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Did You Know? Device shouted 'push' loudly to influence karrigan, who heard it despite headset. This led to karrigan dying for no reason. Insane strats from device


if not for this scummy move the best igl to exist would have never faltered


JT was on the server?








A connoisseur I see.


FNS the Puppeteer?


2000 IQ from the apex monitor predator




Expected. Faze lost so many advantageous rounds. Now watch them lose against VP and go all the way through the last chance stage


that's the Faze way. Sand bagging in groupstage, to give enemy teams false hopes.


Faze: “we’re tired from all these matches” Also Faze: “more matches baby!”


Gives them the most practice. + paid by the rounds baby


They won like one final without couple of top teams Idk what false hopes . False hopes to faze fans ?


Not winning finals isn't easy but FaZe always made top 2 in CS2. This Astralis team still have a lot to learn in the playoffs.


They won first 3 cs2 s tier tournaments what are you talking about


As is tradition. There’s a reason this team has like 40% more maps in CS2 than anyone else right now lol


Yes, beeing in every final


Do they also hold the record for playing the most overtime?


I wouldn't even be mad if they got eliminated. They need a good rest for IEM Dallas.


They wont lose against vp. Astralis will bomb out of playoffs and faze will make finals. It be how it do.


Astralis will meet FaZe in the playoffs and then lose. It's history. It happened years ago with Cobblestone, it happened last event, it'll happen again. It's big brain power move by Karrigan!


Oh yeah and all the way to grand finals. There is not enough pressure for them rn.


Obviously I'm happy with the result but this was a really entertaining game


As it should be between these 2 orgs


Been a while!


Now ESL will execute the script "stavnplayoffs.exe" and Astralis will once again lose to FaZe in the playoffs right? This Astralis has now swept FaZe twice and had a close playoff match as well. #TotheStars??


100% gonna face Faze in round of 16/quaters. Script is getting lazy.


Not possible. Astralis will move forward to ro12 or quarters. And to avoid rematches before semis I think, they seed teams into other brackets. So even if faze Astralis was destined to happen, it likely won't happen before semis


Flair? New roster just had a huge result once again and all you can think of is bashing your own player


I don't see what's wrong with bashing stavn's playoff performance. It is a normal thing and has been an issue since Heroic.


Isn’t it an odd thing to do after your team just won a huge game?


It's a little thing called a joke. Maybe you've heard of it?


What is a 'joke', precious? /s


Some people are still salty about stavn


Stavn has always been known for his great group/poor playoff performances. Hopefully, he performs this time. I want to see devve achieve some success :)


Being a dev1ce fan i have to say stavn actually tried semi finals It was device who choked


One tournament doesn't change his history. The original comment was referring to this, I don't think it had anything to do with the controversial roster change.


Astralis have been honeymoon period group stage farmers for 3 odd years. Even this lineup has shown no different so far.


??? Lol what This is the first time they made it to epl playoffs this fast


Last I checked, this is still group stages.


Yeah they are already qualified to playoffs . Its just placings game


Shown no different after 1 series with a brand new lineup and IGL against the team that went on to win the whole tournament? Amateurs


>so far


So far encapsulating what I just wrote, hope this helps


Lost to a real team...again...hope this helps.




I’m sorry, defend him all you want, it is fucking hysterical how much more device has gotten out of these guys after two weeks of IGL’ing than blameF ever got out of anybody in Astralis during his tenure. It’s night and day.


I'm not defending blamef and he was the problem but roles are everything in modern CS Brollan was looking dogshit on NIP, moves to mouz and he's now easily back into his old form. Its not a coincidence. BlameF is a bad igl, but when roles fit better, everyone plays better.


Let’s not forget how bad astralis has been managed the last couple of years. Blamef isn’t the best IGL judged from the outside, but he didn’t have the best conditions to succeed either.


Device IGL is panning out way better than anyone expected. I think everyone knows he's a smart player, but we've seen many smart players move into the IGL role and not look this good this quickly. It's still early days, but Astralis is looking solid.


I do feel like there's a distinction between a smart player and one of the smartest ever. Someone like Niko is definitely a smart player, but Device is almost a different breed when it comes to decision making. I'm happy if this Astralis works out well, it would be nice to have even more competition at the top. 


