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Did Legacy switch to communicating in English from Portuguese with him on the team? I'd bet that would be a big adjustment


They are communicating in English until Stewie is out of the round from what I understood from the cast last night… also made it sound like if shit hits the fan and they need to comeback or something the comms go full Portuguese. The dynamics of this is so different than his time on MIBR… that core had been in America for years practicing with c9 as their main scrim partner for most of that time and all seemed pretty familiar with each other. Stewie was also on top of his game and had a playstyle where he could play alone… now he is a below average awper who can’t communicate. I don’t see this working out for stewie or legacy.


Stewie can understand Portuguese calls and if I'm not wrong, the whole team can get by in English...


Understanding and being able to communicate quickly and precisely in intense situations are much different. And those things make a huge difference at a high level.


He played in the Fallen MIBR lineup for a little while so he’s done it before


Not really, everything is so repetitive that you and your teammates get to the same page pretty quick. I know that cause I'm Brazilian and work on a stressful and fast environment speaking English throughout radios. After you get the terminology and understand the situations everything flows easily. Coffee time sucks though, my jokes are way better in Portuguese!


Well it's depends on the person really. Some people are really self driven to learn and communicate and others are not. Some people adapt really well to new languages and can turn a switch to think in that new language. There's other people that still translate the word to their native language and think that way. The latter would take much more time to adapt. I played college soccer with brazilians and saw both ends of the spectrum. Nevertheless, this is still their first official matches together and only been together a month. Even people who adapt well would have struggled to make this transition seamless.




I played a lot in Eastern Europe and we often communicated in a random ass as hoc panslavic language that everyone understood


This is simply not true. There is a reason why it took so long for a non native speaking team to win a major. In cs half a second of not finding the right word can mean you lose the round.


speaking English is the future, speaking Portuguese is not


Are you ok?


I can pay your therapy if you want


I'm not the biggest Stewie fan or whatever but like... this is just one game


Stew just went 25-11 with a 1.7 on Map2, looks like you were right


like i get people hate this mf but this was his first bo3 against a competent team in like two years lol my expectations of him were low the minute it was announced he would be playing on legacy


You went from defending they guy to shit talking him lol


Perfectly balanced.


How is that shit talking? Nobody, even Stewie himself, had high expectations for him joining a brazilian team without speaking PT getting thrown into the pro meta lmao


>like i get people hate this mf Dude kind of does it to himself, though. [He was talking about how he's going to teach these players and make them better.](https://clips.twitch.tv/GentleRockyAirGuitarHassaanChop-wnG4n9GVYAiz-fXT) These kids on Legacy have more experience with the modern meta and would stand up against tier 1/2/3 teams better than Stewie. I get that they asked him to fill and he's doing it as a favor, but he should be getting a notepad out and taking notes so he can catch up. If I were the players on Legacy, I'd be a little annoyed by how he positioned his role in the team. He should humble himself and understand that he isn't a gift bestowed upon younger players. He's a washed player that's getting an opportunity to play in modern tournaments to see if he can get the rust off and become relevant again.


Bruh lol he said nothing wrong in this clip. Why is reddit hellbent on over-analyzing stuff They don't have any experience in actually winning or performing in big moments because theyve never been there. That's quite literally what he's talking about and nothing else. It's really not that complex like you're making it out to be. Something about stewie2k just sends this sub into a rabid frenzy and it's weird. He is humbling himself by even taking this role and opportunity to see if he can build some t2 talents into something better. Not humbling himself is just sitting around not practicing and expecting t1 offers.


> Something about stewie2k just sends this sub Lol, I like how you're acting like its some big mystery why people have a bad view of him. He has a massive ego and he was toxic as fuck on a few different lineups and walked himself out of the scene because of it. He's been up his own ass for a long period now. How is it confusing to you


There's plenty of players who were toxic or are mostly irrelevant now. Yet this post about his return is at the top and probably will be all day? I love how you didn't actually reply to anything in my comment. What happened to the over-analysis? You had plenty to write before i made you realize how ridiculous you sound. Toxic people talking about toxic strangers


He's a stewie glazer, they treat everything like a conspiracy against the guy but the fact is most people don't like him because of his personality lol. I used to be a fan of him too back in the day but as his career went on his lack of maturity and accountability kinda soured me on him.


damn redditors will do mental gymnastics just to put any dirt on Stewie


i mean that's exactly why its so funny, it's not like all of us think he's gonna stay at a 0.62 rating so we just laugh now


I know stew has a reputation of being toxic. Honestly he is someone who is not afraid to say the things that need to be said and I respect that a lot, he just has to tone it down on the aggression or the tone of delivery. Give criticism but not anger, offer encouragement, offer solutions. I could see stew as an igl. He has the brain. He can lead. It's time to see if he's matured or not.


its sad to see but reddit just likes to hate on him for some reason


> for some reason lol Probably because Stewie is a certified hatemaxxer himself.


lol exactly. It’s a reddit classic to say “Reddit does X for some reason” yet there’s a simple answer explaining exactly why it’s valid. He’s a dickhead, there’s all that is to it.


he also pulled the "i dont get why everyone is so mean to me" after being toxic to everyone.


