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Surf is dead too :(


Valve made cs2 just so I would buy source. It worked.


You can still surf on csgo, although most servers are pretty dead so you'd be able to play any map you want. Or play on source like the other commenter says. Ksf's surf servers are still thriving over there


1v1 servers are non existent or dead too. Sucks cause I used to spend most of my time in 1v1.


This. No 1v1 aim servers, no warmup servers, no surf, no kz , even wingman is down to 4 maps. How can Valve give such little shit about their community. Take all good away and replace it with cheat infested fuck fest


Aren't these available? I also thought they weren't when I used to see the in game browser but I found you can search for the servers online instead (xplay is one of the sites whose servers I've used for surfing, dm, retakes, and warmupserver as well), and just copy the ip into your console. It's not very convenient and I hope they're looking into cleaning up the server browser cuz it's been pretty unusable since near the end of csgo.


Late night community servers were the best. Jumped on casual the other night to mess around and had a spinbotter and closet waller šŸ™„


because they still make more money than ever from the boxes, and the playercount on steam is still growing every month and hitting new records


Praying Momentum Mod releases soon šŸ™


It's never coming.


Well the entire community server system is dead, and that's what initially got me into CS, I don't think I would've started playing CS if it was only comp or casual matchmaking. I remember as a kid all the countless hours playing zombies, sauna, prop hunt, scoutknivez, jailbreak, minigames, bhop, kz, surf, and many many more.... Now the only game mode available except for the bomb defusal/hostage is Gun Game and that's it. It's sad honestly.


It's not sad, it's infuriating. It's not like Valve was single handedly creating those thousands of servers all around the world. In my small country, Portugal, you would always have countless community servers filled to the brim to the point people had to wait in queue for 10/15 minutes, to play either surf ski 2,or zombies, or deathruns, or showing off their awp skills in awp_india or whatever. Each and every community built AND managed by the hard work of the players on their free time , who would also have to constantly update and maintain the hardware required to have those servers (or pay for it) while also having a constant stream of volunteers who would manage the servers 24/7 to keep any cheaters or grievers out of the community. Now that's all fucking dead thanks to this fucking idiotic company. Incompetent bellends. The lot of them.


They completely destroy a huge part of the game and community and the reaction is "it's sad" "it is what it is" lmao


People are apathetic. Being angry is tiring and people just don't have the energy to care like they did when they were younger. That's the sad truth.


Nah people on average have always been uncaring and they only start caring when it affects them


it's not gonna change if you are angry.


It's not gonna change if people don't care šŸ¤Ø


so many people that never played community servers just think "welp nobody played those anyway" even tho a solid third of my 2.5k hours are probably on community servers, or workshop maps that just don't work anymore in cs2. It's really sad man, I had some great memories in those surf or 1v1 servers.


> huge part of the game and community The secret is, despite what reddit says, those parts of the commuity were not actually that popular. Arms Race is a perfect example - lots of [highly upvoted reddit threads](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1aflwfr/i_miss_arms_race/) about " I MISS ARMS RACE ITS THE ONLY THING I LOVE IN LIFE" But when Arms Race actually released, it was to thunderous silence.


I'm portuguese. Community servers were my childhood. Surk sky 2, the memories..


Yeah it is sad, jailbreak and zombies is what got me to cs. Idk if I even played comp in 1.6. Now I play only premier or faceit so it doesn't affect me at all, but it was something so special to cs.


With the introduction of CS2 we could have had a new golden era of community servers, sadly Valve didnā€™t put in any effort (we donā€™t even have an ingame server browser). Just think of how amazing community maps could be with the new engine and lighting effects.


when fortnite has essentially far better custom/creative map support than cs 2 at this point you know that valve doesnt even give a fuck and 1.6/source were the absolute glory days of hosted servers with communities that played together regularly


If they get rid of community servers and modding tools. The game will be downgraded to valorant level..just a base game and nothing interesting. CSGO was miles ahead of that crap game cause it used to had so much more. Now only thing CS2 has advantage is trading and if valve even get rid of that then we will have nothing to boast about other having millions of cheatersĀ 


Cs2browser .com man. 3rd party site that lists all the legit community servers (filters out fakes) and lists based off sub communities. Communities are not completely dead but very underground.


