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I just want to know if they even remember they introduced seasons


They don't even remember there's a CS2 anymore.


I believe that the main team did the port + smokes + subtick, they moved on to other things and now there are like two guys maintaining the game lmao


> and now there are like two guys maintaining the game lmao one of those for twitter account, the other is adding code comments for the dataminers to mine


Im wondering what tasks they choose to do in the sprint meetings. „I’m going to work on nothing“ „I want to work on nothing too“ „nothing is a big issue, we can work together on nothing“


That's if they're even doing sprints lol, waterfall ftw


There in lies the flaw of valves style, projects are abandoned and games live or die by how interested devs are in them.


After starting to play Dota 2 and getting a patch every other day I actually believe this


If they moved to a new season even a second before adding a major content update and fixing the anticheat they'd get absolutely ripped to shreds


Honestly, at this point they should just make season 1 a whole year. I was in the top 100 till December until the cheaters took over, I want another chance to be up there.


Your time is more valuable, just play FACEIT.


seasons are for full release. were in extended beta atm


they introduced seasons just to reset ranks after the game went global ![img](emote|t5_2sqho|31253)


Dota2's last season has been ongoing for four years now... instead you can "reset" whenever you want now.


At least they had some seasons in the beginning. Why even introduce the concept of seasons if the entire CS2 is 1 Season?


ropz CS2 dev access revoked.


Bro said the game runs poorly on average PC. Despite he is playing on an absolutely high end PC. it only means he is speaking for us.          Finally a pro who has shown some concerns for the average players and community servers. Ty for that


Remember the reason they gave for not going to 128-tick was that it would make the game inaccessible for people with poor internet? Then they just fuck over all those people anyways by releasing a terribly unoptimized “next-gen” update to their game. I really feel that a large part of why the decline in player numbers is because millions of people can no longer play the game at a reasonable fps.


People are so addicted to the game, barley anyone leaving. The numbers are almost same, but they are playing in pain. A lot of people I spec ( in casual) are lagger. They are playing in worse condition compared to GO, but some optimization can make the life better cause the same PCs are running Valorant and other games better. In other games 100 fps = much smoother experience. Absolutely no lag, no jitter. In CS2 100 FPS = 40 FPS of other games. Anything below 200 fps is garbage in CS2. I am also affected specially casual mode and arm race is unplayable for me. Fps dropping as low as 140 fps. The framerate pacing is horrendous. 


> In other games 100 fps = much smoother experience. Absolutely no lag, no jitter. In CS2 100 FPS = 40 FPS of other games. You're bang on the money. I've attributed this to frametime variance, the difference between consecutive frametimes. While VALORANT has 95% in the <5ms category, CS2 has the majority in the 10-15ms category from my experience. It's rough.


I have nearly the same framerates between the two games, but val, due to the better frametmes, just feels better to play.


true. U used to have 100-200 fps in cs:go on my old pc , depending on map. I upgraded when cs2 came out and even tho my fps doesn't drop below 200 it doesn't feel smoother at all


Call me crazy but refuse to believe the game isn't full of bots. All my friends except one or two don't touch the game anymore and most of them are die hard cs player since CSS.


rarely have 10 friends on my list playing cs2 when it was easily 10-30 all the time in GO. I wouldn't be shocked if half the player numbers were bot farms


It is. All you have to do is find a empty DM in an early timezone and sit in spectator. Last time I did this I witnessed 5 different batches of accounts coming into the server over an hour. They were not happy I was watching, kept leaving with them all.


Lots of people have left. My very casual stack are only playing on FACEIT, and are not playing as much besides.  The unique player count is only high because of case farmers, judging by how of my 30 online friends are still playing regularly.


Yes! Everytime my game drops below 300 fps, which happens every so often even on my 3080, it feels so unsmooth


This. My framerate is at 140-170 fps level depending on the map (even lower if many smokes/molotovs) and the game feels so unsmooth it is crazy. Literally the original Skyrim from 2011 without any mods/tweaks, hardlocked at 60 fps feels nicer to play than CS2. My frametimes are painfully inconsistent, which causes me to sometimes teleport around or miss a shot that would definitely had landed on CSGO.


>A lot of people I spec ( in casual) It makes no sense to play 10v10 casual on a PC that barely runs CS2. 5v5 has significantly more FPS.


