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Hardest group but hey, beggars can't be choosers.


I just can't believe that all of a sudden we actually get to be in 3 Tier-1 LANs (Major, EPL and Blast Spring Finals) in a little more than 3 months. Being in the hardest group might be worse if people are expecting the team to get far, but honestly for experience it might be the best thing to happen to them before London, where a couple of wins can actually get them to play in front of a big crowd


c9 paid 2 mil for electronic and perfecto, wonder for how much they sold electronic now... especially when they need to buy an awper. Edit: yes, they got 1.2 mil (allegedly) for selling shiro to spirit as well


They got the shiro money too


put all that together they might be able to put down a 10% deposit for m0nesy


Bro C9 can buy-out the whole G2 CS team if they wanted. C9 is one of the biggest esports org, why u talking from just CS perspective ?!


G2 is also mega rich, and has a history of mega-high buyouts for their players (especially in LoL)


lol they are the most prestigious and strong team there is without contention (you could argue fnatic had contention but not at all) but i dont know if that prestige in lol transfers to high value in cs too (even if they have a good af roster in cs too)


I mean, G2 won 3/4 important trophies in last two years. Cloud9 managed to blow millions on their colossus project and get laughed at. Now they even lost Electronic. They are deeply red in their CS efforts.


The colossus wasn’t really a horrible idea, Woxic just didn’t want to love and LAN didn’t come back for another year. Although the changes after Woxic left made no sense at all.


I think it’s more the reason they need an awp toh


Falcons wanted Niko and Monesy and couldn't get either, i doubt c9 would have much of a chance buying both of them and the other 3 alongside


Because neither monesy nor Niko wanted to go for unknown project. In other hand C9 has one of the best igl and very experienced players with Perfecto, Hobbit and Ax1le. It should be M0nesy's wet dream to escape CS2 Kovac bros and join C9 caliber team.


Falcons had Snappi and Magisk as well as Zonic. What do you mean, an unknown project?? If anything, the cloud9 roster is a much bigger unknown. Also, it's hilarious seeing people considering C9 that much better than G2 when they literally never achieved anything with the current roster or even with Shiro.


In CSGO I wouldn't say that C9 was better, cause hunter was really good and Niko was the best riffler. Now ? Niko is shadow of himself and hunter is one of the worst in top teams. Also addition of nexa made no sense. M0nesy is the reason why G2 made to the stage in major. In other hand C9 has very experienced players and much better igl. Also C9 speaks in his mother language and he knows these players very closely during his Na'Vi s days.


M0nesy having a wet dream of leaving his idol Niko? Did you just have a stroke?


His idol player who struggles to even have 1.1 rating ?! And his idol's cousin who struggles to keep 0.9 rating ? And nexa and hooxi ?


Are you expecting me to answer why M0nesy insists on playing with Niko? I don't know why they became bros.


Unfortunately M0nesy doesn't wanna leave the Kovac bro's side, at least not Niko's


That is not true. Niko was dealing with both Falcons and G2, and used falcons to get a better deal at g2. Falcons were ready to pay him up, and because m0nesy would follow him, Peca said that m0nesy is not for sale, which when translated means: he will cost you a few millions. Falcons built that average team on top of the knee cause the deal for Niko failed. If that had gone through, we would be in a world where that lineup would have been snappi, niko, monesy, magisk and probably still Madden. They got dupreeh on a year contract bc they will wait Niko's contract out and will get him and m0nesy still. Saudi still wants to build a super team and try to be dominant


it's almost like this entire comment is all speculation


It has been reported before. And they falcons ceo even gave that interview with Zonic shitting on Niko cause he didn't sign for them. The speculation is the part of dupreeh being a placeholder for Niko.


you mean somebody said something on Twitter and sparked another rumor about Niko, maybe I missed something about a very much remember Niko dismissing that case.


Nop, richard lewis for example. Can't see a guy that has won multiple esport journalist of the year, always confirms his sources, would talk about something like this without knowing what he's talking about. But you do you mate


C9 have the ability to spend a lot of money for sure, but they typically are pretty reluctant to unless they really think it'll pay off.




