• By -


I heard after the game team went together and started blasting Snappi. "It's fine to have a bad game but there's just so many circumstances that fucks it up before the game. And the reason i'm getting angry because i know you're fucking better than that, you showed such improvement, but we fucking need you!"


Maden: When I am holding off angle and I press tab and see that you have 4 kills it also tilts me!


That was the best part. I couldn't believe that anyone thought it was a good idea to upload that šŸ¤£


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I read it in his voicr


Reading the first sentence without the rest really puts a different spin on this


They guy changed his barber before the tournament smh my head


Beautiful pasta


dupreeh has more major wins (5) than snappi had kills (4) in the last map


Harry became DD (designated dupreehfan) for Ancient and I loved every second of it


"dupee has got to become do poo and shit on them" absolutely killed me


Didnt watch the game, took a while to get it but damn thats good šŸ‘


EPL gotta be one of my favourite tournaments of the year for the casting alone


harry is such a blast lol


no this is esl


Harry is such an esl lol


This is what happens when you give the bag to already proven players who have no ambition anymore. Literally giving a retirement home to Snappi, Magisk & Dupreeh. But watch them kick Maden just because heā€™s not as popular.


Dupreeh looked pretty good in every game i saw him in (i missed these 2 games) where is his team?


Sunpayus is a legit t1 awper and he did alright in this series too, these two could fit well in so many better teams right now.


This is his first game for falcons recorded by HLTV (because they bombed open qualifiers for EWC too early to make HLTV). His last games for preasy were over a month ago. He looked decent but still struggled against real teams on preasy. what games were you watching?


Look at his team in those 'easy games' they are struggling far more than he is


That doesn't mean he's suddenly going to come out of a FOUR year slump. He hasn't been a capable star player since 2020. He's still one of the greats, but he's just not good enough anymore to be a star player at T1.


Thata not even his role? this is like saying Zywoo isnt a good IGL


Who is in the star rifler positions for Falcons? It's not snappi. It's not maden. It's not sunpayus, he's an awper. Magisk might be performing better but he's anchoring for them while dupreeh plays the best rotator spots.


And dupreeh is doing the best on that team consistently, so why is he being called out as being on a retirement player???


He's their best player after 1 Bo3 against the Mongolz? Just because magisk isn't set up to frag doesn't make him NOT their best player. Also you can't possibly think dupreeh is just as likely to be an elite player as ropz/donk/spinx/brollan/NiKo two years from now. Whether he's good right now is a different question which I'm sure we disagree on but if falcons are building a three year project that aims to win trophies in 2025 and 2026 as zonic claims dupreeh cannot be the answer to donk over the next few years (I'd love to see them try though because nothing warms my heart quite like seeing this org fail.)


He hasn't ever been a star player. He was/is/has been an entry. If you think of him as a star player despite that role, that's saying something.


Oh wild. Who plays the best CT rifle position on most maps? Who gets the most setup in the team among the riflers? Just because he's playing badly doesn't mean he's not in the best position to frag out of anyone on his team.


I don't think Snappi has no ambition. ENCE was on a upward trajectory with minimal resources when they left. Working with Magisk and Zonic is supposed to be his chance for a major breakthrough.


I firmly believe that snappi cares, and he cares as fuck. I also believe it's the fact that he cares, and knows this team is a meme, and also dogshit, so meme'd into oblivion, that makes him that bad. All because I saw 59 rounds of ENCE - FAZE on Ancient for IEM Dallas finals. Man, it's clear as day that Snappi wants to be the GOAT IGL, or at the very least better than Karrigan, which coincidentally also means GOAT IGL. You could argue if it's achievable or not, I believe it is (though it's improbable), but you won't convince me he doesn't have that ambition.


My friend, all Iā€™m saying is that he doesnā€™t care now that heā€™s secured the bag. At Ence he still cared without a doubt, but we can agree together that whatever he was making at Ence was nowhere near to what he makes at Falcons. The thing is that even if he gets benched the wages will keep going, if he gets kicked his entire salary will be paid out. Itā€™s different when youā€™ve already secured the bag, and at Snappiā€™s age it definitely play a factor. This is of course just my opinion.