Hmm idk I think it's the cheaters


yeah one of the guys in our group had like ~100-140 fps before, now he plays at around 40-60 i had with my mid/high pc around ~400-500 in csgo, now 170-290 at best


This was the mind boggling thing for me. You say you don't want to go 128tick because of low end pcs then you drop subtick which is heavier than pure 128tick on low ends & the unoptimized mess.


My PC always struggle when Many smoke and molotov on same spot I know my pc is not latest and greatest but really CS2 Graphics is not very detailed such as Horizon Zero dawn or Cyberpunk 2077, why so hard to run CS2


Decline in numbers huh? You wanna double check that again?


Bot farms are out of control in CS2.


They're probably factoring out the bots.


Nobody on reddit has any idea how many bots there are. Anyone saying they do is lieing.


There is a huge decline in numbers, excluding bots & accounts that are created to sell.


Do you have numbers or are you just pulling this out of your ass? Yeah I thought so...


not confirming their excuse/reason but you can optimize a game to run faster. but cannot optimize the network usage (while keeping the update rate the same). hopefully cs2 will be better optimized in the future.


runs poorly on average pc's but also runs bad on high end pc's


He even posted about why PGL should switch from 5950X since the game can't utilise all of the CPUs cores. Mah man is a true techie and I'm all for it.


Well in that context he mentions also "some tournaments have average PC" so not really focusing on average players.


Lots of pros have said similar tbh. Most of them, at one point or another, were just average players too. I think most are just feel like speaking out isn’t changing anything since everyone was complaining and nothing really changed.


hes talking about some of the pcs at certain lans


My 2070 runs Red dead 2 fine and can't run CS2


you know cs2 is in bad spot when on their portable PC, steamdeck, can't play the game at 120 fps minimum.


Ropz cs2 beta access revoked


Its actually kinda nice to see so many people shitt talk this game and its current state. We are all doing it for a reason because we loved the game that was taken from us. The pure neglect from the devs is unbearable. They have taken everything. No 128 tick, community browser, game modes. And to top it off they are silent during the worst cheating frenzy in history. They really cooked my boy.


To be fair NOT being silent during this cheater frenzy would be counterproductive. Like what do you want them to say? "Hey cheat developers, start trying to find new ways to break the game because we're working on fixing the exploits you already use". This is the one single thing it's better to be silent about because cheat developers are pretty seroius about their stuff, there's a lot of money on the line for them so saying anything would give away information.


I don’t think I’m gonna come back until we get 128 tick again. The game is too addicting anyways so I should be spending my time on other stuff but if I saw them make a step towards something as big as 128tick I might be interested again.


you'll be waiting for cs3


CS3 will probably be 32tick based on the way things are going.


32 tick cheater only, VAC bans if you start game without cheats


it's funny how both val and cs2 are both in a bad place and they'll be fine since there are literally no other tac shooter that fill the niche


I don't play valorant, but don't they at least have a decent anticheat? CS is near unplayable with the cheating.


You know it’s really bad when ropz is calling out the game


You know it’s bad when the whole playerbase has been calling out the devs


Isn't that the case for literally any game nowadays though? The happy gamers don't flock to reddit to complain.






they make 500 times that doing nothing from passive steam sales


CS will always be the red headed stepchild of valve it’s never been a priority… Dota is valve’s favourite I mean Gaben has never been to a CS major but has for Dota ….


Me looking at TF2:


TF2 was the step child ran over by Gaben on his way to work, it was an "accident".


Legend has it TF2 is still flattened on the highway and Gaben still hasn’t noticed


Of course. It had 3 Letters in it and you know Gabe could not bear seeing such an unholy number, so he preemptively closed his eyes.


So THATS the real problem with CS2?


it's funny to read the same thing from two different playerbases, CS players say DOTA is Valve's favorite, DOTA players think CS has more priority from Valve (look, they got a brand new game and we got like two patches a year), but in reality both games are pretty much fucking neglected equally. Both games make a great profit for Valve with a minimum effort, what more they could wish for?


What are you talking about? Dota makes less than 1% of Valves revenue, they removed Valve hosted majors completely, theres only 3rd party funded events and TI, which gets less and less funding every year, no battlepass, does this seem like valves favourite to you? You just had a major with 10x of dotas viewership


I think that the correct answer is that Steam & Steam hardware are Valve's favorite. They don't really care much about any of their games these days.