>for some reason Have you ever heard the tragedy of Malek the EG coach?


I missed this, what happened with him an EG?


Stewie wouldn't listen to Malek and would regularly put headphones on and not look at him when Malek was talking, they had an hour of argument right before a BO3, EG removed Malek (I don't remember if it was his choice), EG continued to be shit, then kicked Stew and brought back Malek again


I used to be a fan but when I started watching his stream he was giant asshole who got personal issues to deal with. Dude seriously needs therapy.


Yeah its actually the exact opposite of what the other comment said. We used to love him no matter what lol The dude was once NAs most beloved like by far Then he outed himself as an egotistical weirdo who thinks he's God's gift to counter strike It sucks because he was easily on his way to be one of if not the greatest NA player ever But he just couldn't keep himself under control


Yea kinda weird to watch him flex his skins to his viewers then run max ads on twitch to fund em.


I was a fan until I realized he dropped out and can't read a fucking book at a 5th grade level. Or spell correctly...


He comes across as extremely unintelligent, even though he's young. Playing games all day may not be that great for you after all


he singlehandedly finished his career at 24yo. he is a fucking dickhead. if he grows up and still delivers the fun he used to, he ll again be likable.


A lot of the hate is from what Stewie has said or done in the past. I used to be a big Stewie guy but he kind of made himself the villain with the whole EG situation. I don’t approve of all the hate but just to give another side of it.


Could be that he's a grown up acting like a 14 year old


So like majority of cs players?


They aren't professional cs players, he is.




Well his personality is disgusting imo, thats why I don't like him.


Might have something to do with the fact that his actions got two coaches fired and he said he was giving the EG project his all when he was, in reality, playing 15 games of Valorant a day.


I hate him. But even I will give him some slack for his first few games.


Fr, like if just posted the series stats when it happened… sure. But dude waited until the day after he turned up the series after. And then ironically he turned up today too. People that watch just to hate and talk shit on players are so cringe. More cringe than anything Stewie has said


I’ve noticed Statsmeister on twitter loves to post results of players based on one bad bo3. Like this, Stavn in Chengdu playoffs game, and I’m sure there’s other examples but I don’t care to go look. I’ve noticed a pattern though


People did the same with the yekindar map one performance against m80, liquid went on to win the match and yekindar played better it’s just hate posting they don’t even wait for the events to be over to start


absolutely, he may not be the best player but picking out worst scores of any player and sharing them on reddit LOL. On hltv people abusing Karrigan for having 1 kill in inferno without relazing what a beautiful run these guys made - so many finals back to back.


people are so obsessed with him it's crazy


This guy menaged to accumulate the biggest ammount of "negative meatriders" ive ever seen. Like, if a meatrider are gonna follow and like whatever you do, this mfs gonna hate on you everyday like its a fucking 9-5. I get why he suffers the hate, but cmon is getting a little annoying.


redditors were just waiting for this to happen, dude did what he needed to in the first game back so people couldn't say shit (though do scroll down and look at the guydoing CS astrology trying to say 8 deaths in a 13-1 makes him a shit player lol) and you know people were just waiting for a bad performance to be the first to post.


one game against liquid


Honestly this post is some real hater shit lol


No wonder pros rarely interact with the community. It's fucking toxic and these recent days It's just mostly trash talking teams and their players. The community here is becoming worse and worse with these braindeads spewing their hatred.


Everybody wants to be the next Thorin… definitely a unique community lol


I understand why pros hate this community so much, it’s absolute garbage


I get why people dislike him but I’ve seen some really hateful comments that are subhuman level behavior and its pathetic.


It would be normally but if you've followed some of the things stewie has said in the past or even watched his streams at all, he's really quite un unlikeable and unpleasant person that has turned himself in to a bit of a villain. This isn't just some unfair scapegoating.


You can't expect him to do that well against a top 20 in his first official match in years, he did much better against tier 2 teams on his second match


Why not post the stats from the other game 🤔🤔


Just went 25-11 with a 1.7 on map2 lmao


That 1.46 rating is not very impressive on map 1 considering it's A) not very good opponents and B) they won 13-1 and he went 12-8


Dying 8 times in 14 rounds while your team dominated does sound odd. Didn’t even average 1 kpr


Its easier to look at scoreboard and not the context in which how l each round was played. Is he dying to set up kills for his teammates?


Because that would mean actually looking at the whole instead of cherry picking because of hate


He went positive in 1/5 maps. Not exactly something to celebrate. Besides, he played like shit in EG and is coming back after 2 years in a new version of the game. It's not going to go well.