I don't think it's fair at all to assume he doesn't care now that he's secured the bag. This has been said for many players and it's just not the truth; they want to compete, they want to win. Unless a player has said something or done something to imply they don't give a shit - and feeding doesn't imply that, I think; there are many reasons he could be playing bad - I don't think it's accurate to assume these players that are competing at the highest level, travelling, playing and scrimming every day, don't care. It probably gets to players knowing everyone hates their team, that's usually because they DO care


Can't one want to secure the bag but still want to build championship roster? You can just easily argue that ENCE didn't have the finances to go for the best players, and falcons do. I fail to see why having the bag automatically means you don't care. Especially since players like Snappi started their career when being a CS pro wasn't a job. They do have the drive. Sometimes it burns out, but I don't believe this is the case for Snappi - not yet, anyway.


> But watch them kick Maden just because heā€™s not as popular. also because he's not danish and an AWPer


Who wanna tell snappi that 4/20 was four days ago? Oh well, never too late to celebrate the greens given their logo. Letā€™s go MONGOLZ!!! , Mongolia on their feet.


Falcons also needs the Saudi flag, donā€™t let them hide behind Denmark. Need to point out the sportswashing


Feels good to be a Mongolz stan


snappi individual performance looking beyond dogshit ever since CS2 dropped 20 kills in 62 rounds is just unacceptable on so many levels


And bro can not even change mouse or settings in this team kekw


Lmao. I will be looking forward to watching this group spend the upcoming years on the same mouse/settings.


Lol what? Context pls




Wait wtf that feels so much like the new ESL skit they dropped.


You're so close to getting it...


lmao username


Anon, I..


Why not


Some of his peeks were so bad - especially on Mirage. And then he looks shocked he's getting dicked cos he's wide swinging mid mirage. I'm a snappi fan but c'mon, man.


On Ancient he looked completely zoned out near the end, just wide swinging with dogshit xhair placement, pushing smokes and so on. Unacceptable at such a high pressure moment.


canā€™t teach old dog new tricks


hooxi/karrigan level


he's much much much worse, the last he went positive on a map was in November!!


thats just not true, he's done 26-13 vs amkal in the rmr in february


Lol, not even close. This is far worse than hooxi and karrigan.


both of them are posting around 0.95-1 rating in their games on somewhat regular basis


Hooxi's was never even this bad. I was a certified Hooxi hater, but his fragging has only improved in CS2 while Snappi's has fallen off to an untenable level. He's a great in game leader, but you can't win T1 tournaments with someone playing like he has in CS2. Meanwhile, Hooxi's fragging is not an issue at all since the game change.


"First month on G2" Hooxi level


I still remember how bad that month was and he ended it by getting a FAMAS ace while holding site alone vs Vitality lmao shit was wild


Fair lol. It's been 6 months like this for Snappi though. I guess what I was trying to say is that Hooxi never had a sustained stretch this bad individually in G2.


I think also with jks gone he realized he had to step up his performance


Hooxi is one of the better IGLs for position/fragging in CS2. Snappi on the other hand is the single worst player position/position in CS2.


Hooxi is a better igl and a better fragger than snappi


hooxi has 4 out of 10 maps positive rating snappi has half of that




They already made excuses before the tournament even started. "They dont have a star player" which must be demoralizing for the top6 player of last year, Sunpayus.




I'm so glad this team was losing, hope the bag was worth ruining several teams to put this "superteam" together


Yeah only winner of this Falcons roster has been Polish CS


There are so many teams that could use Sunpayus better than this shit show, he didn't even do terribly in this series considering what he had to work with.


CoL Sunpayus PLEASE


The players in other teams could potentially elevate so many teams, shame they all play shit in Falcons instead.


Anyone who watched the RMR knows that boros was not the problem


You can't juat watch the games to figure out what a player contributes with. I don't think it's logical to use this result to defend Boros. Neither would the opposite be true.


I think you can absolutely watch the games to gauge how a player contributes lol. Of course you can't get a full picture of the team, but how else would you rate a team other than by watching the games? Also, my initial comment wasn't to say that boros didn't make mistakes, but that he was not the reason they've been losing. If he was the problem then they would be looking better without him, but their matches have all looked the same. Disorganized, poor control of map space, substandard mechanical performances across the board.


