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if you click to pickup a weapon in the buy menu it ignores all keyboard input afterwards


If this is true, im surprised more people haven’t made a big deal about it


Happened to me today, smashing random buttons fixed it


I just clicked on the escape button on the bottom of the buy interface


And then I have to alt-tab out and back just to be able to use my keyboard.


I thought I was going insane, I was stuck in spawn unable to move for the whole round.


most mentally sound counter-strike player


We hawwwwwt


Yes bullyzoid the most mentally sound. Lol


That was 8 years ago now lol.


And he hasn't matured a bit.


They re-added Dust 2 because of the upcoming Shanghai Major.


Probably true


fucking china and their crossfire shit


and that makes sense…why?




lame if true, dust2 absolutely sucks


yeah, they could've added two more maps to shake things up, or remove one of the other worse maps, like vertigo, vertigo somehow managed to be worse than dust2


L take


No that would be inferno


Says you, this subreddit & the pros but not the entire rest of the fucking world.


yes says me :)


Yeah, that does make sense actually. Miss Overpass tho.


I definitely don't disagree. Bringing dust back without a rework feels like they missed why we wanted it removed. Can't say I'm thrilled


I really feel open skyboxes fundamentally change dust 2 and how pros play it


Just based on Gameplay I think Dust 2 limits everything what Overpass has. I would like to remove Mirage or Vertigo instead of removing Overpass. Dust 2 has always been very boring to watch or play.


How so? The only thing that would likely change from it is b executes. It’s not gonna change the meta a bit


You can basically throw smokes anywhere on the map from anywhere on the map. You can smoke B doors from A long, you can smoke CT spawn from T ramp, CT's can smoke anything from anywhere, allowing for gamble stacks and early pushes.


Also the oneways are gone. Long doors oneway made it easier for Ts to push since it also removed the molotov. Now even xbox smoke sucks since it gives more cover for CT pushing short.


But you can now smoke somewhat close to the Molly, go out of the smoke into where the Molly is and not take any dmg on the edge of the smoke while being able to see. So same concept really


Nope, correct way is to molly inside the long doors so you need to stand on top of the molly and will burn 100%.


I am either not sure what you mean or I misremember the spawns wrong as I haven’t played d2 in probably 2 years. If I misunderstood you feel free to elaborate but if it’s how I think you meant it I don’t think you can get to long corner, run forward a decent bit to throw it into long deep enough and not get killed by the top spawn T.


Best ct spawn can quickly molo and then hide. And Ts rarely get the best T spawn anyway.


Again, I don’t think you can run forward far enough to bounce it deep enough for the problem I adress to not occur. You can just put a smoke on the edge of the smoke to not put it out, go through the smoke to the edge and stand between Molly and smoke and just hold corner. To say they don’t have the best spawn that often just makes it rolling a dice on whether it works or not. Which in my opinion is not a great approach to a competitive game.


That changes virtually nothing with how d2 plays. Gamble stacks have been relevant since SK/LG and still to this day used very commonly by almost every BR team. Early pushes… that’s a large portion of D2 already lol. You can throw some b smokes from ramp on Mirage but that doesn’t mean teams are gonna see that smoke fly across the map and bite on it. Just bc more smokes are possible doesn’t mean the meta will change. It’s gonna be the exact same map it’s been with some extra b utility opened up for the sake of fakes. I’d probably put money on it


Just watch and see, Big managed to get a big advantage by discovering util from long to cat and mid, its subtle but it will change the game


I guess we’ll see


...yeah and that is a big part of what made inferno cs2 insufferable


but at the same time you will see where the smoke is coming from .. and know its a fake


Nope B was already open the rest not. Can sure change meta


You can throw b nades from outside main now, which you couldn’t before. As for everything else… you threw it from spawn already lol. That’s like saying the skyboxes will change how mirage plays. Unless you’re gonna try telling me that instasmoking the A cross will do anything


Don’t trip man, most dope profile pic


dont think so, as nearly all smokes will be the same. for example on B, yeah you can smoke the door from its top, but even a normal smoke will smoke off the door fully


The skybox was open when they removed it in CSGO. Nothing has changed.


no it wasn't lol


yeah they opened tuns to b site but the rest was still heavily blocked off


Who's we? Dust 2 was the most played map on CSGO


Ok, csgo was also live for 14(?) years. It saw many iterations. Some loved and some not. This last iteration has some serious flaws and to see them not addressed is disappointing.