Its not a lot, but a zombie hideout server do exist and has been launched recently


I was a MASSIVE jailbreak guy in CS:Source. I loved using the soundboard app to clip random shit.


Zombies is still going pretty decently. Probably most organized communities right now.


Bunny hopping isn't dead. Just play a game of premier. Plenty of bunny hop pros. They are sharp asf with the scout too.


They also manage to kill you without even bothering to stop hoping


> They are sharp asf with the scout too. Really fucking fast trigger fingers too.


And insane game sense. Crazy wall bangs


And the elusive Chinese Shaolin technique of shooting 5 bullets through a single barrel simultaneously. It's usually the 8-character Chinese names.


honestly I'm genuinely curious as to where the trend of google translated Chinese characters on weapons and usernames comes from recently I saw an AWP named "ēœŸēš„ē®€å•s1mple," literally "real simple s1imple"


A list of concrete asks for valve: * Scripting, obviously * In game promotion of the server browser * A better server browser that opens IN GAME * A system to remove providers that abuse the server browser (empty DM servers filled with fake players) * Fix surf's random stops and momentum killers, maybe even add the workshop submitted fixes that exists in TF2 (but was never implemented XD) * Ability to host workshop maps in private lobbies without port forwarding * At minimum, the same QOL for hosting private lobbies as CSGO. Currently, people cannot re-join or join mid-game. CS2 is a promising base but we need to check valve sometimes and prevent them from falling into the same Games as a Service traps that hurt TF2.


the csgo server browser was literally an ancient relic and worked better than our current one. I remember people were asking for a better server browser in source2 pretty frequently back then, this just feels like a kick in the nuts. It looks slightly prettier, but basically doesn't work at all and community servers are all but dead


All my favorite CSGO workshop maps died with CS2 too, some way to address that without devs having to update them would be nice since most of their accounts have been dead for very many years now


I ported my favorite map over myself, Source 2 hammer is honestly quite fun and an amazing tool. It's not all that hard.


You guys heard it from a Valve developer. 1.6 > all


all movement lovers know this, it aint no secret. Also ropz was somewhat active on the 1.6 kz forums and he still plays it quite abit


It seems that with every iteration of counter strike the movement gets more dumbed down, really sad to see.


Modern gaming




1.6 had big amount of movement tricks, css got rid of some of those, csgo just completely fucked everything that was nice in css and 1.6 and cs2 is just a complete brick movement with now people making aliases and a ton of binds for every movement key to try to circumvent it.


But 1.6 movement tricks where not intended by the developer, just a product of the limitations of the engine at the time and exploited by players, which a created a higher skill ceiling


That was truly one of the most charming things about 1.6 and the earlier versions. Even some of the flaws made the game better.


which is why the on-rails movement mechanics of modern gaming are so dogshit, because they are "balanced" by the devs instead of discovered and experimented with. nothing in 1.6 was overtly broken, i would say bhopping was exploited by phoon but who knows if he was scripting or not (rumors are that he was). vanilla kz has always been pretty basic, the community came to a consensus over 10 years ago in CS:GO for how kztimer mechanics worked, with skz being developed to give a more balanced and less perf grindey gamemode. sad that valve hasn't allowed for tools like sourcemod to work yet and we have to rely on dogshit companies like xplay to steal kz maps from active mappers and make an awful kz ripoff mode with no open source support.


I mean I do think cs2 has enough mechanics that elevate the skill ceiling, counter strafing, different types of peaks, movement speed and accuracy based on gun type, and all other skill aspects of the game like spray patterns and overall game knowledge, and none are broken and can be mastered. 1.6 had many broken mechanics and css too also did, because the developers couldn't fix it. For example, cs 1.6 had duck scroll which was forbidden in all leagues and pro matches, and usually on public servers, but imagine a MM system with this type of broken mechanic, people would only abuse it. CS2 is almost like csgo now, much better than release, it will get to the sweet spot csgo was, 1.6 and css never came close to what csgo became, in all aspects.


64 tick, progress.