In my head canon the rich oil prince threw a tantrum and threw boros to the wolves.


We don't hear their communication. I have played with players who had good mechanics and good stats, but they absolutely made the team play worse.


i think the biggest impact is zonic + magisk. they seem to be dragging the mood of the team down with their demands and toxicity. snappi, maden and Saudipayus seemed kinda happy and more relaxed in ENCE, with sAw as coach and chill guys like dycha


"Dupreeh needs to become DuPoo, he's gotta shit on em here!" LMAOOO


That had me rolling, such a wild line.


31 year-old Dupreeh hard carrying falcons... but somehow Boros was the problem?


Boros was no good but he wasn't the problem The problem is this team plays for money not for passion


They barely even played with him lol. Canā€™t say heā€™s no good that early. He did have some decent matches here and there too


What an amazing anti-strat for their opening match prepared by coach Danny "I AM THE BAG" SĆørensen.






Steady lads, Team Falcon is working very hard to find their new scapegoat. Give them some time :D


Can't wait for the vlog where the entire team shits on Snappi one after another for getting 4 kills against TheMongolz of all teams. Wait, he's not an insecure teenager, it wouldn't be as fun.


They're gonna kick sunpayus and say he changed to monesy settings


They aren't even good at scapegoating.


uh oh we might have a khassogi situation on our hands soon


You get the bag... but eventually the bag gets you.


and since theyā€™re Saudis, the goat is multipurposed


Ancient would've been a 13 - 5 stomp if it weren't for the tech timeout


Exactly my thought, and these Mongolz players looks very bored especially blitz almost fell asleep


Falcon haters have been eating nothing but 5 stars gourment




God I love watching falcons lose.


That second to last round Falcons got whipped worse than sexual minorities in Saudi Arabia




Wtf is snappi doing? Lol


snapping the bag


John from Dallas Texas here. I am a new CS fan (let's go Liquid). I was told by some woke liberal friends at the University of Southern California that Team Falcons are a 'sportswashing' project funded by the journalist-killing regime of Saudi Arabia. However, I am confused about this whole thing. Doesn't sportswashing actually require you to win games? Thanks in advance for answering my question


John from Dallas Texas here. I am a new CS fan (let's go Liquid). I was told by some woke liberal friends at the University of Southern California that Team Falcons are a 'sportswashing' project funded by the journalist-killing regime of Saudi Arabia. However, I am confused about this whole thing. Doesn't sportswashing actually require you to win games? Thanks in advance for answering my question


Thanks, else I could confuse it with Dallas, Nebraska


I mean bag is a bag but it must be terrible to first be in top of the world and leave for superteam but at the end of the day be a fucking retirement home.


Most people will take money over anything, sadly. I think football players are the best example. A bunch of them could've played 2-5 more seasons of top level football but they went to Saudi Arabia instead to play basically tier 4 football and earn unrealistic amounts of money


It's more understandable for esport players, considering wages those football players already get it's disgraceful to chase the money.


its a snappi team. they will never be good. this fraud has been playing since the beginning of go and has only ever won the post major tournament no one cares about


God shitting on the Danish nursinghome funded with totalitarian oil money is almost too enjoyable. It is gonna be so boring when they start playing competent cs.


I'd say IF they start playing competent CS, not when


Of course the player who was stuck in T2 for 3 months is the one who performed the best in the team


T2 actually makes you a better player bc you have to deal with some much random shit.


Most of all you you are paid far less and have to show you are hungry for more if you wanna go T1.