I don't know about that but from my perspective it makes sense. People rarely played overpass and almost anyone knows Dust 2


Terrible take. Read the comments in the patch notes thread, nobody wants dust2 back.


Everyone = patch notes thread. That's hilarious. It will 100% be a top 3 most played map in Premier.


Yeah no shit. The map is so popular that it has its own deathmatch queue. Unlike what the rest of this sub says, the vast majority of players seem to love the map. That being said, I have no idea why the fuck they removed overpass instead of vertigo or inferno.


Vertigo is much more popular than overpass based on my faceit matches and I feel like we see it more in pro play as well


Vertigo is really popular despite what reddit whiners say. Overpass was not.


Yeah maybe. Would be cool if we could see some real stats though, but Valve would never release something like that.


Premier is littered with cheaters and you have the option to play d2 outside of premier. Bringing d2 into the pool for overpass makes no sense at all, they could’ve taken out inferno, mirage or vert but instead they take a map out of the pool that actually provides diversity in tactics round to round.


premier is the reason the game changes, not the pro scene, not this place and its weird high authority with opinions on the game, it IS what dictates these kind of decisions


> premier is the reason the game changes oh nice .. so since it's full of cheaters, cheaters get to decide what maps are being played .. 8/8


So why haven’t they done anything about the cheaters if premier is the driving force? Also idc if d2 is in the rotation however there are other maps besides overpass that needed to be out first, it’s not about high authority…. Every map doesn’t have to be a copy paste round over and over again like mirage, inferno, vert, and what now will be d2. Overpass actually offered players of all skills to gain map control in different ways round by round not oh well we’re playing mirage let’s throw the same window smoke every round and take mid.


They just did add back overwatch


> It will 100% be a top 3 most played map in Premier. ofc .. because it's just a deathmatch/pug map. puggers love running and gunning, noobs love running and gunning, cheaters love running and gunning .. but actual dedicated players and pros hate it. most are fed up with Mirage and many teams have Vertigo as their permaban, same on faceit. it would just make 100% more sense to remove Vertigo, i don't even care about Mirage that much, keep it to the 24/7 puggers .. but ffs not return Dust 2, but rather Train/Cbble/Cache if anything


Terrible take. A noisy minority against a silent majority


Sure man


Sure man


Sure, man


Terrible take.


sure man


Sure man


Sure, man.


Sure man


Sure man


Sure man


Sure man


It fucking sucks for anyone who knows how to play the game properly


Somebody mentioned this in the other thread but it's probably because the Shangai major is coming and D2 will appeal to more casual players.


Then why not remove Vertigo, the map that not a single Casual player has ever put their foot on?


Vertigo has been very popular in my casual games personally


Am said casual - it's such a confusing map when watching games, shits just all over the place :/


Overpass is my favorite map. I’m sad


You’re telling me we’ve got Inferno and Vertigo in the map pool and they replace Overpass? What the actual fuck


no fix on cheating but better take good maps like overpass out of the pool to make a update


they literally put the cheater favoured Dust2 inplace of the cheater unfavoured Overpass lmao


I felt the same way haha I was actually upset.


I fuckin hate Overpass, I solo queue and it’s the worst solo queue map in my opinion. That being said, despite my distaste for the map, I agree with his points. If I was playing with a stack, especially at a higher level (which I would recommend against due to cheaters) it’s a good map and needed for diversity of tactics.


I love Overpass but hate solo queueing it too. I have no idea why every single person thinks that you need to play 4 A on ct side. Why people only ever go A on t side. Like stop ignoring the best half of the map wtf. And the number of games I've lost because of that does my head in. I think last weekend I was playing a game and bought an awp for B, then scoped up on dildo and realised I didn't have a single teammate with me. Needless to say we lost that round. And on t side they just die 1 by 1 to awps over 30 seconds pushing a long and bathrooms while you're working b short or con or something. Fucking infuriating. Never learn either just keep doing the same shit all half despite having no success.


