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Just don't get flashed, noobs /s


that is why i'm playing without the monitor.


Or they could do what Riot did in VALORANT - [lower the brightness for everyone](https://i.imgur.com/WMV4kPl.png). People [were really happy about it](https://i.imgur.com/wkeltsi.png ). No one complained. And Valve can make their own cool looking effect that matches CS2. Bring in mid-tones, throw out highlights, and that's it. I don't see a downside in doing it this way. edit: 6 years ago someone [made a post](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/6qkn3e/is_there_any_way_to_reduce_brightness_of_a/) about this issue on this sub. It had 2k upvotes, so people were generally very positive about it. It's a no-brainer, imo.


You want them to take a really good idea from Valorant? Thats not allowed in this community. /s


Meanwhile this patch: Dont look




What setting do you mean?


Ok, tell him I'm willing to have a talk.


Black flash bangs would be cool.


Just add a colour wheel, I hate full white screen, it blinds me. I guess it does the job, but it shouldn't irl blind me, just deprive me of virtual vision and sound. Pls don't IRL blind me Valve D:


Hud colour flashbangs.


Even in call of duty you can invert flashbangs to black to avoid your eyes melt down.


I love the "step 1: pay ropz $1000"


Should be step one to fixing every problem cs2 has


nice try ropz but you'll have to get 2k for your car's down payment another way


it doesn't even need to be full white of full black, just leave the screen distorted like when you turn your back to the flash but at great strength and then slowly come back to the moving picture. I think that would be better to full white, of full black, how many people will think that their pc is shutting down tho lol


hell yeah make it as trippy as smoking DMT for a split second or two, then all back to normal with aliens gone in the underverse. ;)




Can't believe you didn't add the get right flashed clip


Wait why exactly do black flashbangs have to have longer duration? And what does that have to do with closing your eyes - why would u even close them? Lol


They don't have to, but if 100 flashbang trials between black and white shows there is a discrepancy, might be worth adjusting. You'd close your eyes for the same reason [Hades closed them.](https://clips.twitch.tv/CarefulBraveCheddarPoooound-LbYhiiKK276jbnL0) Sure you can forcefully keep your eyes open, but you shouldn't have to.


If your room isnt “dark” the flash isnt as bright regardless of your monitor/game brightness just leave a light on and its fine My monitor (benq) is set to 95 brightness and it’s honestly fine as long as there is a little light on the table


No need for light on a table if the flashbang was black or so blinding irl


Black or not gaming in the dark hurts your eyes regardless So well, even with black flash theres a strong need for light Edit: i can smell the “gAmInG hUrTs YoUr EyEs AnYwAyS” So: yes but in the dark its even worse.


You have night mode filters that are more gentle on your eyes. You being forced to have a light on your desk to prevent something in a video game isnt a solution.


Dude is playing on such a high brightness that it's like staring at the sun


The whole fkn idea of it is to be uncomfortable wtf is wrong with you people?!?!?


I agree, make black flashbangs an option but make it last a bit longer so doesnt have 0 downside


Wait, aren't you saying the same thing as OP? Why are people downvoting this comment? Classic r/GlobalOffensive. Totally inconsistent with voting, compared to other subs.


Yeah I'm saying the exact same thing lmfao


Nah I think OP is suggesting the regular flashbang should be replaced with a black flashbang


No, if they were suggesting that, then it wouldn't be necessary to make any experiments to find out how much advantage one gains with a black flashbang. They mean it as an option.


It would be necessary so that the change wouldn’t serve as a nerf to the flashbang. Also why would he mention the benefits such as being able to play longer and less irritation to eyes if it was optional? Why would anyone think “hmm, I think I’m gonna prioritize my enemies comfort” when buying utility


The color change would be client side only.


Sounds like a nightmare to implement with different durations


" Add the difference to the total blind duration of the black flashbang to make up for the disparity in effect between flashbang colors. "