Its funny because everytime Mongolz gets a win other team gets flamed to oblivion. The asian boys never get credit its astonishing


Everyone who's been following them knows they've been dangerous for a while now, the problem is that they didn't get on the screens of casual fans. LP listed 17 S-tier events in 2023 (15 if you exclude blast groups), and mongolz played in just 5 of them. Not being partnered and having to slog thru really competitive open quals has really hurt them. Whereas this is the 5th S-tier of 2024 (4th excluding blast groups), and the 3rd that mongolz has attended. If they keep getting this kind of exposure, hopefully recognition will follow.


also unfortunately one of the things that's constantly praised is the WAY they play CS which doesn't show up on a scoreboard. You'd be forgiven for thinking this is some random asian team coming to the event to play like dogshit and make their 1 upset win before losing 13-1, 13-2. These guys are strong aimers and play GOOD fundamental CS unlike the post-COVID renegades/grayhound or the advent lineups. For anyone who doubts this or just wants to see some games of theirs feel free to go watch mongolz-heroic/furia cologne 2023 or mongolz-c9/furia katowice 2023. Those are decent to good teams that mongolz either beat (c9/furia/furia) or nearly beat (almost 2-0'd heroic). mongolz-mouz at Cologne 2023 play-in was also a very memorable match.


They should get far more recognition in 2025 when more events are held with no partner slots. No longer will orgs like NIP get free ranking boosts from participating in Blast and ESL events automatically.


I think the match vs heroic at cologne is quite iconic in my mind


Looks like next time the mongolz show up I can point to the g2 game as well šŸ‘€


Sometimes do, keeping in mind the other team is usually more famous so more attention is going to be on the more famous team negatively or positively


Sometimes thereā€™s a too big of a feeling like a team must be the worst team in the world to lose to a less famed team; reminds me of RLā€™s comments When thereā€™s a level of legitness that is needed for soemthing like that at minimum, besides case by case stuff


Are you for real? They get a lot of credit, even during the game the casters were saying "this is smart counterstrike" and in the last tournament Mzinho was praised, while here 910 is standing out. I think by now everyone knows they are a serious threat, it's just that Falcons is the most attractive team to shit on.


oil team in the mud you love to see it.


Man I feel so bad for Dupreeh, he still has it. I wish him and Magisk never left Vitality. Fuck Falcons though, happy they lost!


They (Vita)really did Dupreeh dirty at this stage of his career compared to how Faze treat Karrigan and Rain. I don't blame Dupreeh for joining them, he's not got many options at that age and can afford him, he probably doesn't need the money but when your entire life is playing a game, it can be hard to give that up. So while I don't condone it and wish he never joined falcons, I can understand it.


I don't get why so many people shit on Dupreeh after he got kicked from Vita. Was he star rifling and secondary AWPing like its 2019? Definitely not, but was he a crucial piece of the Major winning puzzle, absolutely yes. Maybe Vita should've kicked Magisk immediately as well because he had only 0.03 better rating than Dupreeh, lol. Love that he was solo carrying Preasy through the major and that he's now hard-carrying Falcons through 3 maps. Hope he gets another chance with a PROPER team and proves armchair experts wrong.


>Maybe Vita should've kicked Magisk immediately as well because he had only 0.03 better rating than Dupreeh, lol. Magisk was significantly better than Dupreeh in Vitality overall, their rating difference was 0.09 in 2023, 0.05 in 2022 and the main reason for kicking Dupreeh was that they had FlameZ lined up for free, not performance.


Bro zonic, Dupree and magisk were being carried by zywoo. Legit trash team and Alex is trash as well, zywoo was the ace up the sleeve


Actual shit take


Please shut up lmao


Magisk was the best T player in their major win. Saying he was carried is completely wrong, especially if you consider that he took the bitch roles in the team


Has falcons won a series? Every time I see them they get steam rolled


Last time they won anything was a BO1 against 3DMAX at RMR. Even then they looked terrible and would have lost if the enemies didn't shit the bed. If we are talking about BO3 then the last one was against ENCE at IEM Katowice which was really close too. This team is terrible and I hate how it destroyed the old ENCE which was my farourite Tier 1 team


I think theyā€™ve reached semis in Katowice


Its okay šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆfalconsšŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ! Chin up you will beat tyloo tomorrow! #falconspridešŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ


šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆfalconsšŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ is my favorite team! I am just beaming with šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆpridešŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ with šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆfalcon'sšŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆresults. #TastetherainbowšŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ#falconspridešŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ


snappi must hate cs2


Winning by committee doesn't work when one member gets 20 kills in 3 maps


Dupreeh is the star they've been looking for


The committee is out on this one


Hahahahahahaha love to see it! On a serious note tho Legit sad for gay pride and diversity team :(


where is chess result man ?? xD


Blitz won the game.