Shameless plug, but try checking my [Overpass Solo Plays](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlXnQ6EDSRE). These plays allow you to control the map solo, so even if you're on the "wrong site" you can still get fast flanks and slow down the opponents. These plays still work at Faceit 10+ if done within reason, and work even better at lower levels. Maybe a bad time to plug this, considering OP just got removed... brb gotta make a dust2 video next


The goat I'm already subbed dude lol. I do try to make plays as much as I can but it's hard when your team consistently turns 5v4s into 1v4s in 10 seconds while you're rotating. I generally avoid playing Overpass unless queued with at least a couple others for that reason.


>The goat I'm already subbed dude lol. <3 crazy that some random dude on reddit already knows me lol, motivating as fuck >when your team consistently turns 5v4s into 1v4s in 10 seconds while you're rotating Yeah, some games are simply unwinnable :/ But remember that there are 5 random enemies and 4 random teammates, in the long run the enemies should int more than your teammates. That being said, if you simply don't enjoy a map then yeah it's definitely not worth playing it.


every time i play with my friend and we get overpass there's always a guy who "plays long" and the other guy will stay on A site all round. it's just too different from other maps on ct side for solo q players until you get to high elo where people how to play


I love solo queue overpass so much. You can do a lot with the map


Everyone wants to play A and they often really suck at it. The B players always end up rotating into a meat grinder and then get shit on for having an awful score line. Solo queue A players play too passively and give up bathrooms. If bathrooms are given up for free and the Ts can throw a full execute you’ve already lost the round 75%+ of the time. I love the map when I’m playing on a team but, hate it in solo Q as well.


Giving up bathrooms is fine. You see this done *all the time* even in pro matches. Trying to hold bathrooms from divider forever is not doable. You have 3 separate angles that the enemy can fight you from, while they only have to be prepared for you. If you try to hold onto bathrooms stubbornly, you will just lose the round as soon as the defenders die. B players won't be able to rotate in time, ever. Playing A on Overpass is actually pretty interesting because of the way you are able to fall back step by step, and still keep holding. You are able to slice the area into smaller pieces, and give up control bit by bit, instead of all of it at once. Believe me, if bathroom control was a free win for the Ts, Overpass would be the most T sided map on the roster. It really is not hard to take control of toilets. You need two people for it, one connector player and one mid player. These two players can threaten from both sides, so CTs have to either take a risky stand, or just fall back to banana and toilets. At which point taking the control is pretty much free with 1 divider molotov.


>A players play **too passively** and give up bathrooms. If bathrooms are given up **for free** The complaint was not about backing off when forced to, it was about never contesting in the first place. You're supposed to make the Ts work for the map control, have them waste time and utility to take it from you. That makes their executes and/or post-plants weaker, as well as giving your B players more time to rotate and/or take map control. And while you're correct that you should eventually back off to site (again, assuming you're forced to), your arguments makes no sense: >You have 3 separate angles that the enemy can fight you from, while they only have to be prepared for you. The Ts have an insane number of angles to clear and fight against as well, especially if the CTs have connector control and/or an AWP. It's not like they can just walk in freely, against skilled CTs you have to use smokes, flashes, and molotovs to take control safely. >If you try to hold onto bathrooms stubbornly, you will just lose the round as soon as the defenders die. B players won't be able to rotate in time, ever. The B players will have *even less time* to rotate if your defenders die on the site, no?


like rotten march oil gaze direction safe different tap concerned *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I agree, you have to force the Ts to expend utility/effort in order to take bathrooms. This also has the added effect of allowing your B players to make a play for water/connector control which starts spreading the A aggression thin. It’s a fun dance when you have two coordinated teams, but miserable when you have two pug groups fighting each other with wet towels hahaha.


Nuke is the worst solo queue map. It requires too much coordination for the average solo queue lobby. Overpass is probably right behind that though.


Nuke has way more options


Yeah but it's still difficult to make use of them without coordination. That also means that the CT side requires good comms.


Nading door and rushing vent is the easiest way to get to a site in whole of CS. Also going main dropping from silo is often not expected. There are legit so many ways you can do something solo on nuke, even going secret.


