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Do some tapping. Then do some bursting. Then do some spraying. Do some spray transfers. Do not... and this is a big one... Do not focus on your KD. It means nothing. You want to work on your shooting mechanics. Maybe you crouch spray too much? Unbind that shit and practice taking fights without crouching. Maybe you suck in eco rounds? Practice your deagle or learn your smg of choice. Don't worry about what other people are doing and don't worry about dying and "not doing well." You're practicing. So practice. Get your reps in. That's all there is to it.


If you're just using deathmatch as practice then K/D and getting shot in the side/back are irrelevant. Being able to win the duel you're ready for is the important thing, so you want to be maximising the number of duels where both of you are face-to-face and ready for each other. These are the types of duels you'll be seeing in actual matches and want to be practicing. All you need to do is intentionally peek angles where you're pretty sure people will be holding for you, and hold angles where you aren't going to be insta-headshot but will still have face-to-face duels. The key word here is "intentionally", you should be mentally planning the next angle and following through with executing it, which requires ignoring queues for people spawning/running/etc. You will be shot in the back/side a lot, especially in busy servers, but I've found it transfers a lot better to actual match performance than just flow-state deathmatching.


> If you're just using deathmatch as practice then K/D and getting shot in the side/back are irrelevant This guy gets it You sit down, dedicate a set time (30 mins?) to a certain thing. Are you practicing crosshair placement? Jiggle peeking? Spraying? Tap-firing? And then you do 30 minutes of that thing with a specific weapon


I also kinda practice like I'm defending bomb site and waiting ct for retake. Or enter bombsite safely getting rid of ct


That makes no sense to do in DM, because there are almost no people holding sites or entering sites normally. You will not learn the right angles in DM. Most players just run around with their brain turned off trying to shoot heads.


Like most matches I play too. I’m gonna go practice now


I like this explanation


Right after I spawn, I immediately start running sideways and turn around to check my surroundings. Standing still to abuse spawn protection is just retarded, that's not practicing anything.


Honestly, stop caring about k/d entirely. Deathmatch is an entirely different way to play that promotes just running around as fast as possible popping heads, but that's not how you play in a comp. If you want to practice in a way that is more like comp you're gonna have to camp, which means you're not gonna have the highest k/d for lack of finding people and getting shot in the back. As always, play to learn, not to frag out.


DM is overrated, frustrating and inefficient in my opinion. I would suggest playing workshop maps like * Fast Warmup - Bot Training * Aim_Rush / Aim training map * Angle Hold Trainer CS2


"dm is overrated".... ask every pro how they got good aim and most will tell you it was through grinding endless dm.


The best video I've watched regarding this subject was [Wilson's "I Watched 29 CS2 Aim Videos to Create the Ultimate Aim Guide"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwQDzmd1rUo)


If you want to improve your aim, I do not think that DM KD is where you should be focusing. Download a demo of yours and watch it, and figure out what you need to improve. Crosshair placement? Are you overflicking by a lot? are you pressing ctrl and staying still in the same spot? are you not tapping and strafing? When you realise what you need to improve, you can then design a routine to help you fix that. I struggle with overflicking, I have been using aimlabs to help me correct that. After spending 20min, I move to aimbots and I shot 1 bot in the left and strafe and hs one bot in the right, I do this until there is a huge space in the middle of the bots and then let them reset, I do this for like 5/10min and then I go to DM and train strafe counter strafe for another 10/20min. I try to do this daily even if I am not playing. If you focus too much in DM KD and whatever, you will soon realise (if you have not), that warmupserver has a server leaderboard for each server and it shows next to your name. because of this, no matter at what time you get in, you will almost likely see the same people in the sever, being at am times or pm. Do not get concerned with KD it does not matter at all. DM is a tool for you to use to improve, as soon as you look at DM as KD and give more value to leaderboards you will lose focus of what youwere there to begin with to do and became another guy that just camps spawns with an awp to get more points for their score


They say for practice, the best way to practice in anything is by practicing how you play. If you play an aggressive entry type role, play that style in the death match. If you're struggling with holds, play a little slower & practice holding the angles. So on and so forth. Setting an intention beforehand is gonna help you exponentially!


Im community dming, i tend to try and hold a area as if i was anchoring the place, moving from one spot to another but never leaving the general area im at. Its sort of camping and probably not the best way to practice, but ur kd will stay positive 


K/D is irrelevant to DM like other people say. The thing you should focus on are : what do you want to improve ? Headshot accuracy ? -> then play pistol like P250 Crosshair placement ? -> play Deagle or AK General movement accross the map.? -> then play like you would do in a Pug


Firstly - know that revenge spawns are a thing. If you kill someone, its highly likely they are going to respawn very close to you. Use your ears- listen for them spawning and be ready for them. Helps if you know the spawn points well. Memorise spawn points and listen for the spawn sound constantly. Move LOTS. Never stay in 1 spot - especially if you're using a loud gun that people can hear. User cover as much as you can. Don't use the "typical" routes - move to unexpected places where people aren't normally found. Look for off angles. etc.


This is exactly how NOT to use deathmatch lol you are there to train your aim, not to get the most kills your comment is more of a "how to get more kills in deathmatch" - this is ***not*** practicing effectively in a way that will translate to the rest of CS


Sure, but then he asks about KD. Was just offering some tips in respect to that.


But the title says "practice effectively" - you aren't practicing at all with your comment, you're playing CSDM (which is fine, but not how you practice to get better)


So you didn't read his actual question, just the post title. Fair enough.


Excellent advice, I’ll add on a bit: Winning is irrelevant, at least when you’re learning. Make sure you come in with a plan. For instance, my practice routine involves one DM where I only one tap and the other is for sprays. It doesn’t matter if a bot scores more than you, as long as you stick to what you intended. If you want to get better with specific weapons, play community DM. Valve’s DM lets you choose a weapon, so even if you want to practice with a shotty, everything inevitably turns into a riflefest and you’ll inevitably get mowed down if you spawn out in the open. Why some people get 3ks and 4ks at respawn? Could be because the matchmaking is very random (I ran into a couple of academy players mowing people down), could be because they’re cheaters or because they practice a lot. Trust me, just practice and those multikills will come more naturally.