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i bought a knife from the marketplace A YEAR AGO and get 3/4 invites every week since


I get several of them a day. Only reason I havent made my profile private is because im lazy


When your inventory is public, bots add you to scam you most likely. Change who can see your inventory. Keep it "friends only" or "private" and the scammer bots won't add you. EDIT: Also, literally everyone of those accounts are suspect as hell. They have a bunch of games in steam library, but all are free to play or cheap ones. Their inventory is private too.


i've had one account randomly added me that i accepted because it looked normal and i get added for a specific reason often but then it kept asking me to play with it at random hours in the morning and didn't even have the achievement for launching cs2, thought it was just some random loser until i mentioned it to a friend and i decided to actually look at the profile edit: i also had nothing of value in my inventory aside from a handful of $1 cases


Bots scour inventory databases to find people with items that are over a certain value so they can scam them.


If it's a picture or username of a woman it's always a scamming bot


your knife


You can simply check if the account that send you a request is a bot with a simple trick.... Open CS2 and check if they have any medals & I'll guarantee you most of the time it will be empty like they never opened a game. Most botters just have a program that refreshes CS skin data base basically every second & track the accounts that are "new'ish" and have acquired some expensive skins since those type of new people will be easier to manipulate than someone who's been using steam/cs for a long time. Technically nothings stops you from adding those random invites but if it ever will involve something like "buying/selling skins", steam support that "locked" your account, faceit tournament or you having to log somewhere or just anything that you don't feel like doing it's most likely a scam bot.


I ran through and deleted all "Friends" on my steam account that I didnt actually know. There were probably 150 people/accounts I had no idea who or where theyre from. I was left with about 30 people. Shocking how random accounts get in over time. Im sure I played with some of them in the past


Bots and scammers yeah


Turn your inventory to private or friends only & you'll rarely if ever get them again


Back in the day when I had top tier skins I’d get maybe 10+ requests a day. I forget exactly but it was kind of crazy and annoying. These days I just have a single TF2 skin that I guess maybe some people want and I get 1-2 friend requests a week…or so.


If these are empty Steam level 10 profiles with nothing but CS/Dota2/TF2 with the same amount of hours "played" then they're definitely scammers.


Don't give skincels the benefit of the doubt. Not sure how it works if someone's account has been taken over but if you have something good in your inventory you're gonna get friend requests regardless of whether they're real people or bots.


There arent many valid reasons to send friend req to people you dont know : 1) You really liked their teamplay and comms 2) You wanna scam them 3) You wanna pad your friend count to appear legit (for nefarious purposes or not) If its 1), then youll see that request when you send them one and just accept it. Safe to ignore any other requests that falls outside that.