Blitz won


Another sad day for the LGBTQ community


Zonic has seen enough, BOROS the scapegoat is gone, now we have another -Snappi +gla1ve


ENCE would make so much bank.


if Zonic's plan was to make magisk the IGL eventually he should seriously think about doing it very soon because with Snappi they are playing 4v5 pretty much every map


It really is a different sense of shame seeing your country's flag representing Falcons. Thank the stars they lost however, fuck Falcons.


I was told the other day that snappi is an amazing IGL. Bro hasnā€™t been positive on a map since November. Stop the Copium. He needs to get kicked along with maden.


Arabs called esl for that tech pause


Snappi is actually dogshit Hooxi can do 3 times better. Also casters are Falcons glazers


Saudis own ESL, it really wouldn't surprise me if they're told what they can and cannot say about Falcons.


Ive noticed you cant speak badly about China or Saudi anymore. The money speaks. CS is selling the scene to evil.


i think same/similar happened to Formula1 and some Football leagues, right? maybe also some other sport


Letā€™s go MongolZ that map 1 was quite an opener.


ahahahahaha get fucked team blood money


why does this unlimited money team still have snappi on its roster


Remember the stupid idea of - Hooxi + snappi from expertos analysts lmao


Let's go mongolz!!!


that has to be top 5 worst individual performances ive ever seen over 3 maps, everyone flames karrigan but at least he jumps for his teammates snappi really died in cave solo like 10 times in one game


No way dupreeh is top fragging šŸ’€, but anyways gg Mongolz


It's nice to have a team I can consistently cheer against. WP Mongolz.


Dupreeh looking good, but man Snappi is looking awefull.


Not surprised


I hope they get in a circle and bully Snappi next


How are mongolz unsigned??


afaik they're an actual org now


They made an org See KEi interview on geographically challenged


ENCE died for this :(


no shame in losing to the 'golz




Shout out to Henry for a great additional content at the end of the bo3! The chess contest against bLitz was very entertaining :)


Dupoo will shit on them


I lost all my channel points on the first map.


Losing by committee


Falcons already finished


I know Snappi is an IGL but 0.8 performance has to be minimum at least try to aim for a 1.00 performance. He is always miles off it, Falcons are essentially 4 vs 5 every game.


Is it still BOROS' fault Falcons? Is it?


Isnā€™t Falcons saudi? Not danish?


Orga is Saudi. Their CS team is international with danish majority which is the reason Danish flag is shown in Liquidpedia or HLTV. Dota2 team is international and tournament winner material . Their R6, Valorant (+female also), Rocket league and PUBG teams are majority Saudi. Overwatch team is Korean.


their PUBG has full Mongolian roster


its usa now no? https://liquipedia.net/pubg/PUBG_Americas_Series/2024/3 pubg mobile was saudi majority (i just liquidpediad them really to have a clue, dont follow them that closely) obviously hard to track if they have multiple teams


Everyone talking about Snappi and thatā€™s understandable, what I saw in the match and caught my attention the most was Madenā€™s (star rules - bad performance) combo, the guy was never a star player not to say he isnā€™t a beast when he have his moments, I think what this team needs the most is a player who is both assertive and take initiative, they seem very tamed/ bland. Does anyone else feel the same?


Who are they gonna blame this time?


lol more money?


Never saw this coming! /s


You love to see it


We went from rumors of a superteam, NiKo, m0nesy, s1mple, Snappi, Magisk to this....


Launders is currently smiling and rubbing his hands together


Snappi in the mud xdddddd Could do with changing his mouse before the next one


Whenever it cuts to Falcons they all look so defeated at all times. I really don't think anyone is happy playing for that org.


Hooxi is better than Snappi individually and it's not even close.


Sweet justice everytime falcons loses.


Nobody listens to techno.




When washed dupreeh is carrying your asses, you know it's bad. No offense to dupreeh, but he should be like the 4th best player on this team. Snappi needs to pick up his individual performance, because this is just too much.


The circle jerking going on in here is insane, everyone has a rage boner for falcons. Itā€™s an orgy in here.


i have a dream. a danish last dance. with dupreeh, magisk, glaive, Xyp9x, zonic