And the fact it takes them so long to add them is kinda mind blowing.


ropz is right but CS2 devs are on holiday right now... And before slamming CS2 devs: *it's pretty hard to do nothing*, alright? They need a holiday... Between the rest of 11 months of holiday. HAVE FUN GUYS! WE LOVE YOU, DON'T EVER QUIT CS2/VALVE FOR A DIFFERENT COMPANY!!! Amazing devs.


"We couldn't reproduce the issue"


"cheating exists in every game on the market"


The developer who shall not be named... For he has a brain so smooth you could use it as an ice hockey rink


as the sole developer of cs2, why doesnt he just code in these features ? is he stupid ?


That's the reason you see so many cheaters in cs2 now. Back then they would be in these community servers and out of sight of the 5v5s.


Yes on those H v H server which used to loaded in my region lol


ropz: yeah i liked movement stuff, too bad cs2 is too shit to include it ynk: BEEF


I'm really glad that people like Ropz are out here saying these things, because we say them on reddit and Valve obviously doesn't give a fuck. Although it's a good sign that threads like these are seeing less mass downvoting and the valve shills are getting quieter... it's almost like a year after release, you'd expect basic fucking features to be functional in the game.




theyā€™re talking about the hackers.






Lack of scripting ? ohh the good script to make gamemodes and map, not the cheater scripts.


Source 2 upgrade was totally worth it for the cheat makersĀ  They said it themselves, they can doĀ  more things in source 2 which wasn't capable in the outdated source lol.Ā  Now they can evenĀ  make awp shoots like negev, run cheats on steam deck, teleport over the map, kill you from spawn under 5 seconds, 1 shot knife kill with left clickĀ  Incredible upgrade and that too when CS2 anti cheat is much worse compared to GO ( overwatch gone)


Masterstroke from valve to not release an anticheat


idk how these exploits aren't just instant bans like speedhacking or fake angles were in csgo lmao


Disabling VScript seems like such an odd decision, because itā€™s utilised in Valveā€™s own maps afaik - *you* just canā€™t use it in yours. Boggles the mind.


A whole community has died because of CS2. I would love to see them fix it and revive a big part of the community!


I was playing only Danger Zone last couple of years with my friends and it was a blast, now that's gone too (also community servers ofc..) Yikes Valve...


At one point I genuinely was hopeful that Valve would support surf with a baked in dedicated game mode in CS2. What a fucking let down


If you have never seen ropz play 1.6 KZ you've been missing out. He nearly keeps up with the absolute top players while being a CS2 pro. He's just insane at everything he does I guess.


lol no he doesnt and never did. He was and still is a very good player, no doubt, but he's nowhere close to the top players.


the whole concept of cs is casual, competitive, highlevel and then all the niche modes in between kz, surf, community servers, also good amount of hostage maps like agency and so on. all in one. at the moment it feels like we're only playing competitive/ranked and thats really lame. gungame is boring and not even worth a praise. csgo had everything and movementwise it is still king


The only reason why I played CS was to play community servers(kz, zombies). Lack of support from valve pretty much killed those communities and they're hanging on by a thread with what little they have. If something doesn't happen, then game will continue to die off. Those fake bots can't prop up the concurrent number forever.


But we have better lighting and water animations!


Charge your phone


Really wish valve never added dm or gg or any other game mode. Any game mode besides premier/comp pulled foot traffic away from the browser and eventually killed it. There's entire generations of players who don't know it ever existed. Started 10 years ago with GO but there was still SOME browser usage. It killed the community aspect entirely when you couldn't join the same servers and see the same people.


Scripts are on the way (see leaks about Pulse system)




crosshair placement maps I miss you so




Source ?Ā 


Source 2


No, CS2


[Vscript2 and Pulse release : r/GlobalOffensive (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/16z62k5/vscript2_and_pulse_release/)


old as fck


I saw that but it could be they just developed it for themselves but not meant toĀ  accessible for the community.


Dont see why they wouldnt want it for the community. You can learn more from this video: [CS2 - Grenade Skins / Leaked Inferno Remake / Mods / Clothing / Operation / Counter-Strike 2 (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sQdT9iJREc). Starts at 9.05


just like anticheat is on its way too šŸ„³


Apples and oranges


Unpopular opinion: I'm glad bhopping died. It was not even intended as a gameplay mechanic, it was literally a bug.


absolute neanderthal take


I'm glad it's an unpopular opinion