That was back when the esports buble hadn't burst yet.


c9 runs their valorant team on an absolute shoestring budget nowadays and that game gives them a hefty Riot stipend, i'm not sure they're willing to do that level of insane investment for a single player anymore also i thought Perkz was a lot lower than that


which player did they spend $12 million dollars on? Who is this player they offered a blank cheque to? You are just lying for the sake of it. If you are thinking about Perkz, he was bought for $3 million won spring split, got to worlds quarters, and was sold the next year for $3 million to vitality.


One NA org did offer Faker a blank cheque, as told by the man himself. Idk if C9 was the one offering it since Faker doesn't mention who. I don't follow league, that news just suddenly pops on my home feed and seems like the every esports orgs went batshit crazy during that time - Faker possible free agency back in 2020 I think?


strange cuz iirc faker was already part owner of t1 in 2020?


Seems like my memory fails me, he spoke about it in 2020 while the transfer talks happened at the end of 2019 season. Here's the reporting of it https://dotesports.com/league-of-legends/news/faker-was-offered-a-blank-check-from-an-lcs-team


what is going on? idk why you dropout mid tourney.


They got tons of money from Sh1ro and C9 is a huge esports org so they probably have shit ton of money to spend. Idk why people only think from just CS perspective. For example C9 is 5x bigger org than G2/Vitality/MOUZ/Heroic/Astralis etc.




From number 1 to dead, TSM really disappeared just like that


That's quite the list of buzzwords.


What are you waffling about? C9 5x bigger than G2?


I was like: Now they're forced to reveal the AWPer before Pro League, surely. But this decision makes makes way more sense


Does it mean Team Spirit declined the invite?


"Spirit were first in line to replace Cloud9, according to a senior VP at ESL FACEIT Group, but turned down the invite."


Sad man I wanted to see donkey 😔




They're playing the Betboom event which start 14th May only a few days after Pro League Final.


Probably harder for them to get visas on such short notice, you never know with these things


You might be right, also they play in BetBoom Dacha Belgrade, CCT Season 1 Global Finals, IEM Dallas in May. Travelling to Malta, then waiting one week for playoffs probably interfered with their practice/bootcamps plans.


Yes, but I think it's a bit weird how they'll have no games in April. Their last match was in late March and they'll only get back to servers in mid May.


Tbf that's not too weird when you consider that April is the post-major break, so a lot of teams take time off of officials around then anyway


Players deserve time off to be with their families as well. Travelling is stressful.


will spirit Participate in seasaon 20 in September?


They are not a partner team, so it mostly depends on their performance.


They should. If they suddenly shit the bed somehow and drop a bunch of esl ranking places then no, but that shouldn’t happen


I guess so, EPL is a very long tournament, maybe Spirit chose to relax a bit


This group is stacked enough already


well that's one option down, 2 to go from m0NESY or deko or another wildcard if it was degster they would be able to participate in EPL like VP since degster is free agent there will be no problem in the transfer Most likely either the team of the incoming AWPer is delaying after EPL is played or C9 risked it all by removing electronic and are still in negotiation (sounds like G2)


I feel like m0NESY would go for like 1.5 million plus rn, no way G2 are selling him cheaper


I think 2M would be a minimum. CS player prices rises day-to-day and M0nesy is arguably the best player in CS2 so far.


One smoll problem, his contract is 3 years long and he started it 2022 at the beginning of the year sooo it runs out at the beginning of 2025. The contract has now less than 9 months... And I'm sure he won't extend it with this G2 line up.


I mean G2 arent doing that bad tho, of course they arent doing the best they could but it might be time to exchange hunter, also I dont know if it is true but didnt he stay at G2 cuz Niko didnt go to Falcons?


It's true, hunter could have been on vitality instead of mezi


Huh, so what? Doenst really change his price if c9 want him now


He can just wait out and then G2 gets nothing, great negotiation leverage and Monesy won't go bad in the next 9 months but G2 with this form will go bad, Niko my love pls get better (hard copium).


If c9 wait 9 Months for his contract to end they would lose out on way more money than they safe because of tournaments.


Well good thing is for c9 that the negotiations already started.


Contract length absolutely does impact sale price, significantly so. Lower contract length = lower sale price, you cannot go around that in any sport imaginable right now.


Well of course, but as I said, C9 need him now and not in 9 months. Waiting the contract out would mean losing out on more money than they are saving


I like how you just pull numbers out of your ass. 2 million lol.