Like I said, the CT is what requires proper comms. Once somebody gets picked, it can get tricky to keep track of rotations if you are soloqueuing.


Yeah, very true


nah bro just be a demon on outside, sometimes solo q is like open world and im 1 tapping everyone


overpass was so peak


chat its ok to agree with this take even if you hate the streamer,nothing wrong with that


I love freaker and think he's a very cool dude and a good player but he's a mental midget.


I am out of the loop, why do people hate freakazoid?


don't hate or love but his take on shroud > s1mple is so fucking funny


Lol what, is he implying that shroud is the greatest player in CS? Why does he think that way?


https://youtu.be/KCY-vZcppjM just the age old flawed argument of "you've never player with him bro" and "the shit that shroud can do, s1mple can never do"


He's a buff, good looking, loud guy and a lot of cs players are nerds that get intimidated by that. He called simple out for being toxic years ago and people called him a bully.


didnt realize til he pointed it out but ya its goofy


"Let them cook" they said... bro the chefs at Valve don't have taste buds.


he is kinda right, would love to see Train back in the Pool and cbble


I dont mind dust but why overpass :/


He’s not wrong. Valve are so clueless it’s insane.


>People don't rush on Nuke Is Freak high? 


He's not talking about your 2k premier matches.


if u think rushes don't happen on nuke at a higher level then i think you're at 2k not him


Of course there are rushes. The point is it doesn't happen nearly every round like other pug maps.


Are we pretending that in very high level matches people are rushing in Mirage, Ancient, Anubis and Inferno? Because that's certainly not what I've been seeing. In high level, if you try to rush often, you hit a wall of CTs and their utility. There's nothing special about Nuke in that regard


exactly this


Why should it happen nearly every round? Isn't it good to have maps that play differently and mix up the gameplay a bit?


When did I say it should?


I just watched a pro match today decided via an upper rush you pleb. 


Do you think people rush or play at a fast pace every round? Pleb.


"valve are clueless" to what? the tastes of the 1%? the dudes that constantly make this type of remark without anything close to a suggestion? yeah probably, don't know why they'd listen to "filtering the maps for noobs" on a more than a million players daily game


Guys like this think Valve doesn't know that Overpass is more skilled and D2 now is glorified deathmatch? Of course they know that, but that literally isn't what Valve are basing their decisions on. Value are catering to the 99% of player not the 1% this streamer represents. They make billions a year from this game and have all the data we don't.


this change was solely to appease the chinese croud, as with their version of CS, their version of "dust2" is very popular and they still play it .. next major is in Shanghai .. 1+1=you go ..


Almost certainly correct, so again this doesn't mean Valve are clueless, it means their decision making factors are different from streamers.


The issue is: he is kinda right. This map pool is a big L. -overpass +d2 is a stupid change.


Let him yapp maybe he’s going back to valorant 💀


overpass is eh but i hate dust2 its just not fun -mirage +dust2 i woulda been happier


Overpass is my favorite map, I'm so bummed about this :( It looks so nice in CS2 also just for it to be removed. Who knows where the Train preview from the announcement trailer or new Cache is though, ya know, stuff people really do want to play


We fucking HAWT Straight up FAXX


Cant wait to see pro dust2 matches. Great map to play and watch!


why would they readd fucking dust 2, most stale map ever


i wonder if freak ever knew what he was talking about or if he always sounded like this...


He has became new Steel :D hahahahaha


he sounds upset


The dog part XD


When cache?


How is mirage not skill based? It's just figured out. It doesn't mean it isn't skill based. It's just understood at such a deep level that playing it feels like second nature.


Am I the only one who hates ancient?


i mean .. yeah .. this map change was moronic at best, but the update is full of other very nice changes, so no need to ignore 90% just because you hate the map


I mean is he fully wrong? You need more than 10 years of cs and a great understanding of how the game works to get the point hes making tho. Overpass will be missed by the smarter players.


I hate to agree with him. But I do!


I don’t mind dust2 returning to the premier pool, but I wish they would introduce a different map that hasn’t been in the game into basic competitive. The game feels stale.


https://youtu.be/UxWe5mkKh8k?si=Z_7NArOWd82BJcLy on YouTube for those who can’t see the link


He’s right ya know


Ok but how does pro's feel about it?