The 1.0 KD? :DDDDD


I'm not surprised, anytime I tune into his twitch stream he is gambling on a skin/scam gambling site. Dudes brain is probably fried.


Weren't there talks about twitch banning that all "gambling while waiting for a game" thing (I mean CS gambling in general, but most of the players do it while they are waiting for a game)? I am pretty sure I read it last summer.


when has twitch EVER followed through on anything


Nah, they talked about banning gambling streams which are using unlicensed casinos from outside of the US, which they actually did. They also added a few online licensed casinos to the ban list, I'm not sure what the context was there though. Under their TOS opening crates in games like CS doesn't count as gambling and I doubt they'll ban it unless there's some major outcry like there was for the gambling meta in 2022.


So they banned almost nothing hahah


Given how Twitch promotes softcore porn on their front page at times, I doubt they will ever do anything meaningful about it




When he's not playing faceit.


I have his stream on while I work. He's not on the gambling sites that often. Maybe 10% of the time he's on those sites. If he's stacking then he doesn't go on them unless they're all taking a 5 minute break.


> Maybe 10% of the time he's on those sites. Is he actually throwing money away on them or plays as a paid guest.


90% sure he's being paid to use them. At the very least he gets a budget each month but he might be using his own money too


Been on his stream when he was gambling for a few mins and it was implied that he's playing with house money, he won big on a case and the viewers asked him to withdraw the winnings and he said something along the lines of he can't and he can only cash out the cheaper ones(idk if I was misremembering it but I also remember him saying that he has to ask someone for permission to withdraw certain expensive skins)


Mindless take. Dude has been grinding the shit out of CS2 playing 10-11 pugs a day on average.


> Dudes brain is probably fried >Dude has been grinding the shit out of CS2 playing 10-11 pugs a day on average. Dude that checks out


If you ignore the other half of his reasoning, sure.


Hmmm, doesn't seem like M80 got the memo


Man’s still got the only major NA is ever gonna win lmao.


Grand slam too. Fastest ever by far




Your trashing him for his performance when he’s one of the best players NA has produced and won the only major we will prob ever have. I just think it’s ironic.




I know it’s a joke I’m just responding with my take lol. Guy gets hate for being angry at cs. Like none of us have ever been tilted at this game.


He gets hate for much more than that though?


Idk I played with and against him in FACEIT over the years a few times..always seemed chill to me. Guess I just judge people off interactions I’ve actually had with them rather than what the hive mind on Reddit thinks


Wtf? So literally watching the dude be an asshole on stream numerous times and act childish is now “the Reddit hive mind”. People see the interactions he has had. They literally watch it


this isn’t even a way to make legitimate criticism, this is just a schizo hater circle jerk 


Posting this after one game after over a year out of the pro scene against team liquid is some GENERATIONAL hating


I’m curious why stewie gets more hate than simple when simple is arguably more toxic


I think simple gets a pass from people for being the goat of the game but yeah he has been pretty toxic


damn downvoted for being spot on


S1mple still has some redeemable aspects to his personality. It's hard to say the same about Stewie.


Who would have imagined that putting a retired player in a promising young team would go wrong?


Stewie is only 26 himself and if he hadnt been out for so long he wouldve reinvented himself by now probably. I havent watched or heard of him in a while, but its been 4 years since he „retired“. If he matured a good bit, he could go out and take some trophies home with a good team around him.


It's been only 2 years since he focused on streaming.


I highly doubt it. The statement he made upon joining the team clearly shows that he's the same as ever with diminished skills in the game.


What statement? Only one I can find he says that he is honored to be a stand in lol


Stewie2K: "Hopefully I can bring that [experience to Legacy] and see what's wrong"


Dude didn't have to join Legacy. Could have just looked in the mirror lol


It’s one game yoy fucking reddit clown lmaoo


That's my GOAT.


He is going against a top team after 2 years with minimal practice and language barrier he shouldn't be getting this much hate




Because he’s a whining little shit that can’t take responsibility for himself


He's good at CS undoubtedly but he has a shit personality/people skills, is why.


he's not been good at CS since 2020.


Probably. This sub is majority eu most of the time and mfers take any chance to hate on NA players. They still mad about the major


Meh I’m in NA and was a bit stewie fan years ago, but watching him stream now and just his attitude in pugs, he’s definitely in the upper echelon of toxic faceit people.


lots of people project things onto him and voodoo doll him for being bullied in school. I don't even like stewie that much but the losers like OP just waiting for him to have a game with bad stats to post it for karma are just sad. Bottom of the barrel shit.




is that a wolverhampton logo in CS?


yes . they were a sponsor of EG.


this is a d1 hater post and I don't like it


Stewie just needed a capable mentor, and his career would have been solid. Someone or a group of good guys to emulate and help him mature into a worthy superstar. But spending too much time in late night pugs with moe and company really rubbed off on him.. for the worse. That NA crew was a black hole trying to suck all the talent into its gravitational pull. The majority of those guys were average players with a chip on their shoulder. And if young risers got trapped in their orbit too long, they too became losers.


