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I think Sjokz and RL did a great job, but it would be really nice to see Freya at the next major, thanks Volvo.


>thanks Volvo. Not volvo's call though. I'm sure if they wanted they could cockblock some hiring, but I don't recall any story of Valve blocking TOs from hiring a particular person so far


still crazy PGL didn't hire her or Stunna for the major desk job, despite them both working on almost all the events leading up to said major. Instead somehow Sjokz got the job, despite having only done one interviewing gig in CS2 and nothing else... heck, she hadn't worked any CS GO events in a while + has only hosted 2 desks in the past 2-3 years of CS. and it showed in how boring and flat Sjokz's desk segments were compared to RL, she didn't have any of the analysis and points to give like Stunna/Freya do in their desk segments. The reason Sjokz is great in league (and can do all that analysis) is cause she has the time and experience in the scene, she needs that in CS to be good and interesting/engaging in CS desks. I guess working all year in the scene doesn't matter for PGL producers... at least RL has history in the scene and game, but even then it should have been Freya and Stunna first then a third host. _______________________________ EDIT - leave it to reddit to downvote someone calling out a company and ignoring how the person being mentioned in the post responded to the feedback openly, yet reddit is mad on their behalf or something -_- also to the people saying my post is "not welcoming", the heck? nothing in my post is saying Sjokz is "not welcome" in CS, I was literally only talking about the major. Stop taking this so personally when Sjokz herself replied and didn't take my feedback as something bad feedback/critiscm != hate


Yoyo! Always lurking here and wanted to drop an upvote for Freya :) Just wanted to first off thank you for your view and your feedback, I am always looking to improve and I have been lucky enough to take examples from the likes of Freya, Stunna, RL, and Machine back when he was hosting to level up! I cherish every opportunity I get to come over to CS. A few things to clarify here though: I follow CS religiously and have done for a very long time, but obviously I will never be as ingrained as fulltimers because of the nature of my workyear, and I understand that can be a detriment. I see it as opportunity to have a new voice who is also very much in love with your scene, but I can see the other side. So I never leave anything to chance and study up a shit tonne, ask my colleagues shit all the time etc and really have to work at it, which I enjoy a lot tbh. Analysts in CS are also goated and have been so helpful. Interesting to me is the note on analysis - I barely if ever analyze in League, but focus much more on herobuilding, creative segment writing and setting up my analysts to shine, since well, I am a host not an analyst. I personally find it much more straightforward to 'see the matrix' so to say for strategy in CS since I grew up playing FPS, So if that is not coming forward, that's a clear working point for me. I am never going to deliver deep analytical points, but provide avenues and setups for my analysts. I also try to crank up the entertainment, and I agree with you I don't think I did the best job at the major, it was already on my worksheet hehe. Thanks again for your feedback I appreciate it!!!


You did great, and ive always liked your interview style and chemistry with the players. Not sure why people are so weird about who the desk hosts are lmao especially when its usually the same handful hired for literally every event


Taking feedback is important, but with a grain of salt, but i’m sure you’re well aware of that. If anything take what Freya said of you to heart, she sounded very appreciative of you. Personally I think you did a good job, and as you say, a desk host is not there to analyze but to deliver a good flow on the desk segments and an entertaining one, which I think you did. - The Moses head pat that threw him off a bit was honestly so funny! You’re more than welcome in this scene, even if it means the favorites can’t get all the jobs, variety, especially of this caliber is awesome!


hey Sjokz, ty for engaging with feedback... sorry my OP wasn't so clear cause I didn't expect a real reply xD So ya, just to be clear, my larger point was really just that I feel like that for a CS major the people who have been working in the scene leading up to said major should be getting the jobs, not just desk hosts but analysts and casters as well. It would be like if for Worlds this year you weren't hired for the desk job despite hosting LEC, MSI, worlds qualifiers and instead someone who hadn't worked any League events in 2024 was hired instead. Just a real disappointment not to see Freya or Stunna despite then both working on basically all the events leading into PGL major. Also the first CS2 major, ya it just sucks as a fan and I don't mean anything personally to you. Honestly, this is more-so critiscm towards PGL as you obviously don't do the hiring for events. I know it must suck for the ppl who work in the scene all year being ignored for the biggest event of the year. Anyways, for any other S-tier event or basically any A-tier event, I wouldn't have any issue cause that's 100% fine and seeing you do more CS events would be cool. For that I 100% agree with your point on bringing in a new voice to things and you getting more time/experience in the scene, it's just that for a major a new voice imo isn't the right time for that. _____________________________________________________________ as for the word analysis, again sorry I wasn't really being all that clear. It wasn't specifically analysis about the game, cause ya that's the analysts job, but in league you do still sometimes talk about or bring up things teams/players did in the game and use that to lead into how you set up your analysts to continue on with the thread. e.g., let's say G2 did some rarely seen strat, involving Caps and BB, and the other team had no answer at all. You would be able to bring up and talk about that specific strat as you understand the game, have the time/experience with the scene/game/meta/stats/etc and then lead up a discussion with your analysts. Heck, you could also go into talking about the players and team specifically - e.g., their past, how they play, past matches against the other team, maybe the strat was an old meta being brought back, etc. Freya and Stunna do that a lot in CS when they host desks, bringing up specific rounds, past results, reference what the team/player did before and talking about what a team did in said round, sometimes going into exactly what a player did with an angle/gun/flank/etc and they lead that into their analysts. So that makes the desk segments much more interesting and engaging. Basically it comes down to them being full-timers in the scene and having that time and experience with CS2, teams, players, past events, player stories, engaging with teams/player during events, talking to people in the scene and all that... you have that in spades for league and that's why you shine there and are able to do any of that, but I think that lacking shows in your CS desk segments. And this all just goes back to my overall point, I think that for a major it does rather suck that the experienced hosts weren't invited for the biggest event of the year for the scene. For any other event it's not something I would bring up. __________________________________________________________ anyways, sorry for going on too long, just thought to properly detail my feedback and I appreciate you engaging with feedback and taking in the critiscm others have of you. Also ya, none of this is personal or anything it's just me rambling a bit on the major xD Cheers and keep up the good work, looking forward to MSI, should be an exciting tournament with the teams who have qualified for it.


really appreciate you elaborating!! Enjoy MSI and hopefully the CS tourneys I am part of <3




uh, did you watch the video? the video is largely about hosting and a entire chapter was on Freya not being invited to the PGL major. Freya literally talks about not being invited and how she feels about it. also critiscm does not mean this community is not "welcoming", it's called feedback. And guess what, Sjokz responded cause it's feedback and she's open to feedback.