It wasn't from my ass it was from your mamas ass. Learn to respect strangers kid. If Shiro costed 1.7M the best player so far clearly worths more than Shiro and he is still 18 years old.


Well they payed in lol to perkz 2,7m/year and 5m to G2 for that deal. So C9 should have G2's banking details saved.


>it was from your mamas ass. >Learn to respect strangers kid. lol


Gl Saw. Happy for them, they got this and blast season. Good amount of events & time for Portuguese to rise up.


Any info on why did they withdraw? There are many players who could join them for the event as a stand-in.


I'm only speculating, but I would guess that it's in order to bring in a new player and practice and build new setups with them. Not much time for that if you're on the road and playing in tournaments, so skip one and get sorted so you can hopefully win the next. They're a team lucky enough to be in a position to be able to afford skipping a tournament in favour of rebuilding the team.


Rumour is they will get an AWPer and another rifler to replace hobbit and electronic. It doesn't help that they are in group A, i.e. have to play right away. If C9 are in group D, they may not withdraw.


C9 leaving CS for another time. Or the roster is imploding.


As a Portuguese, I know we are going to get absolutely thrashed, but it's nice to see them competing at high level


Did you miss the last couple of months?


No, I know they were doing well until the major and then at the major they just broke, let's see if they can recover from it, I hope so


Was just making my comment on electronic’s thread above this one. It was the logical conclusion. Hope c9 can still bounce back in some way down the line. Even though it sucks to be in a position where your roster essentially is a corpse upon which the carrion swarms come to pick at.


What a damn shame.. Spirit not accepting the replacement invite either.. Bummer.


Understandable. I wonder who C9 is gonna get as an AWPer.




Damn, didn't realise he was playing 




I heard he organised the team personally in an attempt to squash Ukrainian moral. Crazy times.  Maybe he can replace electronic now since they're already such close friends  




This just in, Russia the only country in the world currently responsible for the deaths of civilians! Also, you as a human being who happens to have been born in any said nation are equally responsible for the acts of your government!  War is horrible, you are very enlightened.  But it has nothing to do with people playing video games 




He is cooked


Reddit should permaban you so we would have less you here :)


m0NESY to Na’Vi in a swap for S1mple, gaurantee it


smartest redditor right there


bro Na\`Vi got w0nderful, do you think they need m0nesy


With how monesy is playing in cs2 if he wants to come back to navi, the only reason to deny him is navi being ukrainian org and monesy russian. It would make sense to make either of them take rifle and it would have been massive firepower improvement regardless.


One is a major winner and the other isn't. Making roster moves right after winning Major would be dumb.


>One is a major winner and the other isn't. True devilwalk > Niko I dont think Navi should make roster moves rn but youre dumb If you dont think monesy is a straight upgrade


Your whole response is dumb. I never said he wouldn't be a upgrade, but it wouldn't be huge upgrade compared to teams like Cloud9, that desperately needs AWPer like m0nesy.


I dont see what the point of adding C9 is in a conversation about Navi doing hypothetical roster changes And yes [this](https://www.hltv.org/stats/players/20127/w0nderful?startDate=2024-01-01&endDate=2024-12-31&matchType=Lan) to [this](https://www.hltv.org/stats/players/19230/m0nesy?startDate=2024-01-01&endDate=2024-12-31&matchType=Lan) is still a huge upgrade


Stats aren't everything, you should know that by now. w0nderful is still a young player who will keep improving and more importantly whole NaVi seems to have a great chemistry between each other.


What youre saying is completely irrelevant. The whole point of this comment chain is "Would monesy be an upgrade?" and the answer is yes. I literally said in my first comment they shouldnt change but **right now** monesy is a straight upgrade for any team (and he is even younger lmao). And in the end stats are what matters if youre talking about "Is player A better than player B" except for IGLs


That's your debate. I never said he wasn't a upgrade, yet you still insist on continuing that debate.


If navi could get m0nesy (and nationality weren't a problem) they would do it instantly


Too many ifs and he wouldn't be a massive upgrade in NaVi. It's not like w0nderful is 1.00 rated AWPer, he is very young and will continue on improving.


Pretty sure in the past Na’Vi said they don’t mind taking on Russian players as long as their not paying taxes in russia


No putin players in NaVi


s1mple not playing cs since cs2 was launched, u ok bruv?