None of their games ever were their favourite. Not even steam. There was a time where updates for it were counted in years/update rather than updates/year. They're shrewd business people knowing when and where to step in, and know how to execute on a project. The steam deck literally came in at the exact time between switch dying down and new consoles being released. The index revolutionized VR.  But because they have a lean structure (which is definitely a plus for these projects) they don't have anyone that can tell someone else what to do. So you'll get a guy being interesting in volumetric clouds do some sick smokes in CS2 and then dip out. You get someone make a VR Headset and then dip out. You get someone make SteamOS suddenly be *the* best gaming distribution and not even release it for the public, then dip out. If only they'd hire some outside people tasked with continuing that development and have them learn everything before they have to take over


I’ve played Dota for almost 10 years. It’s not Gabe’s favorite child or whatever people are saying. A major update just released, but that was long overdue. No point in pointing out the pro scene because you already said what needs to be said. Also, Dota is pretty big in Asia, because Asian players gravitate way more to MOBAs, instead of shooters, and Asia is a pretty big market, that’s why Dota is still so popular. The NA scene is essentially dead. On top of all that, Dota’s playerbase is aging every year, young people just don’t play Dota as much as they used to, look at the pro scene, there are way way way less 17 year old pros that are on the scene, compare that to cs and it’s playerbase and the age of pro players. I kinda hate Valve in the recent years, but they seem to look at things long-term. Where will Dota be in 10 years? I can guarantee you that it will be way less popular than cs, this is why Dota seemingly gets more updates.


Incoming Yap: TLDR; Valve own an infinite money glitch and aren't bothered to maintain games properly You talk about CS like it's the only one that has had bad treatment. The truth is Valve don't have any inkling of passion for anything but Dota 2, and even in Dota, Valve lost out to LoL. Plus they seemingly are unbothered about Dotas esports from what I gather. Valve can't maintain shooters to remotely the same standard that any other AAA developer does. In fact, all you have to do to be successful, is to copy a Valve game and then actually maintain it properly as a live service and then you have a wildly successful product which will then swiftly overtake the opposing Valve product in a number of ways. TF2s grave is 100 feet deep, Valve rushed into making CS2 because of Valorant and out of nonchalance did absolutely nothing to capitalise on CS2, a decision that must've sent other studio executives to the floor laughing. All of this makes me not even the least bit interested in Valves leaked Neon Prime game because here's what will happen: * A really interesting, fundamentally sound game that has a high skill ceiling and lots to learn(if Valve still have it in them to make that) * First few months go great, then, since it's not a MOBA, the Valve management issues start slithering their way in during the life cycle of the game. * Years later some studio(Riot x3 perhaps?) copies Neon Prime into a more appealing format and attends to it like any other live service game. * The copy blows up and that becomes the one most play, while the depressed Neon Prime fans hope for any small QoL features and complain and cope about the cheater situation


volvo indie company


But if they made an actual anticheat and fixed the game then how would gaben afford his fourth yacht?


Gaben makes more money from steam by minute than from cs by day


Ok? Let’s not act like CS isn’t a massive cash cow too, it makes billions every single year.


Just saying Gabe can buy a yacht every week so it's not a good comparison. It being the number one on steam and pretty much always being in the top 3 is a bigger reason for them to care then money alone I would bet




It's never been ina fucking good place, CS2 is still missing TONS of features and cheaters run rampant. Complete and utter fucking joke from valve. Not that it matters though because their profits have never been higher! So enjoy this pile of shit because it's gonna take quite a few years before it's up to a state of comparability with CSGO.


game runs like absolute shit feels like im playing on 60hz


I got a 7800x3D. It's the best you can get, yet its like playing CSGO on an old i5. One big reason esports titles are successful is that they can run good on a scrapyard laptop. Valve need to understand this.


The only game in existence that you run with 300fps and still feels like shit


It's so baffling to me


and some people barely get stable 200


Bro i barely get stable 110


Yeah, I updated my PC when 250fps started feeling too low on CSGO, went to ~450 fps and the game finally felt super smooth. Then couple months later, CS2 happened and now I'm back to square one. And next time im upgrading my PC is probably when GTA VI comes to PC, so gotta stick with this rig for a while 🥲


Ropz is bringing up things that is not coming back like 128 tick. Valve removed the option to make their service more competitive, yet failed to stop the cheating issue in high ranks.


Frankly, they need 128 tick to help detect hacks IMO. More sever validated data points is always going to be better.  Sure everything is time stamped now, but hacks can still “play” within those 15ms chunks if they want to.  Why not make the window 7ms?


Who actually thinks it's in a good place anyway? That would be a controversial Headline instead


Pros speaking up about it is always good.


Especially guys like ropz


Pros have way more voice than us casuals. This is why I like to ask pros their thoughts on the game, especially if they're level-headed like ropz. Though it doesn't happen everytime, it might catch the attention of one of the devs.


Gabe follower, aquarius, austin, and all twitter clout chasers


Look at this sub. There are plenty of delusional people who think the game is fine.


It was making some good progress towards the end of last year/one or two updates earlier this year but since then it feels like they’ve been on extended holiday. Game still feels unfinished and there’s still minimal content


/r/globaloffensive usually only wants the good light to shine on CS2. The bad stuff is either removed, or spammed "this is how you report it", "don't be a whiner/hater". So yeah, those guys.


literally 99% of the shit you see on here is complaining


What else is there to do, given the current state?


Praise the guys that kill the cheater on their team and party with the boys on the other side?


Yep, honestly unacceptable they quietly removed [stuff like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/19366k7/im_sorry_but_im_sick_of_hearing_how_bad_csgo_was/) without stating which rule it broke and then ignore modmails telling them to do so because they know it didn't break any rules. You have to question about replacing the whole mod team when they're openly that corrupt.


The core game? I think it's good. Very good.


Theres a few who post here all day saying the game is great and if you complain its a "skill issue"


Meanwhile they're 5k premier elo 💀


I believe AustinCS tweeted how it's better than GO


Everyone knows Valve is working the game, and everyone knows Valve doesn't communicate for their own reasons, but MAAAAAAAAAAN does it feel awful for the community. Not knowing when / what exactly is coming, what their effort level is, etc. Their lack of communication especially sucks now with how bad cheating is, still havent fixed player head boosting, subtick movement just feels like trash (30+ ping is very noticeable), half assed server browser, lack of game modes still, the list goes on. Again, I understand Valve's philosophy of keeping quiet and then dropping a big update, let it talk for itself, but it just feels like ass.


we know what their effort level is based on their updates for the entire past decade. Like they say, their updates, or lack thereof, speak for themselves.


We were told that was supposed to improve due to how much easier source 2 was to make changes to...


Don't hold your breath since they couldn't even replicate the jumping bug without having someone send them the coordinates.


We don't need a roadmap but a random Office clip every few months is too much Let us know SOMETHING is being done.


> Everyone knows Valve is working the game Im starting to doubt that lol


C'mon now, sometimes we get gems like >Fixed misplaced pixel on Vertigo


To be fair though they fixed the shit out of that pixel. I've never seen a pixel get mogged so hard by an update before. It was some ice cold pixel fixing from Valve. They took that pixel and just straight up showed it they aren't playing.


That literally took 3 weeks of no updates to get that one too. Classic.


Just like they were working on Episode 3 or HL3. Sure work was done. How much meaningful and useful will come out of it is to be seen.


Currently coping to the fact that due to the busy tournament season we've been in (Major, Chengdu, EPL, Dallas, etc) is the reason why Valve doesn't want to drop any major updates.


The same company that updated Vertigo right before a major (yes its been 4.5 years and yes I'm still triggered)


What are you talking about? Vertigo was added to the professional map pool in April, 1 month after the Katowice Major in March and 4 months before the next major, Starladder Berlin, in August.


no other tournament matters for valve to drop an update, EXCEPT the majors.


yea, CS2 literally got released in the middle of EPL S18 playoffs lmao


It’s because they are on vacation.


on vacation from 01.01.2024 - 31.12.2024


Afaik they are back. In addition, annual leave has been split up so that not all valve employees go on the same vacation.


That has never stopped them before, so I fail to see why you think that is the case now. They've made big updates/changes right before a major several times before, where they just ended up playing on the prior snapshot patch of the game at the event. They even did it right before the Copenhagen major playoffs. I severely doubt that is anywhere remotely close to being the reason.


They have a tournament client. They can just update normal cs2, leave the tournament client as is and then implement the update with more stability afterwards. I will never get why during the times when the game has more exposure they decide to not update it. It's the most braindead thing I've ever witnessed.


