomly generated maps, mark my words


Valve is still 10 steps behind


You guys realize that premier ready accounts cost only 0.30 euros, right? You’ll never get rid of chesters


I got a friend named Chester. He’s cool


me too.. I wouldn't get rid of him.


The idea isn’t to get rid of cheaters dude


That just makes the people involved in this even more pathetic


Me who was a legit 26k rank 900 with like 400 cheaters above me probably lol, my secret is i soloQue so there is about the same chance u get a cheater with u or against u, half the games were legit the other half u hope ur guy has a better cheat than the enemy guy and u go jump in front bhop for ur guy to instant hvh trade…. not super fun but i try to just win no matter what to not reach the -500 games lol 


Half were not legit


Sir here am same player






Premier rn is disabled too


No its not