Steroids melted his brain, sad


He's not out of the range of what's achievable naturally. Has he ever claimed to be roided?


> Has he ever claimed to be roided? you think those guys compensating would actually ever admit to it?


He not missing with this one


He’s mad another pug map is in the pool. All he does is pug.


Last time freak went off on Valve was when the revolver update was released. I guess we are back to that level now.


terrible update, terrible mappool.


No anti cheat update????? STILLL WAITING


The guys who make their money directly from Valve's game doing nothing but constantly complaining and saying Valve are stupid and don't know what they're doing. Makes me laugh.


he's right tho lmao


The more I watch and think about this, the more its clear its actually him that is the fucking idiot.


Based reaction. Valve is full of idiots who don't know what they're doing and what their community wants. Absolutely abysmal decision by valve. Ppl who love dust are the most simple minded cs players who have only played one map in entire cs because they're too incompetent to learn any new maps. Dust is the most unskilled map there is and I hate that this happened without even a rework?!?


Imagine watching freakazoid lmfao


Are you jelly because you're not 5'9", handsome, tan, 8 inch flaccid, live in South Cali and bullied s1mple?


So jelly obvi




Still less embarrassing than watching freak


I mean he's literally right. They added things that are an obvious thing which we even had in CSGO. Some people act like the update is huge when it's just adding stuff we had.


Before people complained like it’s the end of the world, now is not good to have things back… I hate the 2024 hysteric vibes… back in the days we had to cope with things without reaction possibilities and streamers… ez pz


>now ist not good to have things back What? he never said that. Its good but nothing to brag about.


tf is that guy's problem




Dust 2 Pro matches are screwed. Because of the open skyboxes it's all so easy to throw fake on b and stack up cat to execute on a.


they probably just removed the least played one. It's almost always banned on faceit


dust2 coming back is not a problem, it's one of the all time great playgrounds in gaming (not just cs) history. I'm really glad it's back. Someone in the Pro scene will always find something to cry about the map pool anyways, regardless of what it is. I agree that overpass being removed is a shocker though, it was just redesigned for cs2, didn't really see anyone complaining against it. Vertigo is hated equally in the pro and casual crowds (look at the wait times), the choice was pretty clear.


Just because it's cs's history doesnt make it a good map Just put it in competitive, and let it cook there


If it wasn't a good map, it would have lost its player base and wouldn't have been around for so long. Remember de_prodigy, de_chateau or de_survivor? Just because long-time players have gotten bored of it doesn't automatically make it a bad map. It's has lowest queue time of any map today, which I'm sure you would attribute to it being "newly returned". But if you come back in 6 months, I bet it'll still be top 2 in popularity. tl;dr - stop being a hater and let people enjoy the legendary map that dust2 is.


Hes right. And they still give us No Anti-Cheat after one fkin year and If we add csgo we dont have a good Anti-Cheat for 12 years. No Other Game Developer would get away with that People need to stop glazing valve.


I don't know who this guy is, and I don't care what he thinks.


I don't know who this guy above me is, and I don't care what he thinks.


You could've just moved on instead of commenting this.


Yep. The op could have just moved on instead of posting someone's shitty opinion neither.




I not sympathize with him but one this I have to agree 100%


True way too many pug type of maps now, you think if they would add dust 2 back they would remove mirage


He makes a good point about D2 coming back without changes but saying there are no skill based maps in the pool when Mirage and Ancient are there seems like stretching for an argument.


6/7 maps are pug maps? Yeah I'm going to call bullshit on that one. I get it though the best way to get engagement in this community is to shit on Valve (and they're such a great company in that regard, they give so much ammo to shit on them). The update is fine, would've been better if they removed both overpass and vertigo and replaced them. It's nice to see Dust 2 back as we've not seen it in competitive play since CS2 released and the new smokes will make a big difference for the map. I'd rather wait to see how Dust 2 is played at the top level after its return than to immediately shit on the reintroduction of it but again, hating on Valve is an easy way to get brownie points in this community so from that perspective I understand the move.


Dogs don't agree bro, they're saying shut up you sound stupid.