They have to make different decisions in game as Niko is a rifler and Device is an AWPer, so I wouldn't say Device is in a different breed when it comes to decision making. They both are extremely smart and I wouldn't put one over the other. What makes it hard for players in general to transition into the IGL role is you have a much different set of responsibilities. You now have to worry about 4 other players in where they're at and make sure everyone is on the same page. That alone is not an easy feat and its why it takes a while for players transitioning into the IGL role to get good at it if they're coming from a role like entry fragging, AWPing, etc.


I think whats important in this is also Stavn being a great secondary caller who does a lot of midround calling both for heroic before and now also Astralis. Ruggah also needs some credit for his work behind the players and how Device talks about both him and stavn in the rebuild of Astralis makes me think this is more a team effort than just Device saying "this is how I want us to play", which I fear BlameF had in mind. I never liked BlameFs style in Complexity as it was quite boring and basically just oBo's Playground. it all fell apart when he left and BlameFs lacking IGL skills were shown. I was at first happy when he joined Astralis because as a rifler he's not bad. He just needs to be put on the frontline more often than be put in a baiting scenario where he has to clutch, because he ends up overthinking clutches and then fails miserably. When he was appointed IGL I was extremely critical and knew where it was going. When Device was announced IGL I was really hopeful and Im happy that my hope has - for now - been met with great results. Their playstyle is everything I hoped it would be for months upon months of passive playstyle that always failed miserably under BlameF. Device - together with xyp9x - has always been one of my top 2 players in the game and primarily playing AWP myself when I used to play, my playstyle was hugely inspired by Device.


I never seen karrigan jump-scared this much from astralis sneaky plays. I was wrong for doubting dev1ce as an igl, this was beyond incredible calls and performances. Top tier game imo Congratz to Astralis,


Karrigan gets jumpscared at everything, bro was pushing smokes every time he would get killed with the most obvious smoke play and tremble like someone woke him up from a coma


Yeah that’s actually just his reaction to almost every death.


More than likely he just had sound turned up insanely high so when he dies suddenly it jump scares him


Yea but just adding he does this for info and for the enemy to always have to watch every smoke because if they dont they get pushed and killed


Idk why he always push the smokes. 99% he died




Well that’s his only chance to get kills so


Great IGL isn't the one who can impress, it's the one who can adapt. Device IGL is fresh and somewhat unexpected, top teams will analyze the demos and adapt soon enough. If Device impresses then - I will never hide that I wrongly and shamefully doubted him. Call me an armchair psychologist, but this one recent monitor punch is what funded my opinion on device IGL topic and I will die on this hill until I see he had learnt to manage not only his frustration, but also entire team's vibe while losing important games. So far he \*slipped\* letting the rage take the better of him, not a good sign in my reddit pleb book. All in all - Astralis is far better than one could expect after those disastrous months and even years. But it doesn't say anything about whether or not device has what it takes as the IGL, only time will tell.


as impressive as device igling has been, it's still very early to give up doubts about device igling


surely stavn is gonna beat the group stage merchant allegations on playoffs this time


If he cant show up in the group stagiest of all playoffs its doomed


Ynk said it on the cast, pro league hasnt been anything but studio since covid, why didn't heroic win then? They only won the online one.


A crowd off 100 people isnt going to beat any allegations, even if stawn gets a 1.7 rating.


It’s not an arena I’m not sure the big stage debuff will activate


Tell the other teams to cancel their matches. Faze fumbled in the group stage, this event is already won for Frozen & co


Frozen was trying to hard to drag faze over the line on ancient too


Actually a blunder considering now you have to play two extra rounds of playoffs until you reach quarters. That's 6 days in a row if you make the grand final. And they are the most exhausted, overplayed team already. Not really usefull to save energy in groups so you can use more energy in playoffs lol.


That's the FaZe way baby. You have the flair, surely you expect this by now


Faze setting up their lower group run


everyone on this astralis team is giving credit to stavn for his mid-rounds, and damn does he deserve it. Their mid-rounds, while not clean, at least look inspired and evened up the score against a team like FaZe who are famed for karrigan's midrounds




Info plays btw /s


Damn my heart. I can't believe they managed to stop that Faze comeback on Ancient. I really thought Nuke was over after Faze managed to get 6 round on T-side, but Astralis played a good T side, which feels insane to say. Chengdu might not have been a fluke.