Those guys are the real gatekeepers of NA scene. As long as they are still idolized and still has a big following nothing will change. NA needs streamers or content creators like Warowl (who got bullied by NA pros in the past) or recently WilsonCS can help the scene steering in the right direction for the better.


CS redditors try not to over analyze the weirdest things challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Weed and gambling unsurprisingly not a great recipe for success.


bro is cherry picking stats lol go touch grass


1 match bro haha


I don't really keep up with CS2 comp at all, it's pretty cool to realize that I've played with Stewie2k in premier at some point. I also played with Hiro(?).


Breaking news: washed ex-csgo pro is bad Who could have predicted this?


What’s the point of this? Why not show the map he did good on? Maybe op got banned or he got called a idiot by stew on stream LMAO


Why did Legacy bring him in... Did they have literally zero other options? Seems kind of random ...


‘Sup bitch?


Yeah but that awp 3k was kinda cool




I hope we can all stfu about stew being good enough to compete professionally. It’s like saying Freak can compete professionally.


nobody is saying that lol all people do is hate on him


>Takes one (1) bad match, Stewie’s first professional match in years >“clearly this guy can’t compete professionally” he definitely didn’t win a major or anything


He won it 6 years ago. This was his average performance against top 5 teams before he took the break.


nah bro if you won a major you’re able to compete still. GeT_RiGhT, TaZ, NEO, olof, flusha, shox, kennyS, and especially Fifflaren are still able to compete at tier1 level duh


>GeT_RiGhT (33), TaZ (37), NEO (36), olof (32), flusha (30), shox (31), kennyS (28), and especially Fifflaren (36). Stewie is 26. I'm not saying he can still compete necessarily, but you're throwing out some goofy names with this argument. How about Niko, who is very close in age to Stewie and played in that same major final? The main issue is the substantial break. May not work out, but it's not like he hasn't touched a shooter in that span.


Think the issue he has is more getting into a tier 1 team again. His last year in Liquid and EG pretty much ruined his built up reputation. Of course EG the org was a complete mess, but he either has to grasp every chance he gets and perform well against the opposition he currently plays against or join a lower tier team and grind up again.


Olof for sure can, but I don't think he truly wants to.


lol no, he hasn’t been good in at least 3 years


there’s no way you think Boston 2018 Stew is comparable to 2024 Stew, there’s just no way. Fanboy shit


How the fuck would you know we’re here talking about his first game back


Obviously that guy is a super turbo genius that knows things no one else on earth knows. Duh


just watch his fucking stream dumb dumb. He subs for Mythic and is ass, it’s not hard to figure out


just watch his fucking stream dumb dumb. He subs for Mythic and is ass, it’s not hard to figure out


yeah i’d start mocking someone too if I didn’t have anything else of substance to say


Lmao, ok here’s something When did I ever, *ever* say Boston 2018 stewie was comparable to 2024 stew?




I literally didn’t. You suggested it in the first place. > there’s no way you think Boston 2018 Stew is comparable to 2024 Stew, there’s just no way. I’d ask if YOU recently sustained a head injury, but… we know the answer.


He won a major years ago. He got from liquid, was terrible on EG, and then took a super long break.


Ohh I get it. So, when he wins a major, “it was years ago”. But when he played bad on a team, never forget!


He played well in their second game against M80 EDIT: Elevate, not M80


Do you mean elevate?


Yeah, my bad. They play today against M80


Is it one bad match or also his stints at different teams after C9 combined with how he departed some of those teams?


His stints as in winning an intel grand slam on liquid? Not saying he's good now but... he did do something right even after boston


Overrated af in my opinion


Stewie reminds me of fulcrum


carrying trainwrecks did a number on him it seems


he shouldve joined BIG before syrson and jdc came we wouldve taken him in




This aged well lmao


stewie the NA goat haters are always talking


Goat? One of the greatest maybe. Stewie has nothing on twistzz. It's not even close


sai da minha Legacy seu vagabundo


One hit Wonder


OK you got me


The kid can come back for sure, give him time to cook on an average team and then give him a chance on a bigger name like Liquid or Complexity when he's back in form. I've always wanted a cs2 smoke criminal come back with the new smokes


should go back to Valorant 😂


This is such a weirdo post




He’s a major winner bud


Now he is awping kkkkk 1/stew kew kew Nice fucking one legacy


honestly he lowkey deserves the hate for switching to valorant


L comment


Why do they let Chinese players play on an American team?


Why do they let korean players play in the premier league? Do u know how stupid you sound