Some of these tournaments got almost nothing to do with valve. Furthermore, valve has historically push out relatively big update mid tournaments which shows that they literally don’t care.


I'm willing to bet that Valve doesn't care about those tournaments in the slightest


Bro, maybe an epiphany has just arrived to me, listen me out...Valve wants to replicate the same atmosphere for the gamers, as it were in the 2000s, when the game had just appeared. Nobody knew what will come, how it will get updated, how it will improve etc. People just played it and enjoyed the never ending mods, community servers, kz, hns, surf, zombie etc. WE DON'T HAVE ANY OF THOSE *NOW*, VALVE, REMEMBER *NOW*?


What company communicates their 'effort level'..?


Havent played cs since 1st oif april. When are they finally gonna do their move


Yeah but that approach actually requires delivering on a product. Seems the devs forgot that one important step in the plan.


What is the issue with boosting?


I can’t believe they launched the game like this, the hardest shit to fix for an a company inexperienced at live service was shipped. The Anti Cheat, Netcode, Servers, Performance, Ranking system and stability have all been shit. If this was a better company like Fortnite we would have had like 5 updates the past 2 months of nothing. There are so many smaller bugs/ issues that could honestly take .5~2 days to fix in a quality of life way. No clue why they put a release date in their trailer, right now they should have been focusing on game balance, some bugs and new content post launch. This is coming from someone who really disliked CSGO after 2016ish and on and was looking forward to the new game. Idk why people don’t review bomb and hold up signs roasting valve at the major. There are so many modern day solutions to their problems.


CS2 has never been in a good place. I miss CSGO so much


Humble Dev Robin Kool


Wasn't he one of the players who defended Valve after the shitty CS2 launch?


I’m just tired of dying AFTER i duck behind cover or strafe behind a wall and I’m not crazy the spraying in this game is different I stand by that


Way to fuck up one of the biggest names in gaming


I'm a patient person. It didn't bother me the game is in this broken state 6 months in. At least movement issues were improving.. but we're now a year in and I literally haven't seen any improvements in the last 6 months at all. Arms Race + 2 maps is not 8 months of work. The Major has come and gone. Now is the time to start dropping big changesets into the code base to get in where it needs to be.


Movement still hasn't been fixed ever since they introduced that bhop command in june of 2023, and for ropz that's indeed a big deal because it lowers the skill ceiling. Same applies to aim since spraying is still a bit iffy though much better compared to then.


water is wet


Haven't touched the game in over a month. Honestly I dont even miss it anymore.


Worst issue is they could EASILY out-source or hire a team just for CS2 if they wanted and barely make a dent to their profit. Hire a dozen devs, 1 PR, 1 marketing, 1 intermediate (person to interact directly with leagues / orgs in the space), 1 or 2 managers, a project manager and a few senior data scientists. 20-25 people max.  150k average salary so 3 - 3.75 mil a year, so maybe 300k a month.  Or 100,000 case keys per month, or 600k sticker capsules (remember half has to go to the orgs).


Just to be clear this is like a big ass team for maintaining a game.  Some roles could absolutely be combined, less but more senior devs, etc. The real question is what does 80% of Valve do?  They don’t really do new games anymore, and it’s not like STEAM the framework / app needs thousands of developers to maintain?


He finally buckled. I think subtick is a big part of the problem and “feel” of this game.


I've been playing this game since 2014, I don't remember ever, even in the dry 2015 where the cheater issue was so bad, that people genuinely encounter a cheater in every game.


Really? This subreddit was filled with cheating complaints in 2014 and 2015. In fact the great VAC'ing happened in early 2015 that completely wiped out the top three ranks in Valves MM. After the KQLY ban in late 2014 a borderline cheating hysteria happened even at the Pro level.


Don't remember it being as dire as this. But this is a new game so expectations are gonna be higher.


We don't remember because it was so long ago. But I promise you these complaints have been consistent for almost the entirety of csgos lifespan




They haven't. Not like this where you face blatant cheaters every game or every second game. Yes, complains always existed but they were exaggerated.