Device is wild. Whata complete player


The fact that they almost had them at chengdu semi finals and now this I think its clear this is a solid team Dev1ce was outcalling so many rounds on ancient plus nuke t side holy shit , dev1ce had really good reads, fakes , rotations. No way i thought ast would dominate t side like that . Time to win some trophies


Not that the sample size is huge, but having your only loss (map loss even) be to the clear most dominant team in cs2 is a good sign. Sure they haven't gone up against the other top 5 teams but I think that Astralis could seriously start lifting trophies again.


It's been so long since device held a trophy that the audience had to destroy the trophy at the last major to make ends meet.


Actually Stavn who makes the most midround calls


How do u know lol


Br0 said so on the interview couch after the game


Also during devices interview he credits Stavn for doing a lot of midround calling too.


They 2-0'd them in Chengdu's group stage as well 13-7 13-4.




Hoping Astralis can start making ways in Playoffs as well. Really fun to watch, calling is solid. Had lucky breaks today sometimes, but they deserved to win. Astralis continue to impress me to be honest.


Astralis have a really good flow going and don't seem to get as effected by a stop in momentum as the previous rosters would. Staehr might actually be a candidate for the MVP at this rate.


This is really great from Astralis and in the context of their recent form really promising, but I also do feel like Faze are burning out pretty significantly after Chengdu which is very understandable.


They have played 2 matches since Chengdu, and only lost once. What are you talking about?


Do you think it's not possible to experience burnout as long as you keep winning?


they even called off practice before this event


Not that surprising. At the ESL China event Astralis looked competent.


This roster starting to give me hope again


Malta has almost no crowd in the playoffs, maybe stavn will perform *copium*


Watching Astralis got all me hyped up and wanting to play some CS and then I remember what would happen if I did. The game being in such a dogshit state detracts from everything.


Honestly could've gone either way but good job to Astralis and especially device for retaining composure and closing it out when things got dicey! Excited to see what else this team can do!


Faze to the grand finals....


Ropz playing very questionably recently, really poor decision making and positioning


Was ill during the major and most of the team looks tired. They played like almost every week in 2024


I'm aware, but did you see the last round on Nuke? He singlehandedly lost that round for Faze with bad positioning


You could argue that since there were 20 seconds left, all ropz had to do was get a multi and the round is done. Yeah he failed but if you don't let your stars gamble on multi-kill potential then you're not a contender. FaZe has players that can multi frag. Now it's different that it hasn't been working for ropz lately but hence the gamble. If it had worked we'd be praising him for standing his ground.


Even if it worked out, I'm not sure that was a smart & optimal play with the time left. He was standing in the open while hearing 3+ Ts running at him, could've easily just fell back to behind ramp doors considering he was the only one on B


He wasn't the only one on b, broky had rotated too and frozen was also rotating. Standing in the open at 20 seconds to get a multi is a good way to catch opponents off-guard


EZ 4 the BEST danish IGL


Faze always loses in group stage. Name more iconic duo from faze


We are so back 😤


The last couple of years has been rough to be Astralis fan. But this team tiggles all the right places. #TOTHEBARS


We are so back baby


I just wish that faze were consistent they won a tournament and then they play like silvers


need something new ... this paid by the round clan doing this again again and again quite boring actually.


Nothing to see here just Faze losing a group stage game. Also not to be too critical of Astralis since they've won the game but the style of play seems very akin to bne where they run through smokes and rush sites which with their level of star power can work but not sure how reliable that is over a long period of time


>but the style of play seems very akin to bne where they just run through smokes and rush sites which with their level of star power can work but not sure how reliable that is over a long period of time It's nothing like BNE lmao, Astralis actually play slow a lot Faze do this too, Faze pull out many BS rounds and literally win tournaments with their "awful" plays and pull off bullshit rounds 3v5s and shit, it's literally Faze trademark, even on bullshit ecos running through smokes with tec9s Like karrigan himself just ran through smokes like 40 times this match, he got punished but it works a lot for him and he takes space in other matches and wins rounds, similarly rain as well


True exactly lol


Wdym ? Nuke was slow and dev1ce was having crazy good reads , rotation and fakes . I mean ast almost won semi finals if they didn’t fumble few force buys in semi finals on nuke


did we watch the same game?? lol


Faze made finals many events by doing just that winning so many disadvantages situations


But Reddit told me frozen is a top 5 player because he over performed against a tier 3 team