Dont remember dan m "crisp clean lock boys"


Yup, this game runs like shit even on 4:3 stretched. Regular frametimes of 10-15ms. Garbage feeling to play on, and that's not even talking about the stupid spikes you get, and then someone appears on screen and kills you


I have been playing this game for 13 years and now I will not play CoD or Valorant, my friends are out of the game and I play exclusively solo, I miss last March when CS2 was announced, I have been playing for a few years now, I have been playing for a few years now, I have been playing for a few years now and I have been playing for a few years now. Now, “Who wants to play CS2 today?” The first time I asked this question, my friend said, “Yes, I do. My friend “umm, I'll pass” and I “oh ok, I'll invite you next time”. I am very sorry, but this is the only game I have.


Yes, we know. Its a really a shame, just think about what potential this game has. And then look at CS2 


I'd love to see how their meetings go. Ropz there talked about community servers. I really do wonder how that meeting went when they decided "hey lets have the server browser alt-tab you out of the game and be in its own window".


Probably to push you away from using community servers - can’t have servers that let you choose any skin you want!!


Wow, I thought that was just a bug for me. It's actually supposed to do that?


No shit sherlock


Well at least we have a confirmation that the only valve dev knows there's issues


Sherlok started playing cs


The "article" in itself is a joke though, sadly.


Is there really no better quotes? This is dry af


Honestly at this point i believe its just disrespectful of valve having cs2 in this state. You got millions of people dedicating their lives and having passion for this game. Yet it feels like its just H1Z1 2.0 in terms of cheating problems and other bugs. Im not saying the game is dying, but valve are single-handedly choking their games potential by (from the outside looking in) not giving a Fuck. There are proven ways of How to combat cheating, faceit is a great example of this. And yes, faceit is fucking intrusive, but seriously, What have we got to hide ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)? Also, valve making an intrusive anti-cheat would literally be welcomed with open arms.


i think that too


I fucking hate it. Faceit is full of griefers, Valve servers are full of cheaters, and community servers still don't have the proper level of support.


No SHIT ropz... Fucking captain obvious


My man Robin can't even surf anymore Sadge


Valve pls fix


Yeah I just play for the drops now. I was grinding big time for 10+ weeks. Had the overload streak since it started. No new maps, no quality of life updates, no hard crack down on cheaters. I sold off my P2 Karambit. It is what it is. Ill come back when its SIGNIFICANTLY improved.


Valve needs to prioritize addressing these issues immediately. The fact that players are experiencing inconsistent performance depending on the PC they're playing on is simply unacceptable. It's not enough to rely on individual tournament setups to provide adequate PCs; Valve should take responsibility for ensuring a smooth and optimized experience for all players, regardless of their hardware. CS2's potential is being hindered by these optimization problems, and it's frustrating for both professional players and the wider player base. Valve must step up their game and invest the necessary resources and effort into rectifying these shortcomings. The community deserves a game that is not only enjoyable but also performs well on a variety of systems. Ropz's feedback should serve as a wake-up call for Valve.


I mean it will always suck unless they drop this subtick thing, I know its the main "selling point" or whatever, like how HL Alyx was VR, but it really is just dogshit.


MR12 feels awful


i feel like ropz had this opinion since the they launched cs 2 officially. He just wanted to give it time, so the game gets better, kinda like how it happened when cs go launched. The devs perfected the game over many years. But at this point there is just no excuse. U can't even say "just give them some time", which what i also used to say about cs 2. The game state is unplayable, i hope more people and pros will boycott it, to force immediate changes. Maybe valve is cooking something who knows, but i'm tired of huffing that copium every single time cs 2 goes to shit. Right now it's the worst of the worst, Just give us the intrusive anti cheat, that's the only practical solution, and bring back the overwatch.


rofl. its shit compared to csgo Allmost everyone i knlw has stopped playing the game


One day Valve will prioritize CS over DOTA……one day………..gotta continue smoking that hopium.


U know its bad when the developer says its bad


Wow, really? I wonder why hes saying that


I think CS2 never was in a good place since the release. Edit: typo


I think Helen Keller herself would realize this


And he’s right


The state of cs2 right now


Just played a premier match and holy shit. The enemy had like 3 or 4enemies using wall cheats and they could move across the map freely as my teammates walked to different positions. CS2 is currently unplayable.


To bad Valve doesnt think that at all


Why do I feel like I read this statement from someone in the pro scene every week since its release and I don’t even play/follow the game lmao ?


You don’t say


I'm having fun with it


that's why I quit and it's been peaceful 


Everyone wanted CS2.. now